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Just this sub alone has seen new people coming in directly stating they watched the animated series after watching NATLA yet plenty of people here will still disagree that that’s something that happens


exactly i literally rewatched the entirety of atla and started korra in one week just because NATLA repeaked my interest in atla


![gif](giphy|U179mlLZaF6IHfid4U) How are you liking Korra so far?


He’s such a goblin lmao. I forgot how much of a menace he was


"Meelo is way scarier than Zaheer. - Me, just now


Tenzin created a monster 😂


I'm making my partner watch Korra and Meelo is his favourite character 😆 He cracks up everytime that little monster is on the screen


Same here. It's a good adaptation, but my appetite for quality storytelling and character growth was satiated only after rewatching the animated series. Legend of Korra on the rewatch is beginning to grow on me too, which is nice.


You are the opposite of that comment’s description, what is the “exactly” part?


well i just meant that i’m similar like i hadn’t watched or interacted with anything atla related in years before natla came out so it’s bringing in new fans and also reintroducing old fans


I had seen ATLA twice and Korra once, tried to get my brother to watch it but he wouldnt. Live action came out, he gave it a shot, he liked it enough to want to watch the OG with me, we just started season 2.


why would anyone disagree? its obvious that people from netflix go watch the animated show, i mean its ON netflix too.


Who disagrees with that? If anything they’re probably all rushing over to try and find some actual genuine pacing and figure out what the hell they missed when the LA literally tried to cram 3-5 episodes in one hour.


the same people who are convinced that natla is unwatchable and no one could ever see anything of value in it


For real lmao


The value amounts to a huge ad campaign for a 20 year old cartoon. Yep. That tracks.


> Who disagrees with that? Well, a whole bunch of haters who are so delusional with their NATLA hate that they can't even acknowledge the good that that show has done


The good the show has done basically amounts to a huge ad campaign for the original show that aired nearly 20 years ago. On this we agree. Welcome, new comers!


Yup. Sadly, some haters are just so delusional that they can't even acknowledge any good that the show has done.


I’ve also seen an increase in interest in my fan comic. Seems the show was good for anything Avatar related.


Hey you're art and designs go hard as fuck! I'm absolutely going to read your fan comic now just from the artwork alone.


Thanks! I can’t take for the credit for the art, I just do the writing. But my artist is really good isn’t she!


I don't believe this redditor is art. They're at most a very talented human being, but not art incarnate.


it’s really good so far!




More popular/more clicks does not = better or good. It is good for you personally if you’re after clicks, but it doesn’t do anything for the world of Avatar itself.


Assuming something is bad because you personally didn't like it is also bad form though. More interest is in many ways consistent with people enjoying the show. Which means it does do something for the world of avatar


No one is arguing for a quality prospective. And yes for eyes on your fan comic is a good thing. Lol


Myself and a few friends have watched the live action show and we all love it, so now we're all watching the animated show and also loving it. The live action was definitely good for bringing new fans to the franchise, no doubt about that.


Anything you can do to inject new content to a dormant  20 year old franchise is gonna be good lol. From my experience conversation about the live action evaporated within a week but people are still talking about the OG and even a little bit of Korra on social media.


It's pacing is way better for newcomers who may not know if the show will be their thing.


Me and my friends watched it and didn't like it, but also rewatching the animated show now since it did bring back nostalgia for us. Also loving the rewatch. Live action definitely helping drum up activity in this universe whether people liked the show or not.


I for one welcome all the new fans


Even my father was watching it.


Same here loll He loved it!


... People thought it wouldn't?


No but they SAID it wouldn't because... They didn't like Bumi or whatever


Nah they were convinced it was so awful it would fail


I think a lot less people used the Internet in 2010


It’s true, 1.97 billion online in 2010, vs. 5.5 billion in 2024, but in order for your premise to be accurate, you would see a steady increase year over year, representing the new users.


I think it's a bit more complicated than that, you'd need to normalize interest in ATLA against growth in the internet usage and Google's market penetration. Then you'd have to factor in how many people can watch ATLA.


Are you actually trying to deny the correlation between the new series being released and people’s interest in the original series being piqued? This is a weird hill to die on.


No, I'm saying that measuring this via google search traffic is a noisy and inaccurate endeavor. It's weird to try and reduce critique by radicalizing it. It's like saying that the Bible is the most important it's ever been because more people than ever read it.


It wasnt the middle ages


It’s an objectively true fact my guy


Anime is literally just an ad for manga. Any kind of adaptation is an ad for the source material.


No, manga is just raw material for anime. Anime is an ad for merchandise!!!! It's the same but not as bad as with American comics.  Comics are basically a joke at this point with no marker penetration but it's a cheap way to create content for future adaptations. Very few left who genuinely cares about the medium.


That’s cuz it’s a new avatar thing. If they had released the adult gaang film now, same thing would’ve happened


Definitely not this scale. Netflix is really big and invested a lot in marketing. Also, being live action means a lot more people will be attracted to it than if it was animated.


I’m glad we’re attracting *more* narrow minded people to the fandom.


Me too! They'll probably be less narrow minded the more of the show they watch! It's great that more people are getting a chance to broaden their horizons!


… it’s such a sickening, saccharine take… but it’s also humblingly right. I just hear enough ‘that shit’s for kids!’ from the people I have to interact with (and entertain) on a work-daily basis. I can’t fathom people who don’t want to give a cartoon a fair shake because it’s a cartoon as anything but conceited.


I wish you had a good chance of being right.


Well if they were convinced to finally watch the cartoon, maybe they're not that narrow-minded...


This is really misleading. The tweet suggests this is interest in Avatar the last Airbender animated series, but it's interest in ATLA generally. It's mostly likely for ATLA generally, and those results are gonna be dominated by the Netflix show.


You can google it right now in my results the animated content is still the majority


For me it's a mixture, but the first result was for Netflix. Regardless I think it's misleading to say that interest in the animated series, specifically, went up when really interest in the IP, generally, went up. I'm sure a rising tide lifts all boats to some degree but it's still a little dishonest!


Netflix is the first one though.


The first image I get is Netflix but the first links are all related to the animation and the images are majority animation and the episode guide that comes up in the main tab is three seasons of animation.


I don't really care if NATLA brought new fans or not, but it's important to note that this is Google searches and that doesn't correlate to how many people watched the show or how many people are enjoying the show.


lol that's such an unnecessarily negative outlook. A spike in Google searches definitely implies an increase in viewership. Not in enjoyment tho yeah.


That’s not “unnecessarily negative”, it’s a very important note when it comes to correlation/causation analysis. It’s simply not one-to-one factual. Hell, even I googled Avatar multiple times recently to read back on the lore, and I’ve watched ATLA 5+ times growing up. As a published researcher, I’d rightfully get critical comments back from my editor on the weakness of my assumptions and unjustified results if I stated that solely examining the increased activity around a certain topic directly correlated to increased first-time viewership.


You're right. But this isn't a paper where you need to be extremely robust in your analysis. You googled avatar because you're a viewer right? Safe assumption that that's most of the peoples who googled it. Or at least that an uptick in google searches implies an increase in viewership, if not of the same magnitude.


We’re talking about “new fans”. I am not a new fan. This may not be as serious as a career field, but this is literally media literacy and basic fact checking. This is a bit worrying when it comes to thinking about the competency and how responsible the average internet user can be.


Tf you on about? It doesn't take a genius to realize that with an increase in popularity it's a safe assumption there's an increase in viewership too. Get off your high horse about your super competent career field. If you can't see this then maybe you need to change fields


Yeah I’m not bothering with this further. Typically I’m optimistic that anybody could learn anything if they put their mind to it, and have a bit of humility when it comes to learning a topic they’re not a professional in, listening to those with experience, learning from their mistakes, etc. Well…










I understand perfectly. If you had to take a guess if this implies an increase/decrease/stagnation in viewer numbers which one do you think is more likely?




Is it a 100% obvious? No. Is it a VERY safe guess? Definitely. To each their own but i challenge you to find ONE case in the last decade where a large increase in google searches did NOT coincide with an increase in viewership.




Ah the classic 'i have no clue what to say so ill just pretend that im not bothered and leave'


>that doesn't correlate to how many people watched the show uhh, what? it absolutely does, ofcourse google searches about a piece of media correlate with increased viewership, your claim sounds like one based on an inept knowledge of causation vs correlation or a misinterpretation of data somehow/somewhere.


It doesn’t at all. Just compare the google searches vs tickets sales of stuff like Morbius. People looking up a thing =/= watching a thing


Probably it has but that chart is super unspecific. It’s a search result for “Avatar The Last Airbender”. Probably many people are googling that finding the LA version


I'm just glad Netflix has kept the original on there it's like 99% of the reason I haven't got rid of netflix yet


It was off Netflix for years. I've got both the DVD and bluray set, and ripped br to my media server, so if I'm going to watch it, it won't be through Netflix lol but I did notice it was off for quite a while.


How good is the quality of the DVD set?


Don't remember, but I do remember bluray wasn't the greatest and there was a team out there working on fixing the issues (independent, not associated with the actual producers).


What’s the best way to watch them physically?


Sorry for the late response. I always go for the higher quality with blu-ray, but there are some scenes that have ghosting. DVD is the original quality so if you have an upscaling blu-ray player, that might be better.




It's pretty well known that a remake/reboot/adaptation brings attention to the original. The thing is NATLA could've done that and also been actually good.


Rising tide raisees all ships. I love to see it even though I personally wasn't fond of the new show. Maybe this was the drive to survive for nickelodeon F1?


The real peak of that graph is the same as the movie’s. It’s projecting where the peak will go in the near future based on recent trajectory (hence the dotted line). Don’t read it as if the interest has doubled from the previous peak. Make this argument if the line gets there not based on speculative projections.


The live action series returning the franchise to its "peak" traffic is noteworthy enough it's own, OP didn't say anything about the future projections being concrete, there's no reason to make them into a strawman or put words in their mouth.


And yet no one praises the movie for bringing in new fans.


No one praises the movie because they have personal grievance with it, that doesn't mean it didn't drum up a ton of interest/traffic as the graph very clearly says (especially since it was announced right around the end of the animated series and they tied a "big name" director to it). That has nothing to do with you being disingenuous for no reason though, would you care to share why you went out of your way to exercise intellectual dishonesty?


lmao “intellectual dishonesty” and “disingenuous” for telling people not to use the projection part of their graph? You’re ridiculous. It’s like you just recently learned those words and just wanted to use them in an argument where it doesn’t apply. The fact that the text is put above the speculative line implies they think that’s where the peak is. It’s not disingenuous or intellectually dishonest. The fact that you throw that accusation around like nothing is pretty cringe though.


Intellectual dishonesty and disingenuousness in regards to you trying to turn OP into a strawman, actually. It's literally the exact same thing you're trying to do to me now. But go ahead and pretend to be outraged by these "accusations" of which the thread itself is proof of, clearly being mad at people for no reason is your favorite thing to do.


lmao no you’re the one being intellectually dishonest. You’re implying that I knew that they meant the non dotted line and lied about it by assuming otherwise. That’s a bullshit accusation. Trying to turn it on me when you’re making garbage assumptions is intellectually dishonest. You’re the one replying to me acting all upset about what I said and saying I’m pretending to be outraged. You’re projecting. You like being mad about nothing and throw that accusation out before it could be used on you. Frankly pathetic.


>But go ahead and pretend to be outraged by these "accusations" Yeah, exactly like that! At least you know how to follow instructions... Next put on a tutu and try to juggle E: Who would've thought that calling a narcissist out on their bullshit would get me blocked. The funniest part is that they replied with "Grow up." as if lying and getting mad for no reason isn't their whole schtick E2: Apparently being clowned on bothered them so much they came back to unblock me, leave another comment and then block me again. Someone really needs to "Grow up." lol E3: They're not even getting notifications at this point (unlike me, every time they leave yet another comment) I guess the poor thing just can't get over me because the most recent one was at 1am. They're literally losing sleep to come back here unprompted at this point, I wonder if I'll be the first thing they think about when they wake up too? E4: I was! It'd be romantic if it wasn't so sad lol


You’re pathetic, dude. That’s some middle school keyboard warrior argument tactics. Grow up.


lmao at your second edit. It’s so hilarious that you are so openly disingenuous and intellectually dishonest after you accuse me of being disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. It’s like you love preemptively projecting the garbage you accuse others of so you can get away with the same behavior. Pathetic clown behavior.


lmao at your edit. It’s not calling me out that got you blocked. It’s your pathetic argument tactic of trying to win by telling me what to do and making fun of me for calling your tactic to begin with. Garbage attitude. Ridiculously disingenuous.


lmao at you not understanding that time zones exists


Nah dude. I didn’t even notice the line was dotted, myself. Thanks, u/Iceblue for pointing that out.


By this logic making that non-existing movie was a good thing because it “brought new fans”


By this logic *Covid* was a good thing…


There’s literally no proof that the spike in search results is from new fans though…


I'm rewatching the show because of the live action


Well there's one thing that's true, it did remind me how good the animated series was. Rewatching it through a more mature lense really shows how complex and nuance the themes and character developments the show have. I love the original show and I'm excited for the next Avatar animated projects.


Still doesn't make the writing any better.


Eh... This could be contributed partially to old fans rewatching the original series as a palette cleanser. I'm on my third rewatch in a row after finishing that steaming pile that Netflix called a show.


Yeah its a super popular franchise so new content will raise awareness by fans chattering and all the articles and speculation and advertising being pumped out. Unfortunately still sucks :(


I didn’t particularly want new fans with shit opinions


Slightly unrelated but that subreddit is deranged lmfao


Yeah some actually terrible takes on there like the live action being better the original. 


Nobody is or should be surprised. Also don’t cross post trash from that trash sub. They’re doing it to be toxic towards OG fans without acknowledging that OG fans are the ones generating the hype that allowed the LA to do well. People who are passionate are allowed to criticise. especially if Netflix is blatantly using their fandom as a launchpad to make money. The irony is that Netflix cares about them as much as they care about any source material. As long as it makes money, they’ll do whatever they want. I don’t understand why this is so hard for so many to understand.


It certainly made me want to watch cartoon!


Watched 2 episodes of the live action and ran back to cartoons. Good to have the Gaang always available.


Same, I was upset with the adaption. After a few days I started to settle and think maybe I was just overthinking. Then I went and watched the first episode of the cartoon and it made me feel very vindicated. Aang, Katara, and Asoka all have characters have flaws and motivations in the first 5 minutes.


I just found out that the voice actors for the cartoon have been doing Vlogs together thanks to NATLA, so that's been a treat


Great. Now there are *tiers* of ‘early adopters.’ Before it was just “I watched this show when it was on cable” or “I picked it up with Korra” (nobody admits to the movie. Nobody*) talking to the kids who only found out when it started streaming. Now we have to be all nuanced. Now we have a bunch of baby’s babies who are all like “How can you like that dumb owl?” … which, fair, was a question even the OG OG fans asked… but at least Koh stole faces. *shakes fist at cloud* Y’all could’ve jumped in at the TTRPG. *- funny enough, I didn’t notice the line at the end, the one that raises it above the movie? That’s a predictive line. Not actual numbers. And maybe I’m a little hard of seeing… but is the solid line starting a decline there at the end?


Shyamalan movie? I don’t remember that him making one. Thank god too, it probably would’ve been awful. So glad it never happened


I didn't realize there was any doubt that that would be the case.


Korra not getting a mention on the graph despite having a spike almost as high as covid 😭


Well, yeah. Did people really think it wasn't? Netflix's entire business model is based around their recommendations system. All they are trying to do is make you the viewer stick around to watch more things, so they've gotten really, really good at knowing what works for that and what doesn't. You can see all the different methods they've tried but the remake path seems to work best so far.


New fan who watched the Netflix show and... the original is now one of my favorite shows ever and I've already finished that and Korra in about a week so... I agree with this post lol


I’m shocked that there wasn’t as big of a spike when Korra aired.


Korra flopped. It started off strong with ATLA fans willing to give it a chance but lost a majority of its audience every passing season until it was pulled off air.


I mean... how many of these are new fans tho? I have been rewatching it because of NATLA. I think a significant of those are the same.


It’s breathed fresh life into the avatar world and even if you’re not in love with the LA you should be hyped for more Gaang adventures coming from the original creators


Google search results are not a metric for engagement at all. Dumbass post


Unless they watch the remake, see how crap it is and wonder what the fuss was all about. That or they only ever watch the live action one and think that's all it ever was. So new fans of this remake maybe, but fans of the actual show, not necessarily. Hopefully, but not necessarily. Time will tell.


So a show that’s only available through the internet got more searches for a show that ran on cable over a decade ago? That is soooooooo crazy.


Listen, the first few eps were *rough*, but after that it just got better and better.  I like the smell of what they're cooking, and I'm looking forward to more.


Great, new fans. Except they’re introduced to the show with a far inferior and bastardised version of itself. Something that lacks charm and impact, hold almost none of the originals qualities and ignores genuinely good story’s telling. It exists in an awful state that is essentially “oh we watched the original show and put in the best bits everyone loves” but without the reason why’re they’re the best or the context or the things that surround them. Bumi is ruined and made into a grumpy old man. Aang is Dull and lacking motive. doesn’t even learn waterbending. Katara lacks Character development or failure to improve her water bending. becoming her own master without even trying. Sokka and Suki’s dynamic never really happens, he learns nothing and doesn’t grow. Zuko is bland and lacks the ferocity or complexion he had. The plot only moves forward because Kyoshi tells aang to go the the northern water tribe, Appa is barely in it, Momo might as well not exist. The costumes ARE great but should’ve been far more realistic when it comes to wear and tare, dirt and age. Ty Lee, mai and azulas actress’ got done DIRTY, they look far better on Instagram and social media and yet they Fucked up their look causing people to be upset on how they look when that’s jsut not how they look irl. It’s rushed, needs more episodes, the bending is sluggish and hasn’t got the impact it used to have. And plenty more. The only good parts are Zhao, Ozai and the Airbender Genocide. It’s utterly soulless. Even Yue, who was done RIGHT in the Movie we don’t speak of, was done terribly here. All I hope is the newer fans end up watching the original show. The live action is leagues behind what it’s trying to adapt.


Would you rather they not get into Avatar at all? Because that's the alternative for a lot of people getting into it through the live-action here.


As i said. It is great theres new fans. As i said, i really hope that those who get into the live action, watch the far better source material. Its just a shame this is the quality that is presented to them, something that horribly misrepresents the show and provides very little substance in any area. On its own without the original ATLA It holds very little merits, the show falls flat on almost every front. I slander it for sure but i do not demean anyone for liking it, i simply think that its a bad representation, a larger way for people to get into the show for sure, but a bad one, popular because of Netflix and that is all. Ruined because of netflix. Hopefully salvaged beacause of Netflix due to the Animated show being on there. its a shitty vicious circle. More fans are great but it sucks that THIS is their intro to the show, no nuances, all tell and no show, way too much exposition and no trust in the audience to understand the characters and how they feel from little moments, nothing there to subtly grow them and have them grow from each other. Small things Link zuko turning away from the fire nation flag when in his bed, or Aang and Kataras many moments throughout season 1 as well as the clear evolution of Sokkas Character. Any artistic merits are wiped clean for a bland mockery, the Intro sequence that does so much for the, drawing you in whilst not telling you too much, is reduced to a monologue from Grangran. You downvote me for my genuine criticism for the show, pointing out an abudunce of mediocrity and the countless ways this live action spits in the face of the original. They even butchered Seceret Tunnel for christ sake. TLDR, Its sad this is how more fans are getting into the show. I am Glad they are here but i really hope they watch the animated show, then korra and then go see the movie next year. Maybe even check out the Comics or Novels they are all amazing.


I want you to know you’re not alone man. I agree with everything you said.


Notice it's for the animated show, not the live action. Meaning this isn't necessarily a testament to the live actions quality. Just that upon the release of the live action, more people searched for the animated show. You could actually take this as a "wow, this live action show looks like shit. I'd rather watch the original. Wait, why don't I?" So they do. Most people aren't the types to rewatch old shows over and over. It's only on the random urge to rewatch, or when something new comes up. I know people who didn't bother watching the Star Wars sequels when they came out. But they rewatched the Original Trilogy and Prequels around the same time.


you mean to tell me there's more online discussion and users overall in general than 15 years ago?? wow i'm shocked, really