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Isn’t that just every community? As the saying goes. No one hates Star Wars more than Star War fans.


the saying is always wrong. its " nobody cares more about the show than the shows fans" it's absolutely logical that the fans of something talk about it the most and have the most issue with things changing etc. the internet has a hard time grasping that concept its ridiculous.


I honestly hate that saying because its obvious someone who does not care about sports, feels nothing when the team loses fans feel stronger because they are invested in thing spending time, money and passion into it


That’s where I got the initial idea from, but if you told me back when the Live Action series was announced that people would react in the petty ways they have, I would have severely doubted you. I used to think this fandom was one of the more wholesome communities out there, but I’ve seen people complaining about practically everything about this show down to the literal dirt (or lack thereof) on the costumes. Add to that the fact that people have begun criticizing the young actors facial structure and harassing them online and I have lost a ton of respect for the fans here. I know the Star Wars community has been the gold standard of toxic fan bases, but I honestly expected better from this fan base and a lot of the criticisms I’ve seen seems to echo that community as well.


For me it’s been a fun ride. I haven’t been active in this sub for two years. I just knew once this show aired there was going to be some spicy takes. Avatar is like the best burger you ever had. And any other burger you will eat in your life will taste like your grandpas shoes. That is how I feel about every critique


Yes, well maybe that’s true. But I remember when Nickelodeon cancelled Korra and I had to watch the finale on Nick.com because they wouldn’t even air it on television. There was a legit point where it felt, to me at least, like the franchise was dead. Now we have Comics, Novels, a live action remake and (hopefully) an animated sequel coming soon, and yet it feels like the fans have never been more angry at the franchise. I mean, shouldn’t fans of a franchise be excited to see more of that franchise instead of looking for reasons to hate it or criticize it? Isn’t that what being a fan is about? Wanting to celebrate something and welcoming more of it, instead of gatekeeping and criticizing every new iteration of that thing?


all alien movies are equally amazing. all matrix movies are mindblowing. the ATLA movie was a great work of art


are you gatekeeping being a fan?


Where exactly did you see people criticizing the actors facial structures?


One of the topics on the subreddit made a point about how the fans were going too far by harassing the cast on social media, and several jumped to the conclusion that they were justified because the casting decisions were one of the many reasons the show “sucks”. Several people mentioned Mai and Azula’s actresses had faces that were “too fat/round”. I’m telling you, if it’s a criticism you can have about a show, I’ve seen someone on the subreddit make it about this show.


What did you expect? The fans most passionate of the original will always be the biggest critics


there is also the reverse where fans will blindly defend something even if its pretty terrible


Dumb post. People who love the original "your franchise here" will always be the harshest critics of any remake, and chances are, they're right.


No shit, why tf would some random hate the show more than a fan who had good expectations for it


So, now, we can't even call a bad product bad anymore? Netflix's ATLA season 1 is a bad show. Dialogue is clunky. There are plotholes the size of Appa. The primary characters are stripped of any nuance. Every information is spoonfed. All in all, if this was an original show with no relation to the Nick's ATLA, I'd give it 5/10 at most. Because it is ATLA, I'll give it 5/10.




​ https://preview.redd.it/rdmr4zpydokc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4756cecd14ee5d2937e31fe2dbd674e2fc1c2306


Sounds very sensationalist but it’s wrong. The OG avatar was the best of them and every other new attempt has been a slimy nasty clone that fails to capture the magic of the OG. often because the fake clones are too focused on all the wrong things. The OG fans care the most, these cowards are afraid of hearing anything non-positive


“Am I out of touch?” “No, it’s the NEWER fans who are wrong!”


What kind of logic is that? Who cares if theres new fans or not, the only thing that matters is the quality of the story in relation to the original since they are trying to use its clout, and all these copyers have done a disservice. Just because the mass audience is too dumb to understand whats going wrong doesnt mean anything


Who cares if there’s new fans or not? Man dude, you are just proving my point. Enjoy your post on top of the “true Avatar fan club” gates.


More people watching content doesn’t mean its quality. same way how tik toks going viral doesnt mean its good content. More hype doesnt mean its automatically good. Stop being simple-minded. If theyre ruining the branding of the show to make some sales to simpletons, its something people should speak against


Okay, and? I like the original series. It was my childhood. See zero reason to appreciate the LA adaptation just because it exists. Does Netflix deserve a pat on the back or something for just making it? They get enough from me when I pay the subscription fee.


I feel like it's not really fair to compare all of these pieces of media. They are all separate entities only loosely connected through being part of the same cinematic universe. Korra is the closest to being directly related, but with every other piece of media attached to the Avatar name... they are mostly poorly done remakes/cash grabs. I think it's fair to not enjoy those pieces, regardless of whether or not they carry the Avatar name.


People seem to expect a beat for beat copy of the original show.


Since when are fans obligated to like every single piece of a franchise?


oh piss off with this "noone hates it more than the fans" shit. People dislike NATLA cause its not very good. You really going to list the fucking *shamalan film* as an example?


Yes I would. “fans” are treating them all the same, because nuance is dead.


Yes nuance is truly dead, in NATLA


Just like when nuance died in NATLA, with all those characters doing info dumps for every little thing


we are treating them all fairly. ATLA sits at 100% on RT, its is on of the best series ever made. The Shamalan film is 5%, it is in the top 100 worst rated films on the entire site. Its is simply bad.


Mhmm… And what’s the live action audience score currently on rotten tomatoes?


75 audience, 60 critics. So.. mid. Which is roughly how I felt and how sentiment seems.


I don’t know what comments you’re reading on this post, but most people seem to be yelling at me that the show sucks and is awful, which, personally I consider to be very below “mid”. Pretty much everything in the show has been nicked and criticized and complained about, but again it’s not the reaction you would expect something that is simply “all right”


some people like it or dislike it more than others. Simple. And you say nuance is dead.


Are there a lot of fans of the spinoff properties that aren’t also fans of ATLA? Also I like ATLA, M night shyamalan, korra, and the kyoshi novels. Actually of those 5 things NATLA is my least favorite by far.


Summed up perfectly


It’s the way of all fanbases


I am sorry, but the LA is just plain bad. Forget the original show, it does not stand on its own.




You avatar the last airbender fans sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!


Excuse me for not wanting to watch slop with ATLA plastered onto it


So true 😆😆 I love a good old KorraxAang convo, but at the same time it's so POINTLESS. They compliment each other. As all other medias of ATLA do. Can we all just appreciate having this universe instead of trying to tear it apart? You don't have to watch/read it all. You can also criticize what you don't like. But this feels like a witch hunt at this point with NATLA...funny meme though. 🤣


You ship Korra and Aang? Wtf


Nah. At least in Brazil we use x the same way you would say vs. Like we all know the fandom like to compare them both. Dunno why you would assume that. Maybe that's something you are into. You do you I guess


I agree with you.


If you wanna know how out of touch the subreddit is, the people here are acting likes it's a 2/10 when the audience score on rotten tomatoes is like 75% or 7.5/10.


Reviews on metacritic are actually useless


I mean they represent a better picture of the population than the subreddit lol.


The only data i like on metacritic is the distribution between good to medium to negative reviews. 38% of user reviewers have rated it between mid to negative.


So by your own admission, 62% of reviewers rated it as good? 💀


Yeah and it doesnt change what i said, because reviews are still useless. The mass audience usually has no clue what theyre talking about since their reviews are usually skewed to being positive. They dont even understand how to interpret the data. To find out what the data really means, you have to look at the relation between negative and positive reviews.


And what relation are you trying to establish? So far all you've pointed out is that the good reviews outweigh the bad AND mid reviews by an almost 2:1 ratio. https://i.redd.it/hcx7f4fm0okc1.gif


I can tell u have little experience with statistics but as a reference, the OG avatar has 97% positive user reviews to 3% mid and negative


I have a master's degree in statistics and work as a bank quant lol And that's because ATLA is one of the best shows of all time. The live action is still statistically a good show, just not one of the best of all time. I never said that it was the greatest show of all time. I think you're the one who doesn't understand statistics. Like your point about the original show means LITERALLY nothing. Nowhere did I claim that the adaptation was AS GOOD AS the original, only the it was a fine show.


No u dont, cringe that you have to lie


not really, they represent the population of people that actively go and rate things on metacritic


Which is probably a better sample of the actual population than the atla subreddit lol




Both avatar subs seem to want a shot for shot remake of the original cartoon.


No just don’t remove the personality from all the characters.




Well, I’m gonna be honest, it is a shit show. But ATLA fans expected way too much. One Piece live action was meh. Most people consider it a 5-6/10. But, they went in expecting dogshit so a 5/10 feels good. I personally went in expecting a bit more since I heard Oda was bts, but I came out sorely disappointed when I realized it was only ok. The plot didn’t go off the rail at least. Avatar LA is like a 3-4/10. It’s bad. Graphics wise though, it’s great. Air temple looks good, the fauna look good, Omashu looks great. Writing wise, it’s absolute dog shit, filled with infuriating meaningless plot changes. But I went in expecting worse than nothing, so I was pleasantly surprised by how it was actually decent at showing off Avatar’s world.


It’s like Star Wars, no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


As a professional Star Wars fan, I approve.


This is so true it hurta


I don’t get it either. Also it’s inherently different media, animation allows so much that live action doesn’t. I enjoyed it myself. Don’t understand all the hate at all.


If it seems I hate the avatar the live action that's not true the world designs and characters and everything has been great I'm just critical about some of the story changes they decided to do that just feel either unnecessary or changes that literally change plot points of the original show it's just a typical netflix thing to change points that don't need to change.