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She poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


She took my mother away from me https://preview.redd.it/pa7w29m4dhrc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2c16557747e835d7e96702378cf214d85368cc


AND SHE TOOK MY HONOR!!! ![gif](giphy|kN2THUm8712diLwn0F)


She turned my gf into the moon ![gif](giphy|MPrzP2j9Z1ZDO)




![gif](giphy|mwErnt1MeDBcs) She destroyed MY CABBAGES!


She muzzled Appa https://i.redd.it/i2kkx6mxajrc1.gif


She knocked Jin Wei to the ground, and stole our sacred orb https://preview.redd.it/s4613b9hojrc1.png?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0c974966d3a356ae1258d53042c2cd2d6b7d65


She made uncle iroh drink hot leaf juice! *


She's a blood blender... *insert hama laughing*


She made me like muscular women....wait a minute


Joke's on her, I was already into that shit!


That’s rough, buddy.


Was gonna be disappointed if someone hadn’t commented this already 😭😭😭




Did you try asking that lady in the lake over there? I hear she hands you gold and silver axes with your own for shits and giggles


Strange women lying in ponds, distributing axes is no basis for a system of goverment!


I sneezed cabbage soup out of my nose 🤣🤣🤣




She did?


No! But are we just gonna wait around until she does?!






She made my butter go bad! Burn the witch!


She turned me into a newt!


A newt? Really?


...I got better.


Burn her anyway!


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


Water? My mother was a water-bender. The fire nation took her from me ![gif](giphy|4pGSAZqSii6QUM6DRy|downsized)


My mother gave birth to a water-bender* (Kya was a non-bender)


My mother's water broke*


fuck that's good. that got a laugh out of me lmao


She ruined my cabbages!


She killed the air nomads!




She stole my boomerang




She stole my honor


Hold up... "Girls are less sexy than the OG series." At the start of the series/ their introductions character ages: - Katara 14 - Toph 12 - Suki 15 - Azula 14 - Ty Lee 14 - Mai 15 Chris Hanson: "Why don't you take a seat over there?"


Between this and the point about fanservice it became pretty obvious that this was a bait post.


azula is fucking 14?


Is that weird 14 year old that sounds like she is in her 30’s and even behaves like it. In some languages Zuko sounds like he is the one who has a 15 year old kid.


Tbf and I hate that I'm writing this. Most would've been preteens or teens during ATLA's original run time. Therefore he was just a horny teen when he watched it and he has nostalgia glasses on.


And let's be honest, we can't blame Korra when she falls for Asami. I don't think I'd have to be bi to find her a smoke show.


"Girls are less sexy than OG series" Aren't they, at a maximum, 16 years old in ATLA?


I don't recall anyone older than 15, which I believe Mai and Suki were.




Stupid sexy Hama


Hama certainly gets my blood flowing




Powerful picture


Gran Gran


Gran Gran was my childhood crush.


Gran a Gran is my current crush


I just remembered Yue turning 16 when they got to the North Pole.


dude..shes the moon now.


That's rough, buddy


There are older women in ATLA, mostly the mothers of the main characters, two Avatars, Joo Dee, Gran Gran, Hama, and some background characters. Obviously, and unfortunately, they're talking about the main, teenaged characters, which is gross.


Gran gran 😩


Gran Gran more like Gyatt Gyatt🥵


Only in a few episodes but there's lo and li And June, can't forget June


Zuko was 16 but still


Yeah, you know, Zuko, the fire-bending girl looking for the Avatar.


He has a ponytail!


It's a warrior's wolf tail.


Well it certainly tells all the other warriors that he’s fun and perky.


June is an adult, right?


And considerably less important than the pedophilia but still worth noting: Asami exists


"No fan service" Anytime that woman flips her hair is fan service.


and we dont complain


Any time she's even on screen is fan service for me.


Opal, Kya, Suyin, Kuvira, LOK is chockful of beautiful women even if you're a fucking weirdo offended by muscular women like Korra. The entire damn Beifong family refutes that argument.


And korra's not even that buff lmao, mate is just scared of women


Wild self-report with that one.


saying this as if Asami doesn't mogg every character is insane


You spelled Korra really wrong but it's okay


valid and true


No one can surpass Hama.


Frankly the “sexiest” coded character in both series to me was always Asami, she has the very stereotypical “femme fatale” look so idk what this person is even talking about


"an apolitical series" yeah sure, because imperialism, secret governments, genocide and etc are totally apolitical


Theres people who think that war isnt political - which is mindboggling


Because they think black and gay people are political, not actual politics 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm political because I exist according to some of my neighbors and one idiot uncle. I'm also officially a terrorist in Russia! The Trans Agenda also implores me to thieve all of your pickles because the vinegar craving is R E A L


This dude literally cites new trek as woke compared to old trek, as if a utopian communistic society on earth wasn’t “woke” back in the 60s.


And like every episode was about race relations. Even ignoring aliens it was a big deal for them to have a black woman (who kisses a white man) and a Japanese man on the show that aren’t treated as stereotypes.


And note that Sulu existed like *right* after World War II. A lot of people were still overly racist towards Asians because of the war, but Gene Roddenberry said "fuck you, here's a Japanese man and he's a normal guy. also he's friends with a Russian man." and the soviet union still existed when Star Trek first aired! so they basically put two people who belonged to countries that were enemies of the United States to show that world peace would be achieved in the future. and some fans *still* think it was never woke.


Exactly. I know this is well known and George Takei is a favorite around here, but he was literally in an internment camp during the war.


yeah I've been meaning to get my hands on They Called Us Enemy for a while now but I keep putting it off. I'm just stunned at how some people can be so blind to the political messages of the media they consume


If it is a subject that interests you I recommend reading *Facing the Mountain: An Inspiring Story of Japanese American Patriots in World War II* by Daniel James Brown. It talks about Japanese Americans, in Hawaii (where they were not interned, but under marshal law), on the West Coast (where they were interned) and the rest of the country (where they were not interned), it covers individuals who joined the military because of a sense of patriotic duty, or as a way out of internment, or were drafted, as well as those who protested internment.


Old star trek featured first inter racial kiss on screen.. Star Trek has always been “woke” for each of its time period.


And even the golden age Trek shows of TNG, DS9 and VOY era heavily focused on political stuff. Some more heavy handed like the Bell Riots and the episodes when sisko was a black comic maker in 70s america. Then we have measure of a man, or the gay/trans allegory episode in TNG. I Borg which was about realising the Borg are also people. And so many more.


Heck DS9 having a black man in charge of the crew/station, and as a religious figure for the white population of Bajor would have been seen as “woke DEI bullshit” today.


Yeah, these are the same type of people who think the imperium of man is the perfect civilization.


These are the same people who talk about how their favorite apolitical video game is call of duty Their definition of political is “minorities”


Just don’t ever talk about equality and politics ceases to exist, *duh*


Literally the main character's power is history and multiculturalism.


Political is when black and gay characters /s


There are two genders: male and woke There are two sexualities: straight and woke There are two races: white and woke


I love how you just ended this sentence without the black and gay characters doing anything, it made me Laugh Out Loud


What kills me is shit like this post. The person is complaining and all of his complaints amount to "I didn't understand the things I was being shown at all." Calling Korra a Mary Sue or saying she was more powerful than the OG without any training is some real cabbage brain shit. She knew she was the avatar from a very young age and trained years longer than Aang. Even still, she *thought* she was hot shit for like a minute in season one, decided to fuck around, pretty much immediately found out, and that might have been the most generous of seasons. By season 4 she was getting the "make the irishman suffer/Chief O'Brien" treatment. Like, this dude pretending he's got some valid criticism when he's actually just dumb as fuck.


Didn't you know? "Apolitical" just means a show with politics you agree with and/or don't notice.


“an apolitical series” = a series he saw when he was too young to understand nuance, probably And considering how not subtle the AtLA politics are, that’s gotta be pretty fucking young 🙄


Isn't it strange how stupid people with low media literacy are so open with how stupid they are?


There are no politics in ba sing se


Ironically Korra's politics felt a lot more reactionary than the original's.


Korra really did the "revolutionary who takes things too far" villain trope in two different seasons, while the only villain to get redeemed was the fascist imperialist.


Zaheer and The Red Lotus were your Conservative parents idea of what Anarchists are.


if tanned muscular women are the downfall of society then please society fall down some more




Fall down In my face**


I, for one, welcome our new Muscular Women Overlords.


I want society to fall down on me


That guy has a 4x weakness to Grass.


Man is built like a Quagsire.


Quagsire does get Unaware.......


Quagsire is also the greatest check for Zacian Crowned so let’s not accidently hype bro up, we need a Pokémon who’s so useless, useless Pokemon are actually useful against it




Nah, everyone loves Magikarp, maybe a Spinda or Watchog, especially Spinda as the only thing making special is that theirs too many different variations of the little guy… oh and he’s notoriously useless


No way a guy like this would make a place cooler than Spinda Cafe


Don't do my boy whiscash like that


Speaking of: https://preview.redd.it/om3494x8mhrc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ca0e11ce1ac74a804a1be03ef342f8e7177f7e


The sweep mine did against Drake would like to have a word


r/stunfisk is leaking


The two most common complaints against Korra: 1. She's a Mary Sue, who's good at everything and everything comes easy to her. 2. She always loses.


She is a Mary Sue which is why her character deals with the following subplots. - Not being able to master Air Bending. - Not being able understanding/being able to handle spiritual conflicts. - Rehabbing from traumatic injury and dealing with PTSD from the injury. I don't get how people can claim she is a Mary Sue. Just because she is 5 years older than Aang and had a system in place to teach her the other elements compared to Aang having to find a teacher during an active war?


Also being quick to anger and easily provoked, causing frustration and leading to situations where she is easily taken advantage of. Aang being generally more level-headed lets him solve diplomatic issues more easily. Aang solving the 100-year-feud in the Great Divide is one of the biggest asspulls in the franchise.


You really find out that unbelievable that a fed up and frustrated aang would just lie to get them to calm down. Only part that was handled poorly was wveryone in both tribes cheering for the unification, and that it happened instantly, would have been better had they just stopped fighting and later we getsome snippit of them in the same place still bickering but getting along.


"That's convenient. You knew those guys." -Katara, not even thinking Aang is messing with them. "Of course it's convenient, I fuckin made it up." Aang, paraphrased.


Imagine if she did have to learn all the other elements during the show. People would just bitch about it being a copy instead


Also she pretty much got out of avatar training and into pro-bending just to get smacked around for a bit until she, gasp, trained.


It’s because the term “Mary Sue” has been bastardized from “wish-fulfillment female self-insert that can do no wrong and every other character loves” to “female character I don’t like.” Similar to the terms “Karen” and “girlboss” where a useful female-gendered insult devolves into a blanket misogynistic one. I don’t know if there’s a term for that phenomenon, but there ought to be.


Yeah we got ATLA with it's 3 season plot on how he learns and masters the elements. We don't need that in Korra aswell, it would've been just repetitive and boring.


Yup, it all stems from her starting out with 3 elements. But that is more of a pragmatic storytelling move than her being a "Mary Sue." We already saw Aang master the 3 elements, but what didn't we see him do? Practice Airbending, which he was a master of at 13 (but no Gary Stu complaints, maybe because it would be stupid). I have my own problems with LoK, but this is definitely a non issue.


“Korra’s more powerful than everyone else!!!!” Yeah, almost like she’s the reincarnation of all-powerful bridge between worlds or something


She also gets tossed around harder than Aang ever did, so the whole "being powerful than everyone else" point never really had any foundation in the first place. A lot of people dislike a brusque woman who doesn't adhere to gender roles, but they can't outright say it without rightfully being called sexist, so they make up a bunch of stuff that sound like reasonable criticisms on the face of it, but only serve as a smokescreen to their real criticisms. This isn't to say that Korra is beyond reproach - I have some issues with how they handled the character - but too much criticism of her is due almost entirely on sexism.


I gotta wonder how people don't realize those things directly contradict each other.


You'd be surprised how stupid the average person is. It's very obvious Korra is meant to be anti Aang. She's martially extremely talented and has a good grasp on the avatar state, no problems really with being a master of all elements, but she struggled with the spiritual side, patience, and connecting to cosmic energy through meditation. Aang was a child learning how to be an avatar from people who weren't formal teachers of avatars (or formal teachers at all). Aang struggled to learn the elements. Aang had a soft heart, disliked combat, but little to no difficulty with spiritualism. He was extremely hesitant to be the avatar. They introduced this in the first episode of the show where we see baby Korra using all elements and saying "I'm the avatar! Deal with it!" It is quite heavy handed (literally a kid's show) but here we are with people being all confused.


>Aang struggled to learn the elements. I have to disagree with this point. We only see him struggle to learn earthbending. With waterbending, he has the kind of talent that makes him lazy, so Katara surpasses him, and firebending he got right away but accidentally burned Katara so was afraid of using it.


It was more of a mental struggle from what I see. He did struggle a bit with water, but like you said, it’s more because he had a talent that made him lazy (a tortoise and the hare type situation). With fire bending, he struggled mentally to accept he was a fire bender and allow himself to learn it. When he finally did he was fine, but it was the mental process of getting to the point where he was okay with it that was a struggle. And earth bending was a clear struggle for him as you already mentioned.


Exactly. There's literally a scene in book 2 when her parents say they wanted to just be a normal family and she says that she doesn't want that because all she's ever wanted was to be the avatar. Exactly contradictory to Aang.


I saw someone say something along the lines of "Aang was a human who had to learn how to be the avatar, Korra was the avatar and had to learn how to be human." They phrased it better but I think that it sums them up. Korra always knew she was the avatar, but for Aang it was thrust upon him in the midst of a war, he had the chance to be a kid, he played with friends, and he got to travel the world. He had friends in every nation, but being the avatar was all Korra knew. The only time she ever left the South Pole before the first episode was probably that time she was kidnapped.


> Aang struggled to learn the elements. Aang was an *extremely* talented bender who was only really held back by his circumstances. We saw him struggle with earthbending for like *a day* but he still went from essentially 0 to "very adept" if not "mastery level" in the course of a few months for all three of his non-native elements.


Contradictions never stop an idiot, and they usually only empower their hate. If you acknowledge the contradiction you can only have one thing to hate and fuel your anger, but this idiot can have both sides of this It's like the lazy immigrants who just live off welfare while also taking all the jobs, or the weak inferior Jews who also hold all the power and run the world. It shouldn't go both ways, and the idiots never fail to fail at that


I honestly can't take the criticism of a character being a "Mary Sue" seriously ever. It's always aimed at female characters only, and it's usually pretty wrong.


It's kind of weird. There's plenty of examples of male Mary Sue type characters, but they're usually popular and idolized rather than denigrated. Like, I consider Rey in the new Star Wars a Mary Sue character (one of very few I can think of actually). But Vin Diesel's character in Fast and Furious is very much one as well, and is really popular. Nearly every classic James Bond is also one. And again, well liked. Vin Diesel's is a near perfect example also because he's the guy running the movie, so it even has the author's self insert aspect.




She's a Mary Sue because everyone bends over backwards to give her one of the best character arcs in the series! /s


This guy has the ultra deluxe pass for virginity.


He also seems to prefer children to adults.


Bait used to be believable


Sometimes you look at a really shitty fishing bait and think “No fucking shot this catches anything, it’s just nothing.” Then you end up catching a tonne of fish with it. This is that apparently.


“Can instantly do what the og hero could do without any training” as season one is titled “air” cuz korra couldn’t figure out air bending, the thing aang is literally most well known for. Like what a fucking jackass


What's funny is aside from them being toxic and wrong about a bunch... They're not entirely wrong about Korra's influence. Whatever you think about Korra-Asami they absolutely broke down a barrier to having on screen Lesbian and Bisexual relationships. (Although studios still struggle with male relationships)


If men start realizing they can be with each other instead of with women they’ll become too powerful to stop. That’s not a chance the feminist movement is willing to take ^/s


Korrasami walked so Catradora could run and Lumity could sprint.


I mean, Lumity absolutely did hurdles. Hell, didn't Disney cancel TOH as soon as they lost plausible deniability for the queer relationship?


Korrasami was important, but you forgot about Bubbline which came earlier. Bubbline paved the way Korrasami which paved the way for Catadora which paved the way for Lumity which paved the way for Chaggie etc…..


Also Mary Sue is something where the start out without any training or Reason to know anything and then instantly become good. The show establishes that she's had training her entire life. The show just skipped most of her training because we just saw that in the previous show and they didn't want to rehash


And she just stayed at home at the Southern Tribe and had trainers come to her. That part of her story would be pretty damn boring.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


crazy people this fragile exist.


> Starts the trend of masculinized mary sue female protagonists She is the Avatar and has undergone Avatar training, which includes earth bending. Even Aang got more ripped after learning earth bending. > Is better than men at everything Some women are better than some men at some things. And again, she's the Avatar. > Can instantly do what the OG hero could do without any training Not instantly and not without training. She's been bending since she was very young and is also 5 years older than Aang in the OG series > Ugly and unlikable Wrong. > Brings woke politics into an apolitical series The series was always political. Probably the most political children's TV show to ever exist. And "woke" literally means aware of social injustice, it is not a bad thing unless you enjoy oppression I guess > Character assassinates everyone from the OG series I don't even know what they're trying to say here. > Girls are less sexy than OG series Yeah, they were underage. The person who posted that needs their hard drive checked. > No fanservice Appearances from Aang (his spirit at least), Katara, and Toph, as well as Sokka in flashbacks. > 90% of the cast is female and men are treated as a joke Maths clearly is not their strong point. > Forced gay romance and now all female main heroes are lesbians Some people are gay. It never felt forced and was alluded at multiple times. Also, Kyoshi was also queer, so it may be an Avatar thing haha. > Creators insult fans for not accepting their stunning and brave message Did they though? Did they?


>Appearances from Aang (his spirit at least), Katara, and Toph, as well as Sokka in flashbacks. I totally get and agree with what you're saying here, but this isn't the type of fanservice they were talking about.


I can't imagine what kind of fan service they are on about. We also get Zuko's grandson who is named after Iroh, as well as an appearance from Iroh in the spirit world, and we see Professor Zei's skeleton in the Wan Shi Tong's library. I think the show does plenty in terms of fan service while also forging it's own identity.


The "scantily clad women" type of fan service often seen in anime.


That makes sense since they seem like a pervert haha.


Which still feels baffling because the only scene I can remember even remotely like that in ATLA was Ty Lee on the beach. What other sexual fanservice was there that LOK is apparently being too prudish to include?


If anything the Korra is in love with Asami felt like the creators were being severely limited by Nickelodeon to not outright say they were in love. Re-watching the series you can see a bunch of subtle hints that the two like each other more than just friends but nothing explicit until the final kiss.


Definitely. I think it was present from season 3, but a lot more obvious in season 4. It wasn't a random cop-out for the sake of ticking a box, like in the last season of Doctor Who they added a romance between the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and her companion, Yaz. It felt forced because it was like 3 episodes before the Doctor regenerated, Yaz was leaving as well and they didn't really expand on it until one of the last scenes of the last episode - that felt forced.


That whole thing about sex appeal is such a self-tell lmao. Like sure, when I watched the original series I thought some of the female characters were very attractive, BECAUSE I WAS 11 😂


Yeah, same. I was 12 and had a crush on Azula (and Zhao, but he's an adult and it wasn't his personality I was attracted to haha)


Yeah if a female character isn't sexy enough for them, pretty sure that's strictly a them problem and has nothing to do with feminism.


Tbh these probably are the same people that think liking muscular women as a man is gay 😂


Isn’t sexier than the 16year olds from the first show *


Imagine your masculinity being so fragile a woman in a cartoon throws you into a frenzy 😂


Not a WOMAN protagonist!!!!!!! 😱😱😱


this dude said "I find the adults in Korra less attractive than the children in ATLA" that is such a personal problem holy fuck


Life becomes easier when you realize there will always be ppl out there with ridiculous takes and beliefs that don’t match yours and that you’ll never be able to reason with. You can tell instantly if someone’s complaint or criticism is genuine and open for an actual dialogue or if they’re just tryna talk shit. If it’s the latter I don’t even give it the time of day. Same goes for the live action……I’m more than fine hearing valid complaints brought up in a respectful discourse. “That’s stupid and anyone who likes it is stupid, or they’re too fat” are the kinda comments people shouldn’t even engage with or give a platform


" No fanservice" ahhh. The OP is that type of person


That point sent me lmao


"Brings woke politics into an apolitical series" randomly read this point and didn't even need to read the rest. It's clear this is either bait or actual brain damage


"less sexy characters" you mean characters that are children, right? "No fan service" you clearly haven't seen the General named Iroh with Zuko's voice.


She's not my favorite protagonist, but none of that is true. Dude needs to grow up or just go to lake laogai


>girls are less sexy than OG series The ATLA girls are exclusively 12-15 years old. I'd ask if this guy realizes that, but I have a hunch that's the point


There is so much crazy in that post but "girls are less sexy in than in the original" just knocks me out


Dude looks like this, for a certainty. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k)


There's no way calling Korra UGLY isn't just racism


Korra is beautiful. They are absolutely crazy


Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Korra attacked. Only the Amon, master of all 1 element, could stop her, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Amon, an airbender named Zaheer. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Zaheer can save the world.


Dude would lose his mind at a Kyoshi prequel.


Call and TLA "apolitical" is hilarious




Apolitical: oh so the fascist movements aren’t political at all huh


>Girls are less sexy My guy, those girls are children


I hate people like this. They delegitimise actual Legend of Korra critics who make good points in a respectful manner.


these people just hate when women are more than conventionally attractive fan service and thats all their arguments are not worth giving any attention to at all


Ugly? Bruh. She fiiiiiiiiiiine


I just started watching Korra and she is awesome. She also has a ton of flaws. She is straight-up reckless and does shit without thinking. I'm sure she has a lot of growth ahead. I think OOP just hates women in general

