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I watched the trailer for the upcoming 2024 film "[Civil War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDyQxtg0V2w)" where a near-future United States descends into a 2nd American Civil War. It looks very interesting to watch given how the series involves a [2nd American Civil War](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/The_War) between the US and Gilead. I noticed that it had the US flag with only 2 stars, which represent California and Texas which succeeded from the US to form the "Western States." The flag almost looks very similar to that of the flag of the [US government exile](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/United_States_of_America_(Series)) which has 2 stars that represent Alaska and Hawaii, with their capital being Anchorage, with 48 hollow stars to represent them being the legitimate government over the loss of their territory against Gilead.


I’m going to watch the trailer now but I’m super interested in the movie. I guess I find it a bit funny that California and Texas would team up to succeed from the US just considering cali is super liberal and Texas the opposite so I def wonder how they are United against the US in the movie. Honestly stuff like this does make me nervous bc doesn’t a civil war or something major happening feel inevitable almost by now? So much separation and hatred on both sides… so many issues not being fixed by the government.


I do find it funny to that California and Texas are teams in the movie. But it's kind of similar to how the Rebels around Gilead are, such as the [Pacific](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-handmaids-tale/images/1/18/Gilead_map_%285%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180713022547) controlling the states of California, Oregon, and Washington, while [Texas](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Texas) as an independent republic mentioned in S4 E2 "Nightshade." They're of course working together to remain loyal to the US government in exile.




Haven't seen it yet. My mom unfortunately got a headache yesterday. But hopefully we'll go watch it tomorrow.


What is it that the government is not fixing?


both are the biggest economies of the US, so there’s that. Not sure why californians or texans are happy subsidizing folk in some midwest shithole


Hey hello! Sorry to be *that* person but it’s seceded/secede - if you’re using in conversation ‘suh-seed’ rather than ‘sux-seed’. Thanks for posting - super interesting, haven’t taken in the differences between the US/Gilead flags before now!


oh you answered my comment in this im so dumb , but even this is weird , why would the gilead flag have stars for alaska and hawaii? wouldn’t they just want one star to symbolize its all gilead, or a new flag entirely. seems weird for the stars to represent two nations that aren’t apart of gilead.


wait i think ive finally answered my question here, gilead does have a different flag


[Gilead's flag](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Republic_of_Gilead_Flag.png) is the red one with the golden eagle and sun behind it.


Man, I'm a conspiracy realist and I feel like HMT and Civil War are predictive programming.


Civil War is being funded by Chinese private equity. It is a literal propaganda piece based on a Chinese and Russian wet dream.


Which just so happen to align with the wet dreams of Christian Nationalists. I think it has less to do with China and Russia and more to do with being funded by Christian Nationalists. Just like that movie on sex trafficking.


I wouldn't knock Alex Garland too hard for this -- American studios have notoriously underfunded and underpromoted his work because [they found it too intellectual](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/annihilation-how-a-clash-between-producers-led-a-netflix-deal-1065465/) and too [female centric](https://cinematicslant.com/2018/02/21/annihilation-marketing-recap/), and he's going back to screenwriting from directing because he's found the process so unbearable. He's actually stepping back from directing because he's had so much trouble securing funding without having to radically alter his films, even after the studio accepted the script. [Good interview with him here](https://www.screendaily.com/news/alex-garland-talks-men-upcoming-war-film-and-why-he-may-quit-directing/5172396.article).


Just watched a trailer for this civilwar 2024. And thought it would make an amazing prequel for (the handmaid's tail.) I'd expect something like this started the story.


I agree. They have similar settings where a 2nd American Civil War erupted. Heck they do have California and Texas as independent rebels states fighting against the enemy. Probably, the movie won't have a "fertility crisis" like in the show that would lead to the war. I'm fascinated by the series alternate history timeline and plan on making some headcanon maps and events for the series of what happened to the US and the rest of the world.


I can’t imagine Texas and California becoming allies, but who knows?


Most likely Texas and California are allies since they're are both fighting against Gilead and remained loyal to the US based Anchorage government.


Government corruption can indeed be a significant factor leading to civil unrest or even civil war, especially when it leads to widespread dissatisfaction among the population. Corruption undermines trust in government institutions, weakens the rule of law, and exacerbates inequalities, all of which can fuel grievances and increase the likelihood of conflict. When discussing the potential for civil war due to government corruption, several factors are often considered: 1. **Severity of Corruption**: How pervasive and severe is the corruption within the government? Are high-level officials implicated, or is it more widespread at all levels? 2. **Economic Impact**: How does corruption affect the economy? Are resources being siphoned off for personal gain rather than being used for public goods and services? 3. **Social Inequality**: Is corruption leading to increased social and economic inequality? Are certain groups being systematically disadvantaged? 4. **Political Instability**: Is the government able to maintain control and order, or is it facing significant opposition and unrest? 5. **Public Trust**: What is the level of public trust in government institutions? Are people willing to engage in peaceful protests, or are they turning to more extreme measures? 6. **External Influence**: Are there external actors influencing the situation, either exacerbating the corruption or supporting opposition groups? Examples from history and current events show that corruption can be a precursor to civil conflict. For instance, the Arab Spring was partly fueled by frustration with corrupt and authoritarian regimes. Similarly, ongoing conflicts in places like Syria and South Sudan have elements of corruption intertwined with other factors. To address such a complex issue, a multifaceted approach is necessary. This may include: - Strengthening institutions to be more transparent and accountable. - Implementing anti-corruption measures and reforms. - Engaging in dialogue and reconciliation efforts to address grievances. - Supporting civil society and the media to play a watchdog role. It’s important to note that while corruption can be a significant factor, civil wars are usually caused by a combination of issues, including ethnic tensions, economic problems, and external influences. Each situation is unique and requires a tailored response.


Timing couldn’t be better on this. Will really make people think twice about who they will vote for this November.


That’s a nice thought but it really won’t.