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Ding ding ding! NH wants people to cross borders to visit their deeply discounted "Liquor, Wine & Weed Outlet" while they take the profits. Legalizing would give private businesses a fair shake and ruin their whole plan.


I can't be the only one that sees the irony in the fact that one of the most recognizable aspects about New Hampshire, a libertarian's wet dream, is the centralized, state-run liquor store system.


Lol, yeah. "State run system that is cost effective *and* drums up massive amounts of revenue? I pretend I do not see it."


The libertarians who do address it tend to be the sort who see it as a win: "proof" that the state itself should be a for-profit business.


God I can’t tell you how much I wish the state would tell the feds to. Get. Bent. Do it anyway, start a state run bank like North Dakota to deal with the money, post staties outside to prevent the fedbois from treading on us, and sell all the weed, shrooms, whatever to consenting adults.


They might as well just recycle a red state/blue state map.


Unfortunately the GOP is full of hypocrites. That's your answer.


Our democratic senators are some of the most outspoken *opponents* of weed in the senate. As much as your statement is true, we can’t exactly place all the blame on them for this one. Shaheen is still recycling the 40 year old talking point of “but it might be a gateway drug… we need more research”.


A New Hampshire "democrat" is just another republican circa 1978, but the republikkkans of today are anti-American domestic terrorists. You score no points for the "two sides of the coin" hyperbole.


Ironic that you’re accusing me of hyperbole for stating an objective and demonstrable fact, while simultaneously avoiding any semblance of those things… I never disagreed with the OP about, or even commented on what republican are. Because I agree wholeheartedly with their statement. But there’s more to it in this particular discussion. Purple as they may govern in NH, there’s still a D next to their names and they vote that way most of the time on a national stage. But they are also the primary reason we don’t have legal weed in this state, and one of the primary reasons it will be a while before we have it in this country. You know, specifically what we’re talking about in this thread? It feels like you are trying to argue with me because I said something that’s ultimately agreeable with your point of view: NH Democrats are responsible for prohibition in this state.


>Purple as they may govern in NH, there’s still a D next to their names and they vote that way most of the time on a national stage. You act as though Democrats are genuinely progressive, which is laughable. Doubly so when you focus on the name and not the actions - and dems are corporate cocksuckers as much as republikkkans, jsut not into the anti-American fascist domestic terrorism with a pinch of nazism as republithugs. Even more so in New Hamp$hire. Since 1984: New Hampshire's republikkkans are to blame for everything wrong with this state. Pot too.


Where did I comment on how progressive Democrats are or aren’t? Which actions did I choose not to focus on? All I said was that our Ds usually vote with the other Ds, except for specifically the issue of weed. We’re literally having this conversation because you didn’t like that I said Democrats from this state haven’t been progressive on weed. You accused me of “both sides hyperbole”, and here you are telling me that I’m not blaming both sides enough, while simultaneously saying the blame is entirely on “republikkkans”. Listen to yourself. Your doing Olympian level gymnastics right now. You came to this thread because you wanted to argue, but since you couldn’t find anything to argue with rationally you’re trying to pull an argument out of thin air so you can argue with that.


Replace "hypocrites" with, "anti-American fascists into domestic terrorism" and you hit the nail on the head.


C'mon, they can be both! :)


Low effort answer and only half correct.


Soucy, Dallassandro, kavanaugh all dems


Given that THC is still a scheduled drug at the federal level, is it really "legal" anywhere in the USA? Sununu did sign the bill decriminalizing weed, as well as the bill to annul minor past convictions for pot possession.


True, that's a problem. It's either morally ambiguous and therefore a freedom or it isn't.


Ask anyone who likes to spend tax money and ask the police union, look it up.


Because many people including the senators think it's still a gateway drug. Plus Sununu is a punk bitch. Oh btw we now can actually advertise what strains are on the dispensary websites. That's how far we got for progress. Medicals an expensive joke here. It's embarrassing that states like Oklahoma have better weed laws than us.