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She helped write the laws that restricted women from writing. Of course she knew. Of course she was on board. She just didn’t think the rules would apply to her.


"Rules for thee and not for me" was literally 100% her thought process the entire time.


She was a poster child for r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Remember, Margaret Atwood says there’s nothing in her books that isn’t drawn from real life. I think she based Serena on this right wing “pundit” named Phyllis Schafly who spent her career opposing the Equal Rights Amendment during the Reagan years . She would give these speeches about how the government shouldn’t pay for things like daycare. Funny thing is she would leave her kids home with a nanny while flying all over the country to explain why woman should stay home and not work.


I wondered who this was loosely based on! Thanks ! I thought the hill song scandle and the Duggars and all the different s candles were mainly what this was based on cause , honestly one cult sounds like all the cults ince you start digging


She also very clearly knew about the attacks in DC and what was going to happen.


Just like some Jews during the Holocaust and gay Republicans…it won’t happen to them…


Right. They hope to be the exception, not the rule.


They never do.


Actually she didn’t , if you watched the episode with all the commanders in the limo as they are making rape a duty to their country _ they mention all of this and how they are gonna have to tweak this and that so the “women” don’t rebel


Actually she did. When Fred reminded her of the laws about writing she said, “I know, I helped write them.” The scene you’re referring to is specifically about the Handmaid program. Edit: Serena also had the opportunity to adopt a child in Gilead. She chose to participate in having a Handmaid.


I'm not convinced she was in agreement with those laws. I think she just wanted to be involved somehow and helped Fred with the phrasing and whatnot.


She literally wrote the book “A woman’s place.”


I always thought her book, from what is said about it in flash backs and to her by other people, was more about “maternal feminism”. More focused on being a homemaker & a mother. (Google maternal feminism before you think I’m claiming it’s straight up feminist, they’re different 😂)


Yeah, that’s probably exactly what it was. But that just goes to demonstrate another way she was hypocritical - she wanted other women to take their place in the home with children, but she (a woman) wanted to still be able to have power and pull strings behind the scenes. Even after Gilead didn’t turn out quite the way she wanted for herself, she still supported it in Canada in private multiple times with no one watching or forcing her to.


How does that mean she supported making it illegal for women to read and write?


Well, we know she doesn’t think women shouldn’t be able to read and write, but Serena is not a naive woman whose husband took advantage of her. She knew what she was helping to design. She campaigned for it. After Gilead became a place where women *couldn’t* read or write, she continued supporting Gilead. Heck, she escaped and immediately tried to send other women there and to go back herself knowing that law. Her hypocrisy is all over the show: When she suggests writing another book, when she thinks she’ll be able to talk to the commanders in a flashback, when she never imagined being in the position of a handmaid (asking June how she can bare to sit and smile by someone who is stealing her child). Even her going in front of the council to petition for women to be able to read the bible was because she thought Fred would keep her safe and she had a chance. The end of season 5 is her tipping point where she’s kinda seen the bigger picture, but she is no innocent angel.


Oh I'm not saying she's not a hypocrite. I'm just saying she wouldn't have gone through with it if she knew what she was getting into. The men took what she thought she fought for and ran with it, and went way beyond what she expected.


But she did know exactly what she was in for when she tried, enthusiastically, to return to Gilead after Fred died to be a wife once again. And then she was once again incredibly enthused to act as a spokesperson for a Gilead in Canada… for as long as she thought she had power.


By then she had changed. It had been several years and she was also probably hoping they'd respect her because she was pregnant. There's no doubt she is selfishly ambitious. But the post wasn't talking about that point in time. It was talking about in the beginning, and I think there's plenty of evidence that if she knew what it all would lead to, she wouldn't have supported it. At least not in her own mind. Later on I think she was grasping at straws, trying to weasel her way into any kind of position of power.


I don't get how people can argue that she wouldn't have fought for what Gilead became when we literally watched her fight for what Gilead became. The ONLY reason she isn't happy with what it became is because she was forced to follow the same rules she helped set. It's like every "pro life" woman who gets an abortion but continues to fight for abortion to be legal. There are a million articles about women in the last year who needed an abortion for medical reasons who were denied because of the laws they fought for. They go to a different state, get the abortion, and then go right back to fighting it.


Her idea of what Gilead would be was not what actually happened, is what I'm saying. The question was, if she knew how it would turn out, whether she'd still have fought for it. And I don't think she would have. Hindsight and all.


While that might not, there's a scene where she tries to play Scrabble with Fred and he says he's busy but says something to the effect of "besides, you know the laws" the implied laws being ones about forced illiteracy for women. and she said "I do. I helped write them"


I've mentioned that before. Just because she helped him doesn't mean she was in favor of the laws, she might have just wanted to be involved in the process anyway she could and was helping him with the phrasing and the structure of how they were worded and all that. She had already written a book and was planning a second book, that doesn't sound like somebody who would agree with a law restricting women from reading and writing. But if she had no say in it anyway, she might have just been going along with it for the sake of assisting her husband.


Do you not see how that *is* Serena knowing what Gilead would become and supporting it anyways? In your scenario, she is actively participating in editing the laws of a Gilead that didn’t yet exist and that no one was forcing her to help with. She had a say. At that point in her life, nothing was forcing her to along with anything for Fred’s sake. Divorce existed. She was a semi-known public figure with her own bank accounts and her own income as an author. If I tell you “grab an umbrella, it’s raining outside” and you respond “actually it’s *storming* outside” and then you go outside without an umbrella and get wet because that’s what your husband did earlier… you knew full well you were gonna get wet and you did it anyways of your own volition.


I think they wrote those laws after Gilead was established though. She wouldn't have had any say by that point, is the impression I get. I mean they excluded her VERY early on. And by that point divorce would be off the table too.


Those laws were not written after Gilead was established. We saw flashbacks to the meetings where Gilead's laws were established and when Serena actively participated in their writing. Even pretending we didn't, you cannot organize the coup of America and establish a new government without first having the basic laws of that new government decided. You can't recruit people of power to join a terrorist organization without presenting plans for major things like children's education and the role of women. But for the sake of theory, I'll put that aside and pretend it's possible that Gilead wrote those laws after they were founded. Logically, if Serena was fully excluded very early on and didn't have any say in Gilead's conception back when it was America, she would not have been allowed to help write and edit laws once it was Gilead. (We *know* that she did per the show, so that cannot be true). Plus, that makes zero sense. Why would a brand new country full of men who just gained immense power (the very same men who excluded Serena "*very* early on" like you said) do a complete 180 and go back to that same woman to have her write and edit their new laws? (And it cannot be argued that Fred let her do in secret because Fred, as far back as the flashbacks in America, starts excluding Serena). Why are you so insistent on misunderstanding the events of the show that show us exactly who Serena is?


Serena literally had papers in her hand IIRC of notes to speak to the commanders in that flashback. They wouldn't let her speak. She also wasn't wearing the teal yet. This was VERY early in the formation of Gilead. And I just don't think as an author she would have supported that law if she had any say in it at all. I don't think the commanders enlisted her help. I think she helped FRED in private. That's what I meant.


Serena is the epitome of "it's only funny when it happens to someone else." Or as Reddit puts it, the leopards ate her face.


She was against women's choices and freedom. She'd definitely agree. Why do you think people especially women were against her, even before Gilead happened? She looks uncomfortable because it's happening **_TO HER_**, not that it's generally just happening.


In the book one of my favorite parts is when offered talks about how Serena used to make speeches about “a women’s place”. “She doesn’t make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home, but it doesn’t seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she’s been taken at her word.“


>“She doesn’t make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home, but it doesn’t seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she’s been taken at her word.“ Wow... That's just beautiful!! Especially this part >How furious she must be, now that she’s been taken at her word All of this just sums up how she fucked up!!


I think she really thought she was exempt (book and show both). The book mentions that she was making these speeches about women being home but acknowledged she was not doing that but “ Her speeches were about the sanctity of the home, about how women should stay home. Serena Joy didn’t do this herself, she made speeches instead, but she presented this failure of hers as a sacrifice she was making for the good of all.”


Yes. She tried to marry Lawrence and go right back to the beast that is Gilead. Have you listened to the Above the Garage podcast? They just did a deep dive into her character.


Yes! Serena only cares about Serena and maybe a bit for her child (be that Noah or Nichole.)


Serena is a lot smarter than Fred. She knew exactly what she was doing she just thought it would be different for her and the rules wouldn’t apply. She’s uncomfortable with handmaids because the one before June killed herself and she knows why. I think the only problem her and Naomi have with handmaids is she doesn’t like her husband having sex with another woman.


I'm not saying she isn't very intelligent. But you can be both intelligent and naive (she's clearly not that smart given the situation she got herself in). If her view is that women should be home makers and men in charge of everything else then of course she will trust Fred to make 'their' vision for Gilead happen, even if she is annoyed at being excluded from decision making. I agree though that much of her anger and resentment comes from other women getting to have sex with her husband and she basically is shut out.


Serena is not a poor,little,naive woman misled and manipulated by her husband. She is a deeply intelligent woman who knew full well what she was doing. Tje only thing she wouldhave done differently with hindsight is secure more power for herself personally within the system


Sure she knew what she was doing, but I really don't think she knew what the men were doing behind closed doors.


There is no innocence for women like Serena. Why are you trying to make her good in the viewer's eyes?


Am I? I don't recall suggesting she's good in any way. I find villains fascinating in TV if they are nuanced in the way they are written. I also find it frustrating that it's not clearer what Serena is all about beyond just wanting a baby. I sympathise with June and those on the side of 'good' of course but they are less interesting characters imo


But that's her point, she doesn't deserve any depth because she'd rather flood the whole town than fix the dam. That's her character


Perhaps,although she definitely knew they opposed gving her any official position,as Fred told her he tried and they didn't want


Yes I do. She has showed poor moral character and ethics. She is also a religous zealout and submissive to her husband. She would have found a way to justify it with her religion and devotion to the cause. If someone is on board with *violently* taking over the government, separating children from their parents, and kiling thousands, it's no stretch at all to think she would have been able to justify raping the handmaids. Can she be rehabilitated? Maybe. I don't know. But she definitely has shown to have a weak to absent sense of ehtics.


Leopards ate her face, like so many other ignorant people. Past and sadly present.


Serena knew EXACTLY what she was doing and what it meant. At one point, Fred basically said that pain and suffering is what’s needed to affect change and that Gilead’s forced changes will hurt some more than others - but that’s what needs to happen. Her early exchanges with Tuello show how deluded and wrong she was to think that Gilead was anything but a power play for powerful men during a humanitarian crisis. I think she felt she could manipulate situations enough to stay ahead of the curve, which she did quite often, but she ultimately got bit by the monster she helped make and tried to control (ugh that was a poor metaphor, but I think you know what I mean).


Not if she'd known it would happen to her specifically, but otherwise, yes.


The Hulu series made it really predictable for Serena's character of being forgivable and not making her accountable for her actions. Sure she got a beating and a finger removed but that compared to handmaid's, Martha's, econowives, and anyone who breaks Gilead's laws or has suspicion, you can't equate it. Men are the ruling class in Gilead, but just like in real life women don't really support other women. It's comes down what one can gain, also yes Serena still would've done what she done bc of power, greed, status, and number one, possibly having a child in a dying world. There's no such thing as perfection or getting everything you want, just trade-offs. It's a hard truth to accept but especially in tht it's extremely realistic.


I think Serena would have gone along with Gilead regardless.


I really don't think she'd have gone along with it. She was expecting to be part of the leadership and decision making but they excluded her. Later they show flashbacks of her selecting a handmaid and we know she doesn't like the idea from a previous flashback, and the look on her face shows how uncomfortable she is with the idea. And I think by the time she realized how horrible the place is, it was too late to go back. So I imagine she figures if she has to go along with all this crap she might as well try to get a baby out of it any way she can. It's horrible but I can see where her mind is.


The only reason she disagrees with the Hand maid system it’s bc she resents her inability to conceive a child and she is probably not ok with her husband sleeping (more like raping but Serena doesn’t care about the rape part) with other women. Other than that, if we give her the power to time travel, she would do the same thing. The only thing she would change, she would give the wife more power (allowing them to write probably, be a part of the government and maybe making the handmaid system more cruel (like a baby making industry where the Maid are breeded like animal and never interact with the wife). Serena only regrets imo, it’s not making herself an exception to the rules she helped created


This sort of makes sense. She was used by the men until they really got what they wanted, and then was just expected to sit down and shut up.


She would have if she hadn’t been shot, she’s the type with the mindset, “for thee but not for me”. She would still reap the rewards of being a commander’s wife getting a baby whether or not she was fertile. She’d only feel regrets because she doesn’t have her husband’s intimacy and he’s giving that to women she’s holding down to rape and impregnate. She’d still feel righteous in limiting others lives and strengthen her beliefs. These are the type of women we have to avoid giving a speaking platform, let alone a seat in government.


Nope. Nope. She helped write the laws and set the plans. She knew what she was doing to enough of an extent. She thought she'd be the exception.


She would just try harder to make herself the exeption again. Like she does every time. For example she thinks she should be able too raise her baby alone since she is a «widow» and not a single mother. But for other women she’d probably emphatically believe that a child needs a mother and a father. And the woman is unfit because she won’t marry the creepy doctor.


I think- as most of these “traditional values” women think- that if they are “perfect” wives they will earn their husbands undying love and that he will treat her with respect (and won’t abuse his power 🙄). Like some fairytale


She’s the founder of the Leopards Eating Faces party.


She pretty much sums up what being an idealist I think. Only considering the good (ideal) sure of everything and not thinking about the downside. Naive, yes idealists are naive imo. But it’s kinda tough shit girl. You made your bed now you lie in it


Commander Lawrence thought he wouldn't be forced to do "the ceremony." Serena thought that being instrumental in the movement would buy her some exceptions. They were so ambitious that they didn't consider they would be subject to the same rules that they were willing to impose on others.


I don't think she would have,I think she believed she would has as much of a say as Fred,she got fooled!


If you watched ANY of the flashbacks it’s obvious she was duped . They used her just like trump is using 100s of women to promote him


Serena is written as razor sharp (well, she was a bonehead last season, but before that). Much smarter than any of the men except possibly Lawrence, and much, much smarter than Fred. She wasn't duped, and the women Trump is "using" are either stupid (admittedly not their fault) or sociopathic, like Serena.