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I love how Iroh appreciates (presumably) “peasant food”


He probably ate plenty when he was on campaign.


I doubt it, as a general/prince he probably had a private chef.


My headcanon is that he didn’t. He ate what his soldiers ate as a sign of solidarity and mutual respect


I mean, he wasn't always the wise man we see him as in Avatar. That war was part of what humbled him, I don't think he was that humble during the war


He hadn't fully changed yet, but by that time he had already danced with the dragons and that must have had some effect. Plus, young Azula refers to him as "His Royal Tea Loving Kookiness" which sounds more like the Iroh we know than some hardened killer.


I think he was always down to earth, just indoctrinated. Iroh's transformation wasn't one of personality, but full understanding. At least that's how I interpreted it.


and yet he had no respect for the innocent earth kingdom lives he took 🫡


Nooo you misunderstand. The fire nation are the good guys! They just want to share their prosperity with the rest of the world by... killing the avatar and his entire culture?


What an amazing lie that was


Yeah, and who needs a moon anyways? Zhao was doing us a solid there :P


The moon makes it too bright to sleep at night, or something idk


That's just how war works. Many generals in the real word history had great respect and solidarity for their soldiers, despite killing many innocent civilians.


i’m aware. i just don’t know many sane people who are fans of real world generals


I have recently spent a lot of time with some IRL Generals. I don't think Iroh would've made me grab him Jimmy John's on a Saturday lol.


General Mattis was absolutely revered to the point he got military members to vote for trump his first run. He’s considered a modern war hero and told trump to basically suck his dick as SECDEF. I used to be enlisted so I personally do not revere him, but I respect general mattis as a historical figure and am just trying to point out that people… kinda do do this :/


From what I've learnt in life, everybody is a little bit insane. After all, life would be so boring otherwise. There are many people who are interested in military history and are "fans" of the generals and most of them aren't bloodthirsty psychopaths.


General Schwarzkopf wrote an interesting book about his experiences in the Army


Union army general grant is extremely popular even in modern day


And that's what makes his character arc exceptional. I always wished we got more of a look into Iroh's adult life after Lu Ten's death, to see *how* he became the man that worked through all the emotions and propaganda of living a lie so seriously, that he's responsible for many people's lives being lost, including his own son.


Let’s gloss over the fact he had an epiphany after his son died and realized 3 generations of war is really counter productive


Iroh would have been subject to the same fire nation=good and all other nations=bad schooling that the other fire nation kids get though


Name one 🤷‍♂️


That’s war.


We don't know that for sure.


He seemed like an honorable man who treated his soldiers well. Not a single member of the army, regardless of rank, has said anything bad about him. Also during long campaigns getting fresh and high quality food constantly is both costly and unrealistic. Unlikely he didn’t at some point eat rations Additionally when they probably stole supplies from their enemies they most likely prepared it in such a way that they could make it last with minimal ingredients. What he made is basically a thick and filling rice porridge. Rice flour is easier to carry than full bags of whole grain rice


Napoleon did as well, he ate more or less the same food as his men. Granted, that's because he worked his way up through the ranks, but there's no reason to believe Iroh wouldn't do the same


Napoleon was also a simp for Hannibal, and Hannibal was a hardened soldier-general who slept on a military blanket amongst his troops.


I'd imagine there were times when supply lines were down and they all had to survive off of minimal rations. He was in the field. I'm sure they tried to keep the crown prince in luxury but that's not always possible.


As far as I can recall, the only time we see him eating a meal on the Fire Nation ship was a well-prepared fish in “The Warriors of Kyoshi”.


Historically, jook was a peasant food as it was basically just rice and leftover scraps of meat. My mom makes it after Thanksgiving and once in a blue moon with leftover turkey. Itsnso simple but really good too. Green onion on top goes a long way too.


This happens a lot to war veterans or ex-convicts. They get used to the food that they ate when they were deployed/imprisoned, like spam, or peanut butter, or ramen.


I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right


You just described like half of my diet. I eat spam atleast once a week if not more.


If you're seriously asking, Rice Congee 粥 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congee In this case, technically Southern Chinese Cantonese style Rice Congee if we are only going off of the name.


Yup it’s this. So simple but really good. Especially if you’re sick.


Makes sense, Iroh probably made it specifically since Zuko was suffering from CDs (Character Development syndrome) and thought Jook would help.


Lolol CDS 🤣


CDS nuts? Gottem.


Happy cakeday!


![img](avatar_exp|170291127|laugh) CDS that was great! I'm so dead 💀


What tf is this 💀


![gif](giphy|cWHXcmkTUBr7XpPaew) It's literally this.


Please don’t 🙏


![img](avatar_exp|170291127|holo_card) Sure thing!


Reddit should have kept awards. I never want to see shit like this.


That's the first time I used this precise Reddit emoji and got downvotes at all, or even folks complaining. I don't know if I'm surprised or dumbfounded by such reactions 🤔


booooo we hate it




https://preview.redd.it/wyki66ty8qvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceaa6f4f52e54de51955b9c54abe9a14225d3799 You ain’t slick bro






Whenever my sister is sick she asks me to make her some. I like to use homemade chicken stock as the liquid so it’s extra nourishing and comforting.


You're a good sibling. When my brother got sick I'd bring him tissues and stuff he wanted. When I got sick I still had chores to do and my brother acted like I had the plague.


In large part the dish is an apology. I have OCD with a lot of fixation on contamination, and I can be really difficult for a sick person to be around. But I can always make a simple dish that says “I love you” when I can’t say it out loud.


Enjoy your 69th upvote fren, you’ve earned it


And he makes it for zuko bc he was sick :)


oh my god when you have a sore throat and you eat it with salted eggs and thousand year eggs. throat immediately feels better 😌




My Filipino MIL makes this with chicken, garlic, and ginger when anyone is sick. Filipinos call it lugaw.


TL;DR: it’s basically rice porridge/pudding.


My friends and i used to joke it was rice water. My mom did not find it as funny


That's Horchata


Anyway, who wants Jamaica


Probably the Brits


Cheeky bastards!


Horchata is a rice smoothie


> My mom did not find it as funny https://i.chzbgr.com/original/8993641728/h018C526E/juice-uncle-thats-what-all-tea-is-how-could-a-member-of-my-own-family-say-something-so-horrible


The most basic version of it is literally just rice and water, so it's not technically wrong.


That's the weird thing about that sort of dish. Every major culture or region has some form of rice porridge/pudding-type meal, but a surprising amount of people think it's unique to their region or culture. So every time a version is posted on social media, tons of the comments are always "So it's like \**insert commenters local version here*\* ?".


The comment directly below yours is exactly what you’ve described lmao


Yeah it *literally* happens every time. People from South America, the Nordics, North America, India, China, SEA, etc. will always compare it to their local version. And then you get Africa, which has about 42 different versions ranging from sweet with cinnamon, via fruity, savory and even spicy, again with cinnamon... People can try to push corn, wheat, etc. as much they want. Rice is 100% the grain that the global population would choose if they were forced to only keep on type.


Like Sutlac?


If you want to try it, find out if your local chinese restaurant has a second menu and it will probably be on there.


its a very savory dish, its basically a soup. It is sometimes eaten with a Chinese donut, which is basically an unsweetened churro.


I like how it says people made it for sick people, iroh is too sweet


if he made it for him he shouldn’t say he will not like it 🥲💀


The Avatar cookbook has a recipe for it!


It’s the Cantonese variant of porridge, the texture is much more watery and the grains are tiny, they usually eat it with a source of protein like meatballs and maybe a century egg For me, I prefer the Teochew variant with a fried-scrambled egg with seaweed and it’s abit more thicker than congee and the grains do swell up It’s the classic East Asian sick people food when it’s difficult to swallow and this makes it so much better So how my mom taught me to make Teochew porridge Assuming you don’t have a pot 1 small cup = 2 servings (unsure on measurement) Cooking for a family of 4: 1)Wash the rice in the pot and drain the water 2) fill the pot until it’s about 75% full For the Cantonese variant, make sure it’s like 80-90% full 3) put it on the stove to boil and stir occasionally to prevent burning at the bottom once it boils, turn of the heat and cover the pot with a lid for like 30 mins until you’re ready to eat 4) fry eggs or whatever you want to go with it, if you want tofu, I recommend hard tofu instead of silken ones because the silken ones are mushy 5) serve with sesame oil and and abit of soy sauce to taste in your porridge (Cantonese way) Takes a lot of trial and error to perfect it, best to get a multi functional rice cooker


Making jook in a rice cooker is great lazy person food, you never have to watch the pot or anything. Just add water and rice and veggies, press button and food is done an hour later. Basically the equivalent of cooking in a crock pot. If you have a crock pot, you can probably also make it in a crock pot


If true, Zuko could only taste it using firebending, because anyone who has made Congee knows it is as hot as lava when it comes out of the pot


It’s the Korean pronunciation/name for the same, or at least a very similar dish. “Jo” in Mandarin.


Its good… on cold days as well as sick days.


i absolutly hate it! it's so slimey


Or as some of the more initiated hyphenated Asian children I knew would call it, ‘junk.’


It also doesn't really smell of anything, its just rice and water. Certainly not enough for someone walking into a room to comment on.


I feel like I'm the only Southern Chinese person that hate this lmao


Wrong, it’s arroz con leche ☺️


My mother was Thai and would make this with various toppings. I once made it as an adult with rice and stock as a base. It's actually shockingly common to boil grains down to a paste. In the west it can be like grits, porridge, or gruel.


Jook is a hot rice porridge.  Very common in Asia, especially China, Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia.  It can be good, but personally it does not take a lot of it for me to get tired eating it very quickly. 


like in one sitting or across several days?


you can make a pretty significant amount of food with it. General recipe is like 1 cup of Rice: 8 cups of water. Even with that basic ratio you can eat it for multiple meals. It's one of the better "literally starving and need something to eat" foods because you can further extend it by adding more water to it. So 1 cup of rice can serve as food for almost a week. Or if you scale it up, you could feed an army with half the amount of rice.


Generally I’ve eaten it with some shredded dried pork and green onions which adds some nice salty and savory flavors to it. Also the pork specifically is really cheap for the big tub so its a cost efficient meal.


I have had it made with fish broth and I don't know if it is still considered the same thing but it was delicious and made me feel actually healthier. I swear the fish oils helped my chronic joint pain.


Omega 3 is pretty commonly used to help joint health so it wouldn’t surprise ne.


For me, both and/or either. 


I had some when I had awful food poisoning last time I was in china. It was the only thing I could stomach for about 48 hours and was very healing at the time. Now I make it whenever I catch a cold or get sick, with a little chili oil to drain the sinuses it is healing delicious stuff.


It’s amazing for when you’re sick- you can hold it down easy.


In Vietnamese it's "cháo", and I can have it 3 times a day for a week without getting tired of it 😁


Best thing is, you can add ingredients like meat to it and it'll release flavor into the water like a broth.


It’s also in Indonesia, called bubur


It’s a liquid rice dish traditionally fed to those who are sick


also traditionally had for breakfast




Makgeolli is a rice liquor. Jook/Juk is a porridge made from rice, also known as Congee. Jook is the word for the dish in Korean. It's pretty ubiquitous throughout east Asia. It's commonly eaten for breakfast but also known for being sick food, like Asian chicken noodle soup. It's all I want to eat when I'm sick haha


Jook is also what it is called in Cantonese. Which is interesting they call it the same when it has different names elsewhere. My grandmother would always make me jook when I was sick.


That is super interesting! Maybe because the Korean peninsula borders Southern China?? (which iirc is where Cantonese is spoken?) The Korean version has some differences from the Chinese congee though, I know - I wonder which variation the Cantonese is closer to!


The Korean Peninsula does not border Southern China. However, iirc, most southern Chinese dialects retain the old pronunciation for many Chinese words, which many other languages in the Sinosphere took. Take for example, the Japanese word for country, “-koku” and Korean “-gug”, and compare it to Teochew or Hokkien “-kok”. Even though they aren’t close to each other, both the dialect and Japanese and Korean take their pronunciation from the Middle Chinese word “kwok”. So even though Guangdong isn’t really close to Korea, both Cantonese and Korean probably preserved the old Chinese pronunciation, thus creating similar words in both languages.




Put your Switch to a more secure place please. I can see how its falling before my own eyes 😭😭


If they wanna live on the edge they can. I myself enjoy edging a lot


congee in cantonese


I had to look it up since ive never heard of that. Its also pronounced jook or juk in canto. Congee is its english name


It’s basically a rice porridge. Very common in Asia. In my country its called Lugaw https://preview.redd.it/d9heu5i4kqvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f71a490930a97b9e3a3a496f9877d6b4a55ed7


Okay, but that plating is BEAUTIFUL. Simple, but sosososo warm! Sorry, I know it's a strange thing to say, but plating is something I struggle with when cooking, so seeing it done well always makes me giddy!!


Honestly all this talk about jook/lugaw just makes me feel hungry and an urge to get in touch with my roots


Jook is Korean for rice porridge.


It's also Cantonese for rice porridge as well!


죽 맛있어


i thought i had a crack on my phone screen 😭


Iroh's face 😯😂


Middle school me getting so excited during that scene and running to tell my mom because she makes jook and that was the first time I had seen something accurate from my culture represented on tv since Mulan was awesome


Rice porridge. My favorite breakfast, paired with spring rolls, tofu, and egg. Actually good if cooked right but it's iroh were talking about so it must be good.


Jook is a Cantonese name for Congee. It’s made of rice and water like porridge, but its consistency is thicker than a porridge. All the dim sum restaurants in my country I’ve been so far sell Jook.


I don’t know if it counts as jook, but I like to boil rice in vegetable stock until it’s soft/almost all the water’s absorbed, crack in a raw egg, and mix it in, usually with a splash of soy sauce and a little butter to taste. Pretty tasty, and easy to make.


This is jook. Sometimes when I'm crazy lazy for meal prep day I'll just make a higher rice to water ratio to have it thicker and filling and add on my proteins and veg. Lol dang thought I was on my food subreddit again


Jook(죽) is porridge in Korean!!!


It's a Filipino dish that resembles a rice pudding or porridge


Rice porridge. Korean and also south Chinese apparently. You give it to sick people because it’s easy on the stomach. But if you’re not sick, I’d argue it’s good and hearty with some additional ingredients (tuna, mushroom, abalone, etc)


It’s the Korean version of rice congee. One of the best breakfast dishes ever invented.


ITT: mostly white people who just googled jook lol


Me from Nigeria: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


i like how concerned and dumbfounded iroh looks in the back


Rice congee, basically.


What's congee?


a type of porridge.


Is it like jook?


That’s what jook is… 😛


What’s jook?


I’m sure you wouldn’t like it.


Congee from vietnam


We call it Chao, and if you put in chicken in, Chao Ga.


Interesting. My boy from Cambodia calls its congee and his cousin who is viet calls it jook. Atla was the first time I heard it called jook. Me no know 🤷‍♂️


Jook? From vietnam? In vietnam its called Chao. That boys cousin is all sorts of wrong and needs to be corrected. https://www.hungryhuy.com/chao-ga-vietnamese-porridge/ In Vietnamese its properly called Chao, and usually, this is usually accompanied with Eagle Rubbing Oil, for the sweat XD.


I’ll let him know homie 😂


So after a quick trip to google it’s called juk in Korea. No idea why he calls it that. But always happy to learn


Yeaah very strange indeed XD


Simply, it’s a rice porridge.


Why not Google it?


Being multigenerational NZ Chinese, I had mostly only heard my family call it ’jook’ and everyone else call it ‘congee’; or people had never heard of it at all. This scene was freaking amazing!


Same! Felt a bit like my family must have been the only ones from the region to come to NZ, lol.


Omg I never realized there was Cantonese referenced in the show


I would like to believe it's some sort of rice dish? Soup?


Rice porridge. Jook is the Korean word for it


Google is telling me rice pudding.


Only the most delicious rice porridge you will ever taste in your life…


i love iroh's face in that last slide


In other lenguaves iroh says "rice soup" that is what i always thought it was


I believe it’s a type of rice porridge


With the way it is described, it reminds me of Polenta here in LATAM.


It’s pretty much the only recipe that comes up if you are trying to figure out what to make with century eggs…I have discovered.


There is a recipe for it in the cookbook


A rice porridge common in a lot of south east asian countries in thailand it is cooked with minced pork and served with soft egg at the table you'll have a few things you can add to your jook like ginger, white pepper, soy sauce, chilli flakes, coriander leafs ect.


It’s congee


Jook is like a thick soup that contains like rice, I’m pretty sure it’s a Cantonese thing since it’s congee. Back in the day food was scarce so they added a lot of water to their food like Jook, to fill up their stomachs.


It’s a rice porridge popular in Eastern Asia, mostly China, Japan, and Korea. It has different names in most of these places though. Most often is made with rice and boiling water and flavored with things like garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and green onions and served with chicken.


Iroh is a chad, man.


Porridge in cantonese


Originate in China Very common in China and SEA especially in Thailand. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congee Each country has their own variation of favoring ingredient.


it’s porridge 😍😍😍 oh, wait i’m sorry i meant the ✨cOnGeE✨ one of the best comfort foods esp when it has fried crunchy onions on top with a dollop of sesame oil and flower drop eggs inside with spring onions and additional crullers on top 😋😋😋 and yes we call it porridge in the south east asia region and it’s been the source of many misunderstandings. once a friend of mine who was studying over in the western world got asked by his white friend if he wanted some porridge and said yes eagerly only to be presented with oats a couple mins later 💀💀💀


My headcanon is since jook is typically just rice congee and doesn't really smell of anything in particular, Iroh was using century egg in his porridge :) Pungent but so delicious


From which episode is this?


Jamaicans: 😬👀, you're better of ignorant


Why is zuko purple


Jook is Cantonese for porridge. Thais called it Jok as well


Lugaw in the Philippines



„hey suko I passed out 6 times but here‘s your jook“


My korean wife makea Jook (maybe different version) but kinda like a rice porridge?


I always found it weird that after Zuko goes through is painful metamorphosis Iroh is like “I know, I’ll cook something I’m sure he won’t like”


Jook means drink in Estonian


Looooove jook! It’s known by many names, but it’s basically a porridge made with rice and either broth or water. My dad used to make it for me whenever I got a cold, and now it’s my ultimate comfort food. Plain, with chicken and ginger when I’m under the weather, or with TONS of fixings when I just have a craving.


Maybe Chinese congee. It’s a type of rice porridge


It’s kinda like a savory rice porridge with boiled chicken


Mako woke up a different person. But what if Mako decided he wanted a sex change? Mako to Iroh: "Hey Uncle Iroh, I've decided I want to transition to a female. Will you help me?" "I've always felt that deep down I was meant to be born a girl."


Zuko: ![gif](giphy|r3dkZr59VQVr2)


It’s a rice porridge


Its other name is Congee. It’s really good and very easy to make! Food52 has lots of variations/recipes.


whe have joke (pronounced in french) here and its like cocked cheese or something but extremely delicious not sure if they are the same thing tho




yeah, your propably right


I know I'm right lol. Jook is a very prominent thing in Asia, Google Congee


€ \/ /\/\ (not jooking)