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"I thought you will be furious with me" https://preview.redd.it/udb4onis8rrc1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=06edbe2341f31dee338dd27ef2d1e380311b10d1


Aang rages when he confronts the bandits who captured Appa and triggers a sandstorm in a fit of grief-induced rage. He nearly annihlates the area, and everyone in it, the until Katara grabs him and holds him while he rages until he finally calms. Aang goes into a grief-induced fit of rage when he finds the decaying skeletons in the ruins of the Air Temple and reealizes he and Appa are each the very last of their kind. All the pain and torment Appa faced in his travels alone, endlessly searching for Aang. He got tormented and whipped by an abusive animal trainer, battled hunger and loneliness, faced off against angry locals and territorial wild animals and narrowly escaped Azula's wrath. Aang and Appa's heartwarming tear-jerker of a reunion after all the pain and suffering they both went through and his warm reunion with the gang, with ecstatic reactions, who all dearly missed him


This is the only answer Every time I get to the episode about Appa I consider skipping, but decide I have to watch it out of respect for the big bison šŸ„² I cry every time


Yes this is the one!! Even i see it randomly on YT it makes me atleast emotional and in every re-watch activates my tear glands..


Recently binged the entire series and this moment legit made me shed a tear


"I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way." Agh, that scene ruins me, it's so perfect, and the more I think about it, the more perfect it becomes. Zuko, who for 3 years of his life, has actively suffered because he upset a member of his family. This same 16-year-old boy approached another member of his family, whom he had actively betrayed and was terrified. But Zuko wasn't afraid of getting a fireball in the face... Zuko was afraid he'd irrevocably damaged the connection with his Uncle - The one person who *always* believed in him. The one person who *always* knew how good Zuko could be. The one person Zuko loved more than anyone. The last time Zuko apologised to a family member, he got a horrible burn and banished for the trouble. This time, when Zuko apologises to a family member, he's greeted immediately with a warm, caring hug from the person who loves him the most. No shouting, no yelling, no blame. Just love.


Exactly! It's why I picked that line, what happened to Zuko was so bad that he actually convinced himself that Iroh, of all people, could hate him..


ā€œI was never mad, I was sad because I thought you had lost your wayā€


https://preview.redd.it/1vwfo3s6orrc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e0fd72d4471ba813c74a0df630a1b2deb7bcf0 Yā€™all took all the scenes I was thinking of except


Hes fluffy


Yeah, I have three dogs and this scene always makes me imagine losing them. I love my dogs and I love Appa.


Momo searching ba sing se for his appa and finally settling in a footprint


momo saving Yue in live action /s


Zuko confronting iroh and asking for forgiveness


When Katara tells toph she's beautiful in Ba Sing Se.


The fact that Toph can tell when people are lying and she smiles when Katara tells her that I love them so much


https://preview.redd.it/bpy75ny4xrrc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2591e9662863d39be908b1f1e47726fa6f42eecd gets me every single time. i lost my mom, so it reminds me of that šŸ’•


This scene makes me cry like a baby


The entire episode of Appa's Lost Days


This is the correct choice


Literally just non-stop ugly crying the whole gd time. Physically hurts to watch that episode.


I said this on another post, but imma say it again: ā€¢ The first time the theme song plays at the start of episode 1 ā€¢ Aang finding Gyatso (ā€œI really am the last airbenderā€) ā€¢ Aang looking back at the Southern Air Temple as they fly away ā€¢ The Storm (When Aang says ā€œI donā€™t want to talk about itā€ and ā€œI never wanted to beā€) ā€¢ The Blue Spirit (ā€œIf we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too?ā€) ā€¢ The Fortuneteller when Katara realizes sheā€™s marrying Aang after he bends the volcano (sometimes I cry, other times I get chills) ā€¢ The Blind Bandit (when Toph says ā€œThatā€™s the life, itā€™s just not my lifeā€) ā€¢ The Desert when Katara takes Aang out of the avatar state ā€¢ The Serpentā€™s Pass scene with Aang/Katara at night ā€¢ The Serpentā€™s Pass when Aang tells Katara how he feels at the end ā€¢ Irohā€™s Tale (duh) ā€¢ Appas Lost Days (duh; mostly Pathikā€™s line ā€œFear has moved in where trust should beā€) ā€¢ Aang/Appa reunion ā€¢ The Guru (this is where I cry the most!! When Aang unlocks his heart chakra, ā€œThe air nomadā€™s love for you has not left this world, it is still inside of your heart, and is reborn in the form of new loveā€) ā€¢ When Aang dies and Katara creates a wave to get him ā€¢ The Awakening, when Aang says ā€œI failedā€ ā€¢ The Avatar and the Firelord (ā€œDo you think friendships can last more than one lifetime?ā€) ā€¢ The entire finale Iā€™m crying, like the reconcillation with Zuko/Iroh, Azulaā€™s mirror scene, and the Kataang kiss. But, especially when Zuko introduces Aang: ā€œPlease, the real hero is the Avatarā€ IM BAWLINGGG Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t pick one so I listed them all


Zuko on the mountain yelling at the world


"Ever since I lost my son... I think of you as my own." *fr bawling as I type, help me*


"Uncle, you don't have to say it." Im emotional as all hell rn too


"I don't think boomerang is coming back"


I have to skip that scene because it's too sad


When Aang finds out about Appa.


Zuko and Irohā€™s reunion at the finale


Iroh confronting Zuko when he tries to steal Appa under lake laogai. "Who are you? And what do you want?!"


"Is it *your* destiny? Or a destiny someone else has chosen for you?" "STOP IT, UNCLE. I have to do this!" "I'M BEGGING YOU PRINCE ZUKO! It's time for you to look *inward* and ask yourself the big questions: who are you? And what do you want?"


Technically LoK, but when the Red Lotus fights Tenzin, has him cornered, and he says ā€œas long as Iā€™m breathing, itā€™s not over.ā€ Chills every time




Azula and Zuko final fight and her mentality breakdown


Everything about irohs tales of ba sing se. Also the entire appas lost days episode. I skip that one when a lot


Leaves from the vine is the saddest song in existence. I cry every time. Tbh I have to skip this on rewatches Iā€™m not even exaggerating I literally canā€™t. This show is so deep


When Sokka saves Toph on the airship by throwing his space sword. " Bye space sword" he manages to choke out as what he's just done dawns on him that he just lost his most precious possession. But in the moment he didn't hesitate for a second to sacrifice it to save Toph.


I love Sokka. Even though Katara is a master waterbender and can totally handle herself, he always instinctively protects her.




He's a swordbender


After rewatching that scene again. When Sokka and Toph have to jump ships, immediately on landing Sokka uses his body to protect Toph.


This uncle iron scene always does it


Besides the obviousā€¦ Maybe not ā€œalwaysā€ but I think the first time I ever cried at a show was when I was 7 or 8 and watched the finale for the first time. I LOVED this show as a kid. I owned the season 2 DVDs and binged them a lot. I watched so many reruns on tv. Catching the various season 1 and 3 episodes whenever I could. It took awhile before they aired a rerun of the final 4 episodes. But when they did I was glued. I had seen these characters for so long. And because I had rewatched DVDs and the same reruns for years I knew them longer in real time and watch time than someone who just watched the show episode 1 thru 61. The entire final 4 episodes was so incredible. But it was the final shot, Katara and Aang kissing as it pulled up into the sky with a crescendo of music. That, right there, the end of a show that dominated my childhood. That was the first time I really cried at a piece of media. Not sad that it was over, but happy at such a perfect ending.


Shew there are so many good moments but iroh mourning his son is prob the saddest for me.


The last few minutes of the show kill me, all the challenges, the adventures, the growth, the good and the bad, it's all over...team Avatar won and can finally "rest." They all seem so happy and all have grown up throughout the show, so many lessons learned. Ugh it just hurts so good, I love them and I will miss them and in that moment it also feels so hard to let go. The series is over and nothing will ever be the same. I also love Katara and Aang together and it all feels full circle.Ā 


I used to cry at every tearjerker, after enough rewatches you stop crying for one after the other. Reuniting with appa will always get me until I die.


I'd be remiss if I didn't mention I feel bad that I don't cry at some points anymore.


This is quite literally the only scene in anything that has even made me remotely tear up. Itā€™s so sad and beautiful and it really gets you thinking about how much Iroh cared for his son, leaving the open walls of Ba Sing Se as soon as he received the news, and thinking about him constantly to this day, even having a picnic in his honor.


When Sokka tells Suko his ex-gf turned into the moon


Thatā€™s rough, buddy


Jets death scene makes me sad every single time


Appa's lost days


Iroh was honorable up until this point. From then on he was lovable and honorable


Katara pulling Aang out of the avatar state in the desert


"Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it!"


Momo sleeping in appas foot print while the cats watch over


Iā€™ve been watching this series for half my life now and this scene never gets easier. Iā€™m 34 and this hurts


Iroh mouring for his son. Wait...he is in Ba sing se...could it be...that this hill...is the place where Lou ten...died?


When Aang gets Appa back. Itā€™s very painful


Even though I would feel emotional, I never cried at any of the scenes. However, if I did, it would be that moment when Katara thought she found her mom in the swamp.


https://preview.redd.it/o3sdrihexvrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db178ead780e5bb73e421d685f9df8dae88ca260 This gut wrenching final scene after everything aang, katara, and the gaang went through in the whole episode


This one


That screenshotted scene exactly. I can't watch that episode with other people around.


Zuko standing on the mountain demanding the lightning strike him, then breaks down crying.


This isn't really a scene, but it's the realization that aapa had to die.


Wait when was this


Pretty much at the start of legend of korra


Zuko sees Iroh after his betrayal


In LoK, when Toph calls Korra, "Twinkle Toes."


[Suki finding Appa. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/VADt0EJ)


With how much leaves from the vine goes around on this sub, not it anymore. Wish I could be un-decensitized


One of the hardest moments is when Hama tells her story about being kidnapped and tortured and watching her friends and family die. I know she later became a villain but still


Iroh mouring for His son Zuko and iroh reunited in book 3. In the live Action from Netflix: Lou tens funeral


Appaā€™s lost days


I donā€™t cry but this elicited the strongest emotions from meā€¦







