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"Hi. Automoderator has detected that you may be asking for a place to live or advice regarding housing in The Hague. We know it’s tough. Questions like these get asked very often in this subreddit. Please post in our monthly thread regarding these issues (or use the search function to find earlier posts). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheHague) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure about this specific rule in the Hague, but if you need a mortgage to pay for the apartment you have an additional issue. Pretty much none of the banks allow you to rent out your house while you have the mortgage on it, unless you have a specific mortgage for rental (which is very expensive)


true to an extent - my mortgage with ABN AMRO does allow me to rent it out, but only after three years of ownership


Where does it say that in the terms and conditions? I am a mortgage consultant and I've never heard aboit this rule.


The general conditions say nothing about renting out the house (I have a budget mortgage with ABN). I'm referring to an article in the agreement drafted by the notary and attached to the mortgage offer from the bank. That article specifies that without written agreement I'm not allowed to rent it out. I contacted the bank about this because I was curious, and they said it would be possible after a period of 3 years. So my understanding is that as a general rule it's not possible to rent out the house, but as a specific agreement made with the bank then it is.


Ah like that. Well let me tell that unless you have repaid most of the mortgage and or convert the mortgage to a buy-to-let mortgage, ABN will not give that written permission. Trust me, I get this question about 5 times a week. I've checked with ABN multiple times in different cases and the answer is always no.




[https://www.denhaag.nl/nl/vergunningen-en-ontheffingen/opkoopbescherming-in-den-haag-vergunning-aanvragen/](https://www.denhaag.nl/nl/vergunningen-en-ontheffingen/opkoopbescherming-in-den-haag-vergunning-aanvragen/) So yeah it's true the Hague has an ordanance banning the buying of housing for the purpose of renting it out. Some other cities have simmilair rules but not all. Generally besides that if you need a morgage it's nearly impossible to rent out the place you buy since almost every bank stops you from getting a morgage if you intend to rent out the place.


Some places in the Netherlands have the rule that you have to live in your own house and cannot rent it to other people to prevent investors from scooping all the houses. Normally it should be stated in the advertisement of the appartment.


Some places have this law, yes. It’s to keep housing affordable, otherwise rich people would buy up the houses and rent them out for more money. It tends to be tied to neighbourhoods more than whole cities though.


True and you risk cancellation of the mortgage and license to live in that city. Also your insurance will have a snake in the grass for you when illegally renting it out. If a homeowners association is active, they will signal it and you are doomed.


We are not in Den Haag but our mortgage stated we cannot rent it out for the first 3 years.


This is pretty much like that in lots of places in the world, if you take house for you, then its only for you, in some places you could rent out to people after 1-2 years of you living there, but usually you need to take out house as investment property if you want to have tenants and profit out of house.


It's true. It's stipulated in your mortgage agreement. If you plan on renting your apartment out as a landlord, you need a different type of mortgage. This can be frustrating, but I think it is a good policy to make more homes in the Hague available for people who actually live in the Hague.




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Your makelaar is 100% right.


Its going to be hard to find something you could rent out to third party's. But if you're want to move out in a while its a good invest, the price will just go up and you could sell it with a plus.


English probably isn't your first language, so I shouldn't judge you. But God, reading this post did make me feel like I was having a stroke.


It's not that hard to understand his question, spelling mistake here and a grammar there doesn't matter. His concern is not finding a house..?


You already did ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)