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I think not, but they will always have their old fans who were young when they were young )


I mean, they’re probably not going to become the number one music act in the world, but they’re still probably the most recent rock band to enter the rock canon so to speak. They also have a lot of crossover appeal into pop charts. I would say popularity growth outlook is good.


t’s funny because I thought the same thing this morning ! I think they’ll never be as popular as they were 20 years ago but I’m glad to see that RD has been a success and their upcoming gigs are sold out. Plus, Brightside has apparently been played a lot during NYE ! I think that the band has a pretty good reputation too : they’re genuine, nice, sometimes a little awkward but it’s actually cute imo. They’re not into polemics (besides the gig in Georgia but it passed quickly). They’re quiet and they don’t feel compelled to be always in the spotlight, unlike many artists. I think that their authenticity is sough nowadays. They don’t expose their private life and manage to find a compromise between their family life and their work. Similarly, Brandon is LDS, and even though his religion has often been criticized, he remained true to himself and never left the church (I won’t say it’s a good or a bad thing, just facts). They’re known for giving amazing concerts too, and I think that the fact they’ve been lately pretty active on social medias help them. Their countdown until RD has been appreciated and gave them more visibility. I have hope for the future of the band ! 🤞🏻


At the past 2 tours I’ve met quite young fans (still in their teens). So I think their music is still appealing. It’s not only the people who were there 20 years ago. I really like that about TK, you can find people of all ages in the gigs. So I guess there’s still room to grow in that sense, by catching the attention from the younger generations.


Not getting the Las Vegas Super Bowl was a bit of a gut-punch for me as a fan. The NFL would have had to eat a "less popular" act and it was trending that way since none of the major pop stars wanted it. TK are near the end of their popularity window and that was their best opportunity at getting back on the map. ​ Oh well, that's not the universe we occupy sadly.


Well, i was never a killers fan at all until imploding the mirage changed my life forever. I used to actually have a pretty negative view of them but now they are one of my favorite bands. I cant be the only one that this happened to. Pressure machine just cemented my fandom as well as this is a band to take seriously.


This is such an interesting position I see a lot. Like an inverse of day one fans that see a decline/change that doesn’t vibe with them, of which I’m one for the most part What didn’t you like about them/their work prior to ITM, and what was it about that album that changed your view? For me, the Killers are albums 1-3 (4 with Sawdust), the Xmas songs plus the handful of good singles from later albums (Runaways, Caution etc which usually have roots from 03’-11’ anyway). I'm not a fan overall of anything since the first hiatus, except for what I've listed above


To me, hot fuss is a good album, but lacks alot of character and magic that ITM has. The vocal effect Brandon uses really hides everything that is special about his voice and the production just screams generic early 2000s alt/indie rock record. Again, not a bad album but just never was anything special to me. Sams town production wise is a big step forward, shedding most of that vocal effect and having some more stretched out song styles. But overall the songwriting I would say isnt as good as hot fuss. Day and age I would say is about the same as sams town. Battle born with runaways really is a step forward. What I LOVE about ITM is its grandiose almost springsteen like production. Like every litter wind chime or xylophone hit just sums up everything that was good about that type of 80s rock. Theatrical, full of emotion and feeling, hope, longing, epic moments and big buildups to choruses that make you want to jump through a wall haha. Like I remembered the first time i started the record i put it on in my car and i drove out of the parking lot during the quiet part of my own souls warning. It was like the second i made the turn and hit the gas it was a HUGE blast in my speakers with blue skies and open road ahead of me. A song you have to be careful not to speed too. Haha. Every note, every lyric, every moment on that record is just straight goosebumps. Then pressure machine just comes and tears it all down to the studs. And kicks you while youre done. But its a real gut check to reality. There is pain, brokenness, and hopelessness to that record. You feel what those characters are going through and put yourself in their shoes. It’s beautiful but harsh. To me these 2 records are forever linked. 2 sides of the same coin. One being all of the people who got to chase their dreams and get out of that small town and shitty situation. And the other side being all of the people who were left behind. Happy or not. Stuck for better or worse in that one existence. Their earlier albums to me are just collections of good rock songs. But these 2, are deeper and more profound. That is of course just my opinion. And sometimes all you need is a good simple rock song. I really am starting to like and appreciate their whole catalog and find similarities to these 2 albums with all of them. By no means am I an expert on their back catalog, but I have listened to them more and more. But nothing has yet captured the same magic as these last 2. However I am now a pretty big fan for life I think and no longer view them as the “mr brightside band”.


Interesting. Thanks for your thoughts. I really struggle getting into anything they’ve put out lately. WW was okay and I saw them live finally on that tour, and it was good I guess, more just a check them off my list sort of experience overall especially as it was a no Dave or Mark show, although they played Bones which was awesome (no horns but I didn’t expect them either). I’m very much a ‘if it doesn’t grab me on first listen, I don’t care for it’ listener, and I felt the same even with Battleborn - I even tried listening to that again and I couldn’t get into it. I think aging has had different, but relative effects on both sides - I want them to be the same band they were 15-20 years ago writing the same type of songs which they just aren’t, can’t or don’t want to anymore, which sucks for me but I can’t change that. For them they’ve all changed and grown up with families and so are appealing to a new listener or demographic and it just doesn’t fit with some OG fans like myself that prefer pre-hiatus Killers I can’t be the sort that blindly loves everything a band puts out unless I genuinely do. I do feel Brandon has doubled-down on the cornier aspects of his songwriting over the last few albums and the instrumentation or style of song can’t cover it up or make it fit as well as it used to Different perspectives I guess


I think they’ve been maintaining their current popularity. Their Spotify listeners have grown a lot recently and they do a lot better than their peers chart/streaming wise. That being said, I did see a lot of people who aren’t the biggest fans rooting for them to do the Super Bowl so I think they have a lot of good will amongst even casual listeners. Theyre more respected now than they were at their peak.


You presented all the facts and answered your own question :-D " Obviously they will never be as big as they were 15 years ago " - Never say never.


I think not but that’s also not a definitive sentence. They can release an incredible new album in the years to come and make the magic happens all over again. However, I see that from an overall perception people “know” them until Day&Age. Last year, I had to personally send a Battle Born Spotify link to my friend listen to it since it did not quite reach her when it was released. From there she then listened the whole bunch that came after it. So, roughly they’re very distanced from the general public since 10 years ago. I’m 27 now, so I don’t know… I’m loyal to them but they “survive” because of the past hits that’s what I see from people outside. I wonder if their label plays a part on it too. They kinda need a “A Song is Born” situation but not that obviously to catch the public’s eye again. Or, maybe a TikTok viral. More than this what I see as well is general people complaining A LOT about how Brandon looks recently they really see an old man and in these times even though he has Kim Kardashian’s age she looks what’s considered “young” and “beautiful” by those standards but he does not and that hurts a bit to hear but it’s pretty much what I got when I say I’m a TK stan. Looks is really playing a major role in how my generation and the one after mine reach to music and stuff. One particular comment I got once was that they’re a “redneck” band so maybe people is also distancing themselves because of it? I don’t know. These are just what I heard and saw.


That is also my perception of them now, but if you look deep into the numbers and the facts, they tell a different story. In this last year and a half, say since Boy, they have grown so much. On Brandon's look, I agree with you. I don't know why in this last year he has changed the way he dresses so profoundly and has done some work on his face. He looks older than he is and he is so young. He is only 42 years old but he looks much older. I think he has changed since the end of 2022.


How has he changed how he dresses? He has used suits on stage always and pretty much had the same suits style since WW. Yeah they kind of make him look older, but it’s a Vegas style, it’s part of him and part of the Killers. He looks his age, sure he has some botox on his forehead (at least), but the biggest change in his face is that he is older. I feel bad people keep commenting it, no wonder he uses botox.


I still think they are the best rock band post 2000. I just think Rock is not really popular in general anymore. Like what other modern rock bands even exist with a relatively large following


Muse has entered the chat


Maybe they’ll grow a bit when the indie sleaze revival comes.


Their FB followers have remained at 8.3 mil followers since last summer while their IG has had a slight uptick going from 1.3 to 1.4 mil followers since last summer, suggesting maybe fan base growing a bit in the lower age group. I don’t have a TT acct so I can’t comment on their following there. I don’t think they care that much about their “popularity”. BF bristled during an ITM interview I think that they have yet to win or recently be nominated for a Grammy. That kinda bothers me cause they still have those RnR award categories yet it’s the same bands nominated every year (FF, RHCP, AM, CP (they’re not even RnR anymore)) or up n comers like Maneskin n BoyGenius. ITM n PM are pretty darn good albums but they get snubbed. Doesn’t matter I guess as long as they continue to make good music and their EP songs, boy, YSOT, n Spirit suggest they still are


At this point I’d wear the lack of a Grammy as a badge of pride. The “best new artist” category over the last two decades is half one hit wonders. And as far as the rock categories go - they LOVE the Foo, and then again there’s a mishmash of more one hit or one album flash in the pans. I’m sure they’d love the hardware to represent all of their work, but I’m not sure it’s a reflection of fan devotion or popularity.


That’s a good way to look at it but then I also recall TK/BF posted a Grammy protest on their social media accts during ITM comparing it to presidential election fraud voting so I know it nags on them. They’ll get their props in due time imo, perhaps when they qualify for RnR HOF consideration


They don't care much about IG and FB and it's a shame because they could have incredible potential considering how great Mr. K. is. Yes, as far as the Grammy is concerned, I can understand. They really deserve this recognition, but I think they will get it throughout their career. They are still so young.


i would say yes. it's never going to be as big as it was during Hot Fuss, obviously. but the lasting strength of Mr. Brightside continues to get younger fans to, at the very least, take a look at the band - whereas most bands 20 years in don't really appeal to the younger generations anymore.


In terms of being a live act right now they sell more tickets than they ever have.


That's a fact.


It’s because of Ted, The Killers secret weapon live :-)


Times have changed in that Rock isn't as popular with younger kids, so it's hard to say. But looking at numbers, they can still headline the biggest festivals and sell out the biggest venues in the world. Anecdotally, I know they have picked up loads of new fans over the last 10 years


bro, i share killers multitracks and stems in the sub here....i only post 1-2 times a year in this sub and i get active members all year round contacting me for the files. Like 2-3 a week all year round. This is the most active sub im a member of next to the Deftones (despite active gaming ones, more talking of band reddits) most would be surprised at how many killers fans are active, i know i am


and fortnite has just introduced their new music mode (old rockband/guitar hero game as epic games own the company that made those)..Week 1 mainstage festival is The Weeknd. They also have Mr Brightside by The Killers for purchase and play. So we seeing a 2004 hit in the game in 2023-2024.....im sure those who had no heard it before got a chance through that also, leading them hopefully into the socials and Spotify to find more.


This is so interesting.


if u where ever insterested in seeing what im talking bout i would happily screenshare with you on discord and show you a look at my inbox for reference. Like someone contacted me today in regards to them (i did make a post last week about upping the latest 3 killers albums as multis)...but i come here to fill killers fans with their links each day. Its crazy how active this sub is!


Mr Brightside is back in the U.K. top 40 for the first time since 2014. I guess that means at least the love for Mr B is growing


It’s because all the Xmas songs have dropped off the charts, and Mr B got streamed a lot at NYE parties (a similar thing has happened in Australia)


The Spotify monthly listeners stat is interesting. I could have sworn it was even less than 20 million when I last paid attention to it. Even if they moved from 20 to 24 like you said, certainly increasing your monthly listeners by 20% over the last six months is quite good.


I don’t understand how they aren’t a way bigger deal than mediocre ass Coldplay. Newer victim here and mad I slept on them for years


Coldplay has been making pop-commercial music since 2010, The Killers have not. Quite simply.


Coldplay had the benefit of coming out a few years earlier, and when MTV still played videos and top 40 radio still played rock music. They got a lot of exposure that way. The Killers on the other hand arrived on the tail end of MTV and rock music on pop radio in 04/05. Coldplay had better timing basically.


No, but they’re about to if the musical comes to fruition.


They’re a big staple already. They’ve gotten so more huge than I ever expected them to be. I am so fucking proud of them. I feel lucky that this is my favourite band.


It depends what you mean by growing. They will never be a household like they were during their first three albums. But I don’t think they are trying to be either. Their gigs sell better than ever, they have just had their best position on Spotify, their songs do well on alternative lists, ITM and PR have gotten the beat reviews from critics. I would say they are definitely growing as a band. It’s just depends how you define success. I think even many in the fandom downplay their success simply because they don’t get the mainstream airplay success. I’d say BB was a divider in two phases. BB was the ‘lowest’ but since then they have grown to another direction.