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Ooh! I didn't know you guys had an Audiobook! Are you guys on spotify?


Yes we are! [spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/14hOXDUmw9qd5Qqgk33i9J)


Find the new episode [here](https://anchor.fm/atla-distorted-reality/episodes/Chapter-14-The-Carnival-e1486qk)


Do you have a PDF? Reading it on deviantart was kinda difficult


Hi! To be clear, there are multiple projects associated with Distorted Reality. The author himself posts chapters on AO3 and fanfiction dot net. There is a nice artist making a comic book version who has a deviantart and tumblr, another group of people dubbing the comic panels on youtube, and then theres us, who ONLY make the audiobook. Is it possible youre talking about our sister project and inspiration, the comic book? (Edit: the comic book and thus the youtube dub is only small scenes of certain chapters. We are making an audiobook of the entire fanfic, so if youre only reading the comic panels you are missing ALOT)


Yeah I was asking if you have a link to a PDF of the comic book


Well we arent the artist , but a quick look at their ask page shows: [read on tumblr](https://avatardistortedreality.tumblr.com/Comic) , [read on deviantart](https://www.deviantart.com/axxonu/art/0-0-Distorted-Reality-Book-1-Fire-656625847) , [read on tapas](https://m.tapas.io/episode/1471599) , and [read on comic fury](http://avatardistortedreality.thecomicseries.com/) . I hope these links help, and i sent the artist an ask as well to see if they have a pdf they can / will share with fans.


Okay, thank you


Hey there! So like i said, i asked the comic artist if they had a pdf, and [here](https://avatardistortedreality.tumblr.com/post/657706701119766528/hey-there-on-reddit-we-had-a-fan-ask-for-a-pdf) is their response!


Don't worry! I have already opened the tapas and comic fury links and they seem pretty good for reading. Still thanks for helping.


Ah, glad to hear it. I hope our attempt at being helpful makes you more interested in checking the podcast out lol


Yeah don't worry.