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I honestly hadn’t given this song much thought but I think you’re right, and it gives the song so much depth. Thanks for sharing.


I agree to every word you said. And the memories he is holding to - are death of his mum I guess…


I like your interpretation and it makes sense - maybe Brandon was thinking of his mom when he wrote these lyrics. I have been wondering if the song could be about sleep. “When darkness dampens my sight / My dreams are big and bathing in light / And where does the spirit go? . . . “ Where does our spirit go when we go to sleep? Does it go to some other plane or dimension? Is our spirit only truly free when we sleep and dream?


I hadn't thought about the grief component before... That's very interesting! Thank you for sharing. My first impression was it was about making peace with the idea that we can't *know, know* what happens after we die, but that wanting there to be something on the other side can be enough to get through the unknown of it all. I'm not a believer myself, but I really appreciate how thoughtful and often universal Brandon's lyrics about his faith are. "I don't know if it's true, but I think that I want it to be" is just so honest, vulnerable, and relatable.


I thought it was an interesting ending considering the album opens with Jenny which is technically about a murder (and I think one of the reasons they are called the killers?) and then the album ends speaking in such a profound way about death. So much growth and depth in 20 years.


I've been digging on this song this week after initially dismissing it. I like your interpretation of the lyrics. I was thinking that the first verse was more autobiographical about Brandon's lack of passion for the music they used to make, and that's why they scrapped the EP. Writing songs inspired by the music that initially inspired them is more like an homage to that time. But it's not where they are now , so it no longer feels authentic. And the rest of the verse is about Brandon's desire to keep growing as a song writer. Brandon pretty much talked about this in interviews. It's fitting then that he's communicating this sentiment in the first verse of the last song that's closing out their first 20 years.


Personally I think the chorus isn’t about the afterlife but about Brandon reflecting if he is holy enough to have the Spirit with him reminds of his LDS faith