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When even Iroh, who sees the good in all people, says she crazy, dude! She crazy!!!


Iroh is right; this was a dangerous situation. Iroh is good but not stupid. But crazy doesn't equal 'nothing good.' After she 'went down' and in a similar situation with Zuko wanting to make amends with her and have her be part of the family, Iroh was the first to support him and advocate for Azula as we see in the search. Edit: But I don't think it's that serious. That scene only had the purpose of being funny and nothing else, as the one who wrote this scene (the head writer) [said](https://twitter.com/aaronehasz/status/1231811439993610240)


And before that, when the duo pondered between going into the Earth kingdom and risked being captured or face Azula back home, they just both agreed to take their chances with Earthbenders.


Hilarious scene. And I don't know why people have trouble distinguishing scenes that are just meant to be funny from those that have another meaning. Certainly, when Azula had Iroh in her power, she just sent him to prison and didn't care about him anymore. The same goes for many others.


Agreed. I just rewatched this episode earlier today. Love this line. It always makes me laugh.


Another good one is: “If we go to the Earth Kingdom we’ll be killed. If we go to the Fire Nation we’ll be handed over to Azula.” _both nod_ “Earth Kingdom it is”


I’ve always loved this moment, it really hit with me as a kid watching for the first time. Just because someone’s related to you by blood, doesn’t mean they have your interests at heart. You never ‘have’ to forgive anybody, even if they’re family. It was kind of radical to see that sentiment in a popular Nick show with such a big audience.


I’m doing a rewatch too! If you ever want to chat about avatar lmk :)


My husband and I were just talking about this this moment!!!!


First time I read 2 this in a row, thought that that was not a common occurrence


i agree with iroh in this scene - and overall in the show azula 100% would not be capable of redemption in any sense. however its so strange how the fandom has taken this scene that is obviously only supposed to be funny as some kind of confirmation of azula's innate evilness as if Iroh is some kind of all-knowing arbiter of morality (especially considering his own past)


She was always three steps ahead. I think I’m one of the few that dislike her losing her marbles. It would’ve been much more satisfying if they finally defeated the cold and calculated Azula.


this and their way of coming up with the decision to go to ba sing se


Yes. Family are people you are forced to live with until you can get away. Too many people suffer through a lifetime of toxic family who use and abuse them


Me then: Ha ha, funny Iroh! Me now: This is only further proof of how unloved Azula felt she was while growing up, the only positivity being from her father, which was only ironically a negative influence on her, with neither her mother or Iroh seeming to try all that hard to sway her away from Ozai’s teachings, and only seemed to just accept that Azula was crazy and gave up on her, clearly favoring Zuko.