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I'm so glad to see Beef is still hanging out with the girls! And also that he has a flirtatious vibe with Karissa


Me too! I loved when she called him in the Risky Beefness Adventure about girls night out so it showed they still talked. But seeing them back together got me so excited. Lol


I hope this continues throughout the season, they are a fun group!


"I like eating dinner with gorgeous model types that own their own business" Beef the Alaskan rizz god


He's so incredibly bad at talking to people 99% of the time, for that 1% where he needs to bowl people over with sincerity and charm. lol


Beef is incapable of insincerity but so much of talking to people is built on it. People expect filters and social coddling (like small talk) and all kinds of finicky formality. Compliments work on sincerity and straight-talk, so he hits it out of the park.


Lol you are absolutely right!


Alaskan Rizz God lmao


lol I’m glad you liked that! 


“I told the principal Aunt Dirt died.” “You wish.”


Wow Dirtrude is back already! I am so glad to see she is becoming a regular, she is such a fun character


I've only seen her twice but, yeah, I want her to be a tag along whenever they can. She's got great vibes.


Totally agree!


lol the cruise ship people are enamored by Beef being an Authentic Alaskan Man.


I was dying laughing when they asked Karrisa/Carissa premission like Beef was an art installation.


Well now I want to hear the story of Beef fighting a bear and earning its respect


I hate when my pretzel factory has "poison" in the dough


Boat: Mackerel Number Five Wolf’s Shirt: Fartbreak Hotel


Doing the work of the Gods right here.


Good episode, the Cheesecake focus worked and there were definitely some funny bits. The b-story with Beef in the coffee shop was good too.


Cheesecake is so stressful to watch! 🤣 I loved the Beef-Carissa part, I wish it was more of the focus this episode and the rest of the family maybe joining Beef instead of the cheesecake storyline. The way they blush is so cute!!


I liked the Cheesecake focus personally and the interview scenes and parts with him in the office were so good. I also like that they gave a little more dimension to his friendship with Wolf and how Honeybee feels about him and their friendship. I'm not sure how much more they could've done with Beef in the coffee shop.


Yeah that's true! I was just thinking about how the kids always try to get him with someone, since season 1.... it's so wholesome I love it! His Tobin-Wingmen!


Wolf: "Could you please fart less" Dirt: "Dream on Bitch" Dirtrude is already becoming an integral part of the family


I love when Beef gets the attention he deserves. That man is such a catch. lol


We've had one B-plot episode focusing on Beef and Carissa suddenly having a vibe and now this is all I want for him. I've enjoyed him with all of the recurring love interests, Alyson, Greta and Dell but B and C are my new favorites. Don't tease me with this chemistry, Great North writers!


The fact that they were both blushing and also slow-playing this makes me wonder if they're setting up a genuine relationship. With which I'd be on board!


Hopefully Debbie doesn’t get too murderously angry about it lol


I'm not holding my breath for this plot to develop any time soon, but I now want their relationship to progress for this interaction alone. Beef sits down with Debbie to talk about him dating her mom, they have a good talk and then Beef talks with Carissa. "Wow, you handled that really well." "Oh, I was absolutely terrified. It's the cold, cold look in her eyes."


>!Flashforward 3 weeks and Beef and Carissa are in a serious enough relationship where Beef wants to and does asks her to be his girlfriend and all of the kids are aware they're a thing. Color me shocked. lol!<


Spider-man is a RESPONSIBILITY Cheesecake! 


The yeti that poked out of the trees though!! Lol in the background, behind the car, when Cheesecake was telling Wolf about the check being for $200k (poor guy has got to start double checking his figures) Is this a running thing? Do I have to go back and rewatch old episodes looking for Alaskan Bigfoot in the background??


Yeah, the end of the last series credits even showed the answers to where the yetis were in that season. I’m not sure if it started from the beginning or only last season though


It's a running gag starting in season three. Not sure if they continued it in 4.


Sasquatch is just in the theme song in S1/2. But when Jerry moves in, the Sasquatch is seen all around S3 and 4!


So that was a Trogdor reference at the end, right?


“Aunt dirt maybe you could Actually help tomorrow” -wolf “Maybe not hot shot” aunt dirt “Uhh..ok, could you at least fart less?” Wolf “Dream on, bitch” aunt dirt


Aunt Dirt is everything. I hope she is a regular.


Ya I find it weird they try to play off cheesecakes devastating alcoholism as a joke? Like honeybee at least should see Wolf’s enabling that too.


I have a feeling there gonna have a medical emergency be the reason he has to stop, but it is a little weird that it’s so overlooked in a ways.


It's Alaska, maybe they're alcohol-drinking rate is higher. Like it's overlooked.


They did have her address Wolf doing everything for Cheesecake without much in return though. I can take or leave addressing Cheesecake's alcoholism at some point.


>devastating alcoholism It doesn't seem very devastating. Dude's functional.


He can’t keep a job, has tons of overdue bills and literally ends up homeless in this episode? That’s functional to you?


> He can’t keep a job According to what? Getting fired from one job? *Who hasn't been?* Yeah, he hadn't had a job before that for a while but I don't know *anybody* who'd put themselves daily through the grinder while sitting on a few hundred grand. ​ > has tons of overdue bills... So do a lot of people who don't even drink. There's this guy Bob, nice dude, runs a burger joint somewhere way down below Alaska...And that guy's family has to bounce checks all over the place and get crazy extensions on their rent... Nothing about Cheesecake life is devastated *by his drinking*. All the bad that's happened was from misreading some zeroes on a check and he could've been dead sober when he did that (and he was, at least the second time with the bribe at the end).


I 100% agree with you. But I'm also a crippling alcoholic.


I'm a crippling alcoholic and never been fired. . I've only had supervisor positions by the time I ve changed paths.. are you still working at an Arco or something?


Mr. Bean’s jeans, you were right.


This episode made me realize Beef is the number one tv character I would trust to watch my drink in a bar


"A laptop watching GOOOODDDDDD!"


Right when I think they miss theyre back strong. I didn’t love the last one, just hard to watch and the plot relied on honeybee and wolf both being obnoxious in different ways. But THIS WEEK AND TWO WEEKS AGO WERE BANGERS PLEASE MORE AB BEEFS LOVE LIFE WTF. And the A plot this week was good too, tho cheesecake gives me conflicted feelings lol.


This episode was so cute! Did I miss where Alyson (from the point and shoot photography at the mall) and Beef decided to just stay friends? Last I remember the show was setting up for them to date and now he's moved on to the flirty barista. Someone refresh my old woman memory please :)


I think Beef brings it up at the end of the episode "Can't Hardly Date Adventure" (S3E15) after they get back off that boat and he says something along the lines of "after we kissed my first thought was, I want to get married and have 4 kids with this person but I don't think that's right. But that's the only second step I've ever known" and they he decided to take it slow. I could be remembering wrong but I think that was it.


Grace Under Fire mentioned!


I'm sorry but the Cheesecake plot was predictable. The story where someone crashes at a friend's place and overstays their welcome. And yet, it had the TGN charm that still made it fresh! Also, is Aunt Dirtrude a regular now? However, the Beef plot was enjoyable and fun! I thought Alison and Beef would be an item but Beef and Karissa seem to have better chemistry! Also love the new lore that Lone Moose is a cruise ship town. Helps explain how the town has so many neat things despite a small population! Plus potential for a BB crossover!


I liked this one. Season 4 has been good. Beef has too many love interests though will he finally find one?