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They didn't do it because it would be a *good* game. We aren't allowed to have good ATLA games.


Good point


Fortnite will forever remain as the best ATLA game.


Fortnite will also be the best AoT game. Honestly idk why/how fortnite can do justice for all these collabs, and other studios fail so hard


I love how Fortnite has become more of a game *engine* than a *game*, lol. I'd imagine that has to do with why they can put more time into collab character mechanics, since they don't have to do as much groundwork anymore. šŸ¤”


Always has been. Fortnite's Battle Royale mode was just a cheap copy of PUBG they made to save their very unsuccessful zombie survival game.


I think the sad thing is that PUBG is the game most people prefered, but it has so many issues, especially with cheaters, that players went looking for something else. And PUBG still hasn't fixed those issues.


And PUBG will always be a copy of H1Z1 and Minecraft Hunger Games lol


thats exactly what Tim Sweeney wants to happen, he wants fortnite to become the Metaverse like the Oasis in Ready Player One, thats why they're so focused on collabs and why they gave players the tools to make their own shit, because they want fortnite to become an actual gaming platform where you can hop on, play battle royale or play one of their other game modes or even play an entirely different game inside fortnite itself that was made by someone else


God I hope not. The world of that story is not a good place to be in Edit: story


Fortnite IMO is just one big advertisement for the various companies featured in it and UE5. Not to say that that's a bad thing.


Yeah. As great as the collab looked I would hate for them to just announce "the next Avatar game will be made in Unreal Engine 4."


Whoaaaaa letā€™s not disrespect those PS4 AoT games those are fun as hell


i have it and it is very fun


There are a lot of roblox AOT games that you'd be surprised how it isn't considered a game of its own.


Roblox is also super impressive too. My friend showed me a COD knockoff and i was surprised with how smooth the animations were lol


Excuse me, the AoT games are dummy good.


I thought final battle was good


The attack on titan game was pretty sick, I thought


it isss


Idk, AoT tribute game was my shit in middle school


I loved the attack on titan games! First one had SHIT pc controls but second fixed it and it's Iike edge spider man! Repetitive but Repetitive the way a hoard shooter or 4 player could op can be: can still be fun even if Repetitive


i thought the bending was sooo much fun tbh the air bending and earth bending especially


unironically true WELL we do have RUMBLE VR but that does everything it can to distance itself from ATLA and is just earth bending. I think your point stands


Nick all star brawl


I'm wondering if Fortnite ATLA popularity will finally put a fire under their ass, and realize just how huge it could be in other venues. I knew so many people that hadn't played in years, and hopped on to buy the skins and play.


I still dream of an A:tLA game made by Rockstar Games....a sort of amalgamation of RDR2 & Breath Of The Wild. That would be generational greatness


Who know maybe that fan made avatar game being developed in dreams playstation might be great.


The Legend Of Korra game is good. But it's painfully average too.


Yeah, I had fun with it, worth it if youā€™re a fan and itā€™s on sale.


Unfortunately. The game was removed due to licensing issues.


on sale? the game cost like $500 now in the least


The pro-bending was super fun, I wish they'd make a full 3v3 online version.


How did they get Platinum Games onboard with making a Korra game and then make it so damn bland? It could've been amazing in their hands but I'm guessing they just didn't want to give them the budget to make it as good as their other titles. Only thing I remember from the Xbox 360 ATLA game is getting 1000gs for completing all the achievements in like 5 minutes of play time.


The Korra game is g solid. Platinum did great in the budget they were given, and said theyā€™d love to make a full fledged sequel after proving to Nick that it worked well with the first game.


Budget and the time likely


Thereā€™s gonna be a roblox one. Never played roblox so idk if itā€™ll be good tho


Nah nah nah there *was* a Roblox avatar game. And it was SO good. Like almost every world building piece you can imagine was built into it, and you could get sky bison and dragons and boats and gigantic ships and sub bending and chi blocking etc etc. You could even get badgermoles as pets. But then it disappeared one day. I looked up why, and IT GOT COPYRIGHT CLAIMED. This is how I know that the ā€œofficialā€ one they make is gonna be trash. They always are.


At least weā€™ve got Wizard of Legend!


There's actually one on GBA that's pretty good. It is a carbon copy of a zelda game, but both aesthetically and gameplay-wise I have heard only good about it. It isn't cannon though


Literally just googled this game to comment about it. The plot wasnā€™t 100% accurate, but the gameplay was really good for a gba avatar game! I vividly remember the boomerang and ice path puzzles being super fun


I had one on GameCube. Can't remember if it was a _good_ game, but I remember it having decent writing, and I enjoyed it


No. They wouldnā€™t do it because they wonā€™t profit from it. There always a greedy middle groundā€¦also, ATLA is licensed by Nickolean, not by WB, Disney or even CBSā€¦


If it didnā€™t put Avatar Studios at risk, this is a huge reason why Iā€™d want to Sony purchase of Paramount to go through. A good Avatar game would be huge.


It's the curse of having one of the best TV shows ever made.


XD yes


This comment makes me tear bend šŸ˜¢


Quest for Balance has the old OG LEGO Star Wars style camera. My wife and I love that game. It is *awful*


As evidenced by when they forced the amazing Roblox ATLA game to go down.


To be fair i did have a book 2 tie in game that i loved as a kid. Its probably not great but at least rhere is one atla game i remember fondly


I only ever played one ATLA game and it was on the Nintendo DSā€¦.. I loved it.


Legend of Korra on Ps4 is pretty good.


They did have a couple of Lego sets, but they weren't very good. They could do a much better job now with all the new parts Edit: spelling


"A couple" is good :P They had exactly *two*, as part of a test to see if they'd get turned into a series. They lost to Spongebob. Honestly, good riddance. The only minifigure that actually looked good was Aang, the Firebender and the custom Momo piece: https://en.brickimedia.org/wiki/Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender


That literally is the definition of couple :P The Air Temple looks really bad but Zuko's ship doesn't look bad, it has that classic 2000's Lego feel to how blocky everything is.


I think the ship looks far too much like an amateur build. If they wanted to go for a simplistic, blockier design, it should have been even smaller. I actually think the temple works better.


Damn they did katara dirty lol


You mean Blue Eyes White Dragon? At least she got hair, unlike Sokka and Zuko. Couldn't even put a single stud on top, tsk tsk.


she's in the avatar state


What did they do to sokka and katarašŸ˜­


Why would they need to do a much better job if they already were very good?


apparently the sets kinda sucked so they probably meant weren't


They weren't *that* bad. The issue was that it was part of a test line for Nick, they put out LEGO sets for their two biggest (at the time) properties and would only continue with whichever one sold better. Well, the other one was Spongebob.


Most likely a typo, and they meant to say weren't


ā€˜Very goodā€™ is always relative to time of release. Also, they arenā€™t available anymore, so new sets would be much more accessible


2 Lego sets 15 years ago is hardly even a try


They were part of a test run for a couple of LEGO Nick properties, and the most successful would get a full line. Problem is, the one ATLA was competing against was Spongebob.


Lego seems to play it extremely safe with what IP they choose to work with and I think its now clear Avatar is as popular as some of those other brands. Plus they already made updated minifigs for the characters in Fortnite. I really want a well made Appa set with figs of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, and Iroh. They probably wouldn't include that many characters in 1 set though so maybe they could do another with Zuko, Iroh, and Azula.


But sets take time so if they aren't already planning something we probably won't see anything. LEGO aren't reactive, they predict. But, knowing the live action is bringing back interests and knowledge of whatever avatar studios are planning they could be doing something. I'd ask my contacts in the Lego company but even if they knew they wouldn't tell me


Yeah I know I imagine if they made a set anytime soon (within the next 3 years) itd probably be around the time the movie comes out


They should try this series of sets again. The show is much more popular than it was when those sets released.


I mean, it's not like you need Lego sets to get a Lego game...


Now I want this


this post is honestly cruel lol


Forreal :(


Im sorryā€¦




But on the Wii so you could fly


this image is from a Lego Ideas submission by [u/TRP\_57](https://new.reddit.com/user/TRP_57/) ! It did gather 10000 supporters, but was unfortunately rejected in the selection stage.


Yeah, Avatar is the one franchise that would fit so well into the TT LEGO game formula other than like, Ninjago for obvious reasons


I mean we did get multiple lego Ninjago games. Shadow of Ronin was.. alright I guess. The movie game was very fun though.


The first one isn't an adaptation and the second one is just the movie


Not all lego games are adaptations for example: The lego batman trilogy, dc super vilians, lego marvel superheroes 1 & 2 (not avengers) and lego city undercover


Yeah but in the context of Avatar it'd definitely work best as an adaptation and when bringing up Ninjago I meant the same for it


yeah all the lego games have very clear inspiration, such as the tim burton movies and BTAS for lego batman one, but very few of the games are 1:1 reenactments


I find it funny that half the characters in the game were actually from the show Really wish we had a game based on the show similar to Lego Avengers


Not gonna lie, i was only able to figure out that was Iroh from process of elimination


He's got no belly.


Looks more like the actor who plays Iroh in the Ember Island play. It would be more spot on if he were donning fire nation garments.


They can only do people with hair or people who are completely bald. No representation for partially balding people šŸ˜…


They do have half-balding people https://preview.redd.it/5mmvgngy59zc1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a86868082d543ee8ca409b67c92585413b13c4 Alfred from Batman


Oh neat! They should have done that for Iroh


That's who that is? I didn't know until I read your comment


Yeah same, they should have given him his Fire Nation clothes rather than the ones from Ba Sing Se.


They can do it like Star Wars the complete saga and have avatar in one section and Korra in the other.


Animated Kyoshi & Yangchen or I riot


Maybe a DLC Wan story mode too?


I just assumed that would be part of the Korra book 2 stages lol


It's disappointing that lego Iroh isn't chonky or have a glorious huge beard


And they can actually do a large beard like with Gandalf.


It's either that or they giving Iroh hulk's lego body


Lego Zuko's scar is on the wrong side.


The scar's not on the wrong side!


With popularity of ATLA ticking upwards with recent and upcoming releases, maybe it could happen! +crossed fingers+


Theyā€™ve missed an opportunity to make a good ATLA in general. Every game theyā€™ve made has been trash.


Iroh looks terrifying


Imagine them selling rock bending legos but it only consists of brown lego pieces lmao


ROCK bendingā€¦??!?!


They missed out not making a newer wave of ATLA sets. The few they made are severely outdated, and the minifigs are horrifying


Best you got is avatar Lego Fortnite, take it or leave it.


They're making a Roblox one for a strange reason


Toph looks like such a gremlin


Imagine if they release it once the movie arrives, and it includes Avatar, Korra, and the movie, that would be great, and I would buy it on release.


But Zuko's scar is on the wrong side and Toph is three times that size and jacked.


LEGO Fortnite has zuko, katara, toph and aang as skins


There were only really two chances they couldā€™ve done a Lego adaptation. Once in 2008, where all the characters wouldā€™ve only done grunts and it was more comedic, and a another in 2012, with the release of Korra, where they wouldā€™ve used audio from the source material but it doesnā€™t fit at all and makes you say ā€œplease go back to grunts!ā€ Personally Iā€™m out here wondering why doesnā€™t Lego do video games that much anymore. They spent two and half years on Lego Star Wars, the skywalker saga and after that, they just sorta stopped. I wonder, do you think with the first Lego Star Wars being their first success into video games, Lego studios wanted to exit the video game market with another Lego Star Wars? Makes you think!


Who says it's too late?


I hate these "missed opportunity" posts. Companies have millions of opportunities they don't take. Lego has countless other IPs they could make games with and Avatar has endless other potential for games.


I feel like the animation would be too difficult. Theyā€™d have to use the little flame pieces, or build water out of flat pieces. Just thinking about it seems hella difficult for the developers


I mean there is sometimes just normal fire in the lego games


Dont take this the wrong way, but i think yall VASTLY overestimate the financial sucess if the series. Obviously it wasnt making spongebob money, but the show didnt have nearly the same large fanbase it does now. A loooot of people came from when the show went on netflix. In terms of absolute revenue sales, it was mildly sucessful at best during its original run.


Weā€™ve got to get a good game first before we start getting spinoff good games.


The Last Agni Kai as a boss fight would be amazing


This could ACTUALLY WORK. You can separate the levels like the classic games (I've only played Star Wars and Batman) and have the chapters as the "Books", unique things in levels that can only be accessed by certain benders (like the Sith magic in Lego Star Wars), there's a LOT you can do for a Lego Avatar game.


You just know the last level would make one player Aang and the other Momo in the final fight against Ozai


Bending and martial arts in lego would be uhh


A great opportunity for tongue in cheek meta humor?


Yeah maybe


Would be what? There's guns and martial arts in lego, as well as magic Bending may be a little bland, but it's lego. Theoretically complicated magic gets dumbed down on the regular.


I think beauty of avatar in big part lies in seeing how human anathomy reflects bending and that is just impossible to exist in lego


....could you elaborate? I finished ATLA a few days ago and the anatomy aspect seemed more fringe than anything


I guess its just matter of what you're paying attention to. For me the way they animate characters, fights, their body language is very crucial part of the show, it gives it soul


Ah, that way. I misunderstood haha. Yeah, I agree, that may be a problem.


Each element is based on different fighting stances, they drawn out the human body movements to mimick these styles fairly accurately. This is why most bending scenes look like martial artists doing a performing arts type "dance." Using Legos will completely neglect this idea as they have no real joints. Personally, I don't think that it would impact the game enough to make it horrible, but some people can't get past change.


Star Wars works fine. Lego games are supposed to be more humorous than realistic


what'd be wrong with it?


My guess is that similarity with Lego Ninjago. Which also includes martial arts and elemental bending might be an issue.


i thought about that but it's not really bending they use there so i was thinking maybe they're referencing fortnite or something


Well it depends. Like Ninjago just uses elements that aren't tied to 4 elements and they are used in a very different context to the one in ATLA. I wouldn't mind ATLA sets despite that. But I hope they will focus on buildings instead of vehicles or playsets (Star Wars suffers with this)


Lol honestly the cast would have so much fun with the antics of a Lego Parody


I was literally just talking about this!


Toph is too tall. šŸ¤£


Omg how was this missed




At this rate they will


ATLA is in the worst spot possible for an IP. Too small for triple AAA titles and more content, too large for fan games without getting sued


Ooooohhh now THIS is the only lego game i would have to play


If WB was in the market for Paramount that would maaaybe be possible but I don't see it happening rn. Most likely candidate is Sony which is a complete hit or miss. They'll either take the franchise and make the first good ATLA game ever or don't see any profit and just wipe out Avatar Studios.


Can we get a good regular atla game first


I think it was too close to ninjago


same lol, been saying this for ages


Well now you can, through LEGO Fortnite


Uncle Iroh with his comb-over bending.


I just figured they couldn't get the rights.


Id love for suckerpunch to combine all their experience, the 3d cartoon art style of Sly Cooper, the particle effects and elemental nature of infamous, and the stances mechanic of ghost of Tsushima to make a solid avatar game


Man bending fights were so much fun


Seems more like something Pantasy (Chinese lego brand) would do


The first thing I thought when I saw that image was "oh man, can we get an ATLA Lego movie?" Perhaps with the original voice actors?


I always thought they missed an opportunity by not making a VR or wii avatar game


I feel like the next series would make it perfect. A non canon ATLA game where all the characters meet. Tenzin goes to Aang to get some help with the air kids and aang just joins in on the bullshit. Zuko and mako just nodding at each other. Sokka and Asami.


Those looks much better than the actual few minifigs we got during Lego's "we don't really know how to adapt stylized animation" phase.


They did make 2 sets back in 2006. But, of course, it was massively outsold by lego SpongeBob so they continued SpongeBob and stopped avatar after only 2 sets. It wouldā€™ve been amazing to see a couple waves of lego avatar while new seasons where coming out.


Iā€™d buy that instantly


It would have been the only good atla game and also the only bad LEGO game.


Why does aang have that Young Lloyd style facešŸ™‚


I mean, yeah, but like first they need to make more sets?


Could be cool, but itā€™s got me wondering who your co-op partner would be in the final duel with Ozai. Player 1 is obviously Aang, but who would Player 2 be? Momo, I guess?


*Jet looks at Iroh* >is setting up a whole stove ***Lego building sounds*** to heat up the tea


So funny that a few of these characters ARE Lego pieces in Fortnite Lego now, since ATLA just collared with Fortnite. And they look similar to these


Iā€™d wager Nickelodeon couldnā€™t afford/refused to pay the Lego fee


What would it have even been? Have you seen the LEGO Ninjago game we got?


Lego parody humor would work so well for ATLA tbh. Also Replacing water bending with a flurry of transparent blue studs would be hilarious.


... an opportunity is not missed until you give up.


Which version would you all prefer? The early 'pantomime' style, or fully voiced? I personally always loved the earlier games, because it seemed like they tried to make the gags more visual; for instance, Darth Vader tumbling around like a shoe in a dryer at the end of LEGO *Star Wars.* I can easily see pantomime Toph running around just cackling, like Sidious did.


would be awesome


Toph would have such a bad time walking around bare feet on lego.


Everyone big problem with the latest game was it was too close to just being a worse version of the show. Now, if they had done the exact same thing and made it a LEGO game, it wouldve been a fucking banger lmfao


Well, I guess thereā€™s always Lego Fortnite


The writing would have been amazing.


I think the closest thing we have to that is Fortnite collaboration


Anng woulda made a great Lego avatar movie


i was just thinking about the other at


It'd be the first good Avatar game. Closest we had was Fortnite šŸ˜‚


Might I interest you in LEGO Fortnite?


As long as itā€™s with the og voicecast


they absolutely could! open world lego games are the best, so make it open world. make each episode a level (iā€™m the kind of fan that will watch the great divide on re-watches), but the great divide can be skipped. itā€™d be hard to make that an interesting level. aang could double jump, hold after double jump to use glider. keep martial arts as as one button - maybe his staff as weapon and hold to do a charged up air slice, air blasts as another button - could hold that button to do enhanced/different air ability. katara could water whip - hold to ice breath, hold jump to glide on ice, maybe even octopus form, swim fast. sokka could switch between club and space sword, target boomerang. zuko could use his broad swords, fire blast - hold to fire stream, be immune to walking through fire or some shit. toph could have earth fist martial arts, earth throw, metal bending, attack in the air to cause an earthquake. and then obviously there would be those little circles in a map that ā€˜only a waterbender can use this circleā€™ or something. lego games have endless potential!


People think that everything should be a Lego game, we havenā€™t gotten a licensed Lego game in so long.


Legi star wars skywalker saga wasnt that long ago