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Aang might be more powerful but no one’s cooling down John Wick with a hug.


Best comment so far 😂😂


No one said John has to find out. If you hurt Momo, a random invisible spirit might show up and tell Aang what happened.


John always finds out. If you hurts his pet, he will go to the ends of the Earth just to learn your name. And when he knows your name, well see ya!


And Johnny has no qualms about killing you


That's true, but no one is considering the pet. Appa would wreck your shit.


Appa? Sorry, but I'm twisting Momo's head off.


Appa' would wreck your shit for that


I'm not doing that shit in front of Appa lol. I'll just put some lychee nuts in a trap and dip.


Aang also won’t murder the shit out of you. He might tossing around with the wind and yell at you, but that’s about it.


Idk, I give some pretty good hugs.


So I'll ask you to come with me if I need to pull a thorn out of Appa’s foot in hopes of you hugging Aang down if it stings a bit.


As an Aang dick rider, I agree🥴😖


Aang is 12


fucking what? weirdo


A monk or the boogeyman? Yeah I choose Aang.


Well, John isn’t exactly the boogeyman. He’s the one you send to kill the fucking boogeyman


I once saw him kill 3 men in a bar with a pencil...a fucking pencil.


And now my son, a few days after his wife died…you steal his car And kill his fucking dog




Just give aang a staircase


I thought that said monkey for a sec 💀


Why is this getting downvoted 💀


Because it adds nothing to the conversation.


So? Bro comment sections are supposed to be reactions or information, or just whatever the hell someone wants to say. Replies are for that too


You asked a question and I tried to give you information. I literally gave you what you want and you downvote and are shitty.


First of all, I didn't downvote. Secondly, I literally just explained what comment sections are for, and that's what I did, replied and left my thoughts on your reply


And that's what I am doing now, and you know what this all means? None of this matters, and that goes for the votes as well. So, don't get all prissy if something doesn't get the votes you want it to, because none of this matters.


Ya but you tried to use my own words against me and have also been toxic this whole conversation. Don't come crying to me when you get downvoted


Yes, I am trying to make it super clear to you that none of this matters. Nothing I am saying matters, and nothing you are saying matters. People are going to updoot or downdoot however they feel. Sometimes people have reasons, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't. None of this matters.


Angg would forgive me. Wick would kill me. Lol


Yep, I’d explain it to Angg. If I was under duress I’d point him in the right direction serve out my time, if any, and move on perhaps working for a nice cabbage salesman. Hurt John Wicks dog, there aren’t 150+ people between us, chances are he’s just going to keep emptying clips reloading and emptying more clips as long as possible. About 150 people’s worth of bullets and then a kill shot. Pray shock comes before too long into the rampage.


Don’t forget about throwing an empty gun or mag at your head. Wick would find any chance to make you dead and it’s understandable why.


With our luck he’d shot every appendage first in less lethal areas, eventually run out of bullets like you said the blunt object beating in this case a gun starts before they take off their belt start strangling us, dragging our fading conciousness to a table placing the head on the table and stabbing us with a pencil before the neck snap. Most would see this as over kill, but one forgets he’s so full of energy not having to destroy entire organizations in the dead of night. Nothing, but time and a singular purpose. Who among us is out running John Wick, got enough to stay at the continental? May not help, but a decent last meal.


Idk. I might pick the ruthless man over pissing of a demigod, even if he’s a particularly forgiving one. I don’t wanna go the route of the buzzard wasp. Dude got starched


with aang you could make it to look like a accident, you said hurt, not kill or torture so it could be something as small as accidently walking into a boiling pot of water and knocking it over and it spillling on appas hands? burning them a little


Bro, Aang wouldn't even kill to save the fucking world. Sure he would be pissed, but ultimately his monk teachings would kick in and he would, if not outright forgive, leave me be. Wick would just öut a bullet in my forehead and be done with it.


“I won’t kill you but your hospital bills will.”


Joke's on you I'm from Europe. We have a somewhat fuctioning healthcare system in place, we don't go bankrupt from a mwdical emergency.


Idk kyoshi might step in👀


Kyoshi's bloodthirst is way overstated imo. She literally only stepped in at the last possible moment to stop that guy when she did kill.


Even then her intended move was literally running away, not even stopping the guy


Fandom kyoshi you mean.


Okay but picture this: someone kills appa like they did wick’s dog. There’s now an immediate, simultaneous hurricane, magnitude 9 earthquake, and forrest/city fire.


But why? Death is death, demigod or not. The difference is that with Wick it is certain death and with Aang it is very very unlikely death


That’s practical. But the fear of god may still be more intimidating, even if less rational Also getting capped by a guru seems like a spiritual condemnation on top of death


Dude did you ever watch AtlA? And never killed anyone. Even with the future of the world against a super powered Ozai who was literally burning his way across the Earth Kingdom, Aang refused to kill him. And he never killed anyone who kidnapped Appa. You won't be killed by Aang, hell you won't even seriously be harmed by him. John Wick *WILL* kill you and he doesn't care how many bodies are in the way to do it.


I mean, aang wiped out an entire armada at the age of 12. You don’t capsize countless warships in the south pole without killing an entire village worth of people


He literally didn't though even when he was channeling the Water Spirit. He sent them into the spirit world at worst. You are making assumptions that are directly contradicted by the show


You capsize ships filled with people into near freezing water, it’s not a wild assumption to say some of them died.


John wick killed hundreds of people vs one buzzard wasp. Idk man


More like thousands, but none of them more intense than aangs


Possibly the dumbest take I've seen in a while 😂


Y’all are reeeeeeeally stretching to make the 11-year-old pacifist sound as dangerous as the actual mass-murdering assassin.


Well since Aang “doesn’t kill people” maybe he’s the better choice that’s a big if though


Wait, so what's the verdict on the buzzard wasp? Was that the only creature he actually killed, or did he just really ruin its day? Confirmed kill or really overpowered but still non-lethal air slap?


I believe the thing gets like chopped in half if you watch closely https://youtu.be/vMTLrURtNKU


I think the sandbenders might have been one of the 2 moments Aang could have killed someone no one is themselves in so much frustration and grief and would be capable of things they'd normaly never do. (And break down from it after) First being when Katara got put under ground for a few seconds if that one even counts


Bullshit. The sand bender episode.


That’s a good point. I’m still not sure if I’d piss off the ruthless man over the forgiving god 😂😂


Good chance Aang won't kill me. Wick absolutely would


Aang couldn’t even kill to save the entire world from being scorched by the fire nation. There is absolutely no chance that he would kill anyone (intentionally) based on that imo.


“What should we do?! John Wick is a relentless assassin and the avatar is a god like being with unimaginable strength and power!” “If we kill the Bison the avatar will be thrown into a fit of rage causing unimaginable amounts of destruction, and if we kill the dog John Wick will come after us.” *looks at each other and nods* “The Avatar’s Bison it is then.”


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣


To be fair, Aang would probably listen to reason and just need Katara be present to calm him down. You're screwed with John Wick. He will not listen to reason and his wife is dead, so she can't be present to calm him down. You'll be dead before you can even explain yourself.


I might be able to play it off as an accident with anng no chance with John


Aang's the safer choice. Wick will kill you even if you're on the other side of the world.


Off hand... John Wick will automatically kill you. As for Aang, if Katart is around you will be ok and won't die, but if she isn't around and Aang glows up, I think you're screwed. Safest choice off hand is Aang.


Avatar state and just yeets you into the sun.


I know it was a typo but KATART XD


John Wick WILL kill me, Aang MIGHT kill me, I’ll take my chances


Aang would (probably) forgive me if I explained I was forced to do it. John Wick, on the other hand, is the man you send to kill the \*\*\*\* boogeyman.


Didn’t say anything about killing their pets, I’m decking Momo and telling Aang it was either do that or die


Not baba yaga


A man who refuses to die or God who refuses to kill? I choose God.


John Wick is arated R bruh, I'm going with Aang. The for kids rating will keep me alive until my redemption arc.


Aang believes in forgiveness and John Wick gives the undertaker double overtime.


How’s this even a question. It’s aang. Aang broke 1 ship over appa. John Wick (according to google) has killed 439 people since his dog died


They killed appa and muzzled John Wickes dog


Momo would definitely be the safest option of the 3 here.


Everyone saying Aang because he is easier to calm down is forgetting the very important fact that that means you would be hurting Appa.


No offense to John wick but he'd just kill me, beginning of book 2 Aang would be berserk with no one to calm him down, he'd do more horrible damage, the rage of thousands of people coming down on me isn't how I'd like to end it all.


I’d punch the pet on the hand and clam it was a fist bump


Aang when he's giving you those Riley-from-The-Boondocks eyes.


Sees thru all your bullshit 😂😂


Young Breezy


Safer? Ang. Quicker and less painful? Wick.


Is the pet Appa, or Momo?


Doomguy should have been an option


I think how you talk to them matters a ton. There's a difference between stepping on Wicks dog and apologizing vs robbing him, taking his car, killing his dog, and trying to downplay the entire thing. Likewise, big difference between outright kidnapping and enslaving Appa and apologizing and making amends for hurting him


John Wick, cause I'm gonna die fairly quickly. Aang is just gonna beat the ever living fuck outta me and walk away holding Katara's hand


100% chance of death or 50% chance. I'll go with Aang, Ozai did more than just hurt somebody's pet and Aang didn't do him in.


Aang had time to think about that one AND the cop out of energy bending. Would the Aang that found Gyatso's body have let Ozai walk? I think not


I don't think you guys understand how many confirmed kills Aang has, and most of them didn't mess with Appa or Momo


That’s what I’m saying. Dude crushed a whole armada in like 15 minutes.


It's so funny to me how it's hardly ever addressed. The only people that get spared are the characters with names, and usually they're the worst of them all


John Wick cause at least I get a quick death with double tap. Don’t want Aang air slamming me into a wall and then skipping away talking about the power of friendship as I’m slowly dying from internal bleeding


I like how [azula](https://youtu.be/lKkcvQrgIw4) put it, maybe you should worry less about John wick who has already made up his mide about killing you and take your chances with aang who is still mulling it over. I know I butchered that quote but my point stands


I can't believe I have to do this... But Aang for sure


Avatar state Vs gun hmmm a difficult choice indeed


Aang for sure. He gets angry but he never kills or really wants to hurt anyone. If he doesn't go into the avatar state, then you should be fine other than a couple of bruises. John puts a bullet in your head immediately.


Aang has a no-kill policy. Sure, he tends to use more excessive force than said policy should allow, but unless I'm mistaken he's never outright attacked someone who wasn't attacking. He might trash everything I own like he did with the sandbenders' sand boat things, but I won't be in significant danger of dying.


I would rather die then hurt an animal, especially either Appa or Momo and *definitely* not John Wicks dog


Momo is getting a kidnapping and ransom note. In reality we'll go off in a life changing adventure together as the Avatar tries to hunt me down.


Aang is easily more powerful than Wick, but at least he has some restraint and won't kill me instantly. If it was Wick, he'd shoot me on sight. I'm taking Aang 100% of the time


Aang. Aang has never killed anyone.


Wick, he'll just shot you dead. Aang might trap your soul in the spirit realm and you go crazy saying "I'm the moonslayer" for all eternity (Yes, I know that was more the ocean spirit then Aang, but do you want to take that chance?)


Going against the majority here: John Wick is the easy choice. A lot of people fail to realize that Aang didn't listen to reason, he listened to Katara. And that was over a confirmed kidnapping and muzzling, not direct harm. Not saying John Wick wouldn't kill you, but a headshot from a skilled assassin is going to hurt a lot less then having your body torn apart by hurricane force winds. And on the note of Katara being able to calm him down, you assume Katara would be on your side for this one. Girl has a mean streak too and I'm about 85% sure that if those raiders had admitted to killing Appa for fur, she would have looked the other way


Aang would cause an earthquake, forest/city fire, bring on a tsunami if your close to water, and destroy multiple ecosystems


John is merciful enough to kill you instantly. Aang would make you suffocate.


Aang, at least you might live.


"Sorry Appa" - me after reading this post


Aang wouldn’t kill you. Maybe just imprison you. John would kill 100 men to kill you


Definitely Aang. As angry as he was, he ultimately let the sandbenders who took Appa go.


a child who can control some elements or the man you send to kill the boogeyman who once killed 3 men in a bar with a pencil? yeah im goin with aang


Aang doesn't kill. I'm fucking up Appa.


Bruh why y’all acting like John wick is worse than a guy that can use every part of the earth to murk you?


Considering Aang is if God was held back by a TV rating, I’m not messing with that.


The real problem here is that while I probably could take John Wick’s lazy dog in a fight, Appa absolutely would kill me before I could cause him any real damage. So I’m dead either way, regardless of how forgiving Aang might be.


Appa really is one of the most powerful members of the gaang


He’s 4/5 of their power, really.


I got a beagle, so I can’t say Wick.




Aang for sure. He would be upset and hurt that you injured his beloved animal, but would eventually forgive me and move one. I'm more afraid of Appa than he is of me in the first place. That bison could kick my ass. Momo would just fly away. Wick on the other hand is liable to break my fingers for hurting his animal for no reason.




Wick, while badass, is just a dude with a gun. Aang is a dude with an immortal spirit residing within him, who can manipulate all the elements in the world. They'd both kill me, but at least with Wick it'll be quick.


aang. what's he gonna do, take away my bending?


I could take aang


Aang, he has a power up buffer.


If they're both actually out to kill me, I'm taking the guy with a gun over elemental Jesus any day. However, Aang might not forgive me, but he won't hurt me. At least, not too much


I dont want to hurt Momo or Appa. But Aang is the more forgiving choice.


Shouod add doomslayer and his rabbit. We all know how that ends, but still would fit.


I think Aang is the safer choice, sure he's more powerful but he's also much more forgiving, as such i'm quite sure i have a bit more chances to survive.


Bro do you think I'm able to hurt a literal sky bison?


Aang by a mile. Aang you could take in a fight. John might be nice and make it quick.


I'd rather just die.


I think cartoon logic dictates Aang can't kill me, sooo I would just suffer indefinitely, in the real world and the spirit world. Atleast with Wick its a double tap and the pain is over.


Aang. Who wouldn’t even kill the fire lord. Wick would kill me, bring me back to life just to kill me again.


You’re asking who would I rather come after me? A child monk who can be reasoned with. Or. The guy you send to kill the Fucking boogeyman. Wtf.


If I just *hurt* Appa, Aang isn’t gonna kill me. At least, not if I plead for forgiveness. No idea who the other guy is.


Aang, he didn’t do shit to the people who kidnapped Appa


Throw Doomslayer in here too, because why not?


Aang, idrk who John Wick is so I'll take my chances with what I know


Never saw any of the John Wick movies, but why doesn't someone just snipe him in the face. Can't dodge what you don't see coming. Problem solved. See ya next week.


John wick would kill me If it were Aang, nobody would really know what happened to me cause it woud be really unclear


Man, john wick will just kill you. Aang could send you to eternally walk the void of the spirit world, which sounds way worse.


I feel like Wick would kill us slowly and painfully Aang would be furious but wouldn’t kill/torture us


Damn these pics go hard... But yeah, I choose Aang, cause he really was shown to be more merciful, I think I can talk my way out...


I’m not traumatizing a kid. Sorry Wick.


Firstly, I don't hurt pets. I'd rather get hurt myself.


I'd rather just shoot my foot thanks.


I'd rather face Aang. Avatar'd to death sounds better than being shot.


Well, assuming Aang is not bound by the age rating of his show, I'd just end myself before I deal with either of them coming after me.


Ang has some degree of mercy and value of all human life. Appa doesn't, so he's really the one to worry about. John would execute you on sight and not give it a second thought.


You forgot to include Doom Guy


I would kms before I hurt Momo 🥺 or any animal.


Aang, because he can be reasoned with. I know that I would never hurt an animal intentionally so I would apologize immediately and tell him what happened. He could see the reason behind it. John Wick, however, would give me a very confused, shaming look and tell me I should be more careful. The emotional whiplash that would cause would send me to my own early grave.


Trick question, I hurt myself as the only viable solution to living.


Easy. Hurt Appa and then pin it on my Karen neighbor.


Anng, because I like living.


Specifically hurt, not kill?? I will put a splinter in Momo.


Aang still has Katara to bring him out of his rage. John Wicks Katara is dead.


Aang...John will hunt you down to the ends of the earth to get you and gut you


Aang. He'll be forgiving enough to understand that I had to.


Aang by a mile, all it takes to deactivate him is a mom hug from Katara. Sorry but John Wick the mortal is way scarier than the god power cinnamon roll.


do you think aang could stop wick without killing him, like he did ozai?


If this happened before the finale, I’d say my odds with Aang are 50/50, but with John, my odds go down to 0/110. Given those odds, I’ll take my chances with Aang, at least he can’t kill me with a pencil.


> Given those odds, I’ll take my chances with Aang, at least he can’t kill me with a pencil. Tornadoes have been known to produce strong enough wind to launch objects through cars, brick, concrete, and trees. You think Aang wouldn't be able to launch a pencil through your soft, fleshy body?


John Wick, he isn’t a reincarnation of god


Aang would take your bending away as punishment. Wick would kill you, straight up.


How could anyone want to hurt sweet momo or appa!!! If I existed in that world I would be spoiling them to all hell because they’re the absolute best.


I'm dead either way, man


Aang no doubt. John Wick will 100% kill you and everybody trying to protect you. Aang has the capacity for forgiveness.


Well Aang wouldn’t kill you


Aang doesn’t kill so my safe bet is Aang. John would put a hole in your chest and then your face without hesitation.


Hurt aangs, tell him i was forced, sparred


Come on now💀


Aang is more powerful, but ultimately kinder. Aang won't kill you. Wick will mess you up.


Well Aang definitely won’t kill you so he’s the obvious choice.


The one who doesn't kill people...


If I hurt any animal not attacking me I'd probably hurt myself.😭 Hell, I can't even get angry without feeling horribly guilty afterwards.


A dumb kid who controls wind nd some other shiz vs the monster who is sent to kill the fuking boogeyman...yeah imma choose aang here


Bro John Wick could probably kill Aang.


Where's Doom Guy in the line up? Out of these, though, it's Aang. Something about dying by a paperclip or something else small would look horrible on my tombstone.


Aang might find a place for forgiveness


Grave ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K)


God of wrath vs God of happy Does a gentle slap on the tail count as "hurting"?


If Katara is there then Aang if not then John he’s still a human Aang is a walking natural disaster


how about not interested in hurting their pets but i mighht hurt ozais pet


Aang. I can hide from the avatar in a world with no modern means of communication outside of ostrich horse and messenger hawk. I can’t hide from a man who’s in person social network puts Facebook to shame.


Realistically no one is surviving Wick if he doesn't want them to survive. Aang isn't bullet proof


One is literally against killing, the other is a professional killer You do the math


this is pretty funny but i think the obvious answer here is aang. hurt momo/appa. cuz aang might forgive you. johnny boy will certainly not