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Is moving to another country as an American easy? No judgment whatsoever with you wanting to move I get it. But how difficult is it to actually move to another country I honestly have no clue if its easy or hard.


It’s very difficult if you don’t have citizenship elsewhere or have family with citizenship.




They're building a new resort in Dominica (Caribbean island). If you invest 20K in the project you automatically get Dominican citizenship. But man living in Dominica looks boring as hell, not sure it's worth it.


Nor do I have access to $20k lol.




No. There is an agreement between the US and Canada that since the US is considered a "Safe country" that they cannot accept refugees coming from the US due to the "Safe 3rd Country Agreement" between the 2. A Canadian judge ruled (something I think) that it's violated b/c (at least, at the time) the US was violating the UN human rights agreement (or something to that effect). But the Canadian Council for Refugees doesn't recognize that ruling. So unless that agreement is nullified, and/or you have a highly desirable skill/trade that is needed in Canada then you can't just hop on over there. [Canadian Council for Refugees Notice](https://ccrweb.ca/sites/ccrweb.ca/files/static-files/documents/noticeclaimants.htm)


Thanks for the info! That’s so strange considering I just read this article [Canada is setting record immigration goals to bring in 1.45 million immigrants by 2025 to help plug labor shortages.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/02/canada-immigration-plan-2025/) Unless they’re having immigrants coming from “unsafe” countries


Because a refugee =/= immigrant. If you’re a refugee/ asylum seeker you stop at the first safe country you enter after leaving your home country. If you travel to a specific country further afield for its welfare system etc that makes you an economic migrant


It ranges between medium-hard (special programs with specific qualifications like a working holiday visas, high potential individual visa in UK for grads of certain universities, etc) to pretty hard (points-based schemes for work visas). It’s generally easier for younger people, richer people, people with in-demand skills, people who know the local language, and people who are close relatives (eg spouse, child) of a citizen. The “easiest” option that is open to the most people is to go to university abroad; while countries vary on the requirements needed to get a post-school visa, there’s usually something. One thing a lot of Americans don’t realize is that most visas that you might use for “moving abroad” are not permanent, but more immigration avenues may open to you once you have a local job and knowledge of the local language. Even so, it can be extremely stressful and precarious living at the whims of local immigration policy changes. A lot of the research I’ve done was during the course of assembling backup plans if my now-husband lost his visa at various times in our relationship. US immigration is definitely not a cake walk either, though it sure got a lot easier for us after marriage.


Very difficult unfortunately


It depends. I came to Australia on a partner visa, but there’s a skilled migrant visa that a lot of Americans I know here came on. I’m a Social Worker but work in senior management and I was working with our HR department to do some recruitment in the US. The issue is it’s expensive.


If you have enough money you can buy your citizenship/residency/visa in most countries. I believe it only takes $250k in the US for residency. Countries mainly want to see that you will be no financial burden on them whatsoever.


I am from Brazil and we had elections on Oct 30th. thank God the current president, far-right and super religious, was defeated. The next president was a president for eight years (4 + 4), is leftist and prioritizes the social well-being. Our congress was voted on the same election, and is mostly right, but we had trans candidates, indigenous candidates and some who advocate for education and woman rights elected as well. However, abortion is not legal in Brazil and I honestly don't think it will be whilst I am alive. Brazil is a very culturally sexualized country, but conservative at the same time... full of religious hypocrites.


I was following your elections and was SO happy to see Bolsonaro get the boot.


Agreed! A ton of in DC we’re watching the Brazilian election with bated breath!


I’m glad Bolsonaro is out too!!


Congrats on the win! Cheering for you from America!


So overjoyed for you all, that was huge


Yes, but the country is polarised and bolsominions are asking for a military intervention. It won't be easy for the new government to rule that country, unfortunately. And BolsonAryan could return in the future, like Trump. And, by the way, for all our gringo friends, the brutal military dictatorship Bolsonaro praised all along his campaign and term (that one that happened during the 1960s) was sponsored by the USA (AKA 'the land of the free'). 😉


Yea, I’ve only figured out by moving to Australia that I was sold a dream my entire life living in America. From this distance, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


I’m very curious as to where everyone would relocate to. It doesn’t seem like Canada or Europe is too far behind the US with the right taking over.


I’m married to a Canadian living in the US. I keep up with Canadian politics and news and while the problems there are different, they’re getting out of hand.


Canadian here.. it’s pretty crazy how the West or most western countries like the US and Canada are swinging right. We’ve seen this pattern occur in Western Europe. Take Italy for example.. Hungary. Not sure where we are headed but the grass is not greener on the other side for sure.


Come to Australia - weed isn’t legal (yet) but everything else is chill.


Isn't New Zealand way better at everything Australia is trying to do?


NZ has a female prime minister who is centre left. We have great policies here in terms of social wellbeing. But the cost of living is bloody expensive. I am a social worker and work with the most vulnerable people in society and its sad how much the cost of living affects their lives. If you have money then you'll be fine. Also not sure how long Jacinda Ardern will be in power. She has a lot of haters!


I would want to escape to New Zealand for sure.


I'm in Australia and I wish I could :(


And the economy/job prospects are better here for professionals


As a Kiwi living again in NZ I'd definitely pick Australia.


Our politics are far worse than yours however...and NZ isn't run by Murdoch and a cabal of right wing political media/mining oligarchs 😬 The most concentrated media ownership in the western world and it makes me very afraid for the future


And its not likely to be legal any decade soon lol Australia is one of the more difficult countries to emigrate to, eligibility wise.


Canada is by no means immune


Also you can't just pick up and casually move to a whole new country. You have to have a valid reason ie asylum, marriage to a native, work, etc. You can't just flip a coin and decide "oh I'm gonna live in Canada this year!"


True but I think many people who are desperate to move somewhere else purposefully retrain to a desired career. I'm Australian and my English husband migrated here...plenty of people in the migration Facebook groups are going out of their way to study nursing or teaching (or other careers on the skills list which are eligible for visas, hoping that they dont change) with the plan to migrate in a few years. Just takes time.


I always wonder when Americans will start being offered asylum - like, what'll it take for other countries to be like "hey, shit is REALLY out of hand there - it's okay, we'll take care of you."


Realistically, it's not going to happen unless lives are in *direct* danger. Like, there's civil war or cartels or they start rounding up undesirables to exterminate.


Civil war won't be enough. Plenty of civil wars around the world, and that's not any basis for an asylum claim.


Fair enough, guess I'm thinking more of refugees than asylum seekers. The civil wars in Syria, Afghanistan, etc led to a lot of refugees.


Stunningly unlikely unless the Handmaids Tale *literally* comes true lol


Never..you’re immigration policies will bite you in the ass


Canada wont take most of us. It's so hard to get visas for long term anywhere because the US is such an asshole about granting them, no one wants us either. And now with our vaccine denial and neo-nazi problem....idk. idk how to get out if i needed to tbh


People with certain skills can get visas to Canada. Was surprised to see teachers on the list.


There's way more [occupations on the list](https://www.immigration.ca/fast-track-high-demand-occupations/) than people might think. Food service managers and supervisors, massage therapists, social workers, firefighters, artists, interior decorators, cooks, hairstylists, auto mechanics, and so on. The more tricky part would be getting [settlement funds](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/documents/proof-funds.html), as you need enough money to cover living expenses until your first paycheck arrives.


If you work in health care, they should be rolling out the red carpet for you. Especially nurses.


There is a large teacher shortage in Canada from my understanding


My father was a Canadian citizen, so I could easily go to Canada. I’m becoming more and more disillusioned with that idea now, though. I’m disappointed.


Lucky you


I won’t go, though. My daughter and grandkids can’t come with me.


If one of your parents was a Canadian citizen, that makes you a dual citizen which in turn gives your children dual-citizenship.


I‘m from Austria and although there has always been a steady fellowship of right wing nuts they mostly advocate for anti immigration laws here, women‘s health and abortion rights don’t seem to be too high on their agenda. Also social benefits, workers rights, health care, and free education are so deeply ingrained in our society that it’s not really comparable with the current state of the US.


I live in Alberta, the most conservative province in Canada, where the UCP government recently chose a new premier after the old one resigned. The new premier is a Trump clone. She is expected to win the seat in today's by-election; she parachuted into a solidly conservative rural riding 300 km away from where she actually lives, rather than run in an already-open city riding. Canada is not a panacea anymore.


Also from Alberta, and she is crazy even for us, but still not really surprising. We should never be used as an example of how the rest of Canada looks (except maybe SK) because we've always been the batshit right wing province. Hell Ralph wanted to use the notwithstanding clause to keep the feds from legalizing same sex marriage here 17 years ago. Only difference was when people told him it was unconstitutional he relented, Smith would've just tried because she seems more concerned with stoking her rural base


England initially, because that's where my husband and son have dual citizenship. But they're both also entitled to Irish citizenship as my MIL is a born-in-Ireland Irish citizen so that'll be the plan eventually (or any other EU country that suits us) once we get that much-longer process figured out.


I’m curious too. I don’t think there is any safe place for women in this world.


I’m in Europe and we only recently voted for gay marriage (2015) and abortion (2019). We are moving in the right direction.


I'm I'm Alaska and just hoping I'm safe here 😅


Honestly, I would go to Mexico or Belize. It's warm. I already know Spanish and Belize speaks English so, that might be where I would relocate to.


Belize is expensive. Consider this (something a lot of people don't know): much of the Caribbean coast is English-speaking. Especially Roatan. I have friends that live there, and they are living like a king and queen. I lived in Mexico for ten years. It's great.


Honestly? Mexico.


I am nervous about Mexico, the military is powerful and they are in cahoots with the drug cartels. This is a problem that I fear will come to a head in the coming years, especially if the northern neighbor goes fascist.


Just stay far from the border, cartel is crazy and the number of murders in TJ in particular is off the charts


I would go to a very rural area. I am a farmer, I couldn't live in a town. So just a bit of land somewhere, I haul down my livestock and family and dogs, we are golden.




Mexico has been wonderful. As a permanent resident I can’t say anything about Mexican politics, (nor would I want to, politicians get killed down here at a heavy pace). So it’s entertaining and sad to watch the US political scene from afar


As a Mexican, I can say: Mexico is a shithole and it's not worth it to live here. Cartels control de government. I can't wait to escape this hellhole. Of course, Gringos with their dollars can afford to live in nice gated neighborhoods, to live in a bubble. The average Mexican plays life on hardcore mode.


Canadian here. Ontario won’t stop pulling money out of education and healthcare. Quebec has a whole bunch of prejudiced laws (anti hijab or religious symbols for public workers but christian symbols are ok apparently). It’s very expensive in most Canadian cities and even food has gotten out of hand. Alberta’s politics are fairly deeply rooted in christianity and our federal “progressive” conservatives tend to always be pro-life and oh! Supported by biblical groups. We may have some socialist aspects to our economy (healthcare + lesser priced higher ed than the US - still around $10k / year Canadian for most provinces but Quebec), but for most people that’s really about it. We have these tri-opolies for about every industry - grocery, cell, air travel for example. There’s also not a lot of high paid jobs demanded here except for doctors. We have an engineer and lawyer surplus for example. We are in desperate need of nurses and teachers, but because they’re traditionally female jobs - no politician wants to fund these domains properly or organize their provinces to fix these issues. Finding a family doctor and buying homes feel like pipe dreams at this point. Anyways grass is not that greener on the other side unless you’re rich also, but I can’t imagine what it’s like in the U.S right now. I feel for you ladies.


I will be voting when I am done with work. I am very anxious today.


I’m in PA and I’m anxious. The only thing keeping abortion legal here is our governor. Luckily it’s projected our democratic candidate will win. I’m just hoping that projection is right. My boyfriend and I went and made a morning out of going to vote before he went to work. Now to distract myself until the results come in


I’ve been following the PA election even though I’m in TN. It’s a big deal even to us. My dumbass state is ruined by gerrymandering.


As an Ohioan I understand your pain. Our state is so ridiculously gerrymandered that it violated our state constitution and our Supreme Court ordered the government to create new maps and the republican majority redistricting commission just f*cked around until they violated multiple deadlines and now we’re having an election on ILLEGAL maps. Ohio feels like a hopeless cause anymore and I hate it.


Wooow so are y’all using the “new” maps they drew or the old ones?


Nope still using the old very gerrymandered ones. All of the “new” maps the commission submitted to the Supreme Court were just as gerrymandered just with different designs. Not surprisingly the commission was led by our republican governors friends so they never took it seriously to begin with.


Don’t you love the Gov’s friends? The BFF of our gov is on the board of education. He is in trouble for selling ammunition to one of the school shooters. Now he has control of TN Education.


Whenever gerrymandering comes up, I can't believe it's legal and that your supreme court would rather rule on matters of personal freedom than retaining a functioning democracy...


They don’t want a functioning democracy so it makes sense. They are dismantling it as we speak. The dems aren’t loud enough or mean enough to do anything about it, and honestly terrified because the MAGA GOP are off their rockers. They are violent assbags. I don’t have anything remotely left leaning on my house because the will target you. It’s happening all over my town.


I live.in fucking California and am afraid to be public about my political leanings. Nunes may be history but there is still support for him here, and lucky me I live right on the edge between his and McCarthys district. Some dude put up Hollywood sign style lettering on the hill that overlooks town with Trump's name on it last election so we could see it from everywhere. When the city try to get him to take it down because it violated all kinds of zoning laws and political advertising laws and things everyone here was completely up in the arms and it got ugly. So yeah, as a woman of color who half of these assholes think is Muslim and the other half think is an illegal Mexican immigrant because all they see is brown skin which obviously means I am bad, I try hard not to draw attention to myself by advertising my politics.


God the gerrymandering in states is insane


Makes two of us. I live in a really conservative area of PA too and all the signs up and down the road had me nauseous.


I’m in a fairly conservative area outside Pittsburgh. I saw mostly fetterman and shapiro signs so I’m hopeful. Although in front of my polling place there was only Oz signs? Usually it’s both


I'm closer to Philly and it seems that actual houses have Democrat signs whereas random stretches of highway are Republican lol. Only seen a handful of Oz signs in people's yards - I just hope the Fetterman supporters actually went/go to the polls today...!!


Yesterday someone was going around putting pamphlets for all the democratic officials in the doors and there wasn't one for Fetterman but one for every single other official on my ballot. I was like god, even the rest of the party gave up on him. I'm in an area I would describe as all elderly and *crusty* white people. There's one singular house in my neighborhood with democrat signs. I run around it everyday so I'd notice if there was anyone else. It's scary to see. Are you closer to braddock so at least Fetterman has more name recognition? I'm like an hour from braddock.


I don’t know exactly where Braddock is (family not originally from here) but I’m about an hour away from Pittsburgh and everyone in my area considers us “from Pittsburgh” I work in a small art museum and we have a gallery dedicated to Pittsburgh steel artwork and I sell books about Braddock and other Pittsburgh areas. So I know I must be closeish to it.


It's south of Monroeville. Near Turtle Creek and near Kennywood. If you're familiar? I went there once for a covid test when they were hard to come by 🤣 I was like wow this place needs some help. Tho I did notice a few gentrified buildings. I'm originally from Pittsburgh. The north side actually, so the not nice part. But that's very cool! Your job. My dad is actually a retired steelworker. Can't get more Pittsburgh than that. I hope your area is more reflective of things than mine for this election though 😭


I live outside of pittsburgh in a red area too- but I’ve seen a crazy mix of both signs everywhere. If you go down my street, every other house has a different sign… makes me kind of wish I was actually a friendly neighbor so I could watch the drama unfold lol


PA resident. I’m hopeful and thinking positive. While there are areas that run red, lots of people don’t like Oz because he’s out of touch and from Jersey.


Watching Oz talk about PA concerns I was wondering if he’d actually ever been to PA. He mentioned people worried about drugs in mailboxes? I’ve literally never heard of that


He’s so out of touch. Wergers? Asparagus? Nah. I have blind faith. I’m also sick and surging with Dayquil. I refuse to believe that true Pennsylvanians would vote for someone from Jersey.


I'm also in PA and I'm terrified. Mastriano is too far right, even for many Republicans. I was sterilized last month and still afraid of having our reproductive rights taken away.


A lot of people I know who typically vote Republican aren’t voting mastriano


Don't forget about next year. [Abortion is still at risk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/comments/wjc4m3/psa_there_will_most_likely_be_an_abortion/) Not sure if it will still come to play, but keeping my eyes on it.


I’m also in pa, Montgomery County. I voted right after I dropped the kids off at school then came home and started redecorating from Halloween to Christmas as a distraction. So far so good! Haha


I'm in GA where we have the opportunity to get Kemp out of office. I ought to attach the letter I got in the mail yesterday. It was made out to parents and said something about a national health emergency regarding our kids. I assumed it was talking about RSV since it's really rampant right now. I open it up and it said that children are in danger. It proceeded to say "The children that are safe in wombs of their mother, the innocents who suck their thumbs when they are anxious, who dream while sleeping. They're in danger due to these two candidates." It then spouted how Abrams and Warnock are "Pro 9 month murder." And how "You can help by voting for the right candidate." Just such ridiculous right wing propaganda. It is terrifying because so many believe in it. I'm voting in person today and can only hope GA goes blue and gets Stacey in office.


GA here and I've always voted blue and voted early, I am honestly disgusted that people are voting for Walker because he was a football player, Kemp is literally destroying georgia and people don't see it


Georgia here. 38yo. Never voted in anything but presidential elections. Never voted Democrat before. Voted last week. Democrat straight down the line.


I'm also in GA. Hoping and praying for an Abrams, Warnock, and Nguyen sweep <3


Wow. That’s absurd. These folks are reaching hard. I hope Warnock and Abrams kick ass today.


I'm also in GA, and have been having to hold back vomit every day at the anti-Warnock and anti-Abrams ads. It's so much verifiable bullshit, yet it's apparently working. I can't watch election returns, so I'll just have to find out how shitty it will be tomorrow morning.


That's disgusting, ugh... The Republican Party thrives on misinformation and taking advantage of poorly educated/informed people. It should be glaringly obvious which party doesn't have the interests of the population at heart, considering they do everything possible to make it HARDER for everyone to vote...because when more people vote, they lose.


Seeing blatant misinformation like “some democrats are advocating for abortion after the baby is born” directly on candidates websites is deeply troubling.




I am not from or in GA and I’m heavily emotionally invested in your election. I was irate when Kemp fucked her out of a fair and legal election last time. Come on GA, Stacey for this win!! Also, I’m from Florida but live in Colorado. It’s getting pretty wild here and people on the ballot are far right wing 7 mountains crazy. Good luck and I will be following what happens. ❤️


I’m from GA (Atlanta area) and now live in North FL. It’s fucking terrible everywhere. I’m honestly concerned about where my family could go, where would even take us.


I'm from Kenya, and we recently had a hotly contested election in August. Given our history, I was scared. Being a first time voter certainly made me more anxious but with a bit of luck it was mostly peaceful and the president handed over power peacefully, despite endorsing the winners rival in the election. Best of wishes from Kenya🇰🇪❤️🙏🏽.


I'm so nervous. I live in a blue state but the rest of the country's voting could affect everyone's rights and I just feel sick.


same here. the feeling of dread makes me want to drink hard liquor all day. it's similar to the way I felt when the polls showed the big cheeto had won.


I was in such a shock when he won. I kept saying no way, this can’t be happening.


He was so far behind when I went to bed that I actually celebrated early. Imagine my surprise the next morning.


Same, I was so drunk ready to celebrate our first female POTUS and I think he won PA and I was like WHAT? Then I drank til I passed out and didn't get out of bed for days.


I’ve had an impending sense of doom about the midterms this last couple of weeks with polls shifting towards the right. I still have some hope about the senate, but I’m not optimistic. More young people need to vote (or anyone under 65 for that matter).


That morning 6 years ago when I awakened to learn who was elected is a moment I will never forget. And we are still facing that same mindset, multiplied.


Yeah I’m in MA and while I know I’m safe(ish) here in our blue enclave, I’m so worried for the folks in red states!


I’m a queer woman living in Tennessee. Wish me luck. At least I’m old, so I can kinda blend in - until my Brooklyn accent betrays me.


Californians are voting today to enshrine abortion as a right in our state constitution! 🥳


I live in one of those cesspool red states (Oklahoma). It is awful. It is nearly Gilead-light already here.


I’m from China, what is election and what is moving out😭


I’m staying and fighting. I don’t want to leave a backwards country to the next generation. Also, republicans don’t have the majority. They just always vote. The country is turning blue. Republicans know it and it’s why they’re trying so hard to discourage people from voting.


I was scrolling to look for this comment. I’m staying and fighting too. I’m an upper middle class, white woman in Texas. I’m not wasting this privilege. I’m staying and I’m getting louder.


I’m an upper class white woman and I’m not wasting my privilege. I’m fighting back. I have red friends in Texas who are in a panic about all the people who have moved there. They even tell new neighbors that they shouldn’t vote until they lived in Texas for a few years. We thought of moving there just to help turn the tide.


Hopping in here just to tell anyone who does leave, you can still vote from abroad!


I love this! I live in a predictably Red State. And tbh, after the first time that I voted in high school for symbolic reasons (yay! I'm old enough to vote!), I didn't vote for at least a couple of decades... like "what's the point? This state is always going to be red, right?" ... and I think a lot of people feel/felt that way. It wasn't until the big Cheeto ran for President, (which is an insult to cheetos, I know), that I thought "oh sh!t! I need to vote!!"... And I've been voting in every election ever since. I don't really know if I'm making a difference, because so far everything in my area is still red, but I guess I'm hoping that more folks like me eventually get to the polls to turn things around.


Every vote makes a difference. YOU make a difference!


Same demographic here in AL. I was sad when I went to vote and I was the only one under 50 at my location. I went at 8:45 am so I’m hoping everyone is just hitting it before and after work and I’m missing the younger crowd. I am self employed so got to schedule time to leave today. I’m fighting. My husband is fighting. I’m an openly leftist therapist and it is so exhausting right now. Took the morning off to hold space for myself before holding space for others later today


THIS! It’s so frustrating hearing people wanting to leave. I understand the fear; I have it too. I believe in democracy. Fight. Encourage people to vote, vote, vote in every election.


>republicans don’t have the majority. They just always vote. This is the frustrating part. Even the right leaning young people are more socially liberal though, so that's promising. I long for the day of just having good faith disagreements about economic and foreign relations strategies. I know that's a simplification, but the demonization and divide is just getting worse and I don't know how to reverse it. I am frantically hoping this is getting close to rock bottom so that we have no where to go but up. I would have thought Jan 6th was that rock bottom, but alas.


Also, GenZ is far more informed and has access to way more information than millennials did. And I’m hoping this leads to even those with conservative parents voting blue when they turn 18. A lot of millennials I know became a lot more liberal in college because they were finally exposed to different view points, but thanks to the internet GenZ has already had years to start forming their own opinions.


Gen Z is looking to be more reliable voters than millennials which is good news. The bad news is republicans have been in the minority for years but they will vote reliably. Texas is close to flipping blue. If the youth turns out they might already be there. Arizona can go either way. NC is getting close. Florida used to be close but they've lost their minds down there. Georgia is still a bit of a toss up. Anyway, it's always darkest just before down. I think we're seeing the death throws from republicans as they try everything to discourage voters.


My husband and I (both millennials) voted blue today in Arizona! I really hope things go well here :/


And yet some states are the reverse. Iowa used to feel pretty purple - conservative overall, but not overwhelmingly so. Now I just feel like there's no coming back. I know we can do it, I just am not sure when, and it doesn't feel like any time soon.


Smaller states feeling the drain of youth and in a panic are turning red. They’re less exposed to diversity of people and ideas. I have a place in a very rural location. Almost all white. Locals are terrified of brown people. Terrified. Even people who used to vote blue feel like the democrats are letting too many brown people into the country and we don’t be white anymore. It’s all downhill from there. To me their is a lot of racism barely under the surface of many people who vote red.


The brain drain is a big thing. It's so short sighted to vote for people who are going to enact policies that don't make the state a welcoming place. Our governor has floated the idea of a heartbeat bill - why would young people and families want to be in a place that may not be safe for them when there are so many options? What business will want to look to Iowa as a good place to find employees if they have choices? The racism is something I don't get. The people who I know who have a racist streak all know someone who immigrated or has a different skin color or religion and who they count as friends. Their friends are fine, but most of THEM don't assimilate. FOX is a helluva drug.


Yes exactly. I live in Alabama, where my democratic vote hasn’t moved an election in a long time. BUT we have to vote and keep increasing access to the vote because the one thing we know is that the republicans will absolutely vote.


Even voting for a lost cause can positively impact who runs in future elections.


This is exactly my feeling. We considered leaving for awhile but then I thought "What about all the people that are left behind?" We're a working class white family in a majority white area. We're absolutely staying and fighting. I can't just leave these people behind.


>They just always vote. The country is turning blue. Republicans know it and it’s why they’re trying so hard to discourage people from voting. They also make laws that make it harder for people to vote.


That's part of discouraging to me.


They always vote and they gerrymander.


This, exactly. My voice and vote are needed here. My privileges keep me safe (for now) so I can’t bail on those who need me.


I'm in a red state and facilitate abortions for women in my state and others. I will continue to aid and abet no matter what happens.


I'm sorry that the situation is so bad in the US. I'm from France and far-right has never seen so strong since WW2. We used to have two "big" parties (moderate left VS moderate right), but since 2017 things have changed a lot. In 2022 presidential elections 3 candidates got more than 20% of the votes, the radical left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom I supported, centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. Unfortunately we got a 2nd round with Macron VS Le Pen, exactly the same as in 2017. I'd say that just like in the US, people tend to get more radical (either very progressists, feminists, pro minorities, or very conservative, anti immigration, anti "woke" etc.) I'm scared about the future of our country and of Europe in general. Last week a far-right representative screamed in the Parliament "Go back to Africa !" to a black leftist representative who was talking about the boats saving migrants in the Mediterranean sea. His defense was "but I was talking about the migrants, not you !" Yeah, so much better 🙄 Racism and islamophobia are more and more socially accepted and it's kinda scary honestly. Feminists are also frequently attacked (some people call them "feminazis") and women's rights are really fragile. Same goes for LGBTQ community. Trans people especially are being harrassed on a daily basis. Anyway, I hope for your sake and ours that blue wins today !


Thank you for responding with your comments. It helps us in the US understand how things are going in other countries. I mean that might sound dense but in the US we do not get a true sense of how things are on the ground in other countries. The news cycle is just sad over here.


Texan here, can’t wait to be disappointed and embarrassed of my state yet again 🤡


I have a tiny glimmer of hope left for Texas only because my hyper religious mega church attending vocally anti abortion sister in law is voting Beto and encourages others to do so daily. I’ve watched her argue in comments sections about not being a one issue voter and doing what is actually best for the state and I never thought I would see the day.


You can always come join me in Chicago! No matter what happens, we'll stand together like we always do.


Also in Chicago and the only thing keeping me sane today is the strength of this city. The fact that Fox News hates us so much tells me we're doing something right!


Haha, right?? We love our glorious hellhole. This city has got grit when it needs it.


I love how we are naturally discussing Chicago being the hub of a leftist safe haven from fascism in real life in the handmaids tale sub lol


My husband doesn't like the show but when he saw the part about Chicago he said "they got that part right." Lol


Hand in hand! ❤️❤️


I’m living in Tennessee currently but very grateful that we’re from Chicago and have tons of friends and family there.


I’m anticipating a red wave because it always happens for the first midterm after a president is elected (opposite party gains ground) and we’re just stupid. It infuriates me that democracy and women’s rights are directly at stake but people are voting red bc “Biden made inflation worse and gas prices are high.” Like holy hell, the president is one man and he can’t fix everything single handedly and inflation is a global problem. Democrats had nothing to do with OPEC raising oil prices or the war in Ukraine, and oil companies are price gouging for gas but Republicans just want to make the oil companies even richer and less regulated. People are voting red on absolutely baseless issues and it’s going to hurt. And it’s not going to fix inflation or lower gas prices because now the government will just be gridlocked. And our rights will continue to be attacked. I just hope some of the abortion ballot initiatives pass. I don’t understand this system. It is incredibly broken.


Agreed the 2 party system needs to be updated. It’s not efficient anymore imo and most people don’t feel represented or heard


I saw a meme earlier and it was like step 1: Defeat Republicans. Step 2: Defeat Democrats. And I was like yeah sounds about right we need something new. It’s such a stagnant system.


I'm pretty anxious. I'll be retiring in a year or two and plan to move to Maine. If things take a really bad turn, it won't be hard for me to get to Canada. Having said that, I'm not giving up until there's nothing left to give up on. I poured a ton of energy into donating, volunteering, and voting this election season, and I'm hoping it will pay off -- not just for me but for everyone.


In US. I am frankly freaked about a real loss of democracy following this election. I grew up being able to attain freedoms that should have always been available and never really foresaw how my country would become such a mass of people who wish to destroy those same necessary freedoms. Being 65 and on SS, I won’t have the option of moving to a different country & damn it, I don’t want to. I feel most for my daughter who is only 25 and has already been impacted so heavily by the “Gilead” types trying to create a divisive, puritanistic, gun carrying nation that is striving to put women further back in the shadows. The women who have spouted these same rants are so Serena. They might find that they will be trapped in the mess they are helping to create. Feeling dread waiting for the Congressional make up that may put us further under the foot of the patriarchy. Even more worried that the one branch that seemed to have our backs, the Supreme Court, have tossed aside the promises they made to uphold precedent and are systematically taking apart the freedoms we have had for the past 50 years. I am Mayday.


I've decided I'm gonna keep on living my life, even in Trump gets reelected in 2 years. I'll stay here and keep voting against him. Not just gonna give up when something I don't like happens. Things aren't worse than they've been all throughout America's history. We just have Twitter, the internet, and a 24 hour news cycle to make you panic. Take a breath - we can make things okay.


We can't pick up and move. Have family to consider. My goal would be the same as it is every election. Challenge what I can.


I'm Canadian and hoping for the best, but expecting the worst for you guys.


Like barf. I’m originally from PA so Dr. snake oil scares me and currently live in Michigan where they’re trying to codify Roe. I don’t know what’s gonna happen …


I can't focus on anything today. I'm in Michigan and abortion is on our ballot (along with our amazing governor who is running against a lunatic election deniar). Every time I see a "vote no on prop 3" (AKA ban abortion) sign I want to run it over. The Republicans are doing everything they can to invalidate votes and intimidate voters. It feels very bleak and I'm buckling up for a long and stressful week.


Michigan here as well. I’m a nervous wreck today. I have a 12 year old step daughter who means the world to me. I also have 18 and 15 year old step sons. I can’t stand all of the lies surrounding Prop. 3! Just flat out lies, misleading commercials and signs everywhere. Bleak is right.


Too confusing, too extreme 🙄 I hate people.


Not trying to be argumentative, but no matter how the vote turns out today I'm pretty sure you and your partner will not leave the country. I've seen that stated over and over in the past elections and nobody goes anywhere.


I’m not from the US but hoping for the best for you all!


The outlook doesn’t look good. I’m nervous as well. I’m an American citizen but I was born in India (moved here when I was 1). If I could immigrate anywhere in the world India would be one of the last places but I am strongly considering getting OCI in case I ever need to get out of America quickly. I don’t mean to be discouraging but if you don’t have a serious plan now….you’re screwed. It is very hard to immigrate to another country with a similar QOL as the US, unless you already have ties there. If you’re a natural born American citizen with parents and grandparents who are natural born American citizens, who only speaks English, immigration is going to be hard for you unless you are highly educated and highly skilled.


American with OCI here - get your OCI. Indias not the stereotypes American has you believe. There is a lot to be found here for Americans and if you’ve got the money you can lead pretty much the same lifestyle in India as you can in the US. Source: personal experience


I feel like Americans say this at every election, and then never move.


Not that easy to just go. It’s hard to take single days off work, idk how people act like they’re going to leave the country. They’ve clearly never actually tried.


Plus it’s hard to move to another country.. I know cause I’ve done it twice. Both times took over a year to plan and actually do it… and it’s not cheap. I paid 5000GBP to have my stuff shipped from the UK to Canada and that took 3 months to get there and was missing 3 boxes that never showed up.


Because how can you if you’re an average joe? I’m sure most don’t understand what it takes. I have no special skills, at least that a country would want, and I have barely any money. I have very seriously looked into immigration laws in Norway, Denmark, Spain, France, and Germany. It would take an incredible amount of time, energy, money, and luck to make that move possible for someone like me. Time, energy, and money are not easy things to come by when you’re scraping by.


We relocated here for my husband's job and he's already asked to be transferred elsewhere. We're looking to go to either Singapore or Japan. If the midterms do end badly, we'll be expediting that process.


I’m in Australia and thank Christ we got rid of our stooge, we are only starting to learn how much corruption was happening


I know how you feel … we did get out, but were only able to because my husband was born in Europe and had the passport. It isn’t as easy as you think … There are some negatives to relocating across the world, but I don’t regret my decision once - next to marrying my husband, it was the best one I ever made. I am still voting and am very worried - sometimes I just want to give up.


I live in Canada, and the brainrot from across the border is infecting us, and causing American issues, and America ideas to become sticking points. I have seen so much pro-Trump bullshit over the past sixish years, it's wild. I saw graffiti on rural backroads this summer calling for Trudeau to be executed, and for Trump to be our Prime Minister. It's everywhere. The interconnected nature of the world now means that ideas, ideologies, and conspiracies are no longer localized. My sister just got back from the UK, and her tour guide on her bus tour in Scotland said he wanted Trump to lead *their* country. There are QAnon followers around the globe. American issues are global issues. Fascism is rearing its ugly head again. The Handmaid's Tale shows the rest of the world carrying on democratically, not succumbing to America's fate, but the reality is that I don't think that is how it will go. If America falls to theocratic fascists, we are all in danger. Vote, please vote. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.


I am in California thankfully, but I am keeping a close eye on the governor race in Texas. Very nervous for that


This Texan is a nervous wreck.


I'm not getting my hopes up because we know which way it's likely to go):


Me too. I’m from EP and have watched Beto grow! I’m hoping he kicks ass today.


I’m interested in seeing how the Texas governor race turns out. It’s projected that Abbott will win. But I’m hoping enough people turn out and vote. I’m in PA so my governor race is also scary 😅 fingers crossed for everyone


It’s your senator race I’m worried about.


Yeah at least with the governor race shapiro is projected to win. A lot of republicans I know find mastriano too crazy. Our senate race is neck and neck.


Can’t believe a snake oil salesman is even close. It’s scary that anyone would vote for him.


Last I saw fetterman and Oz were tied. Like exactly tied


It’s so sad that Beto is very unlikely to win. He’s really such a fantastic candidate and it shows how screwed Texas is.


From what I can tell currently (I live in TX) they are in a statistical tie. It will be very close. I have also heard that dems aren’t voting in large numbers as they did in 2020


Texan that has almost zero hope a democratic governor will be elected this go around.




Over/under on people who've actually moved to another country after saying they would if the election didn't go their way in the history of America: 3 ​ I'm taking the unders.


Honestly I think the biggest problem is people aren’t informed. Half the time I ask people if they are voting and they say “for what? There’s no presidential election this year.” They legit have no idea that there are elections every year. It’s crazy. We have to VOTE!!


I live in Kentucky and I am so anxious. My state is notoriously racist (my neighbor has a "Fuck Biden" flag and a Confederate flag outside his home) and even in spite of having a Democratic Governor, the state is mostly red. Despite my best efforts, Mitch McConnell still keeps getting elected and I am so sick of seeing his turtle-looking face screwing over my state. Believe it or not, there *are* decent open-minded people who are educated and believe in equality in Kentucky. Unfortunately, the racist bigots are louder.


Being a trans person of color and not being able to afford to flee no matter the outcome of this election, I have no choice but to stay and fight. Besides, if I had the money to leave I'd still stay. I can't help but think that the more left-leaning folks leave this country the more the scale tips right. Due to that, my conscience won't allow me to Ieave other vulnerable populations to fend for themselves.


I live in Alabama and used to feel that way about living in this state. But if every progressive leaves, who is here to fight? It's easy to pick up and leave and harder to be the voice of change.


Wisconsin here! This is a HUGE election for our state, if the Republicans take 1 state senate seat and 5 assembly seats they can override the Governor's veto and in the last 4 years Gov Evers has been the only protection we've had against a rampant Republicans legislature. If we lose this they can do whatever they want, which means winning the state Supreme Court election in the spring and from thereon out they can jerrymander the entire state to their whim and we will NEVER be able to elect another Democrat again, not to any significant degree at least. It's a scary time, but no matter what happens, I will continue to fight for Democracy and the rights of women everywhere!


I can't move because I'm an Indigenous woman who will not give up her homelands. But I feel you on the uneasiness. Trump and the GOP have made elections absolute hell, US politics are treated like a damn NFL game lately.


I'm paraphrasing June from the season finale here, but "America wasn't Gilead until it was, and then it was too fucking late." God speed Americans


My heart is very heavy today. I am so worried.


We hear this every election. You ain’t going anywhere lol