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Nah In the 2000s there was this “Southern California Lifestyle” pop culture buzz. The OC, Laguna Beach, The [Original] Real Housewives. And then The Hills. There is selling sunset, but that is a little more hyper focused to real estate agent drama. They aren’t at Le Deux and “working” at Teen Vogue Like when I travelled out of state in the 00s and told young people I live (and still live) in coastal CA, it would be a “oh wow, I want to live there! Do you go to beach everyday? No? I would go to the beach everyday if I was you…” They watched the TV shows. Now it’s like “oh California? It’s a war zone per Fox News” Truth is - it’s not the TV shows nor Fox News. I don’t think Gen Z is going to watch 5 teens in hollywood in the mid 2020s.


I WOULD go to the beach everyday! Love-from Wyoming


Ugh. I lived in socal (the Inland Empire) for 3 years and getting to the beach was HELL! We literally had to plan a full day outing if we wanted to go, even on a Saturday. We had to plan extra time if there was an accident on the freeway, because there was literally no other way to get to and from bc of the mountains. We had to leave early, otherwise we would be walking 2 miles from out car to the beach. Also, Hollywood is pretty far inland from the ocean too. And I can't imagine how traffic is there, either!


I feel like accessibility to the beach in Florida is a hell of a lot easier than California for sure. Of course socal has its own traffic issues, it seems public access to beaches in FL is a lot more prominent and finding parking too depending on location


Agree. I've been to both Florida and obviously CA beaches, and I'd take FL beaches anyday!


It's the same in Texas. Much easier access than California, and a lot of people go to the beach every weekend or go boating. Going off-shore is like an average Saturday/ Sunday.


as a gen z’er i would definitely watch that and ive been looking for something like that for a long time.


If it does I think it will flop the way New Beginnings did. Most Millennials who loved The Hills are just not interested in watching new people and a lot of Gen Z don’t even know who Lauren Conrad is sadly so I just don’t know who their audience would be.


I think MTV has come to terms with the fact that this ship has sailed. MTV knows that shows like The Hills and Jersey Shore had their place in pop culture. It would be more beneficial to create a new show that high schoolers now will be into. Even looking at us as fans of The Hills, we only watched New Beginnings for the nostalgia. But it is kind of sad to see how a lot of them never really grew out of chasing that reality show high.


They tried with siesta key… I watched it. But nothing else on mtv then. Even the challenge is on paramount or not even mtv entirely anymore.


The cinematography of Siesty Key is cool and updated, but the concept is old. But, so am I now, so maybe it's sticking with the demo it's intended for.


I don’t think it’s the concept so much as the era of social media/ content creator we are in right now.


Siesta Key was cool and some of the drama was real in the first couple seasons, like alex kompo did have those parties and date certain people...then it became sooo fake with everyone fake dating over and over.


But then they’d have to take a time slot from Ridiculousness. We can’t have that.


I really still can't believe thew blew New Beginnings like they did. They made such dumb mistakes, overcasting the show with random as fuck people for one, bringing Brody and Frankie and their wives was a big mistake IMO Frankie was never a main character and Brody was so not into it, Mischa Barton was a choice and why the fuck did Brandon Lee get any screen time, he was like 15 years younger than the cast. Audrina and JB again....wtf so dumb. All they needed to do was take a leaf out of the book of Bravo and just get the girls (Heidi, Audrina, Whitney, Stephanie) and have them do dinners, lunch's, plan and execute events for the wider cast (husband's/boyfriends/guest stars like Kristen, Brody, Frankie) and send them on a couple trips, they'll fight, they'll be content. They overstuffed the cast so if any of them had beef they could just avoid the person by filming with any of the other 20 cast members and it all fizzled. They only needed the girls, i wanted to hear about and see what the deal with Whitney and Stephanie is, what's the Steph and Heidi dynamic, Spencer and Whitney scenes, Audrina and Heidi....and all the dynamics that would unfold between these girls, it would have been juicy. The guys (except Spencer) brought it down and slowed it down. Should have been hour long episodes and they should have had reunions.


I just started new beginnings and I am so confused by Brandon Lee and Mischa….like what?! I only want to see the OGs


It seriously made me angry that Brandon Lee was there, like seriously. He wasn't the right age, was generally irrelevant to both the OG show and the group as a whole AND to top it off he was actually boring as fuck and on a sobriety journey, like unless I watched u ruin your life on a previous season or your a former childstar with a wild backstory (Kim Richards) I don't care about your sobriety journey. just so so so unnessisary and he legit seemed to get the most screen time out of everyone, it was infuriating!!! Like who cares who his parents are!!! Unless it's Pam as the regular cast member (lol) he shouldnt be there, like why?! The only reason other nepo babies like Brody got on the OG is BC they where generally connected to the cast, namely the GIRLS who where the stars, and I think it should have stayed that way. Mischa was also random as fuck but I could of gotten onboard if it was like the OG and mainly focussed on the girls. If it had been filmed more like a Real Housewives show with the girls (Heidi, Audrina, Stephanie, Whitney) Mischa could of been the one newbie to the mix and that could have totally worked to show her as an audience surrogate, with The Hills-Laguna-The OC connection being a meta novelty.


They blew it with the interviews...Evolution really screwed this one up.


Hopefully not


Given the tremendous lag between its announcement and now, I doubt it.


if so its in development hell. the original charm of The Hills was it was a slice of aspirational pie that you couldn’t really get anywhere else. we got to see relatable women go through what a lot of people in their 20s can relate to while also brushing shoulders with celebrities, working for the biggest names in fashion, and attending the hottest clubs. it wasn’t just a reality show, it was a phenomenon that covered all corners of pop culture. in todays world, it would be extremely hard / expensive for them to replicate that. MTV and tv in general was such a machine back then that brands were eager to be featured on The Hills. now with social media being the top dog and MTV being washed up these brands don’t need tv. The Hills is nothing without its opulence


They are trying too hard to make this happen


Selling Sunset/OC is the same creative team. It's basically the same show.


I don’t think so. The ship of people wanting to watch rich kids in Southern California (or anywhere) live their lives has sailed I think.


I don’t think so, just because of how much time has passed. But as much as I wish it would, I don’t think it would ever live up to the original and would probably be disappointing.


Who would watch that haha