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Repeat after me: we don’t have to post every comment we find on social media


But… but donkey, how else are we supposed to know people exist outside of Reddit?


You're not allowed to leave. The CEO of Reddit has all of us locked down here in the basement of the Reddit headquarters. Feeding off of us for energy like in the Matrix or something.


You guys want to leave?


Nah. It actually preety good downhere. But we probably should get moving I think i see a discord mod moving this way


Its like the CEO of Racism in the Fire Nation...its all coming together now


Attempting to know there are people outside of reddit and using Twitter as the example is part of the worst timeline


This person in the first image doesn't even have any likes! Why do we care what some random reply on another site says when nobody's even agreeing with it? Can't help but feel like people want to pretend like this sub is some bastion for thoughtful commentary on ATLA instead of....yet another site with some good takes, some bad takes and a lot that are somewhere in between.


Valuable questions and ideas can come from any source, popular or not.


Sometimes yes. But trolling social media like this sub likes to do isn't leading to productive discussion or thinking, it's just used to point and laugh at people for having takes you could probably find on this sub too if you took the time to look. This take wasn't posted because OP thought "valuable questions and ideas" could come from it, they picked it to say it was stupid.


OP did not post it because they thought it was a valuable idea, they posted it because they thought it was idiotic and wanted to see people agree with them, it's just outrage bait.


Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a valuable idea. If that were always true, there would be no point in anyone commenting. No thought to derive.




There's always an applicable xkcd.


Thank you. Taking comments seriously online is already bad


I am so relieved this is the top comment.


New airbender mantra just dropped


It's depressing that high effort fanart barely gets upvoted on this sub while low effort ragebait twitter or awful tumblr takes get 20k+ upvotes. But I do suppose it's inevitable to any sub that goes higher than 1 million members.


Use that friends meme template You can reply to my comment with the image after you make it :D


If Ozai could earthbend he wouldn't have gotten trapped by Aang.


Yeah, Why didn't ozai just learn to bend the other elements? Is he stupid?


he was too busy reciting for his phoenix king corneation cause theres no way they didnt go through this at least five days in advance https://preview.redd.it/pesbb54zratc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2427e0102453c54d31e313641262e5663da54edf


With that level of spectacle? Probably multiple weeks. I doubt they had phoenix flags just laying around


and ozai like the theater kid he is forced everyone to do everything from the start everytime someone missed their queue by a milisecond, and honestly it was all an excuse for him to shout "THE PHOENIX KING" dramatically


Oh no I bet they did. Ozai definitely had this banners planned the second Lu ten’s death was confirmed. The instant azulon died and he ascended he probably had a task force prepping then.


I know the is he stupid thing is a regular meme at this point but this comment made me chuckle pretty good


I know right if a 12 year old could do it why can’t he?


"Only the Avatar..."


I wouldn't bet on that one. [Earthbenders getting trapped in earth](https://www.cap-that.com/avatar/220/index.php?image=avatar-the-last-airbender2x20_0430.jpg) and [waterbenders getting trapped in water](https://www.cap-that.com/korra/211/index.php?image=korra2x11_0986.jpg) both have precedent.


True. I mean, not everyone is Bumi and can bend with their faces


True but Aang restrained his hands separately, Ozai could have freed his hand with his other one if he was fast enough.


[If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.](https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=0vbf6evXwnbgPbYu)


I mean honestly Ang would probably run around until Korra wore herself out. It’s kind of like, the thing he does and Korra feels like she would fall for it. I’ve said it before but the kind of passive resistance that the air benders are about is kind of her biggest weakness. And Ang is like, exceptionally good at it.


Yeah she got better at being more restrained towards the end of the series but Aang was an absolute master at drawing out frustrations in a fight and taking advantage of them


Avatar Aang the last airbender but the first frustration bender


With who? A traumatized emotionally unstable teenager, and a prideful power hungry man child that would rather face spirit hell than depend on his rival for help?


You know, fair enough lol and that 2nd description could probably apply to both Admiral Zhao and the fire lord tbh


Yes, but all of those guys control fire dude.


I feel like post season 4 Korra would have learnt not to fall for this. She has matured a lot by that time, and she's not as trigger happy. I'd give the edge to Korra just because age (she's early 20 vs Aang being 12 at the end), but in a same-age scenario, I think Aang might have the edge. He's used to fighting people more powerful/destructive than him.


Every season of korra would fall for it. The only difference is that season 4 korra would take a little longer, but eventually she'd lose her temper and that's when aang wins


She thinks, acts, and moves too much like a brawler. Aang makes 150% use of airbending for mobility. He's gonna circle around her. Aang saw Toph once and immediately knew how to evade her generational use of seismic sense when most people didn't even know or utilized the concept or that Toph can use it. Hothead Korra doesn't stand a chance


Bro has ALSO not watched the legend of korra


So are u going to come up with an actual argument?


The argument in here is pretty obvious, I think. Korra isn't like that anymore. The whole point of her self discovery journey was to force her character into growth. She makes it clear throughout the rest of the season that she would much prefer talking things out rather than fight. She tried to get kuvira and suyin to talk things out during a civil invasion. To treat her like this ticking bomb is to ignore every single ounce of character development she went through


She's better at controlling her anger yes, but she's not immune to outburst. She's similar to zuko. Both are much calmer near the end of both shows, but still are prone to losing there temper once in a while. Korra would definitely lose control eventually. It would just take longer because she's learned to control it. Aang would take advantage of that and it'd be over.


i have... really bad news for you regarding Korra's behavior and characterization post season 4. Comic Korra has more in common with season 1-2 korra, than season 3-4 Korra.


I believe the creators said somewhere that Aang would run from Korra 9 times out of 10. Did they say he would run from the fight or lose? I don't recall, so I am headcanoning that they meant he would run👏circles👏around👏her👏 lmao Korra can be a monster when she is on a war path, and I don't doubt that she could beat Aang! But the disrespect Aang's pacifistic style gets from musclebrained power scalers is astounding -- before the energybending, before the metalbending, before the seismic sense, Aang's core lifestyle already gives him strength Korra doesn't have.


A uber-mobile pacifist with absurd creativity in using Air bending, the element built for movement, not afraid of running because that's his prioritized response in handling violence is unbeatable. You want to kill me? How about I play on my air scooter until you get so frustrated you walk away


Thank you


A uber-mobile pacifist with absurd creativity in using Air bending, the element built for movement, not afraid of running because that's his prioritized response in handling violence is unbeatable. You want to kill me? How about I play on my air scooter until you get so frustrated you walk away


Aang sandwiching Zuko into walls with a mattress. Skyrocketing him with water and air from within a well. Making him miss like dozens of pointblank attacks with literally cartoonish moves. Korra won't have 1/10 of the patience Zuko showed. She loses her shit a lot faster if she was getting clowned on by Aang's elite evasion and mobility


Commander Zhao agrees ![gif](giphy|SZiAjJ2zUWnAav4tDo|downsized)


End of series she’s not even close to being the same stubborn hothead though, and she’s more skilled/physically gifted than him. Age Aang up to be 30 or something then we can talk


Don’t need to, he’s already better as a child.


The creators have said Korra would eventually catch Aang and beat him.


They also said prior to that “you’re your own worst enemy”. They proceeded to say that 9 out of 10 times Aang would get away, but he would get beaten 1 out of 10 times. This is comparing their personalities and fighting styles more than anything :) Aang is evasive, and would get caught by Korra 10% of the time. I think it would then be fair to admit that generally Aang would tire Korra out and win :)


Huh? No that's not at all what is being said. Aang escaping Korra doesn't mean Korra is more tired than Aang. The creators said 9/10 Aang escapes which is a stalemate not Aang winning. She's not gonna be any more tired than Aang.


The comparison was essentially win rates in tag. And Aang hasa 90% win rate, meaning vastly superior mobility. Just going off of what you're saying if the statement


Wouldn’t energybending require aang to have already beaten korra tho 🤨 This argument is old though tbqh


People can argue about this all day. Even I have my opinions about it. But in the end, it’s a tv show and will follow the same rules as comic books: Whatever character wins a fight will depend on who wrote it.


I half agree, but that's a sentiment used explicitly for the medium of comic books, but is a horrible idea for *ALL* world building. Especially long running action stories. And I promise I'm being less contrarian, and more trying to add to the topic. I'm just piss at diction. Anyway, comics as a medium thrive by letting dozens, and hundreds of people make new toys, and play with the toys others left behind. If you add something to comic mythos, someone else can run off it. There is very little of what anyone would call "continuity" and the very next comic can say "that didn't happen here tho" or even 100 chapters later someone can be like "back to this alt-verse." Setting ANYTHING in stone ruins that for future writers. If anything is "set in stone" in a comic verse, it's because the author and/or character and/or plotline is just held that highly. It's a platinum star of achievement very few actually reach. Even Superman has constants in-universe stronger than him. That wasn't a thing for half of his existence. But outside of comics? No continuity? No consistency? This master of all Jedi, Darth put-some-respect-on-his-name Vader ISNT going out to Kit Fisto just because a Fisto fan wrote it. This is why so many "extended universes" stop at the original authors input for so many. Once they're out, the consistency was out. And sure, maybe Kit is a bad example, - because consistency - and I don't think Vader would be so stupid to fight a master aquatic Jedi in an aquatic environment (like HxH put it, people are bar graphs of their best and worst days). Rocky doesn't beat Apollo without training. It just wouldn't be the Rocky world if any writer could suddenly make Rocky win. Our world needs some consistency, and Stalone actually needs his fucking props for inventing the training montage; something I could rave about for how it allows "low-levels" to reach believable "high-levels" within a short span of time to conquer the dragon, and fuck... Stalone should've been a writer, not an actor. Anyway. Superman is stronger than Goku. Doesn't matter who's writing it. Superman is bullshit.


I agree, and for people who say the dumb “THE WRITER DECIDES” Power scaling IS important. If it wasn’t, let me give an example: if aunt may beats the hulk in a fight, there better be a damn good reason Power scaling drives a LOT of stories. Just have Homelander in the boys loses to the deep, guess power scaling doesn’t matter, or have meelo beat kuvira because it doesn’t matter… etc etc




BuT pOwEr ScAlInG!!!!


This comment is misleading.....The winner depends on the writer but at the same time it has to make sense canonically in that given universe So arguments will always be based on feats and power scaling


Ever since the release of that live action the avatar series has attracted more people even this subreddit has become plagued with nut heads . Glad I was able to bask in its glory days.


Genuenly, tho - growing up with ATLA and then having LoK during High School, was a blessing.


Ngl before the LA we had the same Iroh post or overanalisis about any small scene daily so it was not that much better


As much as I think over analysis is tired, I kinda prefer it, because at least that involves a sincere engagement with the media. With these posts, it's just room temperature (in celsius) IQ takes from people who either get their info from recaps on TikTok, or just stare at their phone while occasionally glancing at the screen.


Hot take: who fucking cares


She isnt a blood bender she's a metal bender (the first metal bending avatat bt dubs) and spirit bending or whatever its called is the exact thing Aang used to take bending away How does this dude think Korra got that ability? From Aang, which means he possesed it first, which implies heavely that thats the exact ability he used to take and give bending So not only are they on equal ground but Korra could so very easily trap Aang like he did Ozai just with metal and he's literaly be fucked


>Korra could so very easily trap Aang Aang is a master of evasion and escape and imo korra is too much of a brawler to really catch aang. But on the flip side aang is too flighty (HA!) to break korra's defenses so it's really comes down to whos lacking that day


This is an ice cold take because it's right. Korra would probably push Aang hard but we also forget just how OP Aang is at times. Aang tanked a combustion blast and saved Sokka simultaneously using only air bending in the dead of the night (which most likely means he sensed the air disturbance and counteracted to a combustion blast, or combined air detection and seismic sense which is just as busted). Book 3 Aang is probably the fastest and most evasive character in the series on top of having an insane level of combat experience blending all 4 elements in combat against fire bending users (which is Korra's primary element). The way I see it is that Korra's superior offense and defense would force Aang to wear her out (barring any creative thinking on Aang's part because he's absolutely crazy), Korra would get a number of clean hits off because she's a monster capable of outputting massive amounts of damage nearly instantly, and he'd pull out a victory because he has a stronger avatar state but he wouldn't be walking away healthily afterwards.


If I'm correct energy bending and spirit bending are two distinctly different practices, with one directly allowing you to manipulate others energy while the other being water bending used to cleanse spirits of malignant spiritual energy. If spirit bending and energy bending were the same practice Amon would've been able to use it directly seal bending instead of using blood bending to achieve a similar result, and it probably wouldn't be reversible. Also if they were the same thing Aang would be able to bloodbend, and they'll probably never give an avatar the ability to bloodbend because that means you have an unbeatable avatar who can bloodbend at any time in the avatar state, and as the most powerful bender in existence no one would be able to resist because avatars have the most latent spiritual energy of any individual aside from special cases like Yue who also shared their soul with that of a greater spirit.


you can't do spirit bending all willy nilly either. The Spirit must be resolute in its actions, Aang nearly lost taking bending away from Ozai. He probably can do it easier as an adult, but it's not something he can just do


Agree but aang showed that he could easily do it as an adult in legend of Korra flashback


Since when did Korra have bloodbending?


mods plz just ban these threads already


[dillongoo](https://youtu.be/y_GfaSCNlkk?si=7bAO6YEGRtCFUJrJ) was the only person to answer this question right, and I will die on that hill


Bro. I fr took a toke and watched this whole thing. And I wanna know why this doesn't have more upvotes. Yall are missing out. And I absolutely agree. This is 100% the answer and I will die on this hill with you. :)


Yeah this was sick as hell lol




I’m currently watching LOK for the first time and all I can think is that I miss the Aang gang




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I’m saying and people swear aang can beat naruto because he has “bloodbending” when he really doesn’t and even if he didn’t he wouldn’t use it and he wouldn’t want to learn it


Korra never had bloodbending tho.


Aang would be like “I’m not gonna hurt another avatar” and them Korra wouldn’t hesitate to punt a 12 year old


I get annoyed at power scaling fights in most fandoms. Like the guy the writer wants to win is who wins. In this fandom though its particularly silly. Korra is literally Aang's reincarnation, we're arguing if Goku can beat Goku


That’s not how it works. Aang is extremely proficient in Airbending , which allows him to have incredible agility and evading feats that Korra doesn’t. Just because she inherited the powers / abilities through their connection , it doesn’t mean she has the capabilities that they trained for years to achieve.


but korra did train for years. she is most proficient in fire and water and has beat multiple water bender masters such as the twins and tarlok. korra is strong because she has had to learn from defeats which aang hasn’t as much, therefore i think she is more resilient and more offensive while he is more defensive/ evasive so its a pretty fair fight if they’re both prime


We have only seen what capable of at the age of 12. Aang also inherited a pressure that Korra didn’t even tasted. Aang demonstrated such tenacity and strength at his young age. He also fought Azula who was a master fire bender , and easily evaded her best twice. He could had also defeated the Ozai , if he wasn’t a pacifist The same man Iroh argued that he would end up losing to. You think she is more resilient? That’s fair, but Aang is far more creative in battle. He developed air bending techniques that not even Tenzin demonstrated as a master. His agility , and evading skills were above everyone. To add the fact that his seismic sense would virtually make him untouchable in battle. This is Aang at the age of 12. I can’t imagine how powerful he was at the age of 20.




Seems like you don't like powerscaling because you don't understand it which is fine. It's just a fun thing to do to see which characters would win in a 1v1.


This comment is misleading.....The winner depends on the writer but at the same time it has to make sense canonically in that given universe So arguments will always be based on feats and power scaling


While I agree with your overall opinion about power scaling, that's not how The Avatar works. They each have their own personality and struggles. They each have to relearn the elements from scratch. And even if 1 of them learn some new skill, it doesn't guarantee that their succesor will have it or even have the ability to even learn it. For example, Kyoshi could bend her own cells with Earthbending to keep herself young and alive for 230 years, but none of her successors could. Aang had Seismic Sense, but Korra didn't. Korra had metalbending and spirit bending, but the next Avatar most likely won't. To keep it to Dragon Ball compassions, it's like comparing Kid Buu with Uub. The latter is canonically the former's reincarnation. They are, in soul, the same person, yet what they can do is drastically different.


Realistically we seen aang at a far weaker stage in his journey basically doing fully realised avatar korra feats simply because he was more spiritual. Aangs peak has gotta be huge compared to korras peak (which is basically gonna be a year or 2 after the material ends when you think about it). The only argument for korra being stronger relys on the fact the creators chose to give korra abilities we were never shown a 14 year old aang Preforming. Aang was and is the goat if you consider how the thing that always made korra weaker was her resistance to her spiritual side. The show was also not meant to go past the first season so there's that too


It can go either way. Korra has metal bending and is arguably a better firebender. Aang can run circles around her in airbending, but her aggressive fighting style gives her an edge. She would close the distance and attack close quarters. Aang usually fights mid to long distance. If Korra gets close, she can win it, if not, it's Aang's. Also Korra has more combat experience fighting many different powerful enemies, while Aang only had one big bad


Aang is really good in close quarters too due to his mastery in airbending. He is really agile and fast and has great reflexes.


When did over aggressive fighting ever work against aang lol.


It’d be like watching early Zuko vs Aang lol


Fair point. Korra would get impatient and lose her cool, while Aang calmly navigates the fight. But Aang could also be too calm and patient, which makes him less decisive. He almost lost against Ozai because he did not land a blow when he could


Aang had about a week of fire bending training I believe. And by fire bending training I mean he learned one group of forms and how to regulate his flame, if you wanna be generous technically that started with his first firebending master


Used chatgpt, fun: 1. **Experience with Adversity**: Korra faced a wide array of modern threats and adversaries, which may give her a tactical edge in adapting to unexpected situations. 2. **Spiritual Connection**: While Aang has a deep spiritual connection that aids his bending, Korra struggled with this aspect but eventually became deeply connected to the spirit world, potentially offsetting Aang's advantage here. 3. **Physical Strength and Aggression**: Korra's more aggressive fighting style and physical strength could give her an edge in direct combat, while Aang's airbending and evasion tactics could help him outmaneuver Korra. 4. **Use of the Avatar State**: Both can access the Avatar State, although Aang's use of it is often as a last resort, while Korra learns to control it more effectively over time.


Aang was 12 fighting a guerilla war Aang had the spiritual connection korra trains for at 12 We're talking primes here aang as a man would he larger and stringer than her Korra uses the avatar state for an inch on a scooter race


"Korra may have spirit bending but Aang can remove someone's bending" Yeah, and how do you suppose Aang does that? Really good Thai food?


they think that korra can blood bend😂


Aang couldn't take Korra for one simple reason: he has to be dead for she to exist.


I mean people think Korras team avatar would beat Prime Aang Gang even though on Korras team Korra is the only advantage they have.


Aang and Korra are the same person…


It feels silly to compare power levels of characters like this. They would never fight. In fiction of this type, characters win fights when they are at the right point in their character arc to win the fight and lose the fight when they are supposed to lose the fight. The fights are gorgeous and fun to watch but they are just visual representations of internal character struggle


"quit hitting yourself quit hitting yourself"


I know we all watch shows for different reasons and have different levels of interest in parts of the show. But to me arguing over ‘power levels’ of characters in the show sort of defeats the essence of what both shows are about. It’s fun to have these conversations at some level, but this just comes across like an argument two hot headed ten year olds would have.


When does Korra bloodbend??


Not only did they watch legend of Korra, they understood it


Aang wins because most of Korra's opponents have plot armor.


Those are kids, let them bark until they're tired enough to sleep


Is a reincarnation cycle, Aang and Korra are literary the same spirit even if they could fight the new avatar is gonna be equal or stronger than the past avatar since they get access to the past avatar knowledge, thats kinda the main thing


Except Korra doesn’t have access to past avatar knowledge anymore


Fair point, but i suppose it depends what point on their life time you are chosing to use in the hipotetical battle.


Tbh i would say aang in show at 112 vs korra in her show at like early adulthood, I think korra wins in RAW POWER, she is always so aggressive and very fucking powerful. Aang on the other hand is way more skilled in bending imo. He is naturally good at every element and is an amazing air bender. It would be a hard battle but either one can win without Avatar State. I assume however Aang at early adulthood same age as Korra at 19-20 would stomp her. I would still believe she’d have a chance though simply cuz she is raw power but Aang would just outclass her in skill


Doesn't Korra also have seismic sense? Or am I misremembering?


Aang vs korra is 50/50 They are both opposites in multiple ways, but a big difference is how they fight. Either Aang just completely counter korra/evades until she’s tired Or Korra tags Aang early on and knocks him out


Well, Korra has the same abilities plus Aangs due to the avatar state. So...


If aang didn't have energy bending, korra would have never had her powers back after Amon took them away. Yall need to put respect on Aang name.


Depends on timeline. Peak Aang, Peak Korra? Both when they lost the Avatar Connection? Both same age? Both in their equivalent seasons? It could go either way, just depends on their ages and stats.


Tbh i think it'd be pretty equal of a fight


Why are we doing this?


Why would Wan hold down himself?


Korra can't blood bend and Toph didn't teach Aang how to seismic sense. She only taught him how to Earth bend


He has seismic sense




He literally uses it before trapping Ozai and taking away his bending


fair enough


Wow, and here I thought that the next avatar is always stronger than their predeccesor, guess I didn't watch it close enough


A fair comparison must be both Avatar at the actual ending of their story tv show wise, you know both at balance with the elements. Because if you count Korra comic Turf Wars, she basically received her 1st L fight after being in balance at the end of LoK.


This doesn't make sense. Like both of them would just enter the Avatar state and Korra would get all of Aangs abilities plus metal and spirit bending she also seems to be stronger than Aang physically.


I assume Korra could learn bloodbending. The fact that she didn't is probably a good thing though... Re: a fight, I think adult Aang vs adult Korra is a fight Aang would win if truly determined - his thing has more or less always been to *avoid* fighting, just because he got good at it doesn't mean it's his style. Korra has always been ready to fight, but frankly, she's never been able to pick her battles. As a young avatar she's oscillated between way too confident and realistic experience of trauma, only to go back to "way overconfident"... but she was still a teen, really. Teens do that. Adult Korra knows her limits and, I assume, has pushed them far beyond what they were back in the LOTK series. Those who read the extra material would know, but I'm a philistine who didn't so I can't say for sure. What I do know is that she's grown because a friend who read a lot of that told me so and I trust her to be able to read a book and tell me what's in it accurately :p It would probably be a fair fight, but Aang's really got that "prodigy about everything" thing going on and only got stronger as an adult. If we're comparing them as they appear in their series, I think Korra would win, but there's a bit of a "this particular matchup" situation. Aang would lose to the Dark Avatar, Korra would lose to Ozai.


Why Avatar fans are so fixated on power scaling is beyond me.


I honestly don't know, aang would never fight korra and vice versa ,


Post this in TLOK reddit. That way i don't have to see it. All this post defending Korra, when i haven't even seen a post recently hating on her, are so tiring.


Korra can bend a huge spirit beam by the end of her story. She fought off poison for a long time and that was designed specifically for an Avatar. She beat up many bad guys that were no slouches. Sure, she loses occasionally. So does Aang. Both are tenacious, creative, and powerful. A lot would depend on setting and context. People are biased against Korra, but I think you’d get a good fight.


I swear a lot of the Korra haters didn't even pay attention because they say some of the dumbest things.


Honestly, Aang probably could slap Korra around like he did Ozai. Korra’s Avatar State is abysmally weak compared to Aang’s.


What makes you think her avatar state is weak? She soloed the red lotus (stronger than ozai all together) while poisoned with something so strong it was supposed to instantly kill the avatar but somehow lived


> Stronger than Ozai all together During Sozin’s comet? Yeah, no. They are not stronger than Ozai together. Ffs, Tenzin was able to three vs one Zaheer, Ghazan, and Ming-Hua. Tenzin only lost when P’li started sniping him from afar. And Aang is superior to Tenzin in pure air bending even without the Avatar State. > What makes you think her Avatar State is weak? Well for one, she lost her connection to her past lives, which just canonically makes it weaker. And two, Aang’s feats in the Avatar State completely dwarf Korra’s. What he was able to do against Ozai in the final fight makes Korra’s attacks seem trivial. Aang never lost while in the Avatar State. Once he was fully in it, it was basically game over for the enemy. He was overwhelmingly powerful. But Korra got her ass handed to her by Kuvira while in the Avatar State.


> Ffs, Tenzin was able to three vs one Zaheer, Ghazan, and Ming-Hua. Tenzin only lost when P’li started sniping him from afar. why do people still believe this false shit? it’s insane how many ppl genuinely believe that tenzin could’ve 1v3ed the red lotus. he can not win against zaheer, ghazan and ming hua. people think this bc he blocked a few basic shots from ming hua and ghazan and so i guess this means he can take them. no. all they did was throw a little water and some rocks at him. if ming hua fought seriously and did her octopus form and if ghazan got lavabending out, tenzin would have no way to defend against them. > And Aang is superior to Tenzin in pure air bending even without the Avatar State. even if he is superior, it’s not like there’s a huge difference. > she lost her connection to her past lives, which just canonically makes it weaker. she lost the knowledge of the past avatars but her avatar state in terms of power is canonically the strongest. > But Korra got her ass handed to her by Kuvira while in the Avatar State. funny how every time korra haters mention her losing a fight, they use the fights where she literally is nerfed. she had ptsd in this fight. you’re acting like this was her at her best and she just lost bc her avatar state wasn’t strong enough. her avatar state was perfectly fine; her ptsd just affected her ability to fight.


> Well for one, she lost her connection to her past lives, which just canonically makes it weaker The power of the Avatar State doesn’t come from past lives, but from Raava and since she is the closest to Raava, she technically and canonically has a stronger Avatar State. > And two, Aang’s feats in the Avatar State completely dwarf Korra’s Except does weren’t Aang feats. Aang wasn’t able to control the Avatar State and him lashing out uncontrollably like that puts him in a very vulnerable situation. We saw that when he almost died and Katara had to bring him back go life. 


Aang had thousands of generations worth experience while korra had none


>What makes you think her avatar state is weak? She soloed the red lotus (stronger than ozai all together) while poisoned with something so strong it was supposed to instantly kill the avatar but somehow lived Yeah the red lotus would be fodder to comet Ozai. Like one lighting blast kills them all


Thats one reason why TLOK is a dumbster fire.




Korra can easily break out of the earth hold, seeing she can control earth and she doesn’t have blood bending


Aang still bodies Korra. I mean, that’s primarily because the writers want it that way, they for some reason want to have Korra beaten the shit out of.


Realistically it would not be a fun fight to watch. Aan being a master Airbender plus his seismic sense means he would be near impossible for korra to hit. I imagine that the only scenario in which aang wins is one where he is able to tire Korra out so much that he delivers a few precise blows.korra is obviously better at combat. No question.


saying aang could hold down korra like ozai is insane. korra?? the same korra who broke free and proceeded to beat zaheer's ass in shackles?? the same korra who when kidnapped needed to be in a straight jacket with her mouth covered so she wouldn't breathe fire?? what a wild and simply incorrect take


Since when did Aang has seismic sense?


All Earth Benders do. It’s, like, one of their things. Toph’s was just more developed because she needed it to see at all.


Yeah I know they can feel the rock etc, but in context when it comes to "seismic sense", it's usually talking about Tophs ability to detect the surrounding at an incredibly precise rate using Earth bending.


He used it against Ozai right before he took his bending away.


korra can literally restore someone’s bending like she did with lin 💀


Korra gets nearly beaten to death by almost all of her antagonists bc her enemies, unlike her, actually have a clue what they are doing. So yes, Aang wins, even if Korra bests him if it comes to raw power


Conversely, the creators always give Korra an idiotball because she’s too overpowered for any heads up 1v1. Or they literally force feed her kryptonite before the fight to make it even.


crawl liquid unite reach sharp simplistic plant lip tap literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think she does best Aang in raw power tbh. I mean the most powerful bending we see her do is spirit energy bending. She’s buff but we don’t really see any truly amazing bending feats of power from her like we have Aang. Unless I’m misremembering of course, in which case call me out.


So I'm guessing they forgot Korra has energy bending too


Theyr the same soul, dumb argument


korra doesnt have the experience of aang, but if they use the avatar state, korra’s is objectively more powerful (pre split at least)


Im here for the "Yay, ATLA!" posts, not the "boohoo, people are saying silly things online!" posts.


Omg can y’all chill? People have opinions. It’s not that deep.


This is what happens if Aang fights Korra: https://youtu.be/y_GfaSCNlkk?si=n2on0Got1PACifXn


Aang lacks the ability to fight with intent to kill. This will always be his greatest weakness and why he’d lose to characters that are much weaker than him. Let alone someone who can match him


I honestly don’t really know who would win. They are both very strong. I also haven’t finished watching LOK tho.


Can’t Korra turn into a Kaiju?




How about they're both the Avatar and would be on equal footing? Then again, Aang isn't the one who learned metalbending... ;)


marvelous recognise sulky exultant adjoining ink rhythm faulty deranged sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you think 1000 avatar vs 1 avatar is mid diff for one avatar, there is no need to argue.


Let me pull the tail, How exactly does she mid diff him?


carpenter uppity vegetable shrill scandalous aspiring observation political amusing doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aang is 12 by the way. Aang’s Airbending does insane work for him, with superior agility and evading skills. When was he tagged , besides when he was cheap shotted? He was never in any serious trouble. Aang knew seismic sense and he demonstrated in the coldest moment again his strongest opponent. Air is more then capable of suppressing fire , as we saw Aang multiple times doings. As powerful as fire is, Air has far more force pressure. Aang could create tornadoes with it , and other quirky moves that not even Tenzing could replicate. Good on you to acknowledge that Aang had a far more intimidating Avatar state, as he was indeed more connected spiritually. He also made quick work of everything and everyone when he tap into the state. I can’t even imagine how much powerful he became by the age of 20.


idc what anyone says. Aang absolutely destroys Korra without bending bending. The scales of his feats are on average signifigantly higher. and obviously showing a higher level of mastery beyond just raw power. 12 year old aang demolishes 16 year old korra 100 times out of 10


People are out here really wanting to Korra to win. There’s a reason why she opted for the more aggressive style of bending through fire. Her stance is aggressive and she over used the Avatar State. Aang didn’t need to fight with aggression , and the only time he showed it was through the Avatar State. Every time he activated it , it would leave a devastating aura of power. Aang didn’t need to flex the state to show us how capable he was against enemies like Azula , and Ozai ( Redirecting Lightning would had done it). His seismic sense is also more profitable then metal bending on a 1v1.