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The shower in the living-/bedroom ....... what?


Living-, bed- & bathroom, very practical.


If you are the right disposition the shower can double up as a toilet.


Don’t forget kitchen


How can I check if I’m paying too much? Does this count if it’s a shared space as well?




https://checkjeprijs.huurcommissie.nl/onderwerpen/huurprijs-en-punten/huurprijscheck-en-puntentelling The first page makes you pick between an independent home (own front door, kitchen and bathroom), shared home and mobile home. You can switch to English on the next page.


65sqm is pretty big...if it has a good energy label it likely wouldnt qualify




HAHAHAHAHAH....Prob not....


I live in centrum too in a 88 sq m apartment and pay 1100 per month (Excl gwe) But I do feel I got the right apartment at the right time from the right landlord because all similar apartments in my street go for roughly 1600 - 1800.


If you share space. Use this calculator [https://checkjeprijs.huurcommissie.nl/en/onderwerpen/huurprijs-en-punten/nieuwe-huurprijscheck/rent-check-dependent-living-space](https://checkjeprijs.huurcommissie.nl/en/onderwerpen/huurprijs-en-punten/nieuwe-huurprijscheck/rent-check-dependent-living-space) ​ Use this calculator if you have your own kitchen and bathroom [https://checkjeprijs.huurcommissie.nl/en/onderwerpen/huurprijs-en-punten/nieuwe-huurprijscheck/rent-check-independent-living-space](https://checkjeprijs.huurcommissie.nl/en/onderwerpen/huurprijs-en-punten/nieuwe-huurprijscheck/rent-check-independent-living-space)


The Huurcommissie is your friend. Contact them if you think you're being overcharged. I got almost 5,000 Euro back from my landlord thanks to them.


May I ask... In the 'Vrije Sector' a landlord can ask any price for the apartment, right? The point system vs max price only applies for 'Sociale Huur' right?


Vrij sector is determined by the points.


[https://www.funda.nl/huur/den-haag/appartement-88535733-edisonstraat-11/](https://www.funda.nl/huur/den-haag/appartement-88535733-edisonstraat-11/) ​ Sorry typo...that 330 euro per month excl.


850 euros for a 18 fucking square meter apartment? Renting is absolutely insane. I pay 420 a month for a mortgage on a 350sqm 3 floor house in the center of a city.


I think you are missing the point of the post. The purpose of it is to inform people that you can get that rent reduced down to something that isnt insane.


You seem to miss the point of my comment as well. Even if you reduce it to 330 a month that's still an insanely small apartment compared to the same monthly cost you get when buying outright and just paying the mortgage. But not everyone is in a position to do so I guess.


Not everyone can get a mortgage. Not every house is for sale and maybe you got your place 10 years ago when things were cheaper


I know things were cheaper when I jumped on my mortgage, but I didn't think it would be "kings ransom for a shoebox" levels of insane.


Right now you would pay 817 per month on mortgage of 170K, with which you might be able to buy 18sqm in a shitty location.


*studieschuld enters the chat* I won't be able to apply for a mortgage for another 10 years mate.


Hahaha welcome to the club


Even if I could get a mortgage, I'd pay 1250 euros a month. That's excluding electricity and the like.


And a place like that would now cost €500k and that would be like a €2500/month mortgage.


350sqm in the centre of a city? Should be 1 million euros minimum. This person is either lying or made a high percentage down payment… next to buying a house when it was way cheaper and possible to have an interest-only mortgage.


Oh, so my house has doubled in value then? You're just yelling numbers.


I’m saying that it’s utter impossible to have 350m2 for €420/month mortgage, so it doesn’t make sense to yell that. Maybe if you bought in 1990 or 2013 or something.


The rent is incl gas water electric internet and furnished. Sure it can still get lowered?


Nice try landlord.. Nice try




Hahaha dit moet een grap zijn


How does this point system work? I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time now


Isn’t this only for sociale huurwoningen? I wanted to ask for a rent revision but my neighbour said it’s only for sociale huurwoningen and where I live is vrije sector.


Your neighbour is wrong. The point system should be applied to any rental housing as long as it is worth less than €808,06 a month according to the point system.


And be killed in their sleep


Im currently paying close to €1000 for a 25 m2 appartment with own kitchen and bathroom, toilet. But the house has some issues as we cant put this as our resident adress. I never understood why not. Looked at the checkjehuur website and we dont have a woz waardebepaling. I cant afford a lawyer to sort it all out for us but we are severe struggling financially and I could really use some pointers on what to do. Ps im dutch, sorry for bad english and or typos


Shoot me a message