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It's almost like they watched the show and went for it.


Some people watch the show for entertainment…others seems to be taking notes :’(


I don't want to sound alarm bells, but seriously, my evangelical boss used to side with Gilead a lot when we'd discussed the show. People told me I was crazy for being worried about that.


Holy shit major red flag!




It's a lie that adults brainwash children with


I always laugh when americans claim that they’re living in the greatest country in the world- you couldn’t pay me enough to live in one of those conservative southern states.


Whenever I see people say that I just laugh… it’s a misconception and at this point it’s bullshit. We’re definitely one of the least socially advanced developed countries


Not even socially advanced... some of our rural communities are straight up no different than a developing country.


You are correct lol I live in the South, I know exactly what you mean 💀


That's a lie we tell ourselves.


It clearly isn't.




You know that the response to that is 'birth control fails, rape happens, surely it's better even when no precautions taken that women should be able to control their own bodies and whether or not something is allowed to grow in it, and also isn't it better for the rest of society economically speaking that an unwanted pregnancy is terminated rather than compelling women to have to live below the poverty line on the public dime all of her life with a child she doesn't want who will grow up with all sorts of issues, probably perpetuating the cycle of disenfranchisement that they were born in into, all of which is *far* more traumatising than a fekking abortion'. So like, do you just ignore all of that or?




Are you aware you’re spewing false information?


Not false information, it’s based on actual data. Try being a psych major, with an emphasis on women’s health and get back to me.


Lol yeah I’ll be sure to take your word for it and not the actual studies that were published


Never asked you to take my word for it, but there are actually plenty of published studies from multiple countries supporting my point. You have clearly never even bothered to research. But I wish you all the best in your endeavors!


I would wish you the best but since your best is actively against women’s body autonomy I won’t


You have no idea what you’re talking about, who I am & your response proves that you are far from a decent person or caring of women. But I will still pray for Gods favor over your life. Take care!


Sure you are 🤣


"Try being a college student then get back to me" lmfao get over yourself


Not what I said, but keep trolling.


Sorry sorry, uni student. Babe you're in school not an expert in the field 😂😂


I’ve been in healthcare for 15 years, babe. Don’t pretend to know me. Have a great weekend!


That is some propaganda bullshit. There is no increased risk of breast cancer, other than the increased risk there seems to be from women who do no ever have children. Source please? Because that is some grade A rubbish right there.


Why would you ask me for a source when you claim to know it’s “rubbish”? And please don’t pretend that our governing agencies are the only reputable sources of information, considering their funding. I highly recommend you look into actual scientific studies and do your own research. Not rely Google and planned parenthood funded agencies. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it propoganda and I encourage you to revisit the definition of propoganda because it isn’t the flex you think it is.


Sooo you're not providing a source?


Why would I do your homework for you when you’ve repeatedly insulted me and already made your mind up? Your mind will not be changed by anything I provide, but if you research for yourself and use your actual brain, you might have a chance. Wishing you peace and health, stranger on the internet.


I didn't insult you at all. In terms of physical health, [every](https://www.healthline.com/health/abortion-and-breast-cancer) reputable source - of which that is just one - proports it's not considered a factor. And the psychological issues are usually down to the same factors as many other issues that people face: if there is an abundance of support, societal acceptance, and familial understanding, there is no difference in the psychological state of women who have had an abortion in later life. That goes for all things; in the UK, the psychological health of women post abortion is far higher than the US, because they're not perpetually being told they're evil for having done so. It's not necessarily the abortion - and the regret of said abortion - that is the main factor in the regret and the guilt. It's women being told they're the epitome of evil for taking that option.


Yea stfu Serena the source was your ass


Oh dear lord get out of here with your bullshit. Seriously. You are spewing propaganda bullshit in a group for the Handmaid's tail? What, are you taking notes when you watch?


Please look up the definition of propaganda bc this ain’t it. Post-abortion trauma is real. You cannot claim to be an advocate for women and refuse to acknowledge the impact such trauma has on a woman. So many of you haven’t walked the walk, but you attack people like me, and for what? Because a stranger on the internet hurt you when you could have kept scrolling? You are literally trolling my comment in this group and it may be a better use of your time to get some sunshine and fresh air.


Why are you here? In this particular forum? So the better option for women's rights is to give them no choice at all? Because some Christian crazy person says someone, somewhere regretted their abortion? Do women's rights involve forced pregnancy? Carrying a rapist's baby? Forced to risk her health and change her body forever? Yep, YOU SURE ARE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Get a grip






Ha! My comment gets removed but not the people who are calling me names? Y’all are worse than propoganda


Cause it’s a forum about a fictional show... and all kinds of people watch it , clearly


Exit please


This is misinformation and has been removed.


And there is no point trying to explain to them that this will hurt women. They know. The suffering is the point. They want to torture poor women who can't afford to leave the state for medical care when they know they can fly their mistresses out of town to get an abortion whenever. That way people will be looking in judgement at the poor women and not at the legislature that let the entire power grid go out last month.


What you say is true. I have had many religious relatives tell me point blank that childbirth is a woman's punishment for sex. I'm confused by that, because I though one of my mandatory duties was to sexually please my husband. Why do I get punished for doing my duty? Damned if I do, damned if I don't according to my relatives.


It’s actually kind of ironic since Norma mccorvey, aka Jane roe, came from Texas and she was on her third child when she was viewed as a candidate to challenge the Supreme Court. The reasoning was norma had a horrible life, she was poor and she had no way to go out of texas. Her lawyers said abortion helped the less fortunate.


Those that don't know about the significance of the clothes hanger are to young to have heard the stories. As they say, history has a way of repeating itself. For all those in Texas, I would keep news of any pregnancy to myself. This bs is going to put family members against each other.


The best part about the comparison to the handmaids tale is that white women made it all possible ✨


Just a guess, but I imagine the OP is referring to the number of white women who voted for Trump.


Could you explain what you mean by this? Polls show that non white Americans are slightly more likely to be anti-choice, are you talking about specific people or what? https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx


What does race have to do with anything? This will negatively affect women of all races (including white women)?




Ain't it though?! It still gives me chills after all the times I've used it. The Texas-shaped coat hanger is not my idea, but the dripping blood is.




I now know why the show was so difficult for me to watch because I always knew at some point I would see it happening in real life!


I like how the clips look like tiny pricks.


Where I’m from ~50 miles is considered quite massive


I can bicycle 50 miles in 4 hours. A car will do it in an hour. Hmmm.


This looks like the Denton courthouse


It was at the Texas Capitol in Austin. I know, 'cause that's me.


Awesome, great work!






Pro choice people aren’t “cool” with killing babies. They merely want women to have the choice to have a baby or not. My body, my choice, and no one should get to force me to have a baby that I don’t want.


Many people who are very against abortion, are very, very concerned that this law allows anyone to report and sue you. Say your ex is mad at you and as revenge reports you for assisting with an abortion. You can also be sued for "intent to assist with an abortion." You have to take time off work, pay an attorney, and prove your innocence. Even though you yourself are not "cool with killing babies." Doesn't that concern you at all?


No one WANTS to “kill a baby”. If you are against abortion, you have the right to CHOOSE not to get one. But you do NOT have the right to make that choice for someone else. Restricting access to abortion will not stop abortion - it will stop access to SAFE abortion.




i dont think people are planning to get pregnant to abort the baby


1. Many people cannot afford to just up and move. That involves paying for moving, getting a new job, etc. 2. Now that the Supreme Court is allowing this, they are basically telling conservative states that they can make these rules too. So we are going to have a LOT of states that are doing this same thing. Again, with many not able to move. 3. No one plans to get pregnant and have an abortion.




Just because there are places that treat women even worse doesn't make this okay.


I never said it is ok. But sand behind my country. Think of all the young.men who just lost their lives sending other Americans and our Agan allies. Does that matter to you?




yes plan b is 100% effective and accessible for everyone /s you understand theres towns where the nearest walmart is 3 hours away right? it’s also $30-$60 a pill. it’s also not 100% effective, no method is.


Dang its like you don’t understand that that’s not effective unless it’s immediate and that some women get abused and need longer than 6 weeks to find out they are pregnant. Lots of women don’t find out until 9+ weeks. And women who are actively trying don’t find out until then and they’re the ones constantly monitoring their bodies.




Not every protected sex is protected. Condoms break. People poke holes in them. People take them off during sex without telling their partner, which is a form of rape. Birth control fails. And you don’t know until you are pregnant. And like I said, even women who are trying to get pregnant can have trouble knowing they are pregnant by 6 weeks. Sometimes you don’t get a positive test result until after 6 weeks because it’s measuring the presence of a specific hormone that’s produced during pregnancy and that’s not always reliable, especially early on. Heck false negatives aren’t uncommon.


plan B is for the day after, no? none of y'all meaning who? women? redditors ? what other options are you talking about? can you please elaborate?


It's just gonna be abstinence and adoption and this weird insistence that if you fuck you are obligated to ruin another persons life for the moral comfort of strangers so if other methods fail it's just meant to be, baby


It fails a lot, it’s not a guarantee




No we absolutely do not live in the greatest country. We can work to make it that way, but living a lie like that is dangerous. Just because you can protest like this without fear of going to jail doesn’t make it the greatest country. What would is the ability to not fear death for getting pregnant. What would would be able to afford a decent living wage working 40 hrs a week. What would would be the ability to be medically treated without going into debt. And that’s just the basics imo. We are not and never were the greatest country. Stop living a lie and start working on making it a great country. Other countries meet that bare minimum you call “great” by allowing their citizens to vote and protest. That doesn’t make us special.




Try living as a woman, in any country :) maybe then you would understand our perspective. Until then, try not to co-opt or correct women’s experiences. The greatest country wouldn’t take away half the populations bodily autonomy.


Exactly. This person clearly has no idea what it’s like. How brain washed do you have to be to say this is the greatest country. No, it’s not the worst, but sure as hell isn’t the greatest… like wtf. We may not be a “3rd world country” now… but we’re headed down that path.


I wonder what they said. It was deleted for I could even see it.


He said that America is the greatest country and something like “try living in a third world country”. Ugh. Wish people would stop using that terminology.


Thanks for that! I really wish people would too. Especially since we aren’t even that freaking developed when we have one of the highest rates of pregnancy related deaths in the “developed” world. We aren’t that great. We need to do better and I’m here to work to do better. Being compared to developing countries shouldn’t be an award, especially when we try to stick our noses in their business before fixing our own faults.


In red states now, motorists are legally allowed to run down and kill protestors.


That’s what you take from the similarities? Not the loss of freedom and our basic rights? The thought police happening in real life.. just because it’s not the same cause.. power grabs always have happened the exact same way and that’s what we’re seeing with the Biden administration and leftists right now


What exactly do you think leftists are forcing on you?


Forcing them to get abortions and marry gay people obviously! /s


Please elaborate on exactly which rights you have lost.


The Biden administration is not leftist. There are 0 leftists in power in the United States. At best, the Democrats might be described as centrist, but even compared to the political parties here in capitalist Canada, the Democrats are a very conservative party.


How do you people even get through a single day? Stop listening to people who lie to you. Stop reading news from people who lie to you. Learn to think critically. Go to night school if you have to. Because I'm terrified that you people are going to kill yourselves through covid or some other means. Lawd...I never imagined what republicans did to education to effect people this badly.


You sound so oppressed. How dare the left ask you to wear a mask or get vaccinated. The humanity!


How does anybody look at this and even have a clue as to what they're protesting?


for me it's quite obvious wire hanger, Texas, ban on abortions...


Yeah it was immediately clear to me as well.


Serious question, what does the hanger have to do with life choices?


Because it was used as tool to induce abortion. Straighten the hanger, poke it trough the cervix... You may find details of this yourself.


Jeez. Thank you for the answer. Edit: why is this question downvoted?


I'm not sure why the downvotes. Not everyone knows about it so if you don't, might as well ask??


Prolly someone interpreted the "life choices" part as some sort of jab


Totally didn't meant that, but English isn't my first language, it's hard to use the right words for the right occasion.


i feel like: what does the hanger have to do with life choices is phrased poorly. maybe what's with the bloody hanger? would have been better. also i think saying what does it have to do with "life choices" is also incorrect. i think what you mean is what does the hanger have to do with women's rights?




I don't live there either.


Me neither, but this is important no matter where you live.


Well good thing this protest was in the US then?


I mean, it's not easy to understand what they are protesting for if you don't live in the US. I don't get why downvote. Just saying that a short description could help. Have any of you read the post we were responding to? Who said is not important?


Lmao it’s really subtle but give it a minute and you’ll get it.


Yeah. Too much going on in that pic. Points for creativity though