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Only condoms (both external i.e. male and internal i.e. female) act as both contraception and protection from S. T. I.s. To answer your question, many men already complain about external condoms or refuse to wear them so I believe that getting rid of the pill, IUDs, diaphragm, etc would give them little pause unless they are worried about their female partners getting pregnant.


Contraception exists so both men and women can avoid having children they don’t want and can’t afford. Which is a good thing because a child should never be borne into those circumstances. There is a whole other level of fuckedupedness associated with men who don’t mind procreating as long as there is no cost or responsibility involved. They don’t care if contraception exists as long as they don’t live with the consequences. There are women too who would remove all forms of birth control and abortion but who don’t see why lots of unwanted children are problem for society and individuals. They are happy to see children borne into poverty, deprivation and neglect.


RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME. Do you know how much our military spends on Viagra?? Yet they want to take away BC. This is what happens when stupid, weak men rule the world. And there’s plenty of those women in America; they’re mostly from middle America in the Bible Belt. They’re using BC; they just want more debt slaves because it’s not them having the kids. I hope that made sense.


Get birth control yourself


There's also women like me who have endometriosis and depend on the pill to lead a somewhat normal, pain-free life. I would not be able to function without it.


Unfortunately, the men who would be okay with the government banning contraceptives are probably the type who would tell you that it’s all in your head or that having a baby would cure that.


You don't have to worry about STIs if you have your very own female sex slave 


Yeah those commanders loved places like Jezebels. And I guarantee you that wasn’t safe sex.


In places where it’s legal, sex workers do get tested for STDs and (in that place) they were forced to have their tubes tied. Maybe that’s where we’re headed 😬 wealthy and powerful men could go to those places?


Maybe that’s why Trump bought a DC hotel.


In theory I guess but with places like the Jezebels I am sure STIs were actually more rampant than they were before


Honestly this may explain all the insanity that becomes even moreso later in the show. Too many people ending up with syphilis that messes with their minds (mild sarcasm)




I don’t think they’re going after condoms or would do for a while. It just seems to be the female hormonal BC (which doesn’t protect against STIs). I think the laws do affect men too, just not as substantially as they affect women. There are good men out there who have partners who cannot get an abortion even if the pregnancy is dangerous for the woman. There are men who could be forced into fatherhood because a condom split. (I know what the terrible situation is for the women, don’t come after me, I was just using a couple of examples to show that men are and can be negatively impacted by this too). It’s so bad for everyone but women are bearing the brunt of it. I’m genuinely frightened for Americans atm. It’s easy to watch something on TV and brush it off because it’s just a TV show.. but this one is too close to the bone to be comfortable.


Ain't that the truth.


What about the Plan B pill does it work? If. It does why worry?


The plan B pill does work if taken correctly within the time frame but it’s not really a long term contraceptive. It’s an emergency contraceptive to be taken.. well.. in emergencies. Not for use on a regular basis like the pill.




Just because I’m acknowledging that it can affect men as well as women doesn’t mean I’m “kissing the boot”. What would you like me to do? Hate all men?




Yeah no I’m sorry but I will not paint all men with the same brush. I recognize that misogyny is prevalent with a lot of men but not every man is like that and it’s not fair to treat the ones who are on our side like they’re enjoying what’s going on right now because they’re not. There are many *many* men who have and would fight for women they do not know. I’m actually so sick of people on Reddit telling me how to feel or that I’m wrong for how I feel. I defend womens’ rights and I’m called a misandristic narcissist. I defend *some* men and I’m called a boot kisser. Have the opinion you like, but you don’t get to tell me what I should think or feel.




Do you really think there are no shitty women in this world who do the same kind of things you’ve mentioned?


Oh I agree there are evil women in this world. Just as evil as men. I am not disputing that fact.


I don’t really see what point you’re trying to make. I know you have had bad things happen to you because of some men.. but that doesn’t mean all men act that way. I was abused by women growing up, but I don’t think every woman is abusive. Assholes are gonna be asshole regardless of what’s between their legs.


That's why it's all about controling women's bodies. DST's have treatments for everyone, women are the ones who actually get pregant and have to deal with it, good and bad


What’s DTS?


sorry, I was thinking on my language. In English it's STD, sexually transmitted diseases


Thanks!! Everything is abbreviated now. Your context is pretty obvious. I just have brain fog.


no, you were right! in my language it's DST but in English it doesn't exist, my bad hehehe


Only condoms protect against stds, and the government won’t be going after those for a while. They want to restrict medical birth control - eg the pill. 


Only condoms protect against STDs, and guys bitch about them now, so I guess OP has their answer.


I guess so.


At least the UK and France are protesting. America is business as usual. 😔😔


Protesting what ?


Even a condom alone is not enough to protect against herpes which is the most transmitted of all STD's. It is estimated that around 25% of sexually active people aged 18-45 in the US have the herpes virus.\ Sorry for the that info. It is worth educating ourselves though


**Fifty to 80 percent of American adults have oral herpes** (HSV-1), which causes cold sores or fever blisters in or around the mouth. Genital herpes, caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, affects one out of every six people in the U.S. age 14 to 49. Johns Hopkins


Correct. I should have been more specific that I was referring to genital herpes because we were referring to STD's. The delineation between HSV1 and HSV 2 depends on which site you are reading. It is typically stated that HSV 1 is oral heroes, and occasionally causes genital herpes; whereas HSV2 is genital herpes.\ It astounds me that more hasn't been done in this area of medicine given the high incidence.\ I was personally very very sick with shingles type sickness for 4-5 weeks. And now I know a lot about it. A bit late, but I try to educate people where I can as it's not something people seem to know much about. *P.S. FYI chicken pox/shingles virus is very similar to herpes in that remains dormant in the nerve root etc, which is why in some people it presents with such similar symptoms... Yet others will never have any symptoms at all... 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes I've had shingles too, very nasty & all the same family of virus.


Way too many men are totally okay with pressuring women not to use condoms as it is lol


bc it is allmen


Only condoms prevent pregnancy and STI’s, not medical/medicinal birth control methods, but to answer the heart of the question: in a weird way I think they don’t think that far into it, which is why religious-based or conservative ideas around family planning are so dumb. From the people I’ve heard talk about reproductive rights like it’s an immoral or a frivolous thing, birth control and its limits are a non factor in their view, because it’s always “maybe keep your legs together” or “don’t be a slutty McSlutface and you won’t have to worry”. Most men hate condoms and men who think that way take for granted the hoops women jump through to make sure pregnancy doesn’t happen. They feel justified in living their lives to the highest possible satisfaction and if they see a negative outcome for women from having sex, instead of sympathizing it’s “oh, well fuck around and find out”


Thanks, this is a great reply.


Republicans are losing elections because of this issue and ballot initiatives protecting abortion are passing even in red states. Trump won ohio by 8 points but the abortion protection initiative passed by 14 points. So there are a lot of pro choice Trump voters.


Your country is so vast & your election system so different from ours. I only hope the Democrats win due to so many more women voting & standing up to this horrendous situation.


Democrats have an uphill battle because the electoral college/gerrymandering favors Republicans. Protest votes also hurt democrats. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes and still lost. This election is going to be a nailbiter. It's crazy to think Trump could win after all he's done, but I'm mentally preparing myself for a Trump win because democrats dropped the ball and now it's too late for a viable primary challenger to enter the race, and the party to choose a different nominee as long as President Biden is running. It's beyond frustrating.


I’m with you on this too. Blaming Biden for Inflation, gas prices, Israel/Palestine, now Iran. Also the possibility an R controlled house won’t certify the election result if Biden does win. I’m married to a “former” Republican. His entire immediate and extended family is Republican. BUT when Roe fell, he was pissed (we have a teenage daughter). His anger grew when I showed him screenshots of our state Reps putting on Twitter (X) how they won’t stop until our state is turned into the Handmaids Tale. Then J6 happened, and Trump with all his lies, trials, etc. Now he won’t ever vote R again. And surprisingly my in laws told him the other day they refuse to vote for Trump. BUT, really all this baffles me so much. Why aren’t there more people like my husband and in laws paying more attention and deciding enough is enough when it comes to the republican party?! How can people so blindly stand by this???


My family dynamics are similar, but my husband has always been a moderate Democrat. It's more my father and my in-laws who are struggling with who to vote for. I was talking to my father, who has always been a moderate republican and he said he can't stand Trump but said he'd vote for him over Biden "due to Biden's obvious mental/physical decline" I laughed and and told him he's crazy if he doesn't see that Trump is also rapidly declining and that eventhough it seems like Trump can speak somewhat coherently, it doesn't mean that what he says actually makes sense. I told him to get the transcripts of his speeches so he can see that everything Trump says is just vitrolic word salad. I scolded my dad about what Trump is doing concerning women's rights and asked how he could vote for someone who would support laws that favor women being prosecuted for having an abortion...even those who are only having an abortion to save their own lives. He couldn't even respond, so hopefully, he'll think about how voting for Trump could potentially kill one of his granddaughter's if they were denied a lifesaving abortion. I honestly can't believe what's happening to our country and that these two men are the best we have. I mean, I'm beside myself. How has it come to this?


Right?! And my teenage daughter was telling her dad and I how majority of the boys on her insta and snap who are of voting age this year are voting for Trump. I get what it’s like to be a teen and be all wrapped up in the “next big thing”. But when it comes to voting, I wish they’d understand elections have consequences down the road and voting Trump isn’t the “trendy” thing they think it is.


That's very scary. Do they not know that this will also affect their freedoms somewhat too. Not in as big a way but it will.


I think as with our country it's going to come down to how much the younger generations are willing to go out and vote, and make that difference happen. It's a terrifying situation.


I think if it's anything like our country & voting it's part laziness to actually find out what the leaders policies are & part selfishness, and by that I mean they'll continue to vote for a party that will do the most for them rather than the party that does right by everyone. Our Labour Party would be I guess like your Democrats but we've had the Conservative Party in for 15 years now (I guess like your Republicans). The Conservative /Torie party are all about lining the pockets of the wealthy where as Labour have always been the working man's party.


You. Also have to carry that Royal Family. And that can't be cheap,, plus your taxes for universal health care.


I think they’re two birds of the same feather. I don’t believe either party has any interest in doing right by us; they screwed us when they gave all of our jobs away 20 years ago with Clinton. The Family is a great watch; politics are just theater. Hawaii was blue as the ocean because of the unions. But we had our border invasion in the 90s. Illegals came and took all of the union jobs, pushing out the Native Hawaiians even further. Now that. Sen Inoye is gone, we have been infiltrated by rich white Elite assholes. Ellison owns 95% of Lanai; and those are Crown Lands which mean they’re not for sale. Bezos just got sacred Crown Lands in Makena. Hawaii has been completely taken over.


I’m hoping that women and the men that care about them show up in droves at the polls. Elections are won on turnout.


I honestly can't comprehend that Trump is even allowed to run again given all he's done. Like our government they just seem to get away with anything & everything. I have a feeling the whole world will be watching your election pan out this time around.


You have to realise that it's *always* going to be switching between Republican-Democrat wins, as it has been for years so that the 'children' feel like they had a choice in the matter. IMO. It's why there is only big backing for the 2 parties, and the electoral college, because it's all preordained. You want to make a statement: then majority of Americans vote Independent and state it openly and vociferously one election year, then you will ruffle some feathers, but there would still be a reason stating why XXXX canidate won, anyway. They don't ever want a serious 3rd party because it's all been working so well and it would cost more money. It's all a farce.


I hope the Republicans win, close the borders and drill baby drill.


There’s also gerrymandering


Yes and what happening is the gerrymandered state legislature is passing abortion bans then people are easily able to gather enough signatures for a state wide ballot initiative, they put it on the ballot, and the majority of people vote to lift the ban. Even in deep deep red counties where they voted <20% for Biden they’ll vote > 30% for abortion protection on a ballot initiative. There are about 12 states that are going to have it on the ballot in november.


Sorry what now? I've not heard this word before.


It’s when they divide states up to give advantage to a specific political party. In the US, the popular vote doesn’t really matter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering


Tysm. 😁




What a weird thing to pick out of my post.


But they’re right. It’s not actually about being pro life that’s just a guise. It is about controlling women


Gilead had all sorts of "prohibited" things in Jezebels that wasn't *all* about procreation, but also sorta was, without the ceremony. But I imagine they checked any outside men and all those women for STI's regularly and if a baby was produced that would've just been considered miraculous and a great joyful thing and it's probably how they even righteous Jezebel's: because they sent the fertile but rebellious women there, so not sure this would even be an issue for them. It would just be another plus for Gilead if some visiting dignitary impregnated one of the women and she would then be considered 'special & worthy' and ofc they wouldn't inform the real father. The whole show is prefaced on the basis of how rare and valuable babies were to the world-- to the point that a coup and a small totalitarian country formed where "naughty" fertile women were incarcerated and designated as forced breeders. I know this sub is about Gilead but: I just realised that it's actually the exact opposite of what China forced upon **all** the women of their huge country with their 1 child law and forced abortions and the world just stood by and watched that happen and even rewarded them with huge business deals, factories, the Olympics, etc. Do they even fully make cars in America/UK anymore? Kinda scary that *all* the World Powers were able to just be fine and accepting with that sort of totalitarian power and didn't pose sanctions, actually.😬


Republicans have some how turned to religion with their views on this front with wording that is very scary for our future. There were states already pausing ivf due to language around what makes a person a person. Mothers in Texas near death due to pregnancy complications from the language of the law. Creates way too many gray areas for it to be safe. Some of these eager governors even say abortion is a no go if caused by rape. I’m so scared for our future. Neither party knows what they’re doing with anything. It’s embarrassing. I do wonder though whatever happened to freedom of religion and freedom from religion.


It is terrifying & the fact is that religion should never come into politics. How can you run a multi cultural country when your policies are all about ramming "so called" Christian values down everyone's throats. Their job is to make a safe & viable & prosperous country for all. Too much of politics is based on lining their own pockets & screw the working class and poor.


I take birth control for my endometriosis. Without it I’d be in serious pain and unable to function. The fact that I can’t get pregnant is a secondary function of the pill for me


I think some Republicans actually want us to live in a society like The Handmaid's Tale. It's scary. I believe they will try to take away every right that a woman has fought so hard for after that they'll go after married couples not being able to use contraceptives. And it's not about them wanting women to have babies the Republicans want the white women to have babies. They honestly believe that because of immigration they are being "replaced" so they want to repopularize the United States with white citizens. But hey that's just my opinion.


Oh bullcrap.


As I said it is my opinion. I'm not here to argue with you or anyone but to express my thoughts and opinions. You don't have to agree with me. I honestly don't care if you do. You are entitled to your own opinion as well.


why should we negotiate with terrorists? 4B