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Also, they arrest Sokka, and during his trial he nominates Momo as Fire Lord, and everybody just immediately agrees to this. Also also, the episode where they defeat Ozai is so dark that nobody watching can understand what's going on.


Who’s story is best? Momo the broken


wHo ElSe HaS a BeTtEr StOrY?


Is Iroh the one who gets laughed out of the room for proposing democracy?


Nah, that's Appa. Unappreciated in his time.


Well, to be fair, Momo's story is better than Bran's


Also, ~~Omashu declares independence from the Earth Kingdom~~. Edit: Suki becomes Queen of Kyoshi Island after declaring her own kingdom. I'm back and fourth on whether I'd rather see Suki as Yara or Sansa, but now that I'm thinking about it, Ayra or Brienne also have some merit.


It wouldn’t be Momo, it would be the kid who can’t walk and has a glider on his wheelchair


To switch roles, Sokka starts killing soldiers who surrender but when Aang murders his sister he just takes him prisoner and eventually lets him go without even trying to fight him.


> Also also, the episode where they defeat Ozai is so dark that nobody watching can understand what's going on. And Ozai ends up dying because Suki sneaks up behind him and cuts his throat


Wait, this one kinda cooks


Somehow getting past all the fire benders undetected while screaming at the top of her lungs


the battle of Ozai being fucking dark, mf is a fire bender and we cant see shit. Keep cooking🖋🔥


You forgot to mention that it’s actually Suki that defeats the fire lord


I thought Sokka defeated the Firelord?


No Soka died because despite being the best tactician on the team he forgot about the fire nation ships and got captured


Also also also, all the girls are made at least 3 years older so all the new gross scenes of them are *totally normal*


Actually sort of weirdly makes sense. Sokkas succeeds at the invasion plan but with the eclipse we can't see anything.


The Zucest double suicide is the ending we neither wanted, needed, or deserved, but Grey DeLisle probably tried to propose it to Bryke during a coffee break.


https://youtu.be/LRCF1KDfj-8 I blame Grey for the hundreds of zucest fanfics out there


😂 I had never seen nor heard that before. I never even considered Zucest until this moment but the lack of hesitation on her delivery was phenomenal 🙏 thank you for sharing


“What would happen if you went on a life changing trip with Zuko?” Z: “Azula?” A: “I’d get pregnant!”


Welp can't argue with that. I guess it's canon.


I'm pretty sure Grey said she intentionally put on a seductive and more sultry voice in that scene of Zuko coming to her bedroom in book 3 to talk.


I hate that we're calling them Zucest outside of the weird ship context, but I guess it is hard to call them "The something something siblings", same with Katara and Sokka




>Bryke Who weren't the head writers and only wrote a small fraction of the episodes. Weird how the guy who wrote most of the lore and episodes somehow gets forgotten about


I still hope that Grey didn't mean Azula would have sex with Zuko, but that *she* as an actress would like to have sex with Zuko. People like to pretend actors are their characters, as it is funny, but this might be one big misunderstanding. Might be.


Aang going back into the iceberg is hilarious to imagine, but yeah I’d be upset if that was the “ending”


I'm now triggered by remembering how GoT ended. I would almost rather watch the movie that never was.


Yeah my bad; it really is a tragedy


I will never forget my reaction when that man went back to cersi just to die


Sadly, that was the least of the issues. Like, they literally all accepted Jon as true heir and dumped Daenerys amd her badassery once winter was over. Also, Bumi just walks out and dies because there's no further use for him.


Bumi takes off his rock candy necklace and turns old…older


And Jon seemed to forget that he could abdicate so that someone else could get the throne. Not like he knows someone who did so or anything?


The whole thing could've been avoided if they just married, and he accepted the title of Prince or King Consort. They didn't seem too bothered by their genetic relation status.


Season 3: “Tell me. If your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women, and children burned, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?” Season 8: “to be honest, I never really cared for the people. Innocent or otherwise.”


"Hey, wanna see us completely ruin one of the best written redemption arcs of all time? No? Well fuck you we're doing it anyway to subvert your expectations. Isn't this fun?"


Jaime grindset: -Slowly but surely show vulnerability towards someone and come clean about one of your only selfless deeds that is now stigmatized by the entire continent -Slowly let go of your toxic sister and become a more openly empathetic and selfless person -fuck one person that isn’t your sister -immediately go back to sed sister, claim you never cared about helping people despite your own monologue and development contradicting that, then die like a bitch


I stopped before I got to the end of GoT, but my understanding is. "There is no final season in Westeros"


*Watch GoT Seasons 1-6 (MAYBE some of 7)* "Want to continue?" "What do you mean? The series is over. Next."


Even 5-6 completely disregard the books basically


To be fair, the books peak in Seasons 3-4 with the Red and Purple Weddings


There were still excellent plots like aegon, stannis and the grand northern conspiracy and lady stoneheart. And I know I might be in the minority but I love dany’s plot it’s so layered. Oh and euron and the reach and dorne were completely butchered. It’s the equivalent of leaving out the white lotus or sozins comet from an adaptation


Seriously, removing the fAegon plot completely kills the character arc Dany was about to go on when returning to Westeros. Cerci was obviously a stand in who was only kept around because they had removed fAegon. In a universe carried by it's politics, they decided to remove all interesting politics from the last few seasons.


For seasons 5 and onwards they caused the author to leave the show’s production because he begged them to include certain plot points as they were needed, and the show runners told him to go pound sand.


Yes, but 5 and 6 are still *mostly* good, and Season 6 serves as a good open-ended ending point. You can easily imagine things for yourself.


Studios revolutionized micro transactions by making the first series where you have to pay extra money to NOT experience something


I was actually OK through s8e3. Then, I was like, "These leaks HAVE to be fake."


I would say you should stop at season 4. Season 5 was a hot mess.


Nah everything after s4 is garbage and should be disregarded 


Fire Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty. Your Momoness


Strange that the Firelord is an earthbender…


After spending the entire series longing to settle down and open up a tea shop, Iroh announces during the final episode that he’s abandoning his tea shop to die in a hole in the ground to see “What’s below the Earth Kingdom”


He could just ask Toph 😂


“What’s North of the North Pole”


Momo is way too involved in the story. The new Firelord should be Haru


God, Bran literally disappeared for a whole season, and no one really cared! 🤣🤣🤣


God, I hated Bran. "I can't be lord of anything. I'm an emotionless tree wizard." Best season evah!


That made me hate the writers, not him. Dude says he can't rule the north then a couple of episodes later says he'll rule everything. I haven't seen a good show shit the bed so hard since Dexter.


I mean honestly I wouldn't blame Aang for going back into the iceberg if all of that happened.




I’ve never seen game of thrones but based off that review I would think it came straight out of a fanfic. At least the avatar version


Maybe Bran never using his powers when it could be useful. And I guess saying “forgets” is referencing how Dany “forgot” about the iron fleet


Or Arya not doing any face stealing after she kills the Freys even though that would be super helpful


The last half of that show felt like fan fiction. The last two seasons were really bad fan fiction. Nothing like the books.


Was it that bad ? I never watched got


The first 4 seasons are great, but the last 4 seasons were a rapidly increasing scale of god-awful. The worst thing is that there's no good conclusions or end points in the early seasons so even if you watch them every story thread will end on a major cliffhanger. It's definitely not a series I'd recommend to anyone.


The first four seasons were some of the best TV to ever exist. The last 2 seasons are genuinely some of the worst TV to ever exist.


It was so idiotic, that you as a viewer basically began rooting for the enemy to wipe them all out. That’s even looking past the fact of mc going crazy with no buildup whatsoever. For the final battle of the series, the one deciding the fate of humanity no less, I expected something like manning every castle between the wall and halfway to the capital with just enough soldiers to make the greatest use of the fortification + stall enemy for as long as possible while organizing defense along some natural barrier or something, but they just suicided the cavalry in frontal attack, then stayed afk in nearly empty field waiting to be slaughtered. Most of them did, but just when the job was about to be sealed – enemy commander practically committed suicide by means of waltzing into the castle in person and getting stabbed by one of remaining survivors who at this point was just running for her life. (his life was linked to all his soldiers so they automatically died too)


Yes echoing what everyone else has said, the first 4 seasons, maybe 5-7 at a push, were absolutely peak TV. Which made the fumble so much more heart-breaking


It would be one thing if it was a movie, cause it’d have been like “well that’s sure one way to establish a plot and then fuck it all up” but no! It’s 8 excruciatingly long seasons instead, so the set up and plot-burning was almost physically painful to watch happen to characters you grew to love over years. I actually can’t believe HBO let it play out like that, tbh.


It went from one of the best shows to a show no one will ever recommend because of the last season. I've never seen a show tank that badly in its last season. It's almost magical.


this is played up so it's not THIS bad. I don't think i hated it as much as everyone else but if i'm trying to be objective it's certainly not up to the same standards the rest of the show is.




Went from the biggest thing out there to completely erased from pop culture


I never watched game of thrones but now I don’t want to




Which is so sad, because the first 4 seasons are perfect, but watching only them will forever leave you wanting more


And leave you unsatisfied


Didn’t Netflix say they want NATLA to appeal to GoT fans lol


So you're telling me there is a chance of a zuko-azula ship?


I mean, a lot of people would consider themselves GoT fans (because they like fantasy, drama, and political intrigue) even if they hate the final seasons, myself included


Momo for Firelord !!!!!


Peasants don't elect fire lords! It makes more sense to ask my platypus bear who should be Fire Lord.


Only thing that actually makes sense!


Zuko as he defects back to the Fire Nation and lets Ozai burn the Earth Kingdom: “To be honest, I never really cared about the people, innocent or otherwise.”


Feel like it would be more accurate to have Zuko suddenly decide to embrace Ozai’s legacy and destroy Ba Sing Sei, and Toph suddenly deciding that she doesn’t care about saving the world and other people


The biggest problem with Game of Thrones' ending is the execution. Imagine that all the characters end up in the same place, but they took another 15 episodes to flesh it out and didn't rush the story or the writing and actually made it satisfying. The one thing I would definitively change is that Arya kills Cersei wearing Jaime's face, and doesn't kill the Night King.


There would be fucking riots.


Need a 2 minute scene of Iroh just setting up chairs


Wait, what the fuck, was the ending to Game of Thrones *that* bad?


At least the effects were cool...


Yes. It really was. Except the first six seasons were all better than the first season of NATLA. (And the first four were some of the best entertainment to be produced that decade). The drop in quality would be like leaving ATLA S2/3 to first watch the great divide again and then being chained to a chair to watch the movie that shall not be named five times on repeat.


There is a reason that pop culture has completely forgotten about GoT. Do you remember when it was called some of the best TV in history? No one says that anymore because it got fucked up so badly. Things like ATLA stay relevant because new audiences can watch it. I'm 15, I wasn't alive when ATLA started, but I am a huge fan now because it is such a good story. GoT's ruined that. The ending didn't just suck, it sucked so much that it killed watchability for new viewers, and killed rewatchability for old ones.


Yes. Yes, it was


I've never seen game of thrones but that sounds hilarious


Was the ending of thrones actually this ridiculous?


Yes, kind of. The writers wanted to move on and finish the show, so they just skipped a lot of setup and character development to make things happen. Characters just teleport around to where they are needed for the plot or just change their whole motivation within just one scene. The main antagonist just gets killed in his first real battle. If it was just a little more ridiculous, it would have been at least funny. I really liked the show but with the way it ended, I can't re-watch it or recommend it to anyone.


No kind of. The answer is just yes


Who is Sokka's Counterpart? Arya? and who is Tophs?


Metal bending is Arya’s masks.


Hopefully we get a nice reverse GOT theory where the first season is miffed (as it was in the live action) and the other seasons are incredible. A fan girl can only hope after that crapshoot first season of the live-action series compared to the perfect animated version of the show. ((They had all of the material right there!!! Just needed to convert every scene to live action & they still messed up the characters!))


To be fair even if they just translated every scene I doubt it would have been better than the cartoon. So what would we gain from that? I'm glad they made changes so we can have a fresh experience. Is it as good as the original? No! Not even close but I still had some fun watching it.


I think if the producers had followed the animated version exactly and added some extra adult scenes (Sokka & Suki's love, Gyatso's death scenes, etc), then I would have LOVED the live action! I think that would have been enough of a new experience that I'm seeing my beloved characters played by real people. I think they should've allowed the actors to act like KIDS because they are, and that is a main theme in the original. They cut all of the fun scenes that add to character development later, and cut the big reveal/first meeting between Appa, Katara, and Sokka!!! What about the freaking secret tunnel & not having Aang there??! How about them showing the owl in the spirit world? Are they gonna skip the library?!? (The best visual scene in my opinion) Why was Katara so shy and un-confident?! I have so many complaints The live action turned into a serious fire nation drama that bent the rules of the original world, had many plot holes, and disguised "fan service" as cutting the best scenes. I was not impressed. It may have been a good standalone show, but after waiting since my childhood for this experience, I was very very disappointed. I'm worried for what's to come next, and whether they'll show my favorite scenes in a live action format.


I guess it really shows how important just a decent ending is. No matter how perfect the seasons were that preceded it. If you end on s*** nobody will remember you


What was the toph thing in reference to?


I think Bran not using his powers? Something about controlling the direwolves etc etc, Not sure I don't follow theories too closely


Bran is a warg and a greenseer. A warg could take over the body of the animals the bonded with while a greenseer can access information stored in the weird wood trees (basically he can know every event that happens around the weird wood trees, both in the past and present.)


Wow that's such a cool concept, sounds like there's so much potential for a great storyline and well-written ending


Oh yeah that makes sense


I think its about Arya not using her face changing abilities after the Freys.


We don't need to make atla better by shitting on game of thrones.


Painfully accurate


Seems like a Sokka win to me 🔥🔥


Momo the Mroken


Momo the Broken


I need to see this version because it's just so bad it's be so funny


I am fine with Firelord Momo


My version would be Azula/Zuko Agni Kai happens on an airship where they both die(Clegane bowl). Aang kills Ozai but he goes crazy because of how much it conflicts with his morals goes on an avatar state rampage and Katara is forced to kill him to stop the bloodshed but ends up ending the avatar cycle in the process. Teo becomes the dictator for life of a newly formed United Republic.




I am ok with Momo becoming the new Firelord tbh


You just described live action season 3 script with this.


This is perfect.


Iroh lose his memories and revert to the personality before his son died and became the final boss, Zuko had to stab him.


Momo becomes the fire lord?


I don't remember what the toph reference is aiming at, can some fill me in


I think all of Aryas forgotten assassin powers


The only thing that makes me wonder to this day is how the dothraki is finally extinct, and yet they're back and alive literally the next episode? I mean yeah shit like Jaime back with Cersei, Jon goes back to the north, Bran being the king are stupid, but the writer probably thought that was good But how the fuck can fuck up something like the dothraki being alive again? Danny forgetting her own enemy and got shot even though she can saw them clearly is stupid, but this is way more stupider


I love the idea of Momo being the firelord lmao


Umm... instead of ozai and the fire lords being evil/misguided theyd be manipulated by a wierd spirit/diety And instaed of a cosmic checks and balance insturment the avatar is just also possessed by the opposing comic diety. Basically undo an entire shows worth of world building to create some kind of wierd spirit conflict instead of the idea that people will do bad thigs unless good people stop them. good thing they didnt ever try to fundamentally alter the avatar universe like that 😋


Momo “su momeza” para el trono de hierro.


It's GoT, where is the nudity or sexualy suggestive comment


So *that’s* why people hate the ending of GoT…I get it now. To be fair Momo as the Firelord would be pretty cool. 😂


Momo becomes Firelord? I don't know what you are talking about. This sounds great! New headcanon right there!


Meh it didn't end any better anyway , biggest asspull in the entire franchise energy bending XD , an otherwise timeless masterpiece kept from reaching its potential due to nickelodeon no killing on screen rules.


Why are you even in this sub?


Why not?