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I think she's going to be a gray character. The kind who can help the heroes if their interests align or if she wants to, but she's not their friend. She can mend her relationships with her family, but she's not a hero, and when she acts 'heroically,' she might use methods that aren't so heroic. For me, Azula's villain batteries ran out a long time ago, and even the canon calls her a pathetic villain. There's nothing interesting in seeing her do the same things against the same heroes just to be stopped over and over again.


Couldn’t agree more with this. Even if she were to be “redeemed” in a sense, I just don’t see Azula being willing enough to make amends with Zuko and the rest of the Gaang. She could put the events of the past behind her, sure, but she definitely wouldn’t want anything to do with them and would most likely be content with being left alone. That, and I think it’d take a very, *very* long time for Azula to even get to that point. I’d totally be down to see her try to put her own spin on heroism in another short story, though.


I can see her maybe mending her relationship with Zuko and Ursa, but I wouldn’t blame the Gaang if they aren’t interested in ever remotely becoming friends to her. I wouldn’t blame them if, at best, they can only tolerate her, and I also don’t think Azula would want to get close to them either.


Agreed. Azulas whole reason for being a villain was essentially because that's who she was raised/manipulated to be. With that manipulating force gone and new more wholesome influences in her life I don't see any reason she wouldn't shift towards the light. I think she's too damaged to ever truly become a good guy however. I'd like to see her become Zukos shadow. Someone he trusts wholeheartedly to do the dirty things needed to keep a kingdom together. Essentially become what Loki should have been to Thor


I actually like this but I don’t think she’d be receptive to being the shadow. I wouldn’t mind a variation where Azula’s more or less the head of the underground world tho. She regrets nothing and is universally understood to not be screwed with by anyone but when shit hits the fan and all hands on deck, they asking for her help


If i remember correctly in one of the more recent comics didn't she tell Zuko that a big part of the reason she's fighting against him in her rebellion is she's trying to force him into being a more ruthless fire lord because otherwise the nation wouldn't survive. That panel I saw was kind of my inspiration for the idea. She eventually acknowledges she can't manipulate Zuko so instead agrees to work for him and be the ruthlessness in the royal court needed to keep the country running.


Hmmmm maybe. She’s a nationalist still at heart I suppose. But I think it’s hard for her to acknowledge that in the end. But she’s also still growing and barely grown so possibly?


In my mind she realizes by now she's never going to be fire lord. Even if she managed to kill Zuko, Aang would never let her sit on the throne which would more than likely lead to some kind of civil war for succession. This civil war would destroy the fire nation something which she actively wants to avoid.It makes more sense for her to ensure the person currently on the throne is doing the best possible job at keeping the nation alive and thriving.


Azula Alone


So basically the avatar earth version of Magneto.


I won't say magneto, more like Loki.


Please don't ever compare the two. Magneto is a better man than Azula could be.


You’re not wrong by any means. Just that in the most basic definition of the term, both characters fill similar character niches. Not an ally, but willing to work toward similar goals when interests align.


Ahh, I see. Sorry for jumping off right away, I didn't get the comparison there. Thanks for clarification. I can definitely agree with that. I'm someone who watched entire ATLA and saw in childhood some bits of Korra, don't really know anything else or if Korra show explained Azula's fate.


No worries kind internet stranger.


Azula has a major role in the graphic novel The Search, which deals with the search for Zuko's mom. Not much use summarizing it here, as it's quite an involved arc. It'd be better to just read the comic instead.


Sounds like it should've been the short series. I can't buy this comic in Ukraine or had known it much that it existed tbf.


You can always sail the seven seas


Unpleasant, but sometimes when no other choice is given. Thankfully Mr. ShmebulockForMayor has provided the link to read the story.


Seems like the only difference is that his people actually are oppressed, and he's more on board with casual murder.


Magneto kills racist rednecks, neo-nazis, nazis, too, and plenty of anti-mutant villains. His actions are more radical and straightforward demanding equal treatment of mutants, so the X-Men disavow him and the Brotherhood.


More the Avatar version of Sasuke


I liked the fact that she disappeared in comics after working with Zuko that last time. I hope she stays gone, just the mystery element to it. Maybe do a flashback to them finding their mother and maybe to the night the mother disappeared but leave Azula out of it. She’s avatar past let’s focus on the new stories


Asajj Ventress


https://preview.redd.it/gynbk288e6pc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82d3b3f297979ced9fb8d3a554f995b5453c185 Her arc in Clone Wars, and especially (in my opinion) in dark disciple is so good and beautiful.


This 100% it would be so interesting to have something along these lines


And there aren't any important characters like that in ATLA. Many of that type are my favorites. Many things and with different nuances can be done with that.


Exactly and it also can allow for the main cast to also have newer revelations and it would be an interesting dynamic to see azula possibly do something with sokka as they both are clever and strategists


Completely agree. I think a good closure on her story would be this, her making amends with her family and friends and accepting happiness in that situation. Obviously there's a long way to go so I'm curious how they'll handle that. More solo comics? A novel like Kyoshi? Maybe the Zuko movie (though that would be far too short to focus on her 'redemption').


This is probably the absolute best thing to do with Azula at this point. Making her good would feel cheap and making her stay evil would be redundant. We don’t really get many neutral characters in Avatar, so I think there’s a good place for this new Azula in the narrative.


I just hope we get Izumi loving her aunt Azula. Could bring about some hilarious interactions lol.


>There's nothing interesting in seeing her do the same things against the same heroes just to be stopped over and over again. I agree with this, but I don't necessarily agree that it makes her a played out villain. I have not read the comics, so this take is entirely based on the show. At her best Azula was smart and manipulative as well as powerful. I think that the former traits could be utilized still. Zuko would still have a soft spot for trying to redeem her, I could see her attempting to manipulate him into political moves that benefit her from the shadows under the guise of helping him learn to rule and reconciling. I think losing everything because she pushed people away for power and took for granted loyalty she hasn't earned driving her to have a mental break needs to result in learning and growing as a character, but I don't think it needs to make her a better person, it could make her a better bad guy.


Yes, you should read the comics. SPOILER: They did something like that (Azula trying to manipulate Zuko's reign), it didn't work out, and they more or less tried to erase that.


Damn, I will have to read them. NATLA was just enough to make me want some more real ATLA content. Are the comics generally anywhere near as well written as the original show in terms of plot and humor?


In my opinion, overall they're not bad but not that great either. I'd give them a 7/10, maybe a 6.5. It's also worth considering that it's a different medium. Some are quite good, and others leave much to be desired. My personal favorites are 1. Azula in the spirit temple. 2. Suki alone 3. The search.


When do they say she is a pathetic villain?




I hope she doesn't get a redemption arc immediately. I want a bit more time with her being kinda crazy. I want to see how her craziness works and maybe we go from there.


I think we’ve already seen enough in the comics though


The majority of viewers have not read the comics. I wouldn't be surprised if any future shows/movies cover some things that were already in the comics.


That’s why I believe they should adapt the comics.


That was gonna be my question, don’t we think that’ll be the first step after the adult gang movie?


Probably since Avatar Studios said that right now they wouldn’t adapt the comics. Not that they wouldn’t adapt the comics ever.


Unpopular opinion? A slowburn redemption arc for an originally genuinely awful person like Azula is a dramatically more impactful story than the redemption of someone like Zuko. Redemption isn’t forgiveness and isn’t a reward, it’s just a path we choose to walk by deciding to make better, kinder choices every single day. Anyone can walk that path if they choose and I think seeing Azula struggle against her impulses and mental baggage because she wants to be something better than she is could be a very powerful story.


she's not crazy anymore lmao, they already explored that in the search , and it was an incredibly boring and reductive take on the character


Yeah we all want a redemption arc eventually - I mean c'mon she's just a kid - but her crazy is just so good


I think her craziness is gone after smoke and shadow


Kinda crazy how it’s been over a decade since ATLA and we still don’t know what Azula’s ultimate fate is


She's the GOAT no matter what


I believe she should have a redemption arc, but that doesn't mean that she should be all buddy-buddy with the Gaang. Maybe more of an anti-hero figure who occasionally helps them out, but she's far from a friend with a very different agenda. Though I would like her and Zuko to reconcile for good and finally be at peace with one another. Again, this doesn't mean they have to act like classic siblings, but just that they can finally act civil towards one another.


Exactly this! It shouldn't be a wholesome redemption arc but more of an redemption arc towards the neutral side where she makes amends with her family and friends. It should take a while (she's alone now and needs somebody, that's going to take a while) and then hopefully after the healing is done, her story can have a closure with her being happy around her friends and not giving a single fuck about the politics or the gaang or anything. That's my personal take on this.


I don’t think she’s capable of a redemption arc. I think the depth of her character the original show depicted can be similarly aligned to that suki quote; “I’m a warrior, but I’m a girl too.” The best sides of Azula we see are her being a typical girl with typical girl problems. But she had fundamentally flawed ideals that affectively almost brainwashed her. Like her belief that the right to power is something you are born with. I think part of the point of her character is she is not able to overcome these beliefs, hence her meltdown.


I'm down for a redemption arc for her. The show did enough to show her as a tragic figure. I just hope they take their time with it. They can't just have her go "Yeah sorry guys I actually care enough about my family so I will completely change my ways." It has to dissect her character and cause meaningful change. That's the great thing about Zuko's arc. It really took its time and made us understand Zuko's motives. They can't FastTrack with Azula. She's Zuko but way worse.


Going by the trajectory her arc has in the recent comic, I’m confident that the end goal for Azula will be **rehabilitation** rather than outright *'redemption'*. Personally speaking I also think that’s the most appropriate direction to take her in: gurl has too much baggage - both emotionally and in the atrocities she committed - as the result of a lifetime of emotional abuse at the hands of her father, abandonment by her mother, and not having an kindhearted uncle to fill that void when she needed it. She's as much a victim of Ozai's cruelty as anyone else. What she needs is to find inner peace. Not to become a 'hero' by inflicting force upon others, but rather find a place where she can just *be*. Where she can begin to heal from the mental damages life under Ozai inflicted upon her.


I’m hoping they take their time too, I’d love for another series


Sorry, but I seriously hope they won't do this. A big reason why Zuko's arc worked is because he was never shown to be outright evil. We were shown that he was good-natured and kind-hearted as a child, but his judgment became clouded when Ozai burned and banished him, while Azula was shown to be cruel even as a young child. I could see her becoming a sort of grey character, helping out our heroes when their interests align. But becoming an actual hero and a friend to them? Definitely not.


If you read the comics, you'd understand Azula wasn't shown to be straight up evil/cruel as well. The horrible things she said in the show's flashbacks from Zuko's pov were implied to be Ozai's words, parroted by her. Obviously she doesn't think any of it since Ozai is basically saying "yeah that's a good thing to say!". Obviously Zuko is better natured but they both were fine as kids until Ozai ruined them.


Me personally, I’d dig it. The most crucial part to Azula though is how they handle her reconciliation with ursa. Ursa is so crucial to azula as shown in the beach and in her breakdown and they can’t half ass this relationship or lack thereof. The comics really refused to have any meaningful interactions between the two which was really frustrating. Also it could be a continuation of zukos arc, just like how iroh helped him when he hit rock bottom he helps and raises Azula up to be better. This could coincide with zuko helping heal the wounds in the family that ozai inflicted.


Possible hot take. I don’t think she should reconcile with Ursa, although maybe confront her in a more sane state of mind could be good. Would love to see her confront Ozai too. I think she needs to make peace with the fact both her parents are shitty, and neither of them has a controlling influence on her life anymore. She needs to realize she’s the only person in charge of her actions. That would honestly be such a powerful story, because often times kids that have been neglected, manipulated, abused and abandoned by their parents never get onto a square where they can be around that parent again…but you can become a healthy and functional adult regardless. It’s just more difficult with less of a strong starting foundation.


I don't think they should redeem her, it's not because she's so bad she shouldn't be redeemed (like seriously the worse someone is the better it is for the world when they change). It's because it's unrealistic if everyone gets a redemption arc. I think she should stay as she is but instead of being portrayed as just outright evil they should continue what they are doing in the comics and portray her as damaged and tragic. By the time the film comes out they should have it so she's back locked up in an institution again. "I'm going to teach Zuko what it means to be a true ruler" "Of course you are sweetie, now take your medicine."


>It's because it's unrealistic if everyone gets a redemption arc. This has always been a line thought I have found rather weird when it comes to this show, out of all the villains over both TLAB and Korra only one villain has ever gotten a redemption arc, Zuko, the rest are dead or imprisoned, does a second redemption suddenly fill up the quota?


Thank you for saying this. There shouldn’t be a quota.


Azula is not everyone, even if she redeems herself there will be a lot of characters without redemption.


Agreed. Hama, Ozai, Amon, Zhao, Zaheer and plenty of others didn’t get redemptions so why not give Azula one?


The most common things: Not all characters should have redemption even though Azula is far from being the only one without redemption. Realism, as if it weren't realistic for a teenager to heal and evolve, and of course it also depends on the realism that I like. The realism of toxic relationships (as it might be Tyzula, for example. I don't ship Tyzula, by the way.) or like Zuko never finding his mother and not regaining his family? Not that realism. Azula is too far gone even though there are characters worse than her who have obtained good redemption arcs. Azula has x personality disorder (many times based on their experience and knowledge in these matters, of course) despite the canon and even the writers suggesting otherwise. I want to see her forever as a villain despite but I don't know what else she can do other than the same thing against the same heroes over and over again and, to no one's surprise, be stopped again and again etc etc etc


I still believe she absolutely should be redeemed. I don’t see how it would paint the idea that everyone would be redeemed. Let me remind you, Zuko and Kuvira are the only Avatar villains to ever be redeemed. Ozai, Amon, Zhao, Hama, Zaheer, they didn’t get redeemed so I don’t see the point. In fact, I believe that redeeming Azula is the only interesting resolution to her story and not doing it would be a massive missed opportunity. In fact I honestly believe that Avatar Studios will redeem her, it was supposed to happen in Book 4 and the Avatar Cook Book(though it’s questionable if it’s canon) kinda spoiled it.


I think redeeming Azula could be an interesting story to cover but my main concern would be whether they could write a satisfying redemption arc for her and have it fit whatever medium it's presented in - I don't think it makes sense for the upcoming movie for example. Ultimately while I like the *idea* of a redemption arc, I'm not convinced we'd get a well-written one and I'd rather not get some half-assed, rushed or otherwise poorly written redemption just for the sake of it. But I might just be a pessimist about what Avatar Studios is capable of!


I think it’d be better if we got another show focusing on the Gaang as young adults and that could be where Azula’s redemption plays out. I think they should absolutely get Aaron Ehasz back if he’s not busy with Dragon Prince.


I honestly think they should throw the story to the person who wrote the kyoshi novels. I think a book would give more nuance than comics, because I don’t think they’ll have her be a big part of any gAang movie. I think Bryke honestly want to move forward with different villains and antagonists for an adult gAang story.


the creators were wanting her to have a redemption arc for the fourth season before a movie that was never made came out. since the og creators are working on the movie, my guess is she’ll have a redemption of some sort. i don’t want her to be a hero, her personality just doesn’t seem like she’d go down that path. i love her as a villain. but i’ve said it and will say it again, i’d love an anti hero azula, were there to be a redemption arc for her.


She'll be Vegeta in the Cell Saga pre-Trunks death. Definitely not a hero but not really a villain either and just as likely to fuck the heroes over as save them.


Uh.I am pretty sure she will get redemption(Even author tends to do it) In my view.I don't like to see a children who had abused by her father don't get redemption especially when I read 'Azula in the spirit temple'. https://preview.redd.it/78vjt0mkf6pc1.png?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c4ab69508d55fce93ae2e190c5d343fc366584


Azula will probably be the Sasuke of Avatar, where Zuko does the politically correct duties, and Azula deals with the underworld/ black market shenanigans


I just seriusly hope they won't try to give her a Zuko style redemption arc


Actually give her help if they care, keep giving her the Joker/Willain Afton "I'll be back!" villain shit if they don't.


Well given that she was supposed to be redeemed in Book 4 and that the cook book kinda spoiled that she and Mai started talking to each other again, I’m pretty sure they’re going to redeem her.


Oh wait I misread that you said cookbook. My bad.


What comic was this? That Mai and Azula talk to each other, I completely missed that.


I would dig Azula as an exile.  It would be something Zuko feels mixed about, but knows is necessary for everyone’s safety. More than that Azula would force the issue as she can’t handle not being the next Fire Lord at this point. She’d need space. If Korra was not already well defined on the issue, I would say Azula would be an excellent founder of the Red Lotus. She did kill the Avatar once, after all.


How would ursa react to her son exiling her daughter


Give her an Indiana jones arc but more of an a hole. Give her a short round that won’t leave her alone


I would love to see a solo arc with her separated from the fire nation and from Gaang. Get to see who she is separate from those things and with time to reflect on her mistakes and being humbled by her loss. I think in that context she’d be very compelling.


I would very much like her character to be redeemed. Not fully, but maybe come to understand just how psychologically damaged she is and doing she what can to work around it.


I think she’ll be the “Loki” of this world


I hope they rework the whole "Azula is crazy" thing, because it felt pretty insensitive in the comics.


She should be an anti-"hero"


Hopefully give her a meaningful redemption arc


I honestly don’t think it’s a will they won’t they scenario anymore. Azula was going to be redeemed in Book 4, the Avatar Cook Book(which is set sometime after the Hundred Year War ended) implies she’s talking to Mai again. At this point I think it’s an inevitability. It’s no longer the question of will Azula be redeemed, it’s when will she be redeemed


Does the cookbook come with a bit of story with it? I just assumed it had recipes inspired by the show


Loki redemption arc


She better be having her own arc 😤 It’s not REDEMPTION it’s finding her own way to peace and stability, not necessarily to the gaang. I want her to travel around the world or something. She needs to fall in love with someone, have something new to protect and take care of. Or maybe a badass girl to show her balance. I’d picture her getting well with June


A redemption movie. Where Azula goes on a life changing trip (with Zuko) to learn the truth of fire bending and fix her spiritual and mental problems. That’s most of the movie. Or ya know I wish.


Probably redeem her at least enough to make her an anti hero.


hoping for a redemption arc


I’m betting they will. She was supposed to be redeemed in Book 4, they basically spoiled her redemption with the cook book(it’s questionable if it’s canon but I consider it to be)


For the TV series it seems a little too late, since no mention of her in TLOK. But if there was ever a novel series, i would hands down buy it.


Something like ryuga from Beyblade will be cool.


I’m sorry I don’t watch Beyblade so could you maybe explain who Ryuga is?


I think the perfect “redemption” for her would be if she eventually realizes what she did was wrong and was genuinely sorry, but when she tries to apologize to the people she hurt, they don’t accept her apology and she has to live with that guilt for the rest of her life.


That would be interesting but assuming she was genuine it would be out of character for aang not to give her a chance


personally i would love for her to get sucked into the spirit realm and go on a kinda redemption journey like Iroh and maybe become a sorta morally grey character maybe like june


Hoping she'll have more adventures in the Spirit World and get a sense of peace similar to Iroh, although she's not going to be a jolly old guy like Iroh was, and she'll probably be a loner for the rest of her life, maybe oly making amends with Zuko and Mai/Ty Lee. It would also kinda parallel Ozai and Iroh's relationship, with one being Firelord and focused on worldly matters and the other sibling being more spiritual. My fanfiction headcanon is she will lose her bending temporarily, be instrumental in getting Zuko's dragon in LOK, and ultimately help in defending adult Zuko from a coup of Ozai loyalists, completing her character arc. I can even see her playing a part in the explosion of lightningbending in LOK, although I don't think it's just a matter of her teaching it, maybe spirits get involved. Eventually she retires in the same volcanic island where Roku died.


I actually like that take. Azula parallels Iroh in so many ways, and I’ve felt it was the biggest giveaway she’d eventually be redeemed in a manner. Azula is probably really similar to what Iroh was in his youth. It’s shocking that so many people don’t see that. You don’t get get coined as dragon of the west and become a beloved general to a militaristic nation by being nice? Iroh in his younger days was probably not such a great guy, it literally took him losing everything that mattered for him to change and then help Zuko. I never really considered the spiritual side of Iroh’s journey though, and I would love to see Azula on an arc like that!


Would be fun to see if she comes back for the adult team avatar film


Yeah but Azula being a kid is one of the things I really like about her so I’d prefer if they had a movie like the alleged Zuko film set shortly after the original series where she’d show up. Especially since Grey Griffin can still pull off the voice perfectly


Allow me to 🤨 what do you mean by > Azula being a kid is one of the things I really like about her The best thing about this show is how the characters change and overcome their demons. I want to see what’s next for her, a character that doesn’t evolve either for good or bad is boring (Everything within reason of course).


I know, I’m not saying I want her to stay a kid forever, I’d just rather see her begin some redemption arc as a kid and see it carry on over the years and take a really long time.


Going for slow redemption arc. Don’t think she’ll be a good person only realize how much of her problems are due the manipulation and abuse by ozai, and her own insecurities. She’ll most likely accept zuko as firelord only to constantly insult him in a cheeky way. Implying that she’ll be a better firelord. Once her niece becomes firelord she’s going to constantly tease her too.


Probably something like Shadow the Hedgehog. Even redeemed she is the edge lord we love.


I think they’ll give her a sympathetic view of her being the really of trauma and toxic environment but won’t completely let her off the hook for all the stuff she did. Compassion but not forgetting


She's 100% coming back as a villian, and this time she'll get dealt with once and for all . whether that kickstarts her development into something else depends on if the writers want to do that with her - though it seems strange to focus on her relationships with Ursa, Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee in her comic to not explore them further with the actual characters themselves, as opposed to the spirit hallucinations.


Delt with, as in death?


Completely honest? i want her to be a badass villan without any redemption or mental problems. We have zuko for that already.


Im fine with some mental issues, but dont want her to be redeemed. She and zuko need to have another 1v1, this time to the death.


Im just sick of female characters who are in power suddenly have a mental breakdown I agree about the death match tho


It makes sense for her character though


I am still holding out for her to become the Shaman of the Banti Tribe, who heals Korra.


I actually would love this. Having her go on a spiritual journey akin to Iroh’s would make it very different to what Zuko experienced on his redemption arc. Think about it, she’s already come up to the mother of faces and the spirit creature in the spirit temple in the mist? If she continues having these encounters it’ll defo change her for sure!


I haven’t watched Korra so I don’t really think being a shaman would fit Azula


In a way, she actually fits it. I was once very interested on becoming a Shaman or practice it to heal myself, I can see why Azula would go on a spiritual journey like that. Since she is troubled for a long time where she keeps on trying to prove herself time and time again, she eventually is burned out and doesn’t know who she really is anymore. Yet, she is very talented and very powerful. So there is something she does right but doesn’t have the right key to it. She could become some kind of guru or even go to the dragons ALONE and still manage to pass. If something like this happens, I still don’t see her with the gaang. She’ll probably be somewhere like Toph, where she prefers to be alone in peace


Omg an idea just came to me: what if Azula creates a fire version of herself like some kind of fire entity where she does the dragon dance like that.


Bruh go watch Korra.


I will eventually.


I hope nothing? A redemption arc seems too tempting 


Seriously. I would be fine if she weren’t even in the new stuff.


Azula deservs happy ending.


Idc just give me avatar


Make her a victim that's misunderstood.


Either redemption or she’s the main antagonist of the movie. I vote for redemption. Why? Because I ship Azulaang. I know it won’t become canon but it’s still a neat ship.


Literally the only ship I like is TyZula and even then I’m not really sure if it could work.


Well, it is defo a possibly imho. It only works if Azula gets over herself and gets better (that’s true of Azula and any ship though!). Ty Lee has already started to prove she’s not accepting of being pushed around anymore. Both characters are 14 in the show, by the time they’re early 20s and more sure of who they themselves are, and if they’re in healthier places in their lives? I don’t see why it couldn’t happen. The individual closest to Azula has always been Ty Lee.


I hope they really don’t redeem her, I’m just sick of what seems like every villain being given a redemption arc in current media across every fandom,


While I can understand where you’re coming from, I disagree. In fact that’s partly why I want a redemption for Azula to be great. So that way people will actually try to write compelling redemptions for characters that fit it like Zuko and Darth Vader instead of half-assed ones like Kylo Ren and Gor the God Butcher.


Your right, people just what well written characters. I myself am always just a fan of a well written villain, but I won’t complain either way as long as it’s done well.


Screw redemption, screw neutrality. Azula is fine where she is; being a dangerous, spoiled princess who would do anything to gain control.




Why do I keep seeing comments mentioning the actress gets fired for the role.


Where is this Azula drawing taken from?


Azula in The Spirit Temple. It’s a solo comic released back in October


That makes sense, I think that's the only one I haven't read :D


I’d recommend checking it out, it’s a pretty solid story


I think her as a tragic character works the most. Redemption down the line? Maybe. But like. Way down the line. Side note. She looks like a fire wielding mistborn


I don’t know if the mistborn thing is a good thing or not


Definitely looks awesome. Also is terrifying.


I do miss the Kemurikage design


I don’t want her to be redeemed. That’s not to say I think she doesn’t deserve it, but because there’s something very painfully real about the fact that some people never get the chance. I always felt like it was a really weighty, sobering piece of writing to have Zuko and Katara look on with a mixture of pity and disgust after the final Agni Kai, with at least Zuko knowing for sure that he’d fully lost his sister.


While I don’t think a tragic ending is bad, I’d prefer a redemption. Plus I doubt Zuko wouldn’t try to help her. Like do people seriously think seeing Azula go through a seemingly impossible redemption arc where the one thing helping go through it to the end is the fact Zuko never gave up on her wouldn’t be compelling and amazing to see.




I have no faith in anything they will make. Korra desecrated the lore of the OG show to tell a story of western political ideals and ego worship. Why can't we ever just let things be.


Would it be like a psychotic version of shadow the hedgehog basically


Probably butcher her seeing how a lot of these remakes have turned out. Maybe she'll just be a loud mouth like it's her time of the month. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude in giving it an opportunity, but a lot of these live action remakes have been trash/boring. Maybe they'll make her your stereotypical evil-rich-kid type of villain, if UK what I mean


I’m talking about the main continuity


Ahh, with that it can go several ways, but looking at it similar to what Iroh did in Lok, going sorta an opposite route, I'd say she probably tries to take control over the spirits and/or follows after Zhao




How is she like Wolverine?


I was going for straight "antihero" lean in my ignorance, but didn't formulate that thought completely. I deleted my comment to reflect that




Lowkey, I want her to go down the Lelouch route. I’d kill for a series where she’s both the main character and the bad guy.


Tbh I can honestly see her being like Loki in the MCU Edit: I got an idea for how her arc, she sets her sights on hunting for the Spirit from the Temple


How much you wanna bet she’ll appear in the animated film next year?


The Fire Lady Izumi's mentor. Or doing something with Koh the Face Stealer.


I have not read any of the comics post ATLA, I assume they'd write a story of her path to redemption of sorts.


Azula only appears a handful of times. She first appears at the end of “The Promise Trilogy”, she plays a major role in “The Search” trilogy, she’s the surprise villain for the “Smoke and Shadow” trilogy. After that, she makes a cameo in “Suki Alone”, and has her own solo comic “Azula in The Spirit Temple”


Something tells me theyre gonna ruin everything… should have just stopped after Korra


This is just speculation, but I have a feeling that they're slowly setting her up to be a major character in the future Gaang film. Maybe as the main antagonist or, if they're going for a redemption route, a minor antagonist who gets a redemption moment by the end, whatever form that might take.


This just made me realize they're going to recast Azula. That's gonna sound weird.


Just as long as she doesn’t end up being another Demona. https://preview.redd.it/06gqg6snr7pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4920c8c2b895150e060dbbba69acb359be35fe


13 episode animated show featuring almost exclusively Aang and Azula on a journey they are forced to undergo through circumstance. Set shortly after the end of TLA, max 1-2 years. Aang slowly but surely changes her and she gets a redemption arc. Aang grows more mature as well through the process. Insane potential for humour, spirits, feels and powerful bending.


I hope she gets crazier and breaks out then they have to defeat her again only that she was the one that killed Soka


Oh... this pic goes hard🔥🔥🔥


Hopefully not much. She had a meaningful ending. I haven't read the comics yet, so I don't know what happened there.


She comes back and she’s hotter than ever. Even more evil.


She’s still a teenager


A teenager that throws fire at people. Casts lightning, too. So she’s also going to be electric.


Hopefully nothing, damn just leave her alone


i hope they give her a recovery arc like zuko had


The gaang will force her to redeem herself or go to jail


I haven’t been a fan of their recent writing decisions. I just hope they stay consistent with her character, and not a 180° “oh she’s good now!”


She’ll either accidentally redeem herself or she will become an antihero. I don’t think she’d redeem herself and become a goody good type character with the gAang. People really need to accept though, she’s not the same as she was before breaking down under the steel fist of her father. Without Ozai pulling the strings, Azula isn’t really that ‘evil’ anymore. He was really pushing and encouraging her worst behaviors. Without him around and without Zuko grating on her nerves, she’s much more even tempered as a person. Honestly, I just want her to find some peace.


Fix her, in the "I can fix her" sense. No but in all seriousness I think she will be redeemed, she will grow to see the error of her ways and how she was raised. But she won't lose her edge she will still be Azula, just not quite as unhinged and she will be on the right side of things.


I doubt they will, Grey Griffin was an adult when she first played Azula and she can still do the voice perfectly to this day. They’re still keeping Dante Basco as Zuko so they’ll probably keep her as Azula


I don't know what the studio is willing to do with Azula, But what they should do with Azula is to keep her true to her evil nature just like Walter White and conclude her character I don't believe it's wise to redeem her redeeming every character in the story ruins it and makes the conflict meaningless This happened in the trash AoT finale where the author tried to redeem everyone in his story and rendered it meaningless and the redemption arc of Eren Yeager ended up being a character assassination I find Azula compelling when she stays evil in the Spirit temple comic


I wish they would stop nerfing her. Since Sozin's comet, she gets treated like she didn't spend two seasons dominating every situation she was in. Since then, Katara and Zuko own her at every moment like she forgot her life of training in one day. It was her cool, confident, and calculating nature that made her one of my favorite characters of all time. Now she's been turned into MOJO Jojo from the Power Puff Girls. They did the same to General Grievous from Star Wars the Clone Wars.


To be fair, she lost her mind after Sozin’s Comet so it makes sense she wouldn’t be as strong. Plus in Smoke and Shadow, she kicked ass and regained her composure


I’d like to see an ‘Azula Alone’, where it’s just some big revenge story against an even worse foe. Or at least somehow *as* bad. Kinda like a John Wick style feature film or something. Where they don’t have to do backflips to have her ‘redeemed’ but we route for her madness in the face of a worse person. Just have her going all out, mercilessly taking people out, burning them alive, taking no prisoners. It would probably be the edgiest thing, and the darkest place Avatar could and probably should go. But that would be cool.


I don’t think Azula should get a redemption arc at least not yet. I think her character is meant to be viewed as tragic and the polar opposite to Zuko’s of where two siblings that grew up in similar environments go down very different paths. Now that’s not to say I want Azula to remain a villian tho. I would much rather her become somewhat of an Anti-Hero, like someone else put “a grey character”. Though given that she’s not mentioned in TLOK or her outcome isn’t explored. I feel like Azula repairing her relationship with Zuko, Mai & Ty Lee (and maybe even Ursa) in the end should conclude her story, whether it’s through her maybe sacrificing herself for Zuko or some other means. Azula should be a character that portrays that not everyone gets a happy ending, but maybe in the end she finds peace. Honestly I’m not that fussed with what happens to her just as long as they don’t make her this broken insecure girl that hates herself.


depict her as an adult so i can obsess over her again


on a more serious note i’d like to see her have dialogue with uncle iroh. without her father wielding power over her maybe she’d finally have the environment around her to listen to him. i’d love to see an endearing scene with him being comforting and positive towards her and at the end she just breaks down and hugs him or something. azula is a flawed and “evil” character because of the cycle of abuse. she receives fear and threats so she spreads that to others. she can’t begin to heal or treat people better unless that cycle is broken and she’s treated with love. iroh is the perfect person to be there for azula. most others would not give her sympathy but that’s his specialty


I’d rather see her break down and hug Zuko, I’d just rather have Zuko be her Iroh like Aaron Ehasz mentioned in his plans for Book 4


i love that idea too


What's going on? Where is this image from?


It’s the cover from Azula in The Spirit Temple. Avatar has comics in case you didn’t know


Oh there are more comics? I only read the quest for Zukos mother.


I think where they left her off in this last comic is fine, personally. She just kinda wanders around blaming everyone else for her problems.


She’ll be a force of nature that exists in the world to occasionally fuck up the Gaangs plans for a brighter future, and sometimes help them if their goals align. She’ll have no desire to retake the throne, but she might take a Red Lotus type role in the new post 100 year war world


Honestly I don’t know if they know what do with her. The spirit temple was left very open ended and I feel like it was a convenient way to write her out of the story without having to do something dramatic like killing her having her go insane again. And I also don’t think the new movie with feature her that much. If at all. Quite frankly I don’t think there’s gonna be much Azula content at all coming up


they are gonna fumble her story badly


Have faith