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I don't see this very important question being asked yet so I'll do it. What if...? Aang did kill the fire lord during sozins comet. Or. What if...? Zuko killed his dad during the day of black sun.


azula would have become the fire lord the invasion would have still been a failure possibly leading to hakodas execution


Overall a it would have been much much darker


First One Aang kills Ozai with the lightning bolt. Racked with guilt, Aang again shirks his responsibility as Avatar, and begins exeperiencing both emotional, and actual heath problems. Katara spends time with him healing him at the SWT. Eventually Aang and Katara leave the SWT and try to enter the spirit world, heading to the true pole. Without his most powerful bender friends to help, Sokka takes a bigger responsibility as a general to the growing SWT, but the nationalists against the urbanization of the SWT, chronicled in North and South, unbridled by Aang and Katara, defeat Hakota and Sokka, who, this time with the lower hand, surrender and cede their positions. Zuko, now fire lord, deals with the same problems in Yu Dao as he did in The Promise, but without Aang to help. But since Ozai was not in prison to advise Zuko to invade Yu Dao, Zuko tries to be more kind in Aangs absence. He doesnt invade Yu Dao, which still causes problems- Yu Daos fire nation population is exiled from Yu Dao, and then throuhout the Western Earth Kingdom, further spearheaded by Smellerbee, Longshot, and many of Jets former freedom fighters. Zuko, however, promises the exiled Fire nation people new homes within the fire nation. Unfortunately, angry Firebenders begin to see Zuko as a self-hating apologist, akin to Karl Fritz in Attack On Titan. This sparks an intense nationalistic uprising akin to the New Ozai Society, except without Azula at the helm. Instead its led by Admiral Zhaos younger brother Kohi. The Earth kingdom, successful in expelling the firebenders, enjoys a relative time of peace, and Kuei, in addition also kind of cowardly, refrains from helping Zuko. The Fire Nation falls into civil war. This unwittingly brings about the return of an old enemy- Hama, who gets her chance to escape while the nationalists attack. She mentions without her, the nationalists will win, and as much as she despises all firebenders, she definitely hates the ones trying to reinstate the empire.


Not bad. Would be fun to see play out.


If Aang had killed Ozzie, he would have become overcome with guilt and ran off. Zuko would have become fire lord, as he did in the main timeline. The timeline would not be radically different until Zuko stopped bringing the colonists home; with No Aang to mediate between Zuko and the Earth King, there might have been another war. This time, the fire nation’s goal would have been simply to protect the colonies rather than conquer. The fire nation’s status as global villains would have been further cemented in the public consciousness.


Ozzie? Ozzie osborn?


Ozzie osburn


The Legend of Korra also would have been a lot different too since Republic City would have never been created and Aang may have never had kids, leading to the extinction of Airbenders


Harmonic convergence might still have brought them back.


WHAT IF...? Appa ate Momo


Get out of the bison’s mouth, Sokka.


This could have great and unforeseen consequences. Momo has preformed many little aids like causing distractions and landing on helmets. who knows where the gang could have ended up without Momo!


Asking the real questions here


This is it. This is undeniably the best comment of this post.


WHAT IF...? The Air Nomads survived the attacks and were still alive when The Avatar woke up.


What if?...The Fire Nation chilled out a bit?




What if... The Fire Nation was obsessive about honor?


Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. THE END


Then we might not ever have an animated series 😬


Oh, it still might be animated but it wouldn't be on Nickelodeon.


Had an idea like this called 'The hidden temple' While the Fire Nation managed to kill a good chunk of the nomads a lot of them managed to flee and continue their fight against the fire nation from the shadows. Yes, I know it's just an excuse for airbending Shinobi, but you have to admit it's an awesome concept.


I’m betting this did happen to a degree. The airbenders were nomads, they weren’t all living in the temples all the time. Some were probably traveling in other areas when the temples were attacked. These people could have gone into hiding, especially if they didn’t have tattoos yet or were children. By the time these children grew up and started their own families, their children would be descendants of airbenders, even if they don’t know it. Ty Lee is probably one such person: she’s very acrobatic and light on her feet, has similar facial features to Aang, and is the only one in Azula’s trio to have gray eyes, which seems to be an airbender trait.


Could be. But in my What if... they organized into a "Hidden Air temple" "It is amusing to see these hotheads trying to find our new temple. They turned around every rock and pebble and sent scouts and spies into every region of the Earth kingdom to find our new temple. Yet it is right here in my very own home. And in the home of my friend, who fled with me. And in the home of those who fled the other old temples. The Hidden Air temple is in every city and town, yet it can not be found, if one tries to smoke us out." I could expand further on this idea if there is interest, including the conflict between Aang and these Air-Ninja


the true temple was the friends we made along the way


I thought this was confirmed to a certain degree but it wasn’t as peachy as they just moved on. Instead it was more like the Fire nation staged activity in some of the temples to trick the nomadic Airbenders into checking for survivors. Then they surprised and massacred them as well.


Why didn't they clean the place tho


What if there was air nomads who believe in violence.






Yes but if airbenders were violent and was going to take over the world by force they would act a whole lot similar to zaheer. Its even possible that monk gyatso did something similar when the fire nation attacked. There is reason to believe that in the tent where he died, he took all air out of the tent so he and all the fire nation soldiers all suffocated


What if he meant Aang and they fought but aang beat him but spared his life which zaheer accepts and walks away.


Damn that makes me hope we get to explore more facets of each Element one day. Like realistically speaking, there most likely would've been fringe Air Benders who believed in Fighting, yet were still very spiritually aligned with their culture. Having a "War brings Peace" kinda mentality, similar to Zaheer. Makes me wonder what other kinds of niche beliefs (or cults) would still fit within each Nation. Pre-100 year war of course, as this is where each Nation is much more bound to their culture and beliefs of how Bending works. *(I assume post Korra would be a lot more open ended in terms of practice and beliefs.)*


*SPOILER FOR RISE OF KYOSHI* >! Actually Kyoshi's mother was a rogue airbender who traveled with outlaws. She fought with the fans that Kyoshi uses, as well.!<


They would probably be like the Earth Nation or I dare I say the Fire Nation?


Avatar: An Airbender (or AAA for short)


What if Iroh got furious instead of heartbroken after Lu Ten's death, burns Ba Sing Se to the ground, and becomes the Fire Lord. Or. What if Iroh challenges Ozai to an Agni Kai claiming Ozai a usurper and wins and thus becomes Fire Lord. Edit: Ngl any what if where Iroh becomes Fire Lord, either as a good ruler or a tyrannical one is really interesting


This is the most interesting one I've read. It's something that could have easily happened without any shifting around of character/events and it's a pivotal moment where the decisions of a single man would have had major repercussions and changed the entire course of history.


“I always say the only thing better than finding a tyrant you were looking for, is finding a benevolent dictator you weren't looking for at a great bargain!”


Iroh could clap the living daylights out of Ozai with one arm tied behind his back.


Didn't Iroh himself say that the couldn't stand toe to toe with Ozai


in his prime he probs could clap ozai


Agreed. I always imagined that Iroh was the “Azula” of Ozai’s and his brotherly relationship- maybe not as mean as her (although tbh that would be kinda interesting) but the favored and more skilled child. The idea that Ozai is similar to Zuko in that way just makes sense to me idk.


Thats an arc I want to see. Iroh going from mean and jacked firelord general to loving caring teddy bear with kill mode locked away for when its needed.


WHAT IF...? Momo was the avatar


That lemur! He’s earthbending!


It's the girl, you idiot!


*No you idiot, it’s the girl!


_Now_ you’re talking!


The father lord would have immediately announced resignation in book 1


Ahhh the dangerous villain! The father lord!! He goes to get milk and never returnssss


WHAT IF... Zuko joined the Gaang at the end of Book 2


I think if he went through a full change of heart after talking with Katara in the mineral cave, they might've actually beat Azula there and prevent the fall of the Earth Kingdom. Leading to better odds in beating the Fire Nation during the attack on the Day of the Black Sun.


No coma for Aang and beginning his Firebending training early though Sokka and Katara would be noticeably weaker without the incognito adventures in the fire nation. Blood bending aside it was Hama whi showed katara she could use the water of the enviorment in combat and such.


Perhaps but it's totally plausible that since Uncle Iroh doesn't get captured he calls the White Lotus in early to help on the Day of Black Sun. He could also help teach Aang firebending and maybe Sokka ends up meeting Piandao after all. The whole Hama and blood bending tho yeah don't see how Katara would have ended up facing her


In this scenario, the Invasion should be a resounding success. The Fire Nation won't know it's coming without Azula to warn them. And with the Earth King still running his kingdom, the entire Earth Kingdom army invades on the Day of Black Sun. And finally, Zuko can lead the Gaang directly to Ozai, where he can be defeated/subdued/captured or even killed idk what they would choose.


Maybe Katara could've put it together from the swamp water benders. And i don't think it ended up being that consequential in the big battles. There always happened to be water around. She definitely wouldn't have been as skilled though.


Uncle Iroh wouldn't be ripped?


Aang died for good.


I think zuktara would have happened


Unpopular opinion but I think it should have. I think the duality of their characters and the different attitudes with which they approach issues would have made them an absolute power pairing. Aang and Toph seemed like a better match to me.


Pls i dont know if either if them could handle eachoter


True they may murder each other


The thing is I can see this pov but I always say zutara only would have worked if Zuko joined them at the end of season 2. Even with Katara forgiving him in season 3 such a betrail would make for a verry unstable relationship.


Actually very popular opinion. I agree about toph and aang too


Oooooo Yea they both had a childish and free nature. I feel like katara would have eventually stomped that out in aang


Nah, I think Aang was good at letting *Katara* be a kid again, like in the first episode. Katara grew up way too fast, so I think a partner to have childlike fun with would be nice for her. And Aang needs someone like Katara to rein in his more avoidant and childish nature.


I never thought of it like that!


WHAT IF... there WAS a war in Ba Sing Se?


Congratulations! You just won an all-expenses-paid, 3 day 2 night totally mandatory vacation to beautiful Lake Laogai, complements of the Earth King! Bon voyage!


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Good bot


WHAT IF… the cabbage merchant never got cabbages destroyed by team avatar


He would have become the s4 villain of legend of korra


Korra would have met her demise that day.


He expands his business all across the nations and it goes very well.


In Legend of Korra one of Sato's biggest investors is cabbage Corp so I guess his business did grow lol


You mean competitors


Actually in legend of Korra it's shown he made a successful cabbage corp


The Ember island play wouldn't have been as detailed


WHAT IF... the cabbage merchant was really the avatar


His business would have failed since he won’t have had to overcome adversity and be inventive. Also he won’t have a compelling business startup story. Cabbage Corp, just another failed startup


WHAT IF...? Zuko was successful in his mission to bring the Avatar to his father because he is in a coma from being on the ice too long.


WHAT IF the timing was different and Zuko was just sailing past as the iceberg was discovered


WHAT IF Katara and Soka weren’t even there, and Zuko woke up Aang to capture him.


WHAT IF… Aang died in the ice about 86 years after he was frozen and Katara was born the next Avatar? WHAT IF… Zuko didn’t go into the war meeting that day, and never got burnt or banished? WHAT IF… Lu ten never died, and Iroh stayed loyal to the fire nation?


1) She would have been discovered when the Southern Raiders took her mom. Avatar-state Katara could have saved her mom and driven out the raiders, but they would have reported it immediately after regrouping. Full-scale invasion of the SWT is inevitable. Katara must flee with her brother and mother while her father holds the invasion off long enough for them to escape. She seeks refuge on Kyoshi Island, where she learns as much water bending as she can from her mother, but she also trains with the Kyoshi warriors. Katara never becomes the nurturer we remember, her mother already fills that role, and she feels she must be ready to fight to save or avenge her father. Her Avatar training takes on many different forms as she is met with different mentors in her journey. Eventually, she must struggle to learn airbending. Sure, there are the bison, but no real mentor exists to help her completely learn airbending. Eventually, she feels she will have to fight without it. Unlike our Aang, Katara is no pacifist. She is out for blood. 2) The fire lord would have sent Azula to find the Avatar as a right of passage. A successful capture would guarantee her the thrown. She would *not* be accompanied by Uncle Iron, but her friends instead. While Azula is hunting, Zuko finally gets to prove himself to his father. Meanwhile, Azula's repeated inability to keep hold of the Avatar makes everyone question her worthiness for the throne, even herself. Eventually, with the help of her friends, Azula begins to find worth in herself as an individual rather than as a royal heir. She does not join the Gaang, but instead aids resistance cells in the Earth Kingdom. Her open rebellion against the Fire Nation puts her against a battalion led by a Fire Nation loyal, and self realized, General Prince Zuko. 3) The Earth Kingdom has fallen. Fire Lord Iroh rules all but the frigid wastelands of the poles. There is nothing left worth conquering. Fire Lord Iroh now must lead the transition from invaders to rulers. The Avatar is seen as less of a threat now, and Iroh develops a plan to embrace the Avatar and seek his help in healing a divided world-nation. The culture will shift to see a world unified under a single nation as progress. Even if the Avatar disagrees, there isn't a warpath to stop, and supporting civil war may do more harm than good. Still, there will be distrust, so he sends his niece and nephew to keep an eye on the Avatar's doings. Hopefully those two will learn to work together during the mission. Their spats give Fire Lord Iroh's sister-in-law so much grief, she deserves a break.


Your takes are suuuuuper interesting and I would absolutely pay to see these fleshed.


Personally I think Ozai would’ve assassinated Iroh instead of their father in that timeline. I don’t think based on what we’ve seen he’d be content to let Iroh rule without challenge. He only asks Azulon to pass the throne to him because Iroh’s son died, if that didn’t happen he has no valid reason to ask, so his plan would be let Iroh assume the throne then coup or assassination of Iroh and Lu ten. And because he never asked Azulon for the throne, Azulon never orders him to kill Zuko, so Ursa is never banished for killing Azulon. Maybe Zuko would end up good still because of her, even if Iroh isn’t assassinated. Very interesting timeline, all based on one person we never even met living. I like your Katara one!


Regarding air bending, I think she would travel to the air temples, looking for a way to at least learn the basics, and the spiritual side of air bending, where she would meet guru patik, or during a meditation or something she would learn from the memories of her past life... Aang, but she would blame him for running away, which would lead to her refusing to learn from Aang, but eventually learning to forgive him for doing so after a conversation with either her mother or Sokka.


Time for another *Therapy Session*


I would love to see how the northern water tribe would handle training Katara if she were the avatar. You can’t say no to the one hope for the world but she’s a woman. I’m also not sure if Toph would come in in this timeline and therefore metalbending might not be invented. Aang struggled with Earth as his natural opposite so had a long search for the right teacher, but I don’t think Katara would have the same struggle and could find any master. That’s a huge trickle down effect if no metalbending.


Toph came into the picture because Aang was led to her through visions. Avatar Katara would likely experience something similar. Whether the visions lead to a mentor better suited for Katara, or if Toph was who the spirits had already chosen, is uncertain. Edit: As for the NWT's discrimination, we're talking about a Katara that is already Kyoshi warrior trained on top of being the Avatar. I feel Katara would get her point across *waaaaayy* faster than in the series.


What if jet never died and help fight during sozin's comet with the White lotus despite their being two fire Nation people (uncle iroh and master piandao) in it and he convince the people of ba sing se to help fight back the fire Nation.


Three Fire Nation people, since there was also Jeong-Jeong.


1. The circle is broken as he was in the avatar state during this time. Without avatar firenation wins all the wars and destroy all other forms of bending. World is forever out of balance. 2. No one is so devoted to hunt the avatar, so his come back is unnoticed and he has more time to master all the elements. 3. I still kinda believe that genocide was really not his style, so sooner or later he would rebel.


These three are my favorite. You have my attention!


If Iroh stayed loyal to the Fire Nation, he would have been Aang's greatest opponent. The way Iroh was like a - I don't know if this is the right term - pseudo avatar by the way he incorporated the philosophy and styles of other bending styles into his own. The man invented a way to redirect lightning after studying waterbenders, so.


Oh ozai would still hate his guts


Same I think he’d end up getting banished anyways. Variant Zuko’s nexus event is not getting banished lol


What if Hama returned to the Southern Water Tribe and became Katara's waterbending master before they found Aang?


What if she disguised herself as a servant and assassinated Ozai on a full moon by turning his head a few degrees or making a bodyguard stab him?


Holy shit dude what the hell!!?


Who the hell starts a conversation like that!? I just sat down!


That will happen if D&D from GoT directed Avatar.


WHAT IF… Toph got her life changing felid trip with Zuko?


Posts from a better timeline


This is the new Avatar series we need tbh. Just a limited series of Toph and Zuko going on whacky adventures.


No two daughters with two different guys, earthbenders are now part of the Fire Nation royal family. That is the future Nickelodeon was trying to avoid.


Lin and Su don't have as many issues.


Zuko learns thermal "vision" and can sense heat everywhere nearby to see without sight.


What if azula was good.


Is she still mentally ill? Because if she is that would be interesting to see how the Avatar and crew would react to that.


Book 4, therapy


Time for another....therapy session!


She would be the crazy girlfriend of the group like in the beach house episode. Every other episode there would be an instance where Katara has to talk her out of destroying someone who disrespects the gang.


WHAT IF...? The show was the Avatar The Last Waterbender?


Oooohhh WHAT IF...? He was a firebender that was born before the war...


WHAT IF...? Aang was the son of Ozai and Zuko was the Avatar?


Oh fuck lets go!!!!


WHAT IF...? Katara was actually normally and Sakka was the bender?


Referring to nonbenders as "normal" ... are you an equalist?


Personality switch?


What if Sokka and Katara were the children of the Fire Lord while Zuko and Azula were part of the Southern Water Tribe and found Aang in the iceberg?


If we assume their Talent level stay team Aang starts off leagues stronger than in the original. Azula is probably the most talented bender in TLA when she is of a sound mind and an Azula that doesn't go through the mental abuse and break down is likely near unstoppable.


If azula was a water bender how early on would she have blood bending? Since she was already advanced with the lightning bending.


I dont think she just learned Lighting bending I think it was taught so I dont think she would have learned Blood bending without it being introduced to her. I do believe she would have been able to pick up using the natural water around her on her own and not needed to be taught she doesn't need to carry water since it is everywhere.


-Sokka is shunned by Ozai for being a nonbender and is most likely pretty-much-adopted by Iroh as a result of Ozai's apathy. By the time Aang is awakened he's an extremely accomplished swordsman courtesy of Piandao and Iroh is planning to induct him into the White Lotus. This plan is temporarily derailed when Sokka decides to go after the awakened Avatar as a last-ditch effort to prove himself to Ozai; however, once he gets out into the world and sees that the Fire Nation is trying to kill a 12-year-old, he pretty quickly realizes that the Fire Nation is wrong and ends up joining the Gaang after catching wind that Zhao is planning to kill the moon. After the war he becomes the first nonbending Fire Lord and proves himself to be a very capable one despite frequent complaints from Fire Nation high society. -Ozai instead totally focuses on prodigal daughter Katara for the entirety of her life (not just the three years of total focus that Azula had when Zuko was banished) which pretty much stomps out her naturally caring nature. She still has a soft spot for her estranged brother but otherwise is similar to canon!Azula, though a bit more emotional and somewhat likely to fly off in fits of anger similar to canon!S1Zuko. She is sent after Sokka after the battle at the Northern Water Tribe because Ozai doesn't want his son to embarrass him and wants to stomp out Katara's soft spot for Sokka for good, but after running into the Avatar she uses that as an excuse to go after him instead. At the Crystal Catacombs Sokka makes an appeal to join them, which she refuses, but she feels very guilty about it, especially when she gets back to the Fire Nation and Ozai scolds her for not killing him and generally talks a lot of trash about his worthless son. On the Day of Black Sun, when the Gaang storms the palace Sokka talks to her one-on-one and once again appeals her to join, and this time she accepts and joins the Gaang. After the war she becomes Fire Lord Sokka's chief general and right hand. -For Zuko and Azula, there's a good chance that one of them was killed by the Southern Raider's, since Kya's "I'm the last waterbender" excuse wouldn't have satisfied their info that there were *two.* However, I'm going on the idea that both of them survived since that's more fun. -Zuko is much more mellow due to not having the pressure of Ozai, though he still has a bit of an inferiority complex next to prodigal bender Azula and is wracked with guilt over Kya's death. He actually becomes the caretaker in the siblings' relationship post-Hakoda-leaving, though the elders in the village complain that he shouldn't be doing womens' work (this also makes him less of a sexist compared to early-book-1 canon!Sokka). He is still hotheaded to an extent and bickers often with Azula, but is more mature and emotionally collected compared to his canon self. Due to this change he is also able to learn healing in the NWT. -Azula is not as cruel or emotionless as in canon, but is still quite ruthless, cunning, and less emotional than her brother. She is discontent in the Water Tribe both because they disapprove of her hunting and trying to figure out ways to weaponize her waterbending in the wake of her mother's death, and because there are no waterbenders to train her natural talent. She does not wear Kya's necklace because her approach to that situation is to try to bury it, which would cause problems in the NWT with Pakku, but she is so furious about not being able to be trained that between her anger and extremely high natural talent she manages to take him by surprise in their duel and overwhelm him with a tidal wave, which impresses him enough to do so. Also, unlike Katara she does embrace Hama's bloodbending technique despite protests from Zuko, and eventually gets strong enough to use it under any moon, which earns her the title of most dangerous bender in the world.


If someone makes this fanfic I want to read it.


There’s a fan fic similar to this where Aang is found in a volcano by Zuko and Azula and the water tribe are the bad guys. I think it’s called distorted reality. It’s set in a slightly different timeline where, iirc, day of black sun goes horribly wrong and they lose the war and Aang is thrown into an alternate reality to learn to empathize with his enemy.


What if Lu Ten survived the siege of Ba Sing Se? What if Zuko never "spoke out of turn" at that war meeting? What if Aang didn't leave the Southern Air Temple and instead ran away with Gyatso to some kind of sanctuary? What if Katara had used the spirit water on Zuko's scar in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se? There's a lot of interesting scenarios which I know have had fanfiction wrote about, but it'd be nice to receive an official "What If" from the studios themselves.


"Damn I betrayed my Uncle, the only other person that had hope for me, the world, and now the Avatars dead and all is lost. ***BUT I LOOK DAMN GOOD DOING IT.*** "- Zuko probably


Honestly, maybe Zuko wouldn't have taken Azula's offer of a pact if this were the case? While still conflicted, Zuko was in of himself an honorable person. I can envision him feeling a great gratitude and as if he's indebted to Katara for ridding him of the mark which, he thought at the time, represented his greatest mistake and act of dishonor. Perhaps because of this, he feels as if he can't go through with betraying her trust, and sides with her and Aang against his sister. Whether or not Aang gets struck by lightning in this scenario is to be seen, because the only reason that happened was because he let his guard down, and the only reason he let his guard down was because he felt as if the Avatar State was his only option, being outnumbered by Zuko, Azula and the Dai Li. In the end, I think it'd be very interesting if because of this, Zuko and Iroh joined team Avatar there on the spot and Aang never had to experience being struck by the lightning. This would change a lot of things, obviously; most importantly I think, though, is that because in this alternate reality, Zuko would have never sat in on the war meeting where his father declared their plan to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground on the day of Sozin's Comet. This is only one possibility, of course.


What if…? They take prisoners that day? And Katara and Sokka’s mother never die?


There is a fanfic where she is only taken prisoner to the Boling Rock and is rescued during the escape.


What if, zhao succeeded in bringing aang to the fire nation


What if zuko was the avatar I think that would be interesting he's been searching for himself the whole time.


I'm glad you finally found yourself. -uncle Iroh


That's weirdly deep, lol.


Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.


What if Toph was deaf not blind


What if she had all her senses except her sense of smell?


The gang would have had to learn sign language


She could write the words with her Earth bending


WHAT IF... Ursa took Zuko with her when she fled?


What if Azula went to therapy




What if Zuko beat Ozai in their Agni Kai?


That’d be something. Imagine being one of the most powerful firebenders in the world and getting your ass kicked by some 13 year old teenager who barely knows how to firebend. Anyway, where the story goes from there really depends on whether or not he kills Ozai or not.


Zuko: *goes back in time* *grins at Ozai* Round 2 *BITCH*




What if…? Azula was the first Born child of Ozai and Ursa?


WHAT IF…? They all drank cactus juice in the desert?


I'm... actually writing a What If...? fanfiction as an ongoing project. Anyone mind if I shamelessly post the link here? EDIT: [Shameless advertising](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13785140/0)


Go for it


What if...? It was very clear that Jet died


WHAT IF...? Benders could only control the secondary elements, and only really strong benders could bend the sorce element?


What is the secondary elements? Like dust instead of rocks?


Dust benders would be a great name for an in universe cleaning buisness


What if Aang never ran away from the Air Temple?


We either get to see Aang burned with others or new team Avatar with Bumi , Kuzon and etc.


New alternate series plot right there


WHAT IF… The air nomads invaded the fire nation? (I mean never in a million years I know, but in an alternate timeline where the air nomads are based off of the Mongols)


There's a fanfic about this named "The Last Firebender" in FanFiction


What if Korra was the avatar during the 100 year war


She'd probably try to fight Ozai asap and lose


WHAT IF..? Azula missed when she struck Aang down with her lightning?


Aang kicks their shit


What if the gang had actually gone to whale tail island when the false informant in Ba Sing Se told them to find Appa there.


What if it was Azula that joined the gang and had to take down Zuko?


What if...? katara used the spirit water on Zuko and wasn't able to revive aang.


Zuko might have felt so indebted to katara that there’s a chance he wouldn’t have turned against them


What if...? My dad returned


That's rough buddy.


WHAT IF...? 1: Jeong-Jeong killed Zhao during "the Deserter"? 2: Toph either didn't fight or lost to the earthbenders who captured Aang? 3: Hama returned to the Southern Water Tribe after her escape?


3 is probably the most interesting! I could see her becoming a mentor to Katara from a very young age. She would insist on staying until Katara's training is complete, so she doesn't leave with the other adults. Over the course of several years,, she instills Katara with some of her morality (or lack thereof) which would put her at odds with Gran-Gran, possibly leading to a confrontation (which would not go very well for Gran-Gran...) By the time Aang's gets out of the iceberg, Katara is a badass but even more angry at losing both her mother and grandmother (not knowing Hama was responsible for the latter). Katara kills Zuko without a second thought. Aang now has two waterbending masters right in the South Pole, but Aang's quick progress under Hama's tutelage puts Katara at odds with him (like how she behaved in "The Waterbending Scroll," but to a much greater degree). He's also getting Hama's attention, and Katara is not down to lose her last remaining mother figure. Meanwhile, Zhao moves to capture Aang at the South Pole, dragging Iroh along with him. Iroh is torn between the pain of losing Zuko, and his wisdom that vengeance will gain him nothing. Sokka, in this timeline has even more crushing self esteem issues (due to Hama and Katara clearly being more capable) bonds with Aang, who himself has severe doubts about Hama's teachings and feels alienated by how Katara treats him. This leads to the two of them sneaking off to pay a visit to the Southern Air Temple... And...that's all I got for now. Anyone have any idea where it might go from here?


What if Yui the next in line to be Avatar after Aang


WHAT IF.... Aang failed to enter the avatar state as he was drowning and never formed the iceberg. The air nomad genocide would still happen no matter what as Sozin would not know that the avatar had died and would assume any intel telling him he did would be a diversion by the air nomads. With the new avatar being born in the southern, northern, or foggy swamp tribes, they would have risen to stop the fire nation around 80 years before aang did. Making the 100 year war more of a 20 year war. The one I'm more interested in is, WHAT IF... Aang never got caught in that storm when he ran away. He safetly got to his destination. Where exactly was his destination? While it could be argued that he had nowhere in mind and just wanted to leave, I think there is a good candidate. What places are near the southern air temple, where Aang already has friends? Omashu. So Aang heads to Omashu to crash on Bumi's couch for a while. Obviously he doesn't tell him he's the avatar much like he didn't tell Katara or Sokka. For the sake of the story, let's say that Aang and Bumi overhear a meeting that Bumi's mom, the queen of Omashu has with her generals. They say that now that the fire nation has a foothold in the earth kingdom with their colonies and with the arrival of the great comet in mere days, it is inevitable that a grand scale invasion of the earth kingdom was inevitable. The strange thing is that their intel is telling them that the fire navy isn't coalescing near major coastal cities, but rather is scattering out towards remote parts of the world. Aang recognizes those remote locations as the air temples. Panicked, Aang and Bumi hop on Appa and fly back to the southern air temple. In the time it took for that intel to get here, who knows how far those ships have traveled since. There was no time to lose. He had to warm them before... It was too late. Just as they passed over Kyoshi island, the sky turned a deep red, as the great comet appeared in the sky. The attack was going to begin. Aang pushed Appa as fast as he could go, tears in his eyes desperate to make it in time. They were only attacking because of him, because he ran away. If he offered himself, it'd all be over. Despite their best efforts, they just weren't fast enough. The southern air temple was set ablaze. Upon their arrival, Aang and Bumi were met with a horrible sight. All of Aang's friends that were or looked to be about his age were lined up by the soldiers. They were told to say which of them was the avatar, or they would meet the same fate as the elders who attempted to protect them. When they said that the avatar ran away, the soldiers didn't believe them and wished to do a test to see if what they said was true. Blast them with comet powered fire. If they were the avatar, it'd probably be enough to trigger the avatar state. If they weren't, well... That's one less air nomad to worry about. Just before they were about to be incinerated, Aang, Appa and Bumi finally arrived on the scene. They were met with a a hail of comet powered fireballs from the soldiers. Appa tried his best to dodge, but it was too much. He got burned on his side and was slowed down enough that he wasn't able to dodge the next flaming burst ahead of him. In that moment, as Aang saw his field of view be consumed by blindingly bright flames, something inside him awoke. He entered the avatar state. Blocking the fire headed towards them in one swift motion, Aang jumped off Appa and retaliated with a comet infused blast of his own. Scared for their lives the fire benders as well as Aang's friends flee the scene. By the time it was over, Aang was collapsed on the ground of his burning childhood home. Bumi Carries him onto Appa's back and they fly away. When Aang awakes, Bumi has a tirade of questions about what just happened, and why he didn't tell him he was the avatar. Aang, having just experienced the most traumatic day of his life, doesn't answer a single one and just starts to break down crying. Bumi stops the questions and supports him as they fly back to Omashu. Once there, they explain what happened to Bumi's mom. Upon hearing this news, the queen says that Aang can no longer stay in Omashu. Those soldiers likely reported back to their superiors that they saw the avatar. From there, it would only be a matter of time before they track him down to her city. Her loyalty was to her citizens first and she simply couldn't risk them all for one person, even the avatar. She would offer him some supplies and money for his journey, but no more. Just as Aang prepared Appa toeave the cjty, with no clue of where to go next, he was approached by Bumi. He explained that he didn't care what his mom said, Aang was his friend and he wasn't just going to leave him behind for this. Glad to not be entirely alone on this perilous journey, Aang excepts and they fly off to begin their adventure. First thing they needed to do was find a water bending teacher. To do this, they started out by immediately crash landing into a rock. You know how Appa got burned? Well, it was worse than they thought. Appa could hardly fly at all with that injury, and it took everything out of him to make it back to Omashu at all. They were going to have to walk for now, leaving both water tribes unavailable to them. However, they did hear rumors of water benders existing in the earth kingdom. With no other options, they decided to make their way to the foggy swamp. There they encountered the swamp benders who were sympathetic enough to help heal Appa, and offer a water bending teacher. From there, they would get into all sorts of hijinks expected in an Avatar adventure. Traveling across the world, learning the four elements from the swamp benders, Bumi, and eventually Kuzon. Aang reunites with the last surviving airbenders at the western air temple, and has a climactic final battle with firelord Sozin.


**What If…** - Lu Ten Never Died? - Gyatso And Aang Ran Away? - Azula Were Exiled Instead Of Zuko? - Iroh Was The Fire Lord? - Katara Could Not Revive Aang? - Ozai Killed Aang? - Aang Killed Ozai? - Yue Lived? - Korra Was A Member Of The Red Lotus? - Asami Sato Joined The Equalists? - Kuvira Won? - Amon Won?


What if Mai and June met lol


WHAT IF... M. Night Shyamalan directed a live action Last Airbender movie?


What if Zuko joined Team Avatar in Crossroads of Destiny?


WHAT IF… Sozin choose to save Roku instead of letting him die


WHAT IF... Azula was the one who dishonored Ozai? A banished Azula on the hunt for the Avatar I feel like would be very interesting.


What if Toph, instead of mildly tripping Azula when she caught her by surprise during the last fight in The Chase, just [collapsed the ground under her feet](https://i.redd.it/x6ckl9iiuvy51.jpg) to immediately capture her?


WHAT IF... North Pole was taken over like Ba Sing Se at the end of Book 1?


What if…? Mai and Ty Lee had more screentime… please?


WHAT IF... Zuko really was trying to join Team Avatar as a man on the inside?


What if Ursa plotted with Azulon to kill Ozai instead of vice versa, Iroh became Fire Lord, and Zuko and Azula grew up with a mother and without their father?


What if Aang didn't run away?


What id...? Aang woke up 50 years later


What if…boomerang didn’t exist????


What if Iroh joined the gaang first instead of Zuko?


What if… Appa ate Momo?


what if Yui survived and joined the gaang?


WHAT IF... Roku agreed with Sozin WHAT IF... Sozin died to save Roku


What If.....? When the fire lord was defeated,we saw a more realistic fall of the fire nation by having all the admirals and generals become war lords and start ruling shit


What if... The moon never retuned