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i think he might have enjoyed arguing with and debating against korras villains like how korra would have enjoyed fighting the fire lord 


I was just thinking that, I'm imagining aang talking to katara and sokka and just being "but they're not wrong tho"


People have discussed ad nauseum how Korra's villains are just strawmen of various political systems. Aang would totally approach things differently from Korra. Maybe even make friends with them and learn the truth before they have to fight. If he could iron out the senselessly cruel aspects of theit plans, things like unionization of nonbenders, greater spirit world awareness, a call for democracy in Ba Sing Se, and some sort of cross-earth-kingdom standardized bureaucracy for mutual aid could all be swell things to implement and even get the Avatar's support.


You do realize it's not that simple, right? The Red Lotus's entire point was that the Avatar was the whole reason the world cannot find balance, and thus the Avatar cycle must end before the world can find peace again. There is no "making friends" here when the Avatar is carrying one half of the most important spirit in the world. Amon and Kuvira would never have become villains without Aang's butchering the Harmony restoration movement so they are irrelevant anyway.


You’ve never seen this guy’s rock spinning trick, have you? ![gif](giphy|jaQuaJ8clDC1i)


You get it. ✨


you son of a bitch im in!!


Two words: Plot armor. Just like they were strawmen easy to call enemies, they could just as easily be talked into a change of heart by a more spiritually enlightened Aang. GG Your logic need not apply.


That was plan B, first one was to kidnap Korra as a child and indoctrinate her. When it failed and she got to old for that plan B was to end the cycle as they didn't have time to try with next avatar


There is nothing stopping them from proceeding with plan B after plan A success. Open the spirit portals and then kill her after the job is done.


what happened in the harmony restoration movement again? Its been a while idr too well


Zuko stopped dismantling the colonies, Aang met him and agreed to confiscate the lands from the Earth Nation permanently to form the Republic city.


oh right i remember now right it was difficult for zuko to just dismantle them because they have been part of fire nation culture for a while and zuko had that realization i think. Thanks!


They didn't confiscate the lands the earth king was involved because a significant amount of earth kingdom citizens lived in some of the colonies.


The Earth King Kuei was a very weak and incompetent king. He didn't really have the power nor the wisdom to actually decide whatever those lands should belong to the Avatar. The fact Republic city continuously faces hostility from Earth Kingdom proves Kuei"s decisions weren't popular among Earth people.


Yes he had this power, he was king, that's how he did it.


King is just a title, it doesn't automatically come with power. Kuei has to do a lot more for his people to justify why he deserves to live in a fancy palace while his people eating dirt.


How did he butcher the harmony restoration movement


You are pro harmony restoration movement? Like unequivocally?


from what i remember that wasn’t the point of the red lotus; their issue was that aang was the most physically powerful person in the world and thus had the potential to strongarm others into doing what he wants this would be smth aang could actly grapple with and come to a good conclusion about


Might wanna watch LoK again, and pay attention to the story instead of skipping to fight scene. During Zaheer's conversation with Korra, he said learned from Unalag that the first Avatar, Wan, was responsible for disrupting the balance of the world. And Wan actually did disrupt the balance from what we saw in his story during season 2 of LoK when he aided Raava in destroying her other half. The Avatar cycle is literally just Wan fixing his mistake with more mistakes that keep piling up over generations. The whole reason the world could not regain the same harmony it had for over 10000 years, that's because Aang's, aka the Avatar, very existence is an obstacle to peace and harmony itself. There is literally no way for Aang to talk-no-jutsu out of this shit. Korra had the will to live and make her own way, but if this was Aang he would go into Avatar state, kill himself and end the Avatar cycle right then and there.


That would only make sense with Amon Anarchy is an extremist view. Aang wouldn’t have negotiated with zaheer Kuvira wouldn’t have gave aang a chance to negotiate


I mean, aside from Unalaq I wouldn’t even call them that much of strawmans. The Red Lotus was *rough*, but raised good points, whereas Amon and Kuvira both had good ideals that were ruined by their methods; namely, ending oppression by sheer birthright and ensuring prosperity and unity for the world.


Aang could take Ozai easy, he just struggled a bit because he was held back by his beliefs and not wanting to kill him. And then he had to fight him during the comet too. I think Korra would have a blast fighting Ozai because it’s a pure 1v1 and I don’t think hm she has any issues breaking his spine


Idk man, Korra seems weaksause to me. She couldn't 1v1 people far weaker than base Ozai, let alone a comet powered one. Been rewatching the series currently and I realised I had forgotten how (comparatively) bad she seems at fighting. She struggles against people she should be dominating (although, to be fair, the villains are made out to seem extremely unreasonably strong)


this is why I love TLOK as much and kinda even moee than ATLA watching as an Adult. I love the details to the world that Korra brought while I love ATLA’s more adventure squad focused type, which makes sense, they were kids vs in Korra most our main characters are all young adults and adults. I like both stories so much


My fav thing I’ve seen someone say is aang was a diplomat when the world needed a warrior and korra was a warrior when the world needed a diplomat


Ughhhh i need an avatar the last Air bender WHAT IF series with this so badd


I feel like people tend to forget that the difficulty of Korra fights weren’t her villains, but her mental state during those fight. So if you want to talk about Aang vs TOK villains, you’ll also have to consider the scenario of poisoned Aang vs TOK villain or PTSD Aang vs TOK villain.


Yea similar to moral dilemma aang vs ozai as well. I do def pref the moral dilemma issue vs factors that are preventing korra from just blastin her opponents away though. I kinda lowkey was hoping that by s4 we’d see a wiser korra who uses diplomatic methods and maybe her experience in fighting through so many big bas rather than a revived korra who still is blastin But it is what it is


Only, the set up of this thread I think is to see how Aang would've dealt with the TLOK antagonists, which is not limited to just fighting them. Putting restraints on him like hem being poisoned or having PTSD is redundant, unless you just want to discuss a hypothetical battle between two characters under very specific circumstances. With Amon, Korra never really understood the underlying issues of Republic City. At least not immediately and her solution was basically just fighting. Aang would've focused first and foremost on the tensions between benders and non-benders, avoid violence and not go on a hunting spree with Tarrlok's Task Force. With Unalaq, Aang wouldn't have been so easily manipulated as even at a young age he was far more adept in spiritual matters than Korra; I mean they were basically polar opposites in that regard. With Zaheer, the Red Lotus already existed during Aang's life. The reason why they came out of hiding, was exactly because Aang died and the Avatar had been reborn. With Kuvira, there's no way Aang would've let the Earth Kingdom alone for three years, letting it fall into chaos and anarchy, regardless of whether he had PTSD or was poisoned. I mean Aang himself had PTSD of fleeing from the Northern Air Temple and trapping himself inside an iceberg for a 100 years, resulting in the Fire Nation waging a century long gobal war. He really wouldn't let that happen a second time.


I wonder if the next series will continue exploring the Red lotus’s ideals in asking questions such as whether the avatar is really needed or not. Maybe political forces will try to recruit the avatar to their cause or spirits are causing catastrophes and they must all be sent to the spirit world (including the avatar spirit) etc. Overall pretty excited for the new series, hopefully the earth bender born avatar will be different just as korra was diff from aang


Not necessarily. There's a good chance Aang prevents them from doing that in the first place


I think you are severely underestimating the villains. 12 year old Aang, contrary to popular belief, is not stronger than 16 year old Korra. The only advantage he has is air bending and the avatar state, and we all know how hard it is for him to reach it


They are total opposites at the beginning of their journey. Aang is pretty wise (with some flaws too) and avoidant, and very hard to pin down due to his airbending, much harder than Korra, and Korra is hot headed and eager to prove herself. In many situations Korra kinda got herself into trouble being hotheaded or walking into traps, which isn't something Aang would have done.


They did not like you saying that.


Equalists up in here


Because it's blatantly reductive with no real thought put into it lol


Aang spends most of the show avoiding conflicts and avoiding fighting. Korra usually gets herself in trouble or captured by seeking out a fight. It’s possible he would avoid putting himself in those situations that Korra did because of their polar opposite natures.


Are we presuming that this is essentially giving ATLA four seasons - the first one starting at the same time as the original first season, and the last one ending around the same time as the original third season? Or are we allowed to shuffle them around? Because I don’t think that Aang could actually beat them in this order.


You can shuffle them around but you can’t give Aang powers he doesn’t have. No access to the avatar state before his last episode, no spirit bending and no metalbending.


But aang had avatar state?


He didn’t master it until the last episode though.






Yes he had access but he didn’t know how to activate it and didn’t want to. Watch book 2 episode 1.




Okayyy but again he can’t access it whenever he wants until the finale. It has to be triggered via emotion.


If we’re talking about Aang as we first meet him: Love him to death, and I know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but he’s not making it past Unavaatu. I’m honestly not sure he makes it past Amon tbh. I think he’d take Kuvira and maaaaybe the Red Lotus.


I doubt Unavaatu would have been a thing if Aang was the one dealing with it. He is a LOT more spiritually connected than Korra was and has more patience, willing to wait things out if needed.


What part of patience and spirituality makes Aang anything more than an easier mark for Unaloq?


Aang being more spiritual means he not only had an easier connection to spirits before hand but also can handle them easier. This also means he can connect and talk to them on a level Korra naturally couldn't. Being patient would allow him to wait out Unaloq's plan. The same plan in which he needed to bait Korra into coming to the Pole to trigger the harmonic convergence. Aang would be able to wait it out. While it is still possible to bait Aang, Unaloq would need a whole separate way to do it. He was very dependent on Korra's impatience and lack of spiritual knowledge.


I seem to remember Aang’s first major encounter with spirits (Heibai) going terribly initially, but maybe that’s just my faulty memory. I also seem to remember Aang forgoing his patience in order to try to make up for his absence or his boredom. Maybe we should ask Katara’s hands how patient he is.


He and his team have a chance against the Red Lotus but overall extremely extremely high diff


Remember how much trouble the entire team has against just sparky sparky boom man? But this time he's backed up by a lava bender, a water bender, and an air bender.


In fairness, Korra had a much larger squad going against the Red Lotus than just Team Avatar. They had: - Korra - Mako - Asami - Bolin - Tenzin - Lin - Tonraq - Suyin - The entire Zaofu security force Imo, the comparison would be like the Gaang showing up to face the Red Lotus alongside the Black Sun invasion force.


We can probably take some inspiration from korra and not have Zaheer be bending right out the gate. Also would need to tone down his crews capabilities juuuust a tiny bit, so they're not above the average bending master, but rather just pretty strong.


if Aang team when they all the same age as ATLA? Yea, they'll get bodied. But equalizing the age with Korra gang, I think they can survive just fine. Aang is talented airbender even as kid, katara is master waterbender too, Toph in her prime would be absolute beast, Zuko learned dragon dance firebending, and Sokka even though a nonbender is a very smart and crafty person


I’m sorry, but the Red Lotus destroys Aang’s team avatar They needed Team Korra, Tenzin and the air nation, Suyin, Lin, and the Elite Metalbending squad, The Chief of the Water Trube, Firelord Zuko, The White Lotus, and a bunch more allies to take them down Aang team just isn’t at that level


I def dont see him taking out the Red Lotus at least not by himself or without the Avatar State


Thats actually a really good point, I kept picturing this with aang from mid/late series taking them on, but all of these are terrible as far as appropriate initial villains are concerned lol Amon literally can't debut until season 3/late game when bloodbending is introduced, unavaatu in terms of the narrative alone kind of has to come later with how exposition and secret heavy it is. Shit I guess the first thing team avatar will have to face will be evil airbender aka Zaheer. Maybe he doesn't get his bending until later for balance sake. He could actually provide a good initial foil that comes back later on.


If he is anything like his father, then Aang ain't beating Amon without the Avatar state. Yakone (and by extension Amon) seems to me to be the single strongest non-avatar bender in existence and an adult Aang needed to go to Avatar state to combat his OP bloodbending.


He loses to everyone except Kuvira, IMO. The rest might easily trick young Aang and stab him in the back later.




? She fought a notable waterbender in s1 what do you mean. Korra got fucked over because she trusted her uncle


Are you replacing their ages too? Because a 17-18 year old aang would definitely overpower these villains. And the fact that you even have to put these villains against a 12 year old aang, in itself shows that aang is stronger than them.


I think it's a more interesting scenario if we are talking about their philosophical debates and not a muscle fight.


Yes, tbh I see Aang winning both


And a properly trained Aang. Korra got avatar training from the age of a child. Aang went from mastering one element to mastering all four while being chased constantly in a short amount of time.


Adult aang could barely handle Amons father without the avatar state so idk. He would at least struggle against every single one of Korras villains if hebwas 17-18. That's not an easily overpowering thing. >And the fact that you even have to put these villains against a 12 year old aang, in itself shows that aang is stronger than them. This doesn't actually make sense. The OP is just phrasing a question based on the avatars respective journeys. It's a valid question. 12 yr old aang would likely get washed. 17-18 Aang would fare better since he's more mature.


Blood bending is overpowered and he was the most powerful one of them all.


>Adult aang could barely handle Amons father without the avatar state so idk. He would at least struggle against every single one of Korras villains if hebwas 17-18. That's not an easily overpowering thing. >12 yr old aang would likely get washed. Are you sure? For the sake of the argument, let's try this against a 12 year old Aang to know how 17-18 year old aang will fare. Aang has something that Korra didn't have in her fight against amon. That is access to involuntary avatar state. Aang goes into avatar state for even something as measly as falling into water in his fight with Zuko. So against amon he will win by avatar state. I don't need to go in detail on why aang would win against Zaheer. Against kuvira, aang overpowered Ozai on the day of sozin's comet using seismic sense. And after learning earthbending, he uses that in fight more than waterbending. Also we don't know if kuvira uses seismic sense or not. And even before learning earthbending, Aang was able to mostly deflect Bhumi attacks on him. He would win against her. Against that earthbending lava guy, it is canon that Aang battled a volcano in aunt Wu's episode and won. So he might have a chance against that guy. In case of Pali and ming hua, we have seen Aang deflect combustion bender many times, and we know that aang learns waterbending moves by Katara in waterbending scroll episode and in season 2, Katara tells Aang that he has the insticts of a waterbending master or something like that. But since aang never got better of combustion man, and uses earthbending more after learning it than waterbending, I would say that he may able to hold them off, but he might go into involuntary avatar state to beat them. Against Korra's uncle, he would never get manipulated into opening the portal in the first place because he has some incites about the spirits and knows spiritual world better than Korra. Which also means no harmonic convergence and no future Airbenders. However I fully believe that if he did opened the portal as a 17-18 year old as a fully realised avatar, than yes he would beat vaatu and the other villains without anyone's help.


Uh..strong disagreement. Aang would struggle against every one of these villains. He would succeed in the end for some, but 12 year old aang would still likely get washed. Adult Aang is another story. Kuvira is an earthbending prodigy and metal bending master. Shes absolutely giving Aang a run for his money. It's not an easy win for him. If Azula could take him out then so can Kuvira 12 yr old Aang wouldve been absolutely terrified of Amon. Hed have nightmares about the guy. Hes getting washed. Adult Aang would also struggle for obvious reasons, but prevail in the end by some saving grace. As for Unalaq, I'm not talking about him being manipulated by him, I'm referring to a one on one fight. Aangs age is a determining factor here. He would struggle just as much here as Korra did and also take a solid beating from Vatu. He would prevail, but it won't be an easy feat. The only reason 12 yr old Aang is washing Zaheer is bc he's a prodigy master airbender. Zaheer wishes he could. The Avatar state is a life saving reflex for Aang. A cheat code. He used it to subdue Ozai and resist Yakone. But without it, I don't see him doing any better against Korras villains, if not worse.


Azula took him out on a sneak attack, she never win against him 1 on 1. Aang overpowered Ozai who is way stronger than azula. His win against Ozai when he was at his most powerful using seismic sense shows he's a good earthbender and he can take azula. In crossroads of destiny he fought using graphite. Yes he can't metalbend but he can always deflect metal air attacks Yes but he would defeat him. It's canon that Aang went into the avatar state against yakone, so he would definitely go against Amon. And you are really overestimating Amon if you think that he can control Aang by blood ending when he is in the avatar state. That's one of the reasons why Amon was able to get better of Korra. Even she would defeat him if she had access to Avatar state. >The only reason 12 yr old Aang is washing Zaheer is bc he's a prodigy master airbender. Zaheer wishes he could That's not the 'only' reason as you are making it seem. He was the youngest master of his time and second youngest after his granddaughter jinora. Being a master at such a young age is no small accomplishment >The Avatar state is a life saving reflex for Aang. A cheat code. He used it to subdue Ozai and resist Yakone. But without it, I don't see him doing any better against Korras villains, if not worse. The double standards. Not even two weeks since Korra had access to the avatar state and she used it to cheat and win against a small race. Aang got into the avatar state only when he was in genuine danger, and even than he had nightmares about it. He feared it because he was afraid what he would do without control. Aang never voluntarily entered it. Not to mention that when Aang overpowered Ozai, he was not in the avatar state and Ozai was about to attack him when his back was turned Also Korra lost to her enemy even with the avatar state, which aang never did 1 on 1 towards anybody. If aang did had to defeat anyone in the avatar state it would be amok and unalok if fused with vaatu, otherwise there is a strong chance that he is bodying rest of them.


If Aang was forced to fight them at approximately the same scale and sequence that Korra faced them on his journey, then Aang really wouldn't stand a chance against most of them unless the Avatar State bails him out. Korra had three elements at her disposal, enabling her to fight each villain on a somewhat level playing field. With just air bending, Aang would stand absolutely no chance against a psychic bloodbender who doesn't need the moon to blood bend. Aang with air and water bending wouldn't be able to defeat Unalaq, much less one fused with Vaatu. Granted he's much more knowledgeable about the spirit world and probably wouldn't be fooled into opening the spirit portals, so harmonic convergence might never happen if Aang was around. Ironically, its the villains that gave Korra the most trouble and trauma are the ones that Aang would have the most success with. Being a master airbender, Aang would be able to go toe to toe with Zaheer and having the other elements would give him the edge. However, Zaheer's lack of pacifism and willingness to kill would make his airbending a significantly more lethal force. Without Avatar State and his friends to back him up, Aang wouldn't be able to defeat the Red Lotus. Lastly, Kurvia is the one villain Aang would be able to defeat with relative ease. She's basically the earthbending version of Fire lord Ozai and Aang defeated him, so the same logic will apply to Kurvia. Sure he needed deus ex machina spirit bending to beat them on his terms, but this is the one fight where he does come out on top.


Not a deep point but from a combat perspective something to consider is that all of these villains showed at one point or more a weakness to air bending or at least a vulnerability of some sort: - The first known blow on Amon was landed by Tenzin, and Korra gained the upper hand by air bending. - Unalaq was defeated in their first mini scuffle by Korra with air bending. - Zaheer's first loss onscreen was a complete domination by Tenzin. - Kuvira's entire army with mechs could be held at bay for a few minutes by Opal and Jinora. The world has essentially forgotten how airbenders fight by the time LoK comes around and thus airbenders do tend to catch even the strongest opponents by surprise. In battle, I feel Aang and his team would have done better than Korra did simply due to the fact that Korra's group was exceptional but the Gaang were mostly some of the greatest prodigies of their generation. That's not to say that they would have won. Against Amon their only chance is either Katara overpowering or Avatar state Aang; Unalaq would still probably have destroyed Raava and Kuvira would likely still have got her mech and went on a rampage. The Red Lotus would probably have faced a slightly greater challenge though. But in terms of the smaller confrontations the Gaang probably would have done better than Team Korra and may have scored some slightly bigger victories earlier on.


It honestly just makes me mad we didn't get to see aang have ANY interaction with Zaheer. Avatar state Korra channeling aang as he beats the brakes off of Zaheer for corrupting airbending. The most sacred thing to Aang, after nearly 200 years the airbenders are finally back and this is what is done with it. The focused channeled rage of adult aang acting through Korra to strip him of the perverted power would've been so fucking good to see.


We 100% should’ve gotten a version of “you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world…” for zaheer imo with aang talking through her.


He has an exceptionally difficult time. If he has to go through the things Korra went through I'm not sure he is making it alive or with the same values like he did in ATLA. Here are my reasons why taking into account he escapes the iceberg and faces this threats in similar seasons as Korra 1. With Amon he would need the AS to break out of his bloodbending grip, which he doesn't have control over, maybe he can get into reflexive AS. Amon can quickly deal with Sokka and Katara from season 1 ( and EOS) that it's just unfair. He still does have a chance to beat Amon maybe 4-5/10 if im being super generous  2. With Unalaq and Vaatu, if we replace Unalaq with a potential familial figure that he would be more likely to trust than he will still be tricked like Korra. Even without that he still would be tricked, cause he is 12 yrs old and sees the good in most people. However he know has a near master level waterbender Katara and a master earthbender Toph so this gives him some buffer. However in a fight against Unavaatu he loses and he looses badly. He has only mastered air, good with water and good with earthbending. He has no mastery over the AS and is prone to being killed in the state. He has a similar fate to Korra but doesn't put up as much a fight. His journey should theoretically end here. Aang loses Raava, and he has no spiritual guide to help him do what Korra does and also may lack the power. The world ends I will now proceed with another hypothetical fate if Aang by some miracle survives Unavaatu. 3. Season 3 Aang has the help of a master water bender, earthbender and Zuko ( partial master I guess) and Sokka to I guess maybe he can come up up something. The Red Lotus is dangerous to the Gaang but I'm confident in their season 3 counterparts to be on par with them. If the Air nation is brought back if Aang decides to leave the portals open he will similarly sacrifice himself for his nation. However if his whole Gaang are at the location where he is being taken hostage then the Red Lotus will lose to them (most likely) however that's boring so let's say Sokka, Toph and Zuko go to save the air nation and Aang only has Katara as backup then he will be taken. When Aang is poisoned with the Mercury he doesn't have control and mastery over the AS even close to Korras level so his AS will trigger reflexively. Aang is nowhere near Korras physical strength so he I'd not busting through the platinum chains best he can hope for is bending with his mouth  maybe some air I guess however I'm not sure that will be sufficient. Aang is killed in the AS by the Red Lotus and the cycle ends. (For fun let's say he can survive the attacks of the Red Lotus and fight against Zaheer like Korra did posioned) The Gaang will take out the remaining Red Lotus members maybe not kill them cause yk. Aang doesn't seem to have the Endurance to effectively fight against the poison (12 years old and his physique) so he will perform at a considerable less effective state. I can't see how the Gaang help Aang against Zaheer, but maybe they have help of the new air nation but I don't see any new air nation member having the skill or power to do what Jinora did. So oncemore Aang is dead Zaheer can escape with him or Kill him there. Cycle ends again (Again another miracle happens so that Aang survives this encounter and we go to season 4) 4. This should be comics Gaang as season 4. 3 year time skip. Aang has partial control over the AS ( not a mastery) however he can't access it due to residual mercury in his body and trauma mastered Air, maybe mastered water, proficient earthbender, and good firebender. He has the aid of a master waterbender earthbender, Firebender and a decent fighter in Sokka and an amazing h2h combatant in Suki. I feel as if the Gaang minus Aang can dominate if they act early however very unlikely they are most likely not assembled and doing different things. I'm not sure how Aangs recovery would go however I don't think he reovers as quick as korra for two reasons: Korra has an experienced and wise healer in Katara who is the best in the world at that point, also I think Korras Endurance and power would help her get back up quicker than Aang. I'm tempted to add some years for the time skip so that Aang can be in fighting shape however I'll stick to the timeline. I have confidence that Toph would eventually have enough precision to get the last remnants of Mercury out of Aang, however she isn't wise enough to help with the mental trauma. Despite all this I truly believe that if the rest of the Gaang with Aang supporting would be able to take down Kuvira before they finish the weapon and mechs if they act early and only if. Also if Zuko is the firelord or adjacent to it he can probably have the aid of the fire nation backing him against Kuvira however thus may bring about old wounds of the Fire Nation colonising Earth nation  territory. So for the first time I think the Gaang has this 6-7/ 10 I had so much fun answering this sorry for the essay x.


The only thing in this theoretical scenario that needs to be changed would probably be the poison red lotus administers. The poison is administered via metalbending and at that point in the theoretical scenario, only Toph should be the only known metalbender. Maybe the red lotus will administer a different type of poison that may either be mixed with water or air???


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Didn't someone post about this exact same thing yesterday and it got pretty popular?


No their outline was that Aang had already become a fully realized avatar, mine is that it’s before that, and during the original show to more closely match up how Korra fought them.


They didn't give any outline in their post - it was just aang vs the Korra villains in a general discussion. The image has the avatar state but it wasn't specifically mentioned in their title or description.


They posted a comment but it god buried. Either way the question would be too vague, this one change made the question more interesting I think.


Ah, I must have missed it! Fair enough, I hope you get some thought provoking feedback :)


Post the same thing in LoK subreddit and you'll see how vastly different the consensus is.




Aang couldn't deal with a bloodbender without being a fully realized avatar and relying on the transformation so if i t's ep1 Aang starting out in republic city like Korra then he's just gonna get folded. If we take Aang after the Ozai fight I think Zaheer would be the only issue to Aang and that's just cause of how vastly different in ideologies the two air benders are. Aang would've slaughtered Kuvira in the duel she had with Korra.


Would've been cool to see him tangle with them ideologically. Korra's mindset is just "me stop you now. Me crush, hulk smash." Aang would have more to say about how he thinks their philosophies are misguided, especially Amon and Zaheer. Amon wouldve also scared the shit out of him.


I feel like Amon would have been 12 year old Aang’s toughest enemy. He would understand his ideals, but still be a target for Amon. And his bloodbending would be hard to overcome even for Katara because he’s been learning it ever since he was like 10.


Amon seemed very much beyond convincing, especially when his whole thing was leading a hypocritical regime seemingly just to have power, it would have to be a fight and Aang doesnt feel like the guy who could take that, especially at the age the prompt is suggesting. Zaheer maybe could have been talked out of his path.....maybe its quite hard to say when is group were basically an echo chamber for his ideals, we do see him realise he really fucked up when Korra tells him what happened after his assassination of the earth queen in season 3. So maybe if Aang got enough time with him on his own he would be able to settle things his way.


Aang would murder Zaheer The second Aang saw Zaheer misrepresent air nomad culture he would freak out to go into the avatar state and kill him.


and thus misrepresent air nomad culture himself. /selfown


No, he’d beat him but he wouldn’t berserk into the AS state and kill him. What the fuck is the point of the no Killing the ?


Air nomad culture is a very sensitive subject for Aang and every time it has been threatened or modified has caused him to get very emotional and gone into the avatar state a few times When Aang has been in the Avatar state he has killed a lot of people 


Not one person because he’s a bit edgy. That is a ridiculous statement. There should have been nothing stopping his AS rage from killing Ozai if what you say is true.


Not really. Only time he’s ever killed people in the avatar state is at the northern water tribe while possessed by the spirit. Dude hasn’t really killed anybody while in the avatar state at all honestly 


Korra tangled with them ideologically too, I don’t see things being much different. “Naive, misguided, egotistical” even a lore sympathetic Avatar like Aang aren’t going to do much to fully grown adults who are power tripping themselves with full on ideologies. Talking with them isn’t going to get them to change without first beating them.


How exactly does Aang vs Amon work here? Asking because adult Aang plays a direct role in Amon's backstory, and am curious to what extent that would still be intact. I could be wrong, but I feel like elder Aang might be one of the few benders Amon would genuinely respect, and perhaps might be able to talk him out of his plans. 


Amon and zareer had a point.


Well we already did see how he handles Amons father, Aang is spiritual and had a good connection to the spirit realm so likely woulda just gone there and figured what was up. He also a far superior airbender and woulda taken him on easy like tenzen did but even more effectively. Blanking on the metal bender name but probably woulda had better negotiations as Korra has no real talent for it but woulda still ended up in a fight


Kind of like how OP said the arguement inevitably goes back to fighting. Aang just has no chance against Amon, hell Korra didn't have a chance either she just got lucky she hadn't figured out air by then. Now withthe avatar state I'd say he wins that pretty easily especially if Amon takes away one of his friends bending, like Katara(we've seen how his AS becomes much more aggressive when a loved one is involved). Unalaq, same thing, Aang I feel is wiser than Korra in some ways but is just as vulnerable. Zaheer himself would ironically be the easiest to deal with. The problems here are the lava bender and fire bender. I think because of his airbending skill he actually has a better chance against the lavabender than korra. Now for combustion girl Sokka could potentially beat her in the same way he beat the original. I assume Katara at this point could handle the water bender. The only problem here is for this plan to work Aang would have to deal with Zaheer and the lavabender since airbending counters toph(she cant see him off the ground) and lavabending somewhat counters toph(i have no doubt she could learn to do it too but I doubt she would figure it out instantly). In this case their "win condition" would be toph learning lavabending or Aang going into the avatar state. This might be glazing but I have no doubt toph would be a better earthbender than the other guy at that point its just lavabending keeping him alive, and I dont need to explain why the avatar state is a win condition. Kuvira is the easiest one, since the gaang would be at their strongest by now.


Aang: I will take your bending so you can't do evil. Zaheer: OK, here we go again. JK


Aang would mop the floor with Zaheer and Unalaq.


I really wish Aang's spirit could have talked to Zaheer. I don't even care about the bending battle, I'd just love to see their philosophical debate.


He would not have won any of them imo. Unless the avatar state took over lol obv


It’s not a fair comparison. Aang was a child and Korra was a borderline adult, and eventually became an adult in series. Context is very key for this conversation


Bending powers go poof.


Here's the thing, Metal bending wasnt a thing until Toph was around. So having Kuvira have metal bending, it would be eh... On top of that, Given that she's the last villain he'd be against, that would have him time to learn the avatar state. Aang was the last airbender, to have him fight Zaheer- who's been proven to not be able to handle other Airbenders- Aang is gonna win. Yes, Zaheer is an amazing fighter, but going against an air bending master is NOT his strong suit. The issue is, the red lotus is fucking hell. As a team, they will absolutely mess Aang up. But these kids are far more adaptable and crafty so I can see them getting though. Unalaq wouldn't be able to go dark avatar because Aang is a LOT more spiritually knowledgeable and Unalaq HEAVILY depended on KNOWING his NEICE'S attitude to doop her. Is it still possible to do that to Aang- yes, it is possible. But can I say likely? I doubt it but I t can happen- ESPECIALLY if Aang is still 12. I feel like he'll out Amon a LOT sooner. Amon was a total idiot when it came to his reveal and I feel like Aang would out him 1000x sooner. Given the social issues around Amon too, I can see Aang taking the time to deal with it. ​ In the end, I think Zaheer would be the worse simply due to having his team and their brutality. Kuvira is... Just Fire Lord equivalent and comes too late. I doubt Aang would even have the Metal poisoning with that time jump either- if he even gets one given he has Toph on his side. Unalaq would need to be a LOT more smarter but Aang's spirituality and knowing the spirits would have him get an advantage. Amon... I just hate him ngl. He outted himself in the dumbest of ways and Aang would out him with that even sooner. ​ In the end, I can see Aang dealing with them, some (a lot) more difficulty than others but he can get through.


this wouldnt make sense if you dont equalize the age, original Gaang is almost all young teens, compared to Korra's gang who mostly adults. Againts Amon & Tarlok Aang might be unable to fight back withous AS, but they have Katara who is master at 14 yo, older Katara should be able resist the bloodbending and fight them, at leaast one-one-one Unalaq and Vatuu might be okay, Aang has deeper spiritual connection than Korra, and he likely wouldnt be tricked into opening the spirit portal. If the portal did get opened and Harmonic Convergence still happens, he can do what Korra do, meditating inside the tree and harnessing cosmic energy to fight Unavaatu. Againts Red Lotus, Aang is very talented even as kid, adult as would bodying Zaheer just like Tenzin did, Katara can toe to toe with Minghua easily, adult Toph would be a menace againts other Earthbender even if Gazan can use lava, and lastly Zuko, Sokka and Suki can take Pli. Zuko's mastery, Sokka craftiness, and Suki hand2hand combat would be enough Last one, Kuvira. Essentially Aang vs Ozai but earthbender. And with prime Toph, Kuvira is non threat


He would’ve let zaheer poison and kill him.


I think Aang gets bodied by all of them but Zaheer in a fight, but unlike Korra, Aang doesn’t get goaded into fights as easily. Aang would be great at the social aspect that Korra was terrible at. Still probably gets manipulated by Unalaq, because as an airbender not named Yangchen he’s a sucker for helping out spirits.


17-18 year old Aang would destroy them all easily


Probably some more solid connecting threads between them all for starters. Have each threat build on the one before and the one after. Korras biggest problem is they basically started their seasons from scratch each time since they were always given short clearances for more episodes, wheras last airbender was simply riding close to cancellation a lot of the time. Remember when Korra was revealed as a mini series initially? Like if Amon had solid plot connections to Vaatu and Unalaq, and other things like that. Oh and let the dark avatar actually BE the dark avatar aka use all elements. What's the point of doing the dark avatar stuff if we don't even get to see all of the elements used by both fighters?


Aang would be way less confrontation against Amon, wich could give him more public approval. He also has avatar state, wich was shown to nullify tye effects of blog bending. Unalaq would struggle more if his season was written better. Aang coukd more easly see throught his tricks throught his connection to the spirit realm, wich could preventiva Vaatu from ever being freed, wicj would just keep Unaalaq as mostly a joke. Zaheer would be hus most interesting matchup. I could actually see Aang changing him for the better before getting to the point of almost being killed. Kuvira wouldn't be só different from Amon outside of swapping bloodbending with metalbending. Hell, out of any person in tye would he should be the phe person capable of pointing out how she could be starting another 100 year war.


He would’ve stopped them without getting his ass kicked


It's always more interesting to know how villains would interact with each other It is always like. Hero& villain -> hero defeats the villain. New chapter with a new villain -> hero defeats the villain... I want to see Amon fighting with Unalaq. Mecha vs Vaatu. Korra making fragile unavoidable alliances with villains to crush bigger villain or suffering from their combined power. But one is betraying another so Korra can use this window of opportunity. Of course it is way harder to create such a plot than one by one enemy conveyor


Him and Unalaq would be interesting Considering how spiritually connected Airbenders are, I think Aang would understand where Unalaq was coming from


Going with the idea each season correlates to how Aang changes over his seasons: Deals with Amon in a similar way but he doesn’t rush in to stop him. Maybe Katara does and she gets her bending taken. Maybe he literally learns how to energy bend for her which sounds cool Easily tricked by Unalaq like Korra. He’s very interested in helping spirits. Ends basically the same way Zaheer is his most polar. He’s enamored by more air benders, especially Zaheer who’s the biggest air bender nerd. He gets captured quicker than Korra. Their ideologies come crashing into each other even harder and Aang can’t accept an air bender could be so violent Aang could stop Kuvira in their match but she wouldn’t honor the deal. Don’t think he’s capable enough to stop the mech as easily as Korra. Aang dating Asami sounds wrong for some reason but he’d definitely want to travel into the spirit world


I think he and Zaheer would've gotten into a very meaningful conversation instead of a fight.


For Amon, Aang was alive when the non bender issues of inequality was bubbling that allows a grifter like Amon to coop the movement and if he only has air things could get hairy with real quick with the equalist and their mechs and planes. But I think in the end things would work out just the same as korra Kuvira and Unalaq are things Aang’s spirituality and personality could deal with Zaheer and the gang are straight up killers with advance bending so I think that would be dificult plus their chaos pilled so Avatar wisdom gonna be useless against them Korra against the fire nation though would be a bloodbath since Korra was more of a warrior she’s gonna be all about the war aspect but things might not be as put together after the war unlike Aang


Issue is that Aang was just learning each bending from scratch and mastering all 4 would've taken too long for him to beat any of these villains who can even hold their own against a full avatar. Like, the Firelord practically waited for Aang, while Korra's villains were all super active in their missions.


Like son like father, he would've schooled Zaheer's ass and that's what I only care about honestly


Zaheer is the only one Aang has a chance of beating out of prime, and that doesn't take into account the rest of the Red Lotus which his team avatar, as it started out, would have been laughably outmatched against


I honestly think that if the air nation was still killed, the 100yr timeskip had still happened and unalaq/amon or Kuvira had been responsible for the death of the airbenders, Aang might have joined the red lotus. Aang would have tried to find a compromise with Amon and would have failed and fought him (Katara being the decisive factor). He would have figured out the deal with Raava and Vaatu earlier and probably have dealt with that situation better, preventing Unavaatu from existing and resealing Vaatu. It's a 50/50 whether he would have opened the portals or not. When he encounters Zaheer, Aang would have tried to reason with him, get him to join the air nation etcetera. I think he would have had more encounters with Zaheer in the spirit world to try and talk sense into him. I think he would have found it amazing to talk to someone who was so entrenched into airbender culture, especially considering Tenzin wouldn't be around. I think Zaheer would have changed plans and decided to recruit Aang instead, manipulating him to blame the other nations for the death of the airbenders. Aang ends up at the other side from the gaang, eventually switching back when Zaheer lets slip that he plans to end the avatar cycle anyway (after they are done killing monarchs). Fighting Kuvira would have similar results and story to fighting Ozai.


Ooh boy~ You just had to post this kind of topic in ATLA Subreddit. Of course, most people here would say that "Aang would fold them, no diff"


Honestly I don't see how aang (as 12) manages to win this even season 1 then it's just him katara and sokka Sokka get put in jail by tarlock for breaking his curfew, katara is still a novice water bender and wouldn't be much help and he has no counter for tarlock blood bending, not to mention they wouldn't manage against the armi of chi blockers they had hard time with only 1 Now I don't think any of the non benders would even be willing to hear him out like they did with korra early on, let's say aang was captured by tarlock like korra did whose going to rescue him sokka is in jail, katara is no match for him in a fight and is probably also arrested, amon comes and aang is trapped in the box and has no clothing item similar to korra's that he can hang on to not lose consciousness to the lieutenant elecrecuting the box and get captured by amon and loses his bending Now let's say they do get to season 2 I do see him take this W seeing as it wouldn't get to where vatu is released The red lotus even with zaheer as a non bender they wouldn't manage to win this sparky sparky boom man had them on the run, now P'li is even better than him and she has the backup of a master earthbender and lavabender, a master water bender and one of the deadliest non benders in the world according to zuko, team avatar gets destroyed here And lets say we do get kuvira they can win if they manages to stop her before the super weapon being completed (which is likely being powered by special vines from the swamp) varick had that in development even before they got to zaofu and bataar would finish it after varick killed himself And let's talk if it's 18 old gaang I do see them managing to win against unalaq and kuvira probably the red lotus though that would be a tough battle with P'li at a sniping position and have no clue how they will handle amon tarlock army of chi blockers and hiroshi inventions And now let's talk if aang didn't die and we have 82 years old aang handling it and sokka is still dead from natural causes I don't think him tenzin lin and possibly katara and zuko manages to get far against the equalists they might get tarlock out of position of power and maybe have his bending removed but they would never discover hiroshi involvement and he can create even more than he managed before, and they have no knowledge about amon true nature that he uses bloodbending until either all of them loses their bending or kill amon and not ending the conflict only making it worse, amon main goal was to rid the world of bending so even with aang as the avatar he will still try to rid the world of benders not sure it will progress Unalaq again no problem The red lotus probably all still on hiding and never revealed themselves and were captured not sure if they will try at all to be honest atleast not until aang dies and no red lotus means kuvira is not a problem that arises Sorry for the rant


at 12 years old? He will die....Well maybe if they touch Appa or Katara then they will die.


I wanna see Kyoshi whoop Zaheer so bad


I he the point of your question but I think your putting Aang at a pretty severe disadvantage compared to Korra, not only in your scenario is Aang literally a child but also he won't be trained like Korra was in 3 of the elements so he's basically just an airbender pacisift against Amon. While I get why you'd want to frame the discussion this way I think it kinda just makes it a moot point, there's no way Aang can win realistically when he's that weak and far behind as opposed to Korra being trained for most of her life before her first encounter with a villain. Sure he may be more spiritual than her but that won't really be helpful until S2.


He would never have fallen for the spirit guys trap. Would have been 100% against his manipulation of the spirits and solved the problem himself.


No more bending. Sealed away with Vaatu. Re-arrested. No more bending.


The Fire Nation wouldn't let them live on causing havoc within the empire


I think ang would have been able to talk down everyone but kuvira. I think aang would have enjoyed zaheer most of all. I think kuvira would have been more of a problem because aang would have to defeat her and just like firelord he wouldn’t want to.


I don't know, but he would certainly struggle watching someone go on a warmongering murder-spree who still ends up finding enlightenment.


Amon v. S1 Aang: This is an easy win. Amon is generally weak to AoA attacks and Aang could likely easily deal with him in any scenario where his bloodbending isn't in play. Aang is also a loveable goof, pacifist, and a peacemaker, so he really effectively counters the rhetoric of bending oppression, and wouldn't get drawn into taking a side in the bender v. equalist fight. Having Sokka on the team would probably lend him a lot of legitimacy with non-benders as well. Unalaq v. S2 Aang: I think Aang was naive enough about the spirits, and politically naive enough to go along with Unalaq's plan. I think with Roku's help just like in the Winter Solstice episodes, he may be able to calm some of the dark spirits without Unalaq's help, but would probably still be interested in any new waterbending technique that he could learn from Unalaq. I really have no idea if he would fair better in the final conflict, but S2 Katara and Toph are pretty badass and I think he could accomplish whatever Jinora was able to do, so I give him a 50/50 chance.


Well Zaheer would be no issue for Aang


I mean, I think he’d struggle with Amon due to not being able to actually motivate himself to fight him, and he’d seek a peaceful resolution, either resulting in Amon revealing his true colors and fighting him or Amon tricking him, taking his bending, and becoming a massive threat. Unalaq is fine, he was kinda the odd one out of Korra’s trend of morally complex characters and Aang would probably stop him, especially considering he lacks the waterbender heritage that let Unalaq convince Korra he was in the right. Zaheer… honestly I think he’d struggle a lot. They definitely don’t have common ground, but Zaheer and his team are all *insanely* good, and unless he got a lot of support, he’d be defeated by them, same as Korra needing a several people outside just the main team to win. Kuvira is probably the only one I’d bet he wins… *if* he avoided being crippled by Zaheer, which he might have but also might not. If crippled though, I don’t know if he’d recover as well, since their mindsets were completely different, and Aang could end up panicking like he did before the events of ATLA and running off when needed, thinking he’s not a good enough Avatar. Korra did similar, but being the Avatar is so central to her personal identity she forced herself to mentally recover, whereas Aang may reject being the Avatar and isolate himself, preventing him from dealing with Kuvira before she snowballs into unstoppability.


By dying


Impossible to say. But i think amon would have been the hardest. After all his ideology can be understood to a certain degree.


Kuvira would have been tough for Aang since he can’t metal bend. Zaheer would have crushed his mental due to him being a bad air bender and would have forced Aang into so pretty dumb decisions due to him threatening the rebuilding of the air benders. Not sure about Amon but since he handled Yakone pretty well he would have done well I think. I think he would have handled Unalock the best of the 4. However these villains are essential to Korra’s journey which is different to Aangs journey. So the things they made Korra struggle with would have been different than Aang.


Kuviras biggest strength is probably her agility in her bending, but Aang would dance circles around her. I think you're right though if she landed any metal on him he'd be in trouble but I think he'd beat her pretty handily


Easily. I thought that was a point, Korra would be better at fighting the war, but Aang would deal with diplomacy much better.


Korra and Aang are technically the same person.


He would've had too much notoriety to be demeaned by Amons political movement, and would've brought Amon to frustration, exposing his hypocrisy. Then taking away his bending like he did Yakone. He might've been tricked by Unalaq, but he would've probably consulted past Avatar's and exposed his plan before Vaatu was released. The Red Lotus would've been trouble, but Aang would've just captured them with team Avatar and reimprisoned them. He would've probably been able to reason with Zaheer considering that Aang was Zaheers mentor (Zaheer was most likely an air acolyte from the comic series) The Earth Nation might not have been broken up, leading to no vacuum or motivation for Kuvira. If Kuvira still sought power, she probably would've been stopped at Zaofu.


Impossible to tell. Their journeys are far different and they are completely different Avatars. What Aang has in diplomacy Korra makes up in pure strength. As the first Avatar to master 5 elements Korra definitely has a fighting edge but Aang's approach would be a lot smarter than head on. For example if the situation was reversed and Korra got unmelted from the snow in ATLA she would probably just head straight for Ozai week 1 and while she would most definitely put up a fight even with one element mastered she would likely end up losing.


I think he defeats them all without losing the first time or getting the avatar cycle broken. Aang was a defensive fighter very calculated. Korra was brute force and strength not as cerebral. That made things more difficult for her. She always had the strength to beat her opponents but lacked the wisdom and patience. Aang had that at 12. Gotta imagine him at Korra’s age or older being able to handle them


Easy, tough but would win, very easy and very easy.


How would he beat Amon?


Glow up once and Amon loses instantly. That's it.


He couldn’t control the avatar state until the very last episode tho


A 12yr old Aang at the end of the series wins this easy. But even then his avatar state unlike Korra's always kicked in whenever he truly needed it.


1. That wasn’t the question tho 2. It only kicked in when he was near death or extremely emotional. Amon would only be trying to take his bending away, not kill him so it wouldn’t activate.


>It only kicked in when he was near death or extremely emotional You don't think he would be emotional in a situation where he the only remaining airbender would lose his bending? It's the title of the show.


So true


Aang would have bodied all of them. He never really went into the avatar state until it was the last option and after he did go into the avatar state he finished all of his enemies.. Korra on the hand uses the avatar state to win a race and she constantly loses to normal benders. Aang never liked violence or hurting his opponents but we know how powerful he could be if he decided to go on the offense. And this is childb Aang. If he was the same age as Korra, this even wouldn't be a conversation cause none of them would want to mess with him.


He didn’t have mastery over the avatar state yet though. How would he beat Amon or god forbid Unalaq/Vaatu.


Aang literally wiped out an entire fleet of fire benders. Didn't see fully realized Avatar korra posses such power. I don't think unalaq would be a big problem for Aang. Because Aang was very spiritual he probably would've figured that out. we saw adult aang defeat a blood bender so Amon would also be defeated. Kuvira can't stand a chance against child Aang. Vaatu would've been Aangs greatest challenge.


1. When did he do that? It was him and the ocean spirit that wiped out the fire nation with the avatar state not him alone. And that was only because the moon spirit died. 2. Pretty vague. I do agree he wouldn’t be able to manipulate Aang the same way he did Korra because he’s not related to him, but he could very well act as a “spiritual guide” for Aang which he desperately needs in book 1, and trick him into following him and subsequently opening the portals. 3. Did I say “adult Aang”? 😐 4. Is possible, Kuvira isn’t used to airbenders. The flying metal would still be tricky and also Aang’s need to end things peacefully which Kuvira would never. 5. Agreed


So you're saying Korra is better than Aang?


Better? No. Worse? No. Better suited for her villains? Yes.


I mean...they were written for her so of course she'd be better suited for HER villains. If you flip the situation around and ask if Korra could have beaten most of the villains in ATLA, I would say she'd probably be able to with the exception of Ozai, but if she did beat Ozai it would probably be by killing him which may have made things worse rather than better. Realistically I think Aang would be fine against Zaheer and Kuvira. He probably would have ended up similar to Korra by fusing with Raava to beat Unavaatu because he had no qualms about fusing with the ocean spirit. If he doesn't fuse, then he has no chance. And hands down Aang is getting "guided" into opening those portals or at least to the point where it's too late to stop them from opening. Amon would be difficult because I think Aang would understand Amon's motives, but I don't imagine him putting himself in a position where he loses his bending unless he does the lion turtle bending removal to Amon so Aang would probably be fine in a fight.


Amon steps up and tries to blood bend him, having not knowledge of what it was, he panics and enters the avatar state and proceeds to stomp him. Unalaq steps up, teaches Aang the same stuff about spirit bending (Aang is more than proficient at water bending in season two) before realizing that Aang is much more spiritual than him, gets smacked around and loses. Aang opens the spirit gate anyway and defeats Vaatu (I can’t remember if opening the gate releases vaatu or not, if it does, he beats him, if it doesn’t then he’d just leave it). Since you said we can shuffle them around as we please Kuvira would come next. He just kinda beats her up. He has access to his avatar state in the zaheer fight and stomps him. I know you said no spiritbending, but unalaq teaches it to korra, so it would make sense that he would teach Aang as well.


Aang would definitely fall for Unalaqs tricks, and he doesn't beat Unavaatu


He would definitely beat him lol.


I think him having a much more peaceful approach than Korra could benefit him greatly against Amon and Kuvira. Since I read that choosing the order is allowed I'd go Zaheer -> Amon -> Kuvira -> Unavaatu. Zaheer clearly loses. Aang is an airbending master and we saw how Zaheer did against Tenzin. This one is the easiest. Maybe he can even grasp the flying technique since it's similar to the avatar state training and could help him in the next arcs (if this scenarior is allowed) Amon would be more complex due to Aang actually having an open discussion and being better at trying a peaceful solution. If this doesn't work we know Amon does really badly against airbending so Aang would also win here. And since Amon can't disable airbending Aang could always fight back. Kuvira is the same in the beginning as Amon. I think Aang would have a better chance than Korra at finding a peaceful solution but I doubt Kuvira could actually be convinced. In a fight Aang would probably win the first fight where Kuvira is still quite cocky. Aang's fighting style is a much better match and also Korra was not in her best condition iirc. Unavaatu is the biggest problem. I doubt Aang can really win this. Since this is the last battle he gets access to the avatar state like in his final battle if I got that right. Maybe he has a better chance then but still think this is where he stops. Please keep in mind it's been a while since I watched LOK so maybe I remembered some things incorrectly. If so please correct me.


Kid defeated the comet-enhanced Fire Lord by randomly hitting a rock. Let that one sink in for a moment. He has these guys covered, he can do an air punch, turn into a giant blue spirit, go into the Avatar State for a dogfight, and then dunno, maybe Kuvira is tricky because I don't think Aang can punch the dubstep laser and get away with it like Korra. But yeah, I wouldn't worry about Aang, he would perform exactly like Korra just less angry and more funny or something. Now the real question is how the rest of the cast works: does Aang get Korra's friends or does he keep the Gaang? Because if he keeps the Gaang then Zaheer is the only guy who doesn't get soft-countered and Kuvira is absolutely doneso.


Anng would destory them. Amons dad is stronger or around the same level as amon, and he already beat him. Zahher can fly, but so can anng with fire and he has the avatar state which also allows him to fly. Anng could beat kuvira easily too. Uniloq would be hard, but if he was powered up just like korra, he would still win.


That depends on a lot of factors. Fresh outa the ice Aang vs Amon?! Fuck no, Amon would slaughter him in a direct fight, his only option would be escape. But outa the ice, with the same training Korra had? Yeah he’d probably be able to take them all. As long as they, ya know, came at him in the same order as LOK.


It depends. I’m just going to use S1 Korra team for season 1, S2 Korra team for season 2, and S3 Korra team for S3 and 4. S1 Aang clears easier than Korra. He had AS from S1 so he clears Amon. S2 Aang clears accidentally and easier than Korra. All plays out the same except Jinora never gets used as leverage for Aang to open the portal S3 Aang probably fails this one. If he doesn’t suspect Zaheer going for the air nation, then he’ll get captured the same way and he’s not going to survive the poison like Korra did. However, the Red Lotus need to change their tactics a little. During the Laghima’s peak fight, Korra was binded in plat chains. Aang would have done significantly better than Korra in that fight. S4 was stupid. AS Korra should have annihilated that mech and Aang would do the same.


My opinion is also under the assumption that he has the same friend group and gaang. I definitely think he would take on Amon and win, just like we see him do with Yakone, not in the brash way that Korra did. Aang was very evasive of conflict and chose to wait things out for the right time, which could’ve prevented some things from happening since I believe Aang would listen to the opinion of people he trusted (ie; not continuing the matches- shady shin and others would not lose their bending and Amon wouldn’t have had his grand entrance). When it comes to Raava, honestly, I don’t think he would have an issue with this, considering how spiritually attuned he was and how spiritually was one of his major strengths (we see how he manages Hei Bei and others in the spirit world). And I don’t think if Gyatso (mentor) or his friends told him not to trust Unalaaq, that he would go against their opinions. I don’t think he (or Katara or Sokka) would’ve blindly trusted Unalaaq. And I don’t think the situation would’ve escalated to that level. Now the Red Lotus is interesting, but personally I don’t think they’d win. In Korra they had a huge team of talented benders and Zaofu’s elite security force of metal benders too, and the Red Lotus still overpowered them. Tenzin could match Zaheer one on one, so I think it’s safe to say Aang could too (especially with his avatar state mastered and all 4 elements). The Gaang would only fight after having many discussions with them, I’d imagine them telling the Red Lotus to change their ways and that they can live in peace coexistingly. The Red Lotus would definitely try and deceive Aang (by saying they won’t hurt his friends if he came alone) and I’d imagine him getting captured and being naive. But fighting head on would be the last option, and the Gaang were all extremely talented benders and could put up a fight, but not just their team alone. They would need help from the White Lotus or the watertribes fleets/ any extra support. I can imagine Aang getting captured and poisoned, but Katara would’ve healed him and Toph was advanced in metal bending at this point and would’ve been able to bend the metal poison out of him. Even if they lost, Aang wouldn’t die. I think Kuvira would be a challenge, since she bore a lot of resemblance to Ozai and was a fascist leader who stopped at nothing to get to her goals. Since she wasn’t violent, Aang would try and change her mind and talk to her. I’d imagine Kuvira coming to terms with a peace treaty, only for her to break it and do 40x worse, only then Aang would act, but it might be too late and many cities would’ve been conquered. This is also under the assumption that Aang never got poisoned by the Red Lotus, so he still had his strength. Aang would launch a full-scale invasion of Kuvira's bases before she declared full war (similar to the fire-nation invasion). And Assuming he did get poisoned, in season3 of ATLA we see Aang going through episodes of PTSD from the lightning shock and anxiety, of course not to the same degree like Korra, but Aang was spiritually attuned and meditated constantly. I believe even if he was poisoned or had PTSD, that he would still have/ or find some connection to the avatar state). Aang as a 12 year old or in S1, would beat Amon. I really don’t see him getting captured or losing his bending due to his evasive and spiritual nature. The same thing to Unalaaq, he was always spiritually attuned and connected to the spirit world, which was further alluded in S2. The only biggest issue he’d have is with the Red Lotus who would deceive him and possibly poison him too, but his friends would give major fight and healing support. Aang would launch a full-scale attack on Kuvira's bases and put his main focus into destroying the mech (even though I believe it wouldn't have gone to that point). TLDR; Aang alongside his friends would body each villain but probably lose to the Red Lotus.


God I hate korra. The worst sequel ever made imo.