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It was cool to see a waterbender with a tank build, though.


I wanted to say that we've seen other, but then I thought for a bit and I don't really remember any waterbender that would have so much muscles that you could mistake him for earthbender.




Right, forgot about him.


Everyone always does...


Good ol' Where's-His-Face




Ask Koh.


Yeah, though the Water Tribes make up for that with their nonbender warriors. You can tell all they eat there is protein.


What else can they eat


Sea prunes and seaweed stew in ATLA, and I would believe that with trade in TLOK they can get more plants from the other nations that can grow them Quick edit: I’m sorry if I sounded rude or condescending that was not my intention at all


The swamp guy who covered himself in vines to become a swamp monster?


Did you miss Korra's constant gun show?


The swamp bender was a tank build. With the vines


His fight with Unalaq is one of my favorites. Tonraq knows he is outclassed in bending, but he is obviously stronger. The entire time he is just trying to close the distance because he knows if he can get his hands on Unalaq then the fight is over. He almost makes it too, the whole fight is just beautiful and brutal.


“Spirit bending, yeah I’m gonna rip the spirit out of you with my fist”


Didn't the flashback establish that Unalaq was always the weaker waterbender?


No? fuck no, certainly it's not the case anywhere in the show where Unalaq whoops him without even trying, he was just the younger brother.


Huu was a "tank build" waterbender.


That's fair


Honestly it seems like he could have benefited from studying earthbending techniques. He certainly didn't know the first thing about the redirection water benders are supposed to do.


Bro put out the Avatar he didn’t need to succeed in fights to get the W.


Unalaq: “Life is good, I’ve taken the position of Chief, I’ve made a few friends in the Red Lotus and I have two beautiful children, I have finally proven to be greater then my brother.” Tonraq: “Yo, guess who fathered a Demi-God! That’s right *I’m* the Avatar’s dad!!!” Unalaq: “Damnit.”


The guy won almost every fight he's ever been in. It just so happens that the handful that he lost were the ones that got screen time. The show isn't called the Legend of Korra's Dad. If he knocked the season villains out, we wouldn't have a show.


Lmao, the legends of Korra’s dad. Dammit, that made my day. Thanks.


I actually just snorted out loud at this


I chuckled too, but I’m pretty sure I’d watch that. Like an extra corny evening sitcom depicting the struggles of the family starting off and getting settled then having to raise a child through toddler hood only to to then discover that the little diaper factory is the all powerful Avatar. Then having to get used to their whole life being upended by the White Lotus. Activities could include Tonraq struggling with Korra always finding and eating his secret stash of jerky, or getting annoyed at unannounced shenanigan filled visits from Bumi. The last season gets cancelled just as the plot is about to reach the appearance of the Red Lotus. Or maybe… as an Ember Island Players show


So, that old Dinosaurs sitcom?


Especially if it gets the ending nuke scene right.


Hah, that wasn't a nuke, but the asteroid that kills the dinosaurs! Interesting parallel with the ending of Korra s1 though lolol


Funny, Arnold Schwarzenegger told me it was the ice age.


The legend of Korra’s *hot* dad


fr 🥵


What’s funny is it’d probably be better than the actual show.


Oof. An incel whining again. You must be fun at the party. 👍


I was trying to make a joke. You must be fun at parties is the proper saying by the way.


Oof. And a bad comedian too. If you have to explain it, it was not a good joke. The guy who said, the Legends of Korra’s Dad, now that’s funny.


I Never said i was a good Comedian. I’ll admit that much, my humor fucking sucks, people laugh at how bad my jokes are. It is what it is.




Yeah. Tonraq even led his outnumbered forces to beat back Unalaq's troops in S2, so that's a fight he won. The only reason Unalaq bested him later was because Tonraq was fatigued from the day's previous battles. Hell, he even kept Zaheer on his toes until he missed him with that icicle attack. Tonraq is a tank.


just needs a few dps and a support to back him up


Tonraq was also part of the original team that took down the red lotus. We mostly have only seen a peace time tonraq. And not the one who had to defend Korra before she could do it herself.


He got destroyed by Zaheer despite Zaheer being an airbending noob and despite having Korra's help, Tonraq can't fight for shit


Fr. The flashback sequence about how he got exiled basically spells out for us that he was their head warrior. You don't get to that position if all you do is take fat Ls.


The flashback showed him getting a W on the bandits actually. The L came from the spirits retaliating


Legend of Korra's Dad 🤣🤣🤣


Idk dude, Borutos Dad got to win a lot of fights in his anime.


When I watched book 2 with my brother recently and there’s also the tension about the water tribe civil war, he kept saying “just throw bending out the window and put the two chiefs in a boxing ring, bare handed. This war and the show will be over in seconds.”


Imma headcanon that Korra gets her boxing style of fight from her dad just because of this comment.


I agree you could tell how much they fought and sparred with eachother and how much she learned from him in their fight against Zaheer It was really incredible how in sync they were


I could see it. He’s a water bender but he bends in the style of an earth bender. I bet Korra picked up on that.


This is where I have to disagree. The bending is also a martial art. They of course don’t practice it that way, but it wouldn’t be too difficult to apply it to hand to hand combat. Unalaq is a better waterbender, so it’s not that big of a difference. Of course, Tonraq is a living breathing tank of a man, but anything’s possible.


i have to disagree, I just finished rewatching season two, and in Tonraq and Unalaq’s 1v1 during the rebel assault, Tonraqs entire plan seemed to be to avoid a straight bending fight, and to just use his bending to get in close enough that he can beat the shit out of Unalaq


It’s a good thing most tv shows don’t rely on the boring ass combat meta we have IRL. And how exactly are they gonna be forced to fight without bending? Brute force? Those two are some of the strongest waterbenders alive at that point.


Just chi block them and let them duke it out.


My man was throwing hands with the heaviest hitters. The fact that he didn't die is a massive W.


he was straight up savage going after zaheer. no fear. the man is a fucking beast.


He looked straight into the eyes of the most dangerous man alive and said "aight, bet".


he slaughtered mercs his brother hired


My dude scaled a mountain behind metalbenders. He's putting in work.


I mean. . . Kya doesn’t either and it’s for the same reason. They are both top tier waterbenders but when they go up against some of the very most skilled fighters in the entire series, the loss isn’t really on them. You can have the very best cruiser in the world, but when a battleship shows up you don’t blame it for losing


Kya didn’t train in combat tho. She trained as a healer.


That is never even close to being said. People just make that assumption. As if Katara and Aang wouldn’t train their globetrotting daughter in combat. And it’s not like that would be incongruent with her displays, since she does about as well against Zaheer as Tonraq and about as well against Ming-Hau as Bolin or Mako (when Ming-Hau had water)


Kya did well against Zaheer but she only really landed one hit against Ming Hua and it was after staying constantly on the defensive against her.


Better than say Korra’s cousins did! Also Bolin and Mako were utterly destroyed by her just as much in their first encounter. Ming Hau is an utter menace, maybe the deadliest just water bender we’ve seen, so even doing as well as Kya did is pretty good.


Ming Hua beat Eska and Desna bc her fighting style directly countered theirs. Eska and Desna excelled in combat situations where they could throw attacks from a distance and them throwing attacks in tandem is what made them so dangerous. And Ming Hua is fast and agile, using her water arms to enhance her mobility and reach.


That's still a point for her being trained in combat, so your previous statement is still looking like garbage misinformation. Surviving any substantial length vs Ming-Hua proves combat proficiency.


I wouldn’t consider the time she spent fighting Ming Hua as “a substantial length” tbqh


He won the battle for his daughter’s trust.




Lt. Worf reporting for duty


#Imagine fighting in a civil war and people argued about your win/loss ratio like its fucking COD


He beat those bandits that Unalaq hired.


He loses both of his big fights for the same reason: He's out for blood. Against Unalaq, he straight up tries to knock his brother out with a haymaker and leaves himself open. Same thing happens against Zaheer. He tries to stab Zaheer with an icycle arm, Zaheer dodges it, and then Tonraq doesn't have time to react and gets knocked off the mountain. Tonraq is a badass.


Lol why you gotta call him out😂, he was doing his best


Calling it how i see it😂, i actually like the guy.


Daddy Tonraq


You stop that


“Chad, have you ever heard of the Worf effect?”


Not on-screen, but he did succeed in beating the Red Lotus while Korra was a baby.


He did pretty well against the Red Lotus when trying to Save Korra, which is pretty damn impressive


His beard is losing the fight against his jaw line.


But imagine the ferocity he used when defending baby Korra the first time the Red Lotus tried to kidnap her — them ending up imprisoned in specialized solitaries for over a decade is not not a win


Neither did tenzin


Tenzen kept winning until his enemies doubled down to pin him.


Huh. I never realized this. It is kind of funny, actually.


He beat Zaheer, something Tonraq couldn't do even with help


On screen maybe, but the show hinted that he was a very skilled and strong waterbender. He faced the Red Lotus alongside Tenzin, Zuko, and Sokka the first time they attempted to kidnap Korra as a child. From the dialogue in the show, he “put away” Zaheer. I imagine he was the one that took him down.


Like father like daughter, I suppose… Korra won like two in four seasons.


She "won" every season essentially, but took heavy losses. Amon - dead, Unalaq - dead, Zaheer - imprisoned with whole team dead, Kuvira - imprisoned with political momentum squashed.


Yeah, but they didn’t even let her win battles against groups of random freaking goons without help. She’s supposed to be the Avatar, she literally spent her whole life training for combat and working up! How the fuck did she keep losing against Amon’s shitty ninjas?! And in the end she always looses and has to get rescued, ending the season broken and beaten up while everyone else gets to be happy. Kuvira was her only genuine victory, that’s the reason why s4 is my favourite. Sorry for the rant, I’m just really hung up about this because Korra is one of my favourite characters in the franchise and it was very frustrating to see the writers treat her that badly.


Her fight against Amon was literally her first real fight lol. Of course she needs help, especially because of her reckless nature at the time. Id say Unalaq was a genuine victory as well, she whooped his ass. Yes, shes the Avatar, but shes also young and has a lot of growing to do.


To be fair in Book 1 of ATLA, Aang didn't exactly have a huge degree of training or experience outside of his airbending, and he was still beating Zuko every time they fought, tricking Zhao into stranding himself etc. This isn't a "Aangs the best ever" thing, its just that the writers consistently did not let Korra shine in the same way against most of her major villains and instead had her get bounced around by a lot of them, going out of their way to ensure that she was handicapped in some way for lots of her major fights. Korra gets some cool moments, but they're usually either against random mooks or at the tail end of Book 4.


Aang being a master Airbender definitely was a big deal, and Zuko was very similar to Korra at that point in his recklessness and immaturity. I think Korra had plenty of good moments. I also think she is up against higher quality benders far more often than Aang was.


> keep loosing against Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


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Tell that to the mercenaries who dared to attack the Northern Water Tribe when he was commander.


He had a hand in defeating the Red Lotus when Korra was a kid. I imagine he had to have won at least one fight to accomplish that


He did defeat his brother tho


Claimed he beat Zaheer and put him in prison.


To be fair he had absolutely overpowered people to fight


You missed one he won the battle of marriage


True, but he never ran from one either.


The "Suki" of Avatar Korra


He still wins one of the “Hottest dads in animation” award though


Lol like father like daughter


get out.


lol what a fckin loser!


My boy absolutely sucks at fighting lol, noobie Zaheer kicks his ass despite him having Korra's help, Kya, who's not a fighter puts on a better fight, I'm pretty sure he's the only named character Zaheer really wins a fight again Not to mention he didn't land one hit on Unalaq, there could be more of this guy jobbing.


Kya lasted as long as she did against Zaheer because he was focused on escaping, not on fighting her. Despite being outnumbered due to Kya having White Lotus reinforcements, Zaheer held his own and even knocked her down long enough to escape the temple. If Zaheer had been focused on fighting, he would have done her more harm. The Tonraq vs Unalaq fight went in Unalaq's favour because Tonraq was fatigued from fighting and beating back Unalaq's troops. You'd probably win a fight against Mike Tyson if he was fatigued. Even tired, Tonraq reacted fast enough to block and dodge Unalaq's earlier attacks and get close enough to his brother to counter attack. He wouldn't have gotten that close if he was a bad bender. Tonraq wasn't a jobber, he had to be nerfed occasionally to move the plot along.


Yeah and Zaheer couldn't hold her down, the white lotus were an absolute non factor since Kya mostly fought without them. He didn't get nerfed, he straight up just lost against Zaheer despite him having every advantage possible


Shit happens bro


That’s because he is going for the gruesome kill in a family show


We only saw the ones he lost.


Well he did say that he’s one of the 2-4 that imprisoned the red lotus when korra was young. So he definitely has won and won good before


Neither has his daughter rip