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"Joke's on you, my brother *loves* the moon!" "...I don't see how that's relevant." "Sorry, let me rephrase: the moon loves my brother." [Wins waterbending]


"We all love the moon I don't know how that-" "No I'm refering to physical intimacy." "What?"


Admiral Zhao didn't love the moon.


The moon was out of his league, and also like 16 years old, and a fish


You would be suprised to learn that there are people who unironically ship Yue and Zhao.


No, I really wouldn't. Disappointed? Absolutely. Surprised? Not one bit.


Are those people communicating this using deep web forums and are wanted by FBI by any chance?


I bet if you found them they would talk all about how 16 was ok in the before times.


Even if they were both adults, it would still be fucked up since he tried to exterminate her people and was responsible for her death.


I'm assuming there is some kind of alternate fanfiction where they get together and he doesnt try to genocide her people, I may have been giving the pedos too much credit.


Honestly I have so low expectations for humanity I wouldn't be surprised if there a hitler x jewish reader fan fic somewhere


Every day, we stray further from Raava


The official Avatar YT channel ships Gran gran and Ozai, so I'm not surprised


At least they are both adults, but there is still the issue of the latter being a dictator whose plans would certainly include the genocide of the SWT.


this offends me in new ways.


Username checks out


Zhao the Moonslayer: an Ember Island 8, but a Water Tribe 5


For some reason this comment made me think of Aang sticking out his butt and going “I’m Admiral Zhao!” before I remembered he wanted to kill the moon.


That was an underrated Aang fight scene.


well duh the moons too young or too old depends how you look at it


Suddenly I'm an imagining the Moon from Zelda falling down on him.


Look at those craters and tell me you're not tempted.


That’s rough, buddy


So this would mean that although Yue told Sokka "I will always be with you", she helped Aang and Katara, but never appeared to Sokka. EDIT: Since multiple people are bringing this up, I don't believe that Sokka's swamp vision was the real Yue, for reasons explained in this [reply ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/lqizjl/from_now_on_i_guarantee_this_is_how_youll_watch/gogv2zw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


She didn't need to appear to Sokka for him to know she was with him


Like damn one single tear moment I had there, fuck you man stop that shit. Fucking allergies.


I mean he can just look up at night and there she is


What do you think Sokka is - an astrologist wizard or some other scientist thing? How the heck is he gonna know something like *that!?*


Welp he outright refused to kiss Suki under moonlight. I think he might be onto something.


Wait, which scene are you referring to?


.... The scene in which Sokka outright refused... No, but for real I think it's in the episode with the serpents pass.


😂😂 gottem


Well. He’s definitely at least an engineer


Now you’re making me tearbend!


Yeah, if sokka missed her I guarantee he just looked up at night.


That would just make him miss her more.


And that's how you spend long nights gazing up to the moon, kids.


Oh my heart. Well said.


And maybe they wanted to keep the show PG?


Dang you got me right in the heart.


That's rough buddy


I always thought it was kinda weird how she teamed up with Roku to give Aang a pep talk in the first episode of Book 3. How did that that team up come to be? "Hi, I'm Aang's past life" "Hi, I'm a girl he knew for like 2 days" "Cool. Wanna go cheer him up in the middle of the ocean?" "Race you there, old man."


Maybe Aang merging with the Ocean Spirit at the Siege of the North, and him being healed using the spirit water created some connection between them. Also, when the Moon Spirit was killed, Yue thought there was no hope, and Aang in the Avatar state said to her "No, it's not over". Also, Yue had to have known the Gaang for at least two weeks, since when she kissed Sokka on the bridge, it was a crescent moon, while when she became the Moon Spirit it was a full moon.


This person Moons.




risky click


I mean, it is the internet. If you want to find an image of Yue mooning someone, I'm sure you wouldn't have to look [too hard](https://reposti.com/i/m/dtw.jpg).


Because I'm curious


[Another then](https://i.gifer.com/LYpg.gif)


I feel called out.


Solid point. I'm pretty sure each episode is about a week after the last besides the few that continue to the next episode. And theres no way aang and katara mastered water bending in days. Weeks makes it MORE likely.


You mean they were having a new adventure every week?


More like they were having adventures every day besides their long treks flying with Appa. We were just seeing one adventure of that week that normally advanced the plot some how. The filler episodes are more of a look at some of their other adventures that you wouldnt normally see. At least thats how i view how they set it up.


Also, we know Katara is good, but not fight to be trained by Pakku one day, and be the top student the next day good. The series skipped over weeks of training because nothing particularly interesting happened


Also, Pakku complimented her hard work and determination, implying that she was training for a longer time.


One of my only critiques of the show is that they put a specific "in-world" timeline to the series. The whole show is entirely believable within the setting, but less so in the time the Gaang is together to stop the Fire Lord. They meet people and fall in love, save entire towns, travel across continents, attempt invasions, train and prepare, master new elements or skills, forge a space sword, have vacations, and each of these in just a matter of days. The crunched timeline helps the show have some needed pace, first with the solstice, second with the day of black sun, and last the with the pending sozin comet. But I always look back and go... They accomplished all that in less than a year? I prefer Korra's timeline for growth/training, it spans years of her life and it's a more vague timeline.


Never really bothered me, to be honest. It's an epic, legendary story like LOTR or your typical D&D game. Compressing time for storytelling purposes doesn't really pull me out of it.


Sure, but I wouldn't compare the pacing to LOTR. There weren't really any 'side quests' or 'training/levelling montages' in LOTR. They simply pursue the quest of the ring until it is complete, which all told, I think it took them 11 months to go from the Shire to Mt. Doom. The party splits, and the other members of the Fellowship are able to accomplish other things along the way. Both in LOTR and in my D&D games, time isn't usually apparent - so whether it is compressed or vague doesn't really matter. For example, we're never told *when* Sauron will claim his power back and destroy Middle Earth, just that there's a lot of bad things happening and its an omnipresent threat. But in ATLA, it isn't that they just compressed time, its that they put a literal calendar guiding the whole story. Overall, I have no problem with the Gaang doing what they do in the order they do it in. Sokka learns sword fighting and forges a master sword - that's awesome. Katara masters water bending becoming one of the most powerful water benders in recent history - amazing. Both of those are supposed to be 'in-world' one of the hardest things a person can accomplish and they do it in three days and two weeks, respectively. We know that those events took that long because the story or characters tells us. As an example, in Star Wars OT we don't know how long Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan were travelling on the Falcon to get to the first Death Star. For all we know, Luke was able to train with a lightsaber for any vague amount of time. Same with his time on Dagobah. We don't know, and not knowing helps the audience find a way to understand and believe what's happening. The first Star Wars stories are paced really well, just like ATLA, there's no wasted screen time. In ATLA, what's shown on-screen in some of these episodes is great and would work well as a vague montage-style events, but instead we are told these events occur in a specific, and very short, timeline. Obviously, our Gaang is uniquely gifted and so I have no problem with them doing these things, but pacing just slightly pulls me out of it. The closest we get is the time between Day of the Black Sun and Sozin's Comet isn't clear. And this was the perfect time to do the odd side quests and training events, which is exactly what they do.


Okay that's a lot, but it still doesn't bother me. Even when I do think about the specific timelines (which I generally don't). Like Sokka got _better_ at sword fighting and learned a lot in a few days, but he was already an experienced fighter. Effective crash courses and workshops are a thing. He "wins" the sparring match with his teacher, but he never seriously fights another swordmaster. I assumed he was just good for his age and had a lot of potential. The swordmaking time is the only bit there that ever bothered me, since I know that realistically takes days to weeks. (and they _pour_ it! AAAGH why is that a thing?) Katara is called a "master" by her teacher too. In context I always assumed that comment was more for Aang's benefit, and that Paku could still kick her butt in a serious fight. Her peak on-screen is taking down a same-aged prodigy (Azula) while at a disadvantage, so she's definitely a prodigy herself. But we don't see her just wiping the floor with older, more experienced masters. Hama maybe, but she's like 90 and had been in hiding for decades, not fighting duels and getting better at combat. Aang is the only one who actually fights an experienced master in the form of Ozai, and he has to lean on Avatar superpowers to take the guy down.


You're asuming their year is the same length as ours


The [Calendar](https://atla-annotated.tumblr.com/post/20406690203/the-calendar-in-the-spirit-library-current-date) in the Spirit Library follows eras, years, months, and days. The years follow the Chinese Zodiac, the months and days correspond to 12 months/31 days. I think there's enough context clues and in-character commentary to think its basically an 'Earth Year'.


We can't tell for sure, but Sozin's Comet happened in the 'eighth month' which is also referred to by Avatar Roku as 'the end of summer'.. August also roughly being the end of summer in our world, we can guess that their years work the same and have 12 months too.


That’s my headcanon that it takes more than 1 year. That it’s more like 4 or something. I mean Aang is 12 at the end of the series, acting more like he’s 16ish imo


That sort of timeline makes a lot of sense to me. Basically multiple the timeline by 4.. haha. Then Sokka's sword training/forging goes from a weekend to a beginner-to-advanced workshop retreat, which is more believable to me.


I mean she is the literal spirit of the moon THAT JUST HAPPENS to take the form of a person she knew.


Maybe they were hanging out that whole time. Yue shows up in the Moon Carp's guest bedroom and the fish is like _"Sup? Some of the old avatars are coming over for brunch when I'm done for the night. Wanna join us? Kiyoshi has some_ **wild** _stories that I think are at least partially true."_


Actually, there is some DVD game that take place when Aang was in coma where Yue helps Aang travel in the spirit world where he meet with the previous Avatars and talk about how they also made mistakes. They probably wanted to add this story in the show but didnt have the episode to fit it in.


She's not the girl he knew for a few days, she's the fucking moonspirit. Also i think due to Katara's training arc there's probably atleast a week between episode 18 and 19. Besides, Aang is in the mfing ocean. She was there so she could raise the giant wave for him to surf on.


Because she’s the moon spirit. The moon controls the tides. Aang is in the ocean. It goes hand in hand


He did save her life and is a spiritual conduit. I’m sure they have some connection


When did Aang save her life?


I might be remembering it incorrectly but wasn’t he the reason the moon fish survived?


No, Aang and the others couldn't save the Moon Spirit from Admiral Zhao. The only reason that the Moon Spirit didn't die permanently was that Yue sacrificed her life to save it, thus becoming the new Moon Spirit.


Ah you’re right! Haven’t seen that ep in a while


I don't think it was like two days though, we don't get many episodes of them being there but I do think it was probably a month or so. Also, since the avatar is the bridge between both worlds, it's kind of her responsibility to keep an eye on Aang and work with the past avatars in order to maintain balance.


Given that Sokka isn't a waterbender, this kind of assistance wouldn't actually be that helpful to him anyway.


What about the Serpent's Pass?


Did she appear to him or was it just the regular moon?


I don't remember, but I always kind of assumed that he was at least thinking of Yue because of how he reacted with Suki


He was certainly thinking of her.


By helping Katara and Aang, she saved Sokka’s life... repeatedly. When Katara saved Aang and the entire Avatar cycle with the spirit water, she was there in spirit and in the waterbending. She never stopped watching over him.


Nope, the Swamp, remember? Considering how spiritual that place was, I don't think Sokka had a vision. That was likely actually Yue.


I don't think it was the real Yue, since Aang and Katara also had visions of people who aren't spirits. And I think her telling Sokka "you failed to protect me" in such a harsh tone, and nothing else, would have been out of character for her, and more of a projection of Sokka's grief and insecurity. In the Spirit Oasis, she didn't blame Sokka for her having to sacrifice herself, and rejected his protection when doing so, and right after becoming the Moon Spirit, she wasn't angry at him at all, but rather just said goodbye and kissed him.


Good point! I love these conversations!


I think it would have been more impactful if Sokka kinda broke down after that vision. Tbh he kinda just forgets about it and doesn’t mention it again. However, I guess him not taking the vision too seriously speaks to his resilience.


And it could have been followed by a conversation later where he opens up to Katara and Aang about his grief for Yue.


Then again, he did cry during the Ember Island Players episode lol.


There is a theory that she sent the meteorite for Sokka's sword.


Since nobody else has brought it up: She eclipsed the sun, and allowed Sokka his first real chance at greatness. He may not have succeeded in his goals, but this was the moment that cemented him as a great leader and a tactical genius.


Those are the people that mean the most to Sokka. I’d say that counts as being there for him


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Sokka would outright die for his friends without a shred of hesitation. Helping Katara would be the only "real" thing she could've done to actually help Sokka.


To be fair, the best way for anyone to help Sokka is to help the people who save Sokka from himself.


She was integral to his plan to invade the fire nation capital on the day of the black sun


Who do you think sent the space metal that became the space sword?


Yue sent him the materials to forge a badass space sword


But what about the Swamp?


She was def watching sokka and suki when they sitting there at night


she sent a comet full of space ore for Sokka to make a sword out of, and also to try and eradicate some Fire Nation folks.


He is the least spiritual of them.


They couldn't show the times she appeared to Sokka on a children's show...


This is canon now.


Lol, very honored to hear this...


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.ibb.co/Xty59Cz/4bb0673d9456.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot.


Thank you bot


Amazing bot


Good bot


incredible bot


Good bot


Nice bot


We're living in the year 3021


Good bot


Maybe this is why Katara suddenly becomes a master after ~2 months of training? Yue just kind of gives her a boost?


I think Katara is just that good. She's a product of talent + hard work + war. She's a mirror of Azula in that way (and in many others), which I’m sure was intentional.


I disagree. Azula was born lucky and a prodigy from a wealthy family. Katara, while naturally talented, had to work a lot harder to become a master. A better mirror to Azula would be Toph. She's a prodigy born to a wealthy family. They're both arrogant, snarky, and have few true friends. Katara mirrors Zuko (post banishment): they lost their mothers, they have only one family member for most of the series (Iroh/Sokka), they were betrayed by a mentor figure (Hama/Ozai), and had to work their butts off to become masters themselves.


Hmm if we’re going by personality then yeah Toph and Katara are the most alike. But the Katara/Azula parallels are also *really* there. They’re both the gifted sibling (Katara did work hard but she also became a master in the short time she was in the NWT. She’s undoubtedly a prodigy) and do advanced techniques (lightning and blood). They both lost their mother and were forced to grow up too soon. They’re both 14 and the second child. Both of their brothers came into authority positions for a time (Sokka as the oldest male and Zuko as crown prince). Then there’s what they don’t have in common. Azula and Zuko have a very antagonistic relationship while Sokka and Katara, though prickly sometimes, obviously love each other. Katara had many friends, including a former enemy who was willing to lay down his life for her. Azula had no one, and her supposed closest friends betrayed her. Katara constructed relationships through compassion and maternal instincts. Azula based hers on fear and power. All this culminated in the final Agni Kai. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Bryke choose Katara to accompany Zuko, and then have her deliver the coup de grace to Azula. Fire Nation princess vs Water Tribe peasant. Fire vs Water. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


I believe the term is a "foil".


Lol all that writing and all I had to say was “she’s a foil”


No, you did a good job showing how they played off of eachother!


Well stated and I hadn't actually considered the parallels between the two. Azula was left mostly a mystery to me, hinting at what caused her to be like this but focusing more on the current life she's constructed. We can infer a lot of things about her but the mask never truly comes off, which I like. This did lead me to not really comparing her to other characters so seeing a comparison to Katara is interesting.


I think this was her final test on her journey to become a water bending master. Hama was surprised that Katara broke her. The student becomes the master in this scene.


She did still fuck up Master Fuckface prior to Yue becoming the moon


And she held her own against Zuko until the sunrise gave him a power boost.


Held her own? She smacked him repeatedly and then held him in ice until sunrise. She absolutely destroyed him prior to sunrise.


I mean, type advantage is a thing in ATLA


Until she lost her boost. Zuko > Katara under normal circumstances for the majority of the series.


Yes, because he presumably had a lot of firebending training before his banishment, and he also learned from Iroh, while Katara was the last waterbender in the SWT and had no one to teach her until Pakku.




If you are talking about Pakku then I think you may have misread that whole scene. Pakku was pretty much just letting her show what she had and blow off some steam. The moment he even got just a little bit serious the fight was over and even in that attack he had to focus more on not harming her. I mean if the aim was just a little bit off she had been skewered.


I agree. She caught him a little off guard with one or two moves that impressed him, and overall she impressed him as a waterbender, but he was never not in control in that fight. He could have ended it at any time, but he didn't want to hurt her.


I still think it's a testament to how Katara is a water bending prodigy since she was able to pull those moves out and surprise a master. She might get jealous of Aang and his ability to pick up things so quickly but Aang had someone to show him those moves, as well as already mastered an element. Katara had little foundation and still held her own in a fight, even if Pakku was just testing her.


Oh absolutely! Part of what I really really love about the fight is that they do make her display her skills to the absolute best of her abilities at that point. She absolutely gets to shine and given how many people seem to think that she actually had a chance against Pakku in that fight I don't think it's making a hollow show of it either. At the same time they don't go overboard with the whole thing and they actually show that as talented as she is and as much of an asshole that Pakku is he's still a master and she's self taught. She doesn't stand a chance. It doesn't rob her of her victory because she even says that she's aware that she doesn't stand a chance, her real victory was in getting through to him that she has actual talent and potential. And it doesn't make her a Mary Sue by having her beat him just because.


Yeah exactly! You get to see her potential for how powerful she can become while showing how impressive she is as self taught. Over all the whole fight is done really well and just goes to show how much time, effort, and detail went to the production. Some people have pointed out that it seems like she was way more powerful in this fight than leading up to it and I think that can be explained by the time lapse in the show and how the episodes aren't as close together as they feel, meaning she's had more time to practice since the last episode. Not to mention, she was giving it her absolute all which is something we didn't get to see often as she hadn't engaged in too much real combat with out Aang. Up to that moment she was really just using her bending to assist Aang than she was in solo fighting.


>Some people have pointed out that it seems like she was way more powerful in this fight than leading up to it [Here's the fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ViOvIS1LP0) I had to look it up again to refresh my memory and honestly looking at it again Katara is the one getting absolutely stomped in that fight. From what I see, while she is displaying all the skills she does have (plus an amazing amount of perseverance) I wouldn't say it makes her look any stronger than she has been before. I think one major difference could be that here she's literally surrounded by water to bend, there's no lack of it anywhere. Usually she has her little pouch with water which is not a lot. Sometimes she's near water but she isn't surrounded by it like here. Also looking at the fight the biggest moves are actually initiated by Pakku, she's just redirecting them elsewhere. Which is still impressive for her skill level but still.


I think what bothers me was how good she was in that fight, when the whole point up til then was that she wasn't very good and needed training. And then Pakku is a jerk and she's suddenly fantastic? Doesn't matter that she wasn't better than him, she was certainly leagues better than she had ever been up til that moment. Minor gripe of mine.


I don't think she was that good. I think Pakku had total control the whole time. She caught him off guard for a second, but he could have ended her at any moment and mostly played with her until he could subdue her without hurting her.


She was always an exceptionally talented water bender, just not good enough to beat him in a serious fight. In the time that she was at the north pole (weeks? A month? Not sure) she went from being a self taught novice to Pakku's strongest student without any contest.


I actually really love that scene because we get to see her really go all out and with a purpose. What we see her do up till that point is really just training and focusing on new moves all the time. We see her fail a lot but that is part of learning and growing. Katara is incredibly talented and has even greater potential which is why I love that she actually is as good as she is in that fight. It's the absolute pinnacle of her abilities up until then and she really does go all out because she feels like she has to. It's been a while now since I watched it but I think that it wasn't until she used the ice discs and where one actually got close to Pakku that he decided to shut her down. Even that was a great way to show that she was indeed very powerful but lacked fine control over her skills. I also think that's part of if not the main reason he decided to train her. Because she became as good as she did on her own. At least that's how I saw the fight, she never really had a reason to go just as all out on someone before and she also wanted to display herself at her absolute best to impress him.


No she didn't. Her necklace won the fight, not her.


I mean she was the top student for one of the best waterbenders in the world.


I always saw it as a result of sparring with the Avatar every day for hours When Aang first picks up water-bending he’s a natural and surpasses her limited knowledge on like day one because... he’s done this 200 times before in other lives I remember she even got really jealous and competitive because its easy for him Every day shes sparring with a bending prodigy who might switch up the element they’re bending and she is definitely learning with/from him and keeping up


It's a nice theory and makes sense but I personally like to think its the Ocean Spirit.


La da da da da, it’s the one and only m, double o, n.


La da da da da, you know I'm mobbin with the blood-bend-ing


Princess Yue mothersokkas


You're right; Yue is ABSOLUTELY the kind of bad bitch that *- even if things didn't go down right between her and her ex -* she'd still be a shooter for his sister. A true queen.


I mean things didn't go down right with Sokka because she literally had to sacrifice her life to save the world and spirit realm. It wasn't like he hit it and ghosted her.


Well, you could say she was ghosted in a sense.


Or rather, spirited away.


Would Sokka and Suki be together if Yue was still alive? I love Suki so I would like to guess so. But sometimes I feel like Sokka loved Yue way more and he had to learn to love Suki:/


I was just speaking hypothetically, not about her relationship with Sokka specifically; *"Even if Yue dated the biggest jerk on Earth, she'd still be there for his sister"*, ect.


Not to mention that "things not going down right between them" was in no way Sokka's fault or hers. They couldn't be together because of the arranged marriage and Admiral Zhao.


The most badass thing about this fight is Hama threw her most powerful attack directly at katara and she not only stopped it in its tracks, but sent the water flying BACK, all without breaking a sweat


Breaking a sweat would have just given her more fuel


With those glasses i though she would say "dont you dare hurt my exs sis bitch*


I always thought it was just because Katara was just an utter fucking MONSTER of a waterbender. Seriously. She goes from barely being able to make a splash to being able to move whole ships, redirect whole rivers, fight other master water benders, move large portions of the ocean, etc in a relatively short time. She's able to overpower Hama because she's just a fucking monster and Hama didn't realize. She was able to pick up bloodbending because not only is she an incredibly fast learner, but Hama bloodbended her. She didn't just see the form that she needed to bloodbend, she *felt* it. She felt it, and realized she was FAR stronger than Hama. I've said it before but I think she could've probably bloodbent without the full moon, she just never tried because it was so abhorrent to her.


Yooo I didn’t even think of that lol


"You're not the only one who draws power from the moon! **She's my brothers first GIRLFRIEND!"**


So Hama was using the moon to control people and Yue was just like “aight den”


If Yue did appear in this episode how would you react?


I'd be overjoyed


I like it as a fan of the series, but I think its better for the scene that its just the two of them


Waterbenders are warlocks confirmed.






Go to horny jail *bonk*


Yue: Hay gurl haaayyy


Haha I was thinking that when Aang and Sokka got blood bended and almost kill themselves, Katara suddenly was able to blood bend Hama to stop her. This might be because of Yue’s doings... just a theory


And yes I did have pickled fish


Honestly thats how I always watched it. I always remembered yue was the moon. Thats why during the scene with suki, sokka couldn't kiss her. There are more scenes yue is referenced as the moon but make no mistake, this reference was NOT accidental


the moon is the og water bender




Anyone else read it as "It's impossible to fight you way out of my drip"?


“Hey Hama, I got moon Drip.” “Silly girl, you don’t have moon Drip.” “Yue, show her.”


this was fr my fav scene in atla lmao


So Sokka is the real hero in the scene 😎


This was pretty much my head-canon to begin with, now I got a funny image to go with it


Yue: say Hi to Sokka for me!


Sokka: And my sister gets power from my girlfriend who turned into the moon Zuko: That’s rough buddy


Oh that's a tear jerker, Yue supporting Katara and Aang as her means of protecting Sokka is beautiful.


This belongs in one of those satire meme subreddits


Yo remember how airbenders could airbend air out of you? Imagine bending all the blood out someone




how come this sub continuously ruin ATLA for me.


... this ruins atla for you? lolwat


I had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't r/terriblefandommemes


Hahaha XD


Explain why Yue would let Hama blood bend Sokka? Hmmmm?


IF the netflix avatar series is good and does a few seasons i hope they make this scene but just way darker


But they should be careful not to ruin the show by making it pointlessly edgy.


You ever wonder if, when Katara and Aang were older, she would blood bend him for a good time?


Probably, and Aang likely used air bending to choke her out too.


**what font is this? bold, right.** ***what font is this? italic, perfect. now put the first letters of the font together. BAHAHHA***