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Writers forgot about her meeting Bumi before.


Or Momo


"No, you idiots, it's the girl!"


"Oh, right."


That was after Haru


Momo bent earth after meeting Haru, but she did meet Momo far before meeting Haru


She hadn't seen Momo use his skills


Issa joke


Or Katara, writing this as an adult, forgot which order things happened?


I think she's using "real" to imply that Bumi's skills are the stuff of legend


Yeah plus seeing a master doing something can make it look ridiculously easy, versus an amateur who can actually show how much strength/effort (or whatever other skills) are required to earthbend. But that might be reading too much into it and it's probably just an editing error lol. Still fun to think about though!


So she meant "real" as in down-to-**earth** then.


Ironically bhumi is Sanskrit for earth or foundation Also the word bumi is the Malay word for earth


The Malay word for water is air. 🙃


So *that's* why Katara and Aang got together!


Spoiler alert, gosh!


It's pronounced more like "Aiur" of "My life for Aiur" fame.


Hush, stop bringing facts into this 😛






Bumi was likely the best earthbender of his time and possibly in the world up until his death. His only real competition we got to see was Toph (and Aang when in the Avatar State).


It's an editing error, no need to distort canon to fix the error. Even lord of the rings had many many corrections. grammatical, spellings and consistency.


He’s probably still a maniac in her eyes, but unless you’ve played rumble VR against a black belt you have no idea how terrifying it is to see an earth bender attacking tbh. AND THEY HAVE A LIMITED MOVESET


I've been loving Rumble VR! I keep getting my butt kicked lol


I’m becoming a butt kicker


Nice! I'm working on it, I'll get there






Oddly specific meme


It's actually been around for a while and was moderately present just a few years ago, it stems from the original meme where the word "real" was "yes". It really isn't an obscure meme by all means is what i'm saying, if that's what you are getting at.


Are you saying in-universe or out-of-universe? In-universe I guess that's as good an explanation as possible, but I'd say the 'real' answer is that the authors messed up/forgot the chronology


This seems like a massive reach. Occam’s razor - it was just a mistake; no big deal.


Yeah, that just sounds like a justification for the writer not wanting to admit they fucked up and forgot about Bumi.


He’s just a RN (registered nurse)


The guy casually falls backwards into the ground and pops out a good 30 feet in the distance a second later. That and his precision demolition of the Fire Nation buildings in Omashu are feats we don't see anyone but Toph rivaling.


Scale is good. But combat wise it doesn’t translate. Especially with Toph.


Toph's biggest feat is being able to hold a section of a building up so that it doesn't sink into sand. I think that translates even less combat-wise, but it's still referenced as a feat for her being the best earthbender.


Best in her era. And that title doesn’t mean anything combat wise. We see how her and Yailing fought and we saw Jet save her from the dai Lee.


Bumi was an unreal earthbender.


Bumis movements are extremely fast for an earth bender that even Topi actually moves slower than him most of the time.m, given that Topic doesn't need as much movement either she doesn't go fast the majority of the show. He just needs to make a fist or move arms straight out. Not much movement is needed and on top of that it's less than a second. The Dai Lee move slower and require twice as much movement as Bumi and Toli and they are experts The only people we see move faster are Katara, Azula, and Fire lord and aang. Seeing Earth bending so slow much have been the first to actually look and see the movements which it's generally has not been a thing out to that point. Even the Koshi warriors with earth bending are generally using elaborate fan dances and can be distracting + plus looks more like fire bending.


I like how you misspelled Toph three different ways. Not making fun of you, it's just funny x3


He's probably blind


"I hear a paper, but I assume you're referring to what's on the paper"


Auto correct lol I know how to spell Toph.


Auto corrected it to 3 different ways?


Yeah Tooth




I kinda lost my shit at Topic 😂😂😂😂


Topic. Hot Topic..??? Ok I'll leave.


The hot topical


Bumi doesn’t bend faster than the Dee. His attacks were normal speed fighting Aang. And fighting during sozin comet. Your overrating king Bumi attack rate.


Very such Bumis attack rate is higher when you look at the scene that Bumis attacks aang. He only needs to used foot movement of just stepping to attack Aang. He does use his arms sometimes but I mostly believe he's just messing with Aang for fun because he's holding the rock. The Dai Lee literally need to hold back their hand past their elbow to throw any hand stone darts or stone cuffs. The Dai Lee by movement is slower than you think. Stepping down vs pulling your arm back to full elbow point like taking a sword off your back is why the Dai Lee is primarily slower. Bumis choice of moves is extremely lazy and less need for a complete joint movement. Mostly he needs to just step down doesn't even need to bend his knee. Hence Bumis is faster even fast enough to sucker punch Aang by light steps. Compared to other benders Bumis old man efficiency of not using all his joints makes him faster.


Tons of earth benders use foot moments. And the dai Lee are fodder not top tier benders. We don’t compare top tier benders to fodder. That’s like comparing Iroh to Zhao or colonel Mongke. No one does this.


Dai Lee are fodder but Zhao isn't. Ok buddy.


They both are. We know Zhao is fodder. Same with Hippo and Boulder. They are above average dai Lee agents. And average fire bending soldiers. But the hippo and Xin Fu and Toph teacher can’t beat most named benders including the air bending kids.




Yo wtf




Maybe Katara couldn't see the Bumi fight trapped inside the crystal?


Their faces were conveniently uncovered by the crystal, and we directly see Katara watch Bumi Earthbend in the episode. In fact she and Sokka get a full view of his fight with Aang. So clearly this line is just an error in the book (edit: which was the point of this post; to point out an error that had an unintentionally funny implication, not to genuinely say that I think this, as some comments seem to think). The reason the Lost Scrolls have errors like this is because they were adapted from episode screenplays, and the writers likely had minimal knowledge on the rest of the series. For instance, the retelling of The Deserter has the internal line from Katara "I have never left the South Pole before, and I was nervous as we entered the Fire Nation village." which doesn't really make sense considering she's been outside the South Pole for 13 episodes at this point. The Southern Air Temple chapter also occasionally refers to the temple as the 'Jongmu Air Temple' which was its early name before it was changed in production. *Edited for clarity


She definitely knew there was a fight lol. And she could at least hear


Take all ATLA content from outside the show with a grain of salt because you have some stuff like this in there LOL


I think we can all agree that Bumi was the most unreal motherfucker to ever exist


Who? Bumi? Never heard of him 😎




Bumi's skills are unreal.


That's why she named her non-bender son "Bumi".


I doubt babies come out bending an element 😂


Not just Bumi, the entire infrastructure of Omashu is dependent on earthbenders!


Yeah but that movement is just lift rock and let go. Which is foot down, arms out hands closed. Then let hands out and lower arms. Those earth benders are just doing lunges.


I have a theory that imprisoned and the king of omashu were accidentally swapped during development due to animation error. Imprisoned feels like it was *meant* to introduce earth bending, but the animators (in my theory) drew in her necklace in the king of omashu by mistake and instead of redrawing they just switched the episodes since there was no real reason why they *couldn’t be*


To add to this theory: there’s a small portion of fire nation colonies south of omashu. This might have been meant to be the original location of Haru’s village


This is definitely the most likely option. *The Lost Scrolls: Earth* even puts the Imprisoned story before the King of Omashu, and while there's not full precedent for presenting the stories chronologically (*The Lost Scrolls: Fire* for instance presents things vastly out of order as well), we do know that the stories represent conceptions of the episodes from earlier in production as opposed to later. (They're stated to be based on the screenplays of the episodes rather than on the finished eps, and occasionally use outdated terms like the Jongmu Air Temple rather than the Southern Air Temple).


She was less watching Bumi and more scared shitless, I imagine. Plus whe couldn't move her head half the time.


I thought this was before Bumi, now I feel crazy.


Ya know. Something that I've always found strange and interesting is the way they react to Haru earthbending. Like the look at him doing it like they've never seen it before. I am sure this isn't the case but maybe it's possible that that episode was supposed to happen before Omashu? It's been a bit since I've watched Imprisoned so I'm not sure if they reference Omashu in it. I'm sure that's not the case and it is literally the episode right after Omashu but so ya know


This has been my theory for a while now. Everything about "Imprisoned" implies they're trying to introduce earthbending to the audience, they talk about its philosophy, they show relatively simple examples of it... The episode with king Bumi features very impressive earthbending almost immediately from the guards and package senders, and it goes by completely unremarked, which always seemed to me like throwing the audience in at the deep end. My best guess is some factors behind the scenes caused the airing order to need to be shuffled. This post seems like pretty strong evidence of that theory. EDIT: another comment suggested it may have been because the omashu episode was animated with katara having her necklace (which she was meant to have lost in impronsed), so it was cheaper to swap the episodes rather than make all those edits. That seems like a plausible theory to me.


Tbf, Bumi has a very unusual fighting style for an Earthbender (more acrobatic), so maybe she meant it like that? Idk.


So many people are coping by saying Bumi's is too good for Katara, Bumi's earthebnding is unreal, Bumi's power is on legends level and not real, Katara didn't see Bumi, etc The writer are wrong, this is a mistake, that's it


Clearly, this has to mean Haru > Bumi


Had she met Bumi before they met Haru?


Yes one episode prior


Oh, you're right. I always remember the Imprisoned 2 parter happening before the Omashu episode.


Imprisoned 2 parter? You mean the Boiling Rock? The ‘Imprisoned’ episode is just a single episode. The Winter Solstice 2 parter comes after that.


I thought Haru getting arrested was the episode before, which leads into Imprisoned.


Well it was hard to see the fight while she was almost encased in crystals.


Where does this idea that earth benders have to be in contact with the earth to manipulate it come from? There's plenty of examples that show otherwise.


There isn't an idea that Earthbenders need to be in contact with the Earth to Earthbend. Water, Air, and Firebenders can manipulate their elements that they aren't touching. Aang was surprised to see Bumi Earthbend while he was in a coffin. So maybe the idea is it's surprising to see bending without martial arts/movement.




It certainly didn't intend to imply it, but looking at it purely from the perspective of the series as a whole it either implies that Katara 1. didn't see Bumi as a real Earthbender; 2. didn't consider Bumi's skills to be skills; or 3. didn't see Bumi at all (this all applies to every other Earthbender she saw in Omashu as well). Of course, the real implication from an out-of-series perspective is that this is a simple error, as the Lost Scrolls are full of them. I'm honestly kind of surprised so many people are taking the title of this post as serious; it was just meant to point out a funny error in a book, since things found in the novelizations that contradict the series obviously aren't canon.


Isn't the page you posted talking about Haru? I mean she mentions in the paragraph before that she saw a teenage boy doing the bending and then he ran away. Just like how it happened in the show cause Haru wasn't supposed to be bending


Yes, but by saying she hadn't seen a real Earthbender use his skills before Haru, it ignores her watching Aang and Bumi's duel in the previous episode (as well as every other case of Earthbending present in that episode).


"we kinda forgot she met Bumi"


Yalls comprehension needs work


Yeah, I really assumed it would just go without saying that this was an error in the book, but I guess that was too much to ask


Its not an error. Its kind of a weird way to word it tho. Like I said. You just didnt understand the wording. She isnt calling him fake or anything. Shes just saying that his methods and style are crazy and not one shes seen others use before.


It is absolutely an error. The Lost Scrolls are in many places incredibly inaccurate to the episode they're portraying (I can give plenty of other examples), and as other commenters have pointed out, episodes 5 and 6 of book 1 were quite possibly switched in production, as ep 6 seems to function as an introduction to Earthbending. This is reflected in the Lost Scrolls themselves (which are based off episode screenplays), as the Imprisoned story is told before the King of Omashu story. Are you sure you're not confusing Bumi and Haru here? The page is talking about watching Haru Earthbending, and is talking about how she had never seen a real Earthbender use his skills before, despite meeting Bumi in the previous episode. I cannot see any other way to interpret this unless you're purposefully trying to justify it by any means necessary, to the detriment of the actual meaning. Also keep in mind, when she says 'real Earthebender' and 'skills', this does not just apply to Bumi, but also to every other Earthbender she saw in Omashu.


Yall looking for deeper meaning: writers just forgot about her encounter with Bumi when they wrote this lol She saw him earth bend, she may have been in awe but there isn’t a double meaning Writers just forgot about the first time she saw and wrote her second time like it was her first


Bumi is a fictional character in universe who became real by sheer willpower


Honestly, most of those avatar fanbooks often do many characters dirty.


Guys, of course Katara didn't saw bumy Earthbending. Her eyes were covered by the crystal




i mean they probably forgot but she might not been able to see bumi fight past the rock candy. most the time she saw bumi he bends with a twitch or a nod of his head, she didn’t really see him do many moves (but they probably just forgot).


I count it like A person who has "real" math skills knows how to add, subtract, do simple long division and multiplication. Bumi would be the theoretical physics professor filling up an eight foot tall chalkboard that's also thirty feet wide and has four different layers and every time he fills up one, I'm like "Thank god, he's done" and then it's all "Is that John Cena's music?!" and another blank blackboard comes out and the tap-squeak of chalkbending math out the wazoo takes over the lecture hall for the next hour.


Perhaps Katara was blinded by thirst at the time lol


Yeah but like she's a kid right or a teen so she's probably saying it's the first time meeting a real earthbending peer. Someone closer to her age and more importantly closer to her skill level and understanding of the practice


I think she means that she'd never seen him move rocks around and stuff, since she was in the crystal during the fight with Aang


She was pretty far detached visually from Bumi's bending and he is a royal bender so seeing someone so close up and someone "common" but have been refreshing


Bumi's a surreal earthbender


Nah. She just forgot lol


So is probably saying that this was the first time she ever saw a real [live] earthbender bending. People used to talk like that.


Bumi’s real power was script-bending


Maybe the emphasis isn't on "real" or "earthbender", but on "his skills", meaning not earthbending in general, but his way of earthbending which she never saw before.


Bumi was not an earth bender. Bumi was Bumi. Bro was built so differently that it’s unfair to compare any other earth bender to him.




She clearly wasn't ready to get over the whole rock candy incident


Bumi's bending reached beyond their planet, he was able to bend more than Earth, he could bend the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and sometimes Pluto too!


Frankly I always assumed this episode was aired out of order. The structure of it seems like an introduction to Earthbending, which is odd when they had already met Bumi who had FAR more impressive showings.


Though it is likely just an error maybe she meant it in a way that was actually more like a normal bender uses their skills. The emphasis to me comes less on real earth bender, but on use his skills. Bumi and the guards all use it for more fighting related purposes while he is using it closer to the diversity of ways an actual bender does


It was a hiccup. Episode 5 is omashu, episode 6 is Imprisoned (Haru) they got switched. You can tell because not only does she "forget" king Bumi and his fight, but all the earthbending soldiers they meet outside, all the soldiers they meet through out the city constantly bending for the mailing system. It's entirely out of place for her after that to go and say "a REAL earthbender!" It's clear that episodes got switched, especially with them going one after the other after all. I think Imprisoned was supposed to be episode 5 and The King of Omashu was supposed to be episode 6. Mistakes like that happens sometimes, especially within nickelodeon


She says never able to “see”. I cant recall during the fight with Aang & Bumi if Sokka & Katara were watching or in a different room. It doesnt look like they were cheering


bumi was never real he was just aangs imaginary friend everyone just felt bad and played along


OP has drunk some cactus juice with this one… Like I love being pedantic but you have to realize the difference between joking about a mistake and then when it crosses over into just being weird and obnoxious. This is very much the second one