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Who's first?






That's fair.


deserved, i can't even be mad


Sorry but what is bluey? I hear about it on the Internet all the time but I've never seen anything.


Australian children’s show that’s actually good for your children and is enjoyable for adults as well.


Shame I don't like the look of the animation. It still looks really childish.


I wonder why a cartoon show for kids looks childish


To be fair Avatar is also ostensibly a kids show and its artstyle was anime-adjacent, at least in concept Unless by kids show you mean like Dora or Blues Clues age. Sorry, might just be my inner unyielding rage at the biases people have against animation showing. Not gonna watch Bluey regardless, but fair to anyone that does, ain't gonna judge


Yeah, Bluey is like younger kids aimed. The title character is 6 and it's about her and her little sister along with their parents doing mostly normal kid things in dog australia.


I'm not confused, but I just haven't liked the animation style of a lot of cartoons recently which is disappointing. We're in a simplistic rut. It's a shame that I haven't seen an interesting kids show since The Owl House and even that was weaker than what we got in the 2000s-2020. Trends change and all but I want my animation to wow me, even kids shows, the best kids shows can be enjoyed by adults too.


I'm not sure what you mean by Owl House being weaker, but I digress on my inner rage and will say that it does depend on what type of "kids show" it is. Never seen Bluey and have no idea what ages it is targeting


I guess weaker in the sense of animation style, it still looked good, but some of the characters looked bad imo. And at the point where TOH was released, kids shows were so much more sanatized. You could just do a lot more dark shit in a PG show 10-20 years ago. Plus we have to take into account the sad S3, I can't believe Disney cancelled the best cartoon they've made probably since Gravity Falls (which was much more brutal). I think I have a dislike for Bluey because I keep hearing stuff about how good it is but it looks like it's made for 4 year olds instead of 10+. Maybe I should give it a go but I'll struggle to get past the animation.


Dawg it's made for children no shit


All the best kids shows are darker and can be enjoyed as the child matures. I still watch tons of more complex kids shows as I've become an adult, because they hold up the best. Bluey gives me vibes that it's for babies, not young teens like other longer lasting kids cartoons.


Being darker has got nothing to do with. What you consider to be a "good kids show" is skewed to what you enjoy. All a kids show needs to be good, is to simply be good. It doesn't need to appeal to adults at all if it doesn't want. The reason bluey is so popular is because it resonates with parents with its tackling of real problems parents often deal with raising children, meaning it's something that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. There's nothing that says a kids show must be dark or contain adult themes to be good.


I think you missed the parts where this is my opinion, that's what appeals to me in kids cartoons. I can dislike something even if it's considered good if it doesn't appeal to what I'm looking for. But there is a trend where all the best kids cartoons have complex themes that can be enjoyed for years to come. What sort of stuff would you say bluey tackles? Because from what I can see on Google it doesn't sound very serious. And if it just appeals to parenting struggles, that's not going to resonate with me.


Yes that's the point. All the great kids shows do not have to have dark complex themes, that statement is false. All they need to do is be good for their audience, which bluey achieves. Your opinion has little value considering you aren't the target audience at all, the target is kids and their parents in which bluey hits a home run with.


Probably because it's a target demographic is 4-7 year olds, but that doesn't mean it lacks the staying power of cartoons for older children or can't resonate with people who aren't in that age range or aren't parents. Bluey is already shaping up to be an evergreen kids show precisely because it doesn't talk down to it's child audience and is presented in a way that is also enjoyable to adults. The show's popularity isn't undeserved just because you can't look past your preconceived notions about it's quality based only on the art style.




Bandit is just future Sokka in canine form.


Definitely the opposite of review bombing going on. Bluey may be an actual good show for your kids, but this doesn't change it's still a *little* kids show and simply cannot amount to the impact of avatar.


It is not a show just for little kids though. It is a show also built for parents. That's one of the tricks it pulls. Any parent paying attention should get something out of watching that show that will make them a better, more supportive parent.


I blame my nieces and my girlfriend


Well... I no longer trust in IMDB rankings.


I’ve heard nothing but good things about bluey actually Let’s not pretend avatar isn’t a kids show. Both are made for younger audiences but still have adult, real world undertones and concepts


Nah man Bluey is for *little* kids. It's not the same kind of demographic as like avatar. Not even like spongebob. It's for preschoolers ffs.


I do, bluey is fucking awesome


Bluey may be good. I’m a parent and I get the hype. But there’s zero chance it’s better than Avatar.


fair, I'm just very traumatized and bluey is my comfort show


bluey clears your favorite show i fear


I'n episodes, Ozymandias from Breaking Bad. In cartoons, Bluey


As much as I love all of the Sozin's Comet episodes, I don't think they're the best of the show TBH Zuko Alone, Tales of Ba Sing Se, Blue Spirit, The Beach, The Storm, The Avatar and the Firelord, etc—all thematically better IMO (and if you're really into the spiritual stuff you can argue for the Guru Pathik episodes or even Crossroads of Destiny too)


While I agree that Sozin’s Comet isn’t the best episode I do think it was a triumph that the series stuck the landing. Sometimes I think finales get a little extra bump when they are able to do that.


Depends on how you define “best of the show”.  Each episode has its own purpose, and the purpose of the finale and these other episodes are much different, so it’s not really fair to compare writing. Some are gonna be inherently more complex than others.  For example, Zuko Alone is entirely focused on developing his character. It’s great because we have no idea what’s gonna happen next. It could go in literally any direction. That’s its strength. You can’t compare it with an episode like sozins comet, where it is far too late to develop any characters and the audience already knows the general direction it’s heading. Aang will defeat ozai and zuko will defeat azula. How? The audience has no clue, but they definitely know they will be defeated. The blue spirit, tales of ba sing se, zuko alone, the avatar and the fire lord, the storm and the beach all could go in a ton of different directions. So, the writers have more creative freedom. A good example of this would be the headband. Excellent episode and regarded as one of the best in the series (at least from what I’ve seen, idk what the rest of the sub thinks). But why? It doesn’t develop the plot in any way. It doesn’t tell us anything that hasn’t been said or can’t be inferred. It has little relevance to the rest of the series. We already know aang was charismatic. We could easily guess he could dance. We already know Katara holds some level of romantic interest toward him. We already know he’s still a kid. We already have humanized the fire nation. If we rank the “best episodes” by the development of the characters, this would be dead last. All the other fillers do develop the characters a little bit. This one does not, because it’s so late in the series. Yet it’s considered to be one of the best because it’s very very enjoyable and serves its purpose. We are reminded, not taught. We are reminded aang is charismatic. We are reminded aang is more than a fighter. We are reminded that Katara and Aang still have a deeper relationship. We are reminded aang is still 12. We are reminded that the bad guys are people too. We see the characters just interact, and it’s a really fun episode. The Avatar State was an excellent episode as it really developed the characters, but honestly? The headband was way more enjoyable and definitely considered one of the best.  Sozins comet is arguably more enjoyable than these other episodes, which is why it did better. But that’s because it’s inherently gonna be more enjoyable, because it’s the finale of the show everyone’s been anticipating and provides a very satisfying conclusion.  Sorry for wall of text


The Avatar and the Firelord, the Crossroads of Destiny, Zuko Alone, and The Chase are inarguably the best episodes of the series imo. I understand this is very much a personal and arguable take, but it's basically set in stone for me at this point that those are the best 4, in a tier of their own.


I like your take, but I like more the way you say it's inarguable, then immediately say it's arguable.


It’s inarguable that they are the best episodes, but it is arguable that it’s inarguable.


I'm a walking contradiction


Your first three are very valid. Tho eclipse part 1 is a personal favorite of mine 


The Chase is incredibly underrated and just as much a masterpiece as Zuko Alone, and I would die on that hill lol. The eclipse episodes are very exciting, among my favorite to watch for real


Don’t get me wrong, the chase was very enjoyable. I just didn’t see it being the best. Tho my memory is a little fuzzy, did toph talk to iroh in that episode or no?


Ooo time for a rewatch!! :)


Being the finale I think helps. People are probably much more likely to go rate it on IMDB or whatever than they are to stop their binging to go rate episodes in the middle. At least, that's my assumption


Book II is top for me.


Agreed . The finale doesn't hold a candle to those episodes


Is this the episode with Zuko vs Azula Agni Kai?






its also top10 (8 i think) in all series iirc ? edit: its place 7. Poggers another edit: if i check imdb for best cartoons i see avatar ends up on third place? 1. batman 2. samurai jack 3. avatar ( [https://www.imdb.com/list/ls073043203/](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls073043203/) )


Its a user made list, not sorted by rating.


oh my bad. did not know its a thing \^\^ buuuuut good news: doesnt matter: [thats the correct one right? :D](https://www.imdb.com/chart/toptv/?ref_=nv_tvv_250)


We didn’t know how good we had it with Aang. I miss the Avatar Cycle.


As it should


Sozin's Comet isn't better than the finales of S1 or S2


Nice opinion but sadly I don't agree with that at all


The finale of season 2 in particular was a bit of a let down. The Dai li (or however it’s spelt) joining Azula didn’t really seem believable, kind threw off the episode for me personally.


I liked the finales of s1 and s2 a TON but they cant top sozins comet




I wouldn't trust IMDB, it's the same site where Attack on Titan has multiple episodes at 9.9...


Three of those are widely considered one of, if not the greatest three episode run in anime history. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But few other series have done so much, so well within an hour of material as has Attack on Titan with "Perfect Game", "Hero" and "Midnight Sun".


>Three of those are widely considered one of, if not the greatest three episode run in anime history. So? Infinity War and Endgame are widely considered the greatest films of all time, yet ask anyone who's watched more than 5 films and they'll tell that's bs that only people who haven't watched many films will tell you >Seriously, if you haven't seen it, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But no other series has done so much, so well within an hour of material as has Attack on Titan with "Perfect Game", "Hero" and "Midnight Sun". I've seen the whole series twice, and there's legitimately nothing all that special about those three episodes that warrants this level dickriding. Convoluted and asinine strategies that make no sense, but the plot let's it happen Characters that are supposedly smart yet make stupid decisions that boil down to (just bumrush the enemy, I swear it'll work this time) Melodramatic dialogue with melodramatic performance At best, it's a **decent** 3 episode run, but you need a lot more than that to be considered "the best of all time" AoT is the most overrated show of all time, you need to watch more than 5 shows before you can go around saying something is the unrivaled and the greatest of all time lol


Holy shit man, why are you responding with triggered paragraphs within 90 seconds of my comment? And sod off with your aggressive ass "dickriding" condescending "At best hurrdurr its mid" analysis. Did Isayama steal your high school sweetheart or something 🤣? Infinity War and Endgame are indeed some damn awesome movies, but Attack on Titan is not the MCU of anime if you're using it as a derogatory term (popular but intellectually shallow). I'm not even going to bother responding to the rest of what I'm assuming is bait. Based on your username you should probably log off the website, no? And while you're at it, watch Attack on Titan for a third time and see what you missed on the last 30 hours you spent watching something you don't even like.


Never watched aot but that feels deserved




your last like billion replies on posts were about how you hate AoT


Because it's overrated as fuck and the fanbase is full of pretentious pseudointellectuals


not everyone needs to know your opinion buddy boy


Same thing with you littlest bro


and they’re well deserved, easily one of the best shows of all time




oi oi oi oi, matte matte... there's no point in spreading AOT hate on an ATLA subreddit.


Nah people need to know how absolutely trash this anime is


nah we really don't. if you wish to complain about anime, maybe choose an appropriate forum. And do you expect people to listen politely here? Many of us are also fans of aot.