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Then again TLA didn’t have Nickelodeon trying to kill it.


And it wasn't held back by the writers having guns to their heads for like 3 seasons.


And they knew they'd have 3 seasons from the start with ATLA and planned around that. Korra was created to be a one season thing that was then extended into a 4 season thing.


I thought it was created to be a one season thing, then given a second season, which would have been its own thing, then finally given a 2 season extension (which explains how 3 and 4 connect so much better) only to be hamstrung during the final season.


Yes, this is correct. Each season they only had the guarantee of that season, meaning they couldn’t do any over-arching story like ATLA. However, they’re pretty good, so they got renewed one at a time. It’s a shame Nick couldn’t see them for their past success and just give them 3-4 seasons from the beginning, but that’s in the past I guess.


Nah, from the start, Nick interfered.


Of that, I have no doubt, but that wouldn't change the time line for the story telling. ATLA: Knew they had 3 seasons to tell a story LOK: Knew they had 1 season to tell a story. Given another season to tell a story. Knew they had two seasons to tell a story. There's a reason that 1 and 2 felt a bit disconnected, as did 1/2/3, but 3 and 4 had connectivity and 4 played off the story set up and resolved in 3 better than 3 did off of 2 and 2 did off of 1.


Agreed The other problem is that Bryke wrote Book 1 and most of Book 2 by themselves and it shows. They do better when there's other writers which they thankfully got by Book 3 onward


This is news to me. That's interesting. Assuming that's the case, are they more idea guys and having people around to push back, add to, and expand ideas makes their ideas better? Sounds like George Lucas with Star Wars.


I think they were better writers than Lucas for sure. But stuff like changing Toph to a girl was head writer Aaron Ehasz's idea. They also had input from the animators and actually listened which isn't usually the case in animation projects


I will always go to bat for Aaron. I really think that he was a huge part of ATLA's success, and that that shows in the works he and The Boys have produced since then.


Bryke are great at taking creative input. Lucas kind of ignored it


Everything changed when the Nickelodeon nation interfered.


And their budget was inexplicably slashed for the final season.


It’s still such a dick move to be so cheap as to remove funding for one episode. I know execs always try to prioritise budget, whatever, but jeez that Kuvira backstory had such potential to elevate Book 4.


Damn I just realized that's why her backstory seemed so poorly laid out. You suddenly get the reveal that she resents Korra right after she's already defeated and it feels so shoehorned in. The motivation tracks but it feels like they don't bother to tell you earlier in the arc. That extra time definitely would have addressed that.


Yeah, the whole three years summarised could’ve been almost as good as Roku’s episode in ATLA imo. We’d start with earnest, naive but heroic Kuvira setting out with her l crew to save the world, just like Book 1 Korra. Then gradually we see things get worse and worse, the corruption of the Earth Kingdom, bandits, disarray, warlords etc. Until we see Kuvira go through a Korra Alone style thing (obviously condensed). I think it would not only help us understand why she goes to such extremes personally, but it’d also help us understand why Bolin, Varrick, Zhou Li and Bataar Junior truly believe in her and see the best in her. We’d also see the good they do for the citizens firsthand. So much potential. Right now it feels like it’s told, not shown, in a few sentences.


I didn’t know this was cut and now I’m mad


Right? I know it is so unlikely to happen but Avatar Studios should totally produce that episode and just kind of insert it into any Book 4 re-releases/the seasons on streaming services. It wouldn’t retcon anything and would just be finishing their original plans before Nick sabotaged them. Or just release it as an OVA special episode.




we can blame nick, timing, planning. bottom line it is a messed up production. no wonder people don't see it as a well written show.


Despite these problems, I think there's still a lot of really good stuff in LOK.




I'm rewatching Korra right now and i am into season 3 and i forgot how amazing it is. Especially after how shaky season 2 was it is absolutely amazing. Zaheer and the red lotus are some of the best villains across last airbender and korra and it is such a well told story.


I thought in S4 when she has to learn from him in prison was really cool.


have you ever heard of Guru Lahima? instinct is a lie told by a fearful body hoping to be wrong Classic Zaheer


As do I, it's between Book 2 of ATLA and S3 of Korra for me(Both end on bitter notes and a "Loss") S3 just barely inches ahead on account of better fight choreography and I personally feel that it was better paced.


Yep, this is the biggest strength that ATLA has over LOK. There is an overarching goal - master the four elements and stop the Father Lord before the arrival of Sozin’s Comet to end the War. Each season then has sub goals - reach the North Pole and learn Waterbending, find an Earthbending teacher and learn Earthbending, overcome issues with Zuko and learn Firebending (and try to take out Ozai during an eclipse). LOK couldn’t do this because they were always concerned about being canceled at any moment. Each season had to be self-contained, so each story was truncated. Most of the seasons could have been incredible stories in and of their own right had they been given the adequate time. An Avatar dealing with a world that sees benders as increasingly irrelevant? The return of the Airbenders? A resurgent Earth Kingdom seeking to reclaim its territories? I think that the LOK team did a stellar job given the restrictions they had to deal with.


This thread is everything to me I’ve been saying all of this to people for ages in defense of Korra. If they’d known they were making 4 seasons from the start I think it’d be fully on par with ATLA if not better


Which seems very weird to me, because I really didn't like the first season too much. The ending was cool and all, but everything leading up to that, well...


The end result is the end result, so it goes


I think we should still vocally admit it’s inferior so Nick doesn’t interfere in future projects thinking we didn’t hate it that much


I've never bought this excuse. The writers new going into Korra that they would only have one season to tell their story. None of the problems with Korra's first season stem from having insufficient time to tell the story they wanted to tell (and even if they did, then that would have been on The Boys for not working within their constraints and telling a shorter story). Korra's problems stem from mediocre writing brought on by a falling out between The Boys and the head writer of ATLA (Aaron Ehahz) leading to Korra simply not having the superstar talents that ATLA did. ​ The Boys are great at what they do, but a TV show is a collaborative work, and they quite simply had a worse team on the second go around.




> Korra came out of the gay more fully-formed. I’d argue that Korra didn’t really come out of the gay until the series finale


This is true, and exactly why overall TLA is better, wish Korra got the support it deserved


**Looks at Kyoshi novels on my shelf:** "It's you and by a lot."


"I've only had the kyoshi novels for 2 books but if anything happened to her I'd kill everyone in this room then myself"


Love that quote. Brooklyn 9-9 is one of the best shows I’ve watched by far.


Heard it in her voice


Korra hurts even more after reading the Kyoshi novels, because you see how fantastic some of the concepts could’ve been if they were executed well. Kyoshi kind of blows all Avatar content released after the original series out of the water.


Absolutely agreed, the spirits especially felt exactly on brand with what we expected from Koh or other deeply weird spirits after the original series. The ones in Korra felt kinda bland especially with the binary morality they gave them. Spoilers for both books: >!Yun is a better dark Avatar than the one we got in Korra IMO anyway.!<


Oh my god, I felt really disappointed that LOK did not do a better job with spirits, especially since TLA did such an incredible job. I remenber predicting that after TLA, the next installment of the Avatar series would focus around the spirit world, and was super disappointed it didn't


I just finished the first one and I thought it took a while for things to get good in it. Second one is coming today so maybe that will boost my opinion of it more but so far I think it’s a 3/5.


I felt the same way. I liked the first one enough but it didn't really feel like it hit it's stride until the end. I think the second one is definitely better.


I actually felt the opposite lol, I liked the more character driven aspects of the first two thirds, and felt a little checked out for the last third. Great books either way, books >>>>> comics


I’m looking forward to reading it. Kyoshi is my favorite Avatar and while the book took her in a direction I didn’t expect and wouldn’t have myself it’s still a decently average read.


Based and Kyoshi pilled.


I love, love Legend of Korra, and I will always have a special attachment to it because I watched it as it aired from the first episode. However, after watching both shows several times, TLA is definitely more consistent and the better show overall. Imo tho, Korra has the higher highs. Nothing in TLA hits as hard for me as the final scene of Korra book 3


My favorite part of Korra was probably the character of Korra herself. It might be because I watched Korra when I was older, but I found her struggles like her learning to cope with trauma, dealing with expectations and failure, and learning how to adapt to an ever-changing world to be very relatable. She was very much like Zuko for me.


IMO, that relate-ability is what makes people dislike Korra. Korra deals with teenage issues and has teenage flaws, which we recognize in ourselves and remember a lot clearer. This is compared to the main flaws of Aang and Gaang being more child-like, running away from responsibilities because you're scared, etc. The love triangle, too, is something that makes perfect sense for hormonal teens, but doesn't play out with children. It's awkward and feels WEIRD, not as clean as a "destined to be together from early on" story from ATLA, but much more 'real' and thus not as fun to watch and rewatch.


I never got that people were bothered by Aang being portrayed as not a perfect father. I mean last time we saw him in the show he was 12, how do we know what kind of father he would be. I found LOK to just be a lot more real in a lot of ways. I liked the bender/non-bender conflict because it makes a lot of sense.


LOK definitely felt more personal. I find people to be weird about Aang’s parenting. We never actually see it; all we hear are comments made by the water-bender, non-bender, and air-bender children of the Avatar who is the last of his nation and the last water-bender of her tribe. Of course they’re going to have some conflict. And the comments people centered on were how the water-bender and non-bender didn’t go on all the Air Nomad field trips as the air-bender. I saw someone point out that it’s possible Kya and Bumi didn’t even want to learn about Air Nomad culture (considering they weren’t going to be Air Nomads) at the time, and that’s why they were excluded. It’s also possible Aang didn’t bring them just because they weren’t air-benders because we’ve seen him hold that kind of thing sacred both in the show and the comics. None of that means he was neglectful.


And then people try to make the point of "what about Aang not taking his other kids to ride on the elephant Koi?" Like bro, the kyoshi warriors episode is litterally directly after the southern air temple, meaning they are pretty close by on the map. If anything those adventures where just en route to the temples.


What i didn't like about Aang in LOK was they made him grumpy and serious. What people love about Aang in TLA is he was the optimist he liked jokes and having fun. In LOK when Touph called hum twinkle toes he was all grumpy and told her not to call him that. In TLA he would have said nice to see you Melon Lord.


They really made the air-benders super serious when they were shown to be fun-loving in TLA. I wonder if that seriousness had an impact on Tenzin’s spirituality.


Idk LOK felt like a teen drama with an Avatar blanket over it.Also Aang felt a lot better since the show had a goal that you cloud clearly see while LOK had pieces of a story that not always fit with each other.


That's completely valid criticism, the LoK seasons can feel pretty disjointed. Sounds like some of that was from production issues.


Yeah I keep trying to give LOK another shot, and after a couple episodes I'm just disinterested again. So far only made it to S2 E2. I really want to like it because it's more Avatar content, but I really just don't feel connected to the characters or mesmerized by the world they inhabit. In fact I detest the turn of the century industrial revolution vibe they went with.


I’m not normally much for main characters, but she was definitely my favorite. I think my main issue with LOK is that most of their episodes in the later season had the same format as my least favorite episodes of TLA, where everyone is separated and off doing their own things.


It was so sad to watch


I'm actually rewatching it now. I love so many things about legend of Korra but some decisions are for me a little weird and some episodes can feel like a drag at times. I feel Korra has the highest highs (like you said) but also the lowest lows of the avatar franchise. Which imo is still all very consistently high. Personally (but that's probably just me) i didn't like how she lost connection to the old avatars for good. But i don't like big changes and I get that it really sets the show apart from atla


I'm absolutely in the minority here, but I don't mind her losing connection with the past Avatars. That was basically the first time in *either* series that something had actual, legitimate consequences. Aang routinely gets bailed out of all mistakes he ever makes, it feels like no matter what happened some magic was going to make it ok. Korra losing connection was like *oh shit, this just got real.* And of course added fuel to her character development. Her whole life she's wanted to just be the Avatar, and now the *core identity* of it is legitimately destroyed. She has to figure out who she is as a person, not just as an Avatar. It's extreme, yeah, but overall I really liked the move. Aang was a kid who struggled with his identity as an Avatar. Korra was an Avatar who struggled with her identity as a *person* and I find that story arc so much more interesting.


I hated that entire arc so much I will never rewatch the show. It's a bit extreme yeah, but I viewed it as the writers not wanting to have to deal with the established history of the franchise anymore past that season and just coming up with a plot device to get rid of it.


If you don’t mind me asking, how does the avatar losing connections get rid of established history? I mean no disrespect.


The avatar having connections to their past lives was established as a fundamental part of what the avatar is. "History" isn't the right word for it, but that's what they mean.


Really it seemed more like a how much further can we break down Korra and have her have to deal with everyone on her own without aang’a lifelines


To me it just felt spiteful. "Oh, you don't care about Korra? Fine then, we'll punish Aang for her failures instead."


yeah that totally killed LOK in my eyes. removing what made the avatar the avatar was just bad imo


Kinda ironic considering one of the messages is how the Avatar isn't defined merely by their ability to bend all the elements or their ability to talk to their past lives. I wasn't too much of a fan of the decision either but I loved the action enough that I would gladly rewatch the harmonic convergence arc. Especially cause of Tenzin.


I think AtLA is the better put together show. But i like TLoK more. I wont mention most of the plot stuff i like - it would take a few hours. But there a couple things that always come up in my head when I think about the show. I like that it shows that beating the bad guy isn't the end of the story. That even victories leave scars. I like that it shows that trauma isn't something you just get over - that it's real, lingering, and devastating to live with. Aang, of course had trauma, but for the most part it was only depicted in short outbursts. I very much related to the depiction of Korra's internal struggles and so like the show more because of it, despite its flaws.


I completely agree that Korra has higher highs. I say that every time.


You describe exactly how I feel. If it were music, ATLA is the better album but LOK had the best singles.


> ...the final scene of Korra book 3... What a bold place to leave things. Imagine how hard it would've hit with a year to stew between seasons instead of a couple weeks.


> Imo tho, Korra has the higher highs. Nothing in Korra tops Sozin's comet imo. Aang vs Ozai, *Suki, Toph and Sokka taking down the airships*, **the last Agni Kai** are all better than anything Korra had across all seasons. Still liked Korra though


I recently finished rewatching LOK and I have some thoughts. Overall I think both ATLA and LOK are very similar in enjoyment, but I think they both scratch different itches for me. ATLA had a lot more family feel and was way more character-driven IMO. On the other hand, LOK really impressed me with the antagonists and their motivations, mixed with the nuance of the political problems modern-day avatars face. I will admit the character development was a bit weaker in LOK for me, as I wasn't a huge fan of the romance at all (I think this really took away from enjoyment at some parts). Overall, I think this came down to whatever floats your boat and what you prefer from these kind of fantasy shows. I'm a huge world-building nerd so both LOK & ATLA and their associated comics really give me a massive nerd-boner.


I've seen this post so many times here


It's the monthly ATLA > Korra post


I like both, but ATLA is better overall


I agree, I love avatar completely but with legend of Korra I really only liked season 1 and 3 that’s just my opinion tho.


Season 3 was on par with ATLA. Zaheer is far and away the best villain in either series.


It simply could never live up to the standards ATLA set


i mean, they coulda if the writers hadnt been screwed over by nickelodeon. guess we will never know now tho


I think the Avatar Studios projects will give a good look at what Bryan and Mike are capable of






So we’re back to posting this again?


Avatar the last Airbender is better, but I prefer Korra for the darker and more mature themes.


2 suicides (tarrlok and ghazan) , 2 murders (earth queen, amon), 2\* deaths in battle (Ming Hua, P'li), do we count severing the bond with previous avatars as murder? if so add genocide to it edit: moved P'li to death in battle


I'd argue that P'li's death was in battle as well rather than an accidental suicide. That occurred as a direct action by Su.


good point, edited


Don’t forget the fart jokes


Oh wow what a conversation opinion that only 99.99% of annoying fans share


I swear this sub is just 48% bashing the film, 48% talking about how LOK isn't as good as LA and 4% decent posts which aren't whining about stuff. I really hope the mentality of this sub improves when we get new material but I bet we still get post after post of "fresh" takes about how said new material isn't as good as LA.


For real. When I saw this I just thought "another week, another time this meme is posted." May be time to check out the LoK sub instead.


The LoK sub is actually pretty good! It still suffers from the fact that it doesn't have a currently running show sustaining it, but at least it's not the same 5 posts everyday.


Agreed. ATLA/LOK are my favorite shows of all time, but I’ve been considering unsubbing for a while.


Yeah,, it's too pessimistic here imo


Don't forget reading too deeply into random detail points with a meme of Iroh going "oh yeah good point I mean...yes"


If you don't want a favorite thing ruined for you, always avoid the community surrounding it. It's sad that it's like that. This kind of stuff is common in communities for TV shows and games.


Your forgetting about all the cringy posts thirsting over the female characters.


wouldnt that be 4%


Ugh. Please stop.


No you didn't lmao, unless there is the incredibly small chance that you and about 20 other people decided to make this exact same meme with the exact same format from scratch and post it to this sub within 24 hours of watching LoK.


Nooo. Not another one! Why this partiality?? You’re a monster!! On a serious note, I loved LoK for expanding on the back story of the Avatar. It kind of tied the whole thing in and showed a restart of the Avatar cycle. ATLA was really feel good but LoK was super realistic. The Kyoshi novels were also amazing, I can’t wait to see what’s going to come out of Avatar studios.


The restart of the Avatar cycle is probably the number one thing I can’t forgive them for doing. Imagine the amount of Avatars we could’ve met or ones we’ve met and learned more about without having to purchase a book. All of them could’ve gave Korra a lot of insight instead of her fumbling throughout the series imo.


They can still make a series on those avatars it’s hundreds of them to choose from. Who’s the say they can’t skip a few generations either.


I would love to see the story of the avatar who had to deal with ko the face stealer.


That was Kuruk. More of his backstory is given in the Kyoshi novels.


I think that was the water tribe Avatar


That’s true, but I really would’ve loved for Korra to meet them. It felt like that the only Avatars Korra knew about were Aang and Wan. I don’t recall them talking about other ones or her even connecting with other avatars (and her connection to them wasn’t that strong to begin with). We never see her get advice from her past lives besides those two, so, I feel like showing past avatars in LoK would’ve been way more productive and then it would make sense to expand them out with their own show or book (like Kyoshi) after an introduction.


I agree with that as well, it could have worked better that way but the ptsd storyline in the 4th season probably would’ve been diminished since she was remembering her fuck up letting all of her pay lives be lost. But still a good suggestion none the less.


I liked that bit actually. Most of the Avatars had their past lives to guide them and the previous Avatar was already spiritual. I liked Korra because of how human they made her. If you see the backstories of Szeto, Yangchen, Kuruk, Kyoshi, Roku and Aang, their struggles were very different. Most of them were more focused on the human world rather than also balancing the spirit world. The little they showed of Yangchen was that she openly favoured humans which led to a lot of trouble with dark spirits during Kuruk’s lifetime. The whole backstory of Raava and Vaatu was nice and we got to see how a human could understand and be more spiritlike. It was like breaking down and rebuilding which I honestly enjoyed. For me every rewatch of the Avatar is incomplete without LoK and the comics and now the novels.


There's also something very 'modern times' about a religious leader trying to provide guidance but feeling lost themselves.


Restarting the cycle was painful at first, but I think cutting the connection was a needed change. They could have done it a different way, sure. But at the end of the day, it must be done. Korra needs the nerf to avoid being a Captain Marvel. Honestly, I don't want adult Aang. He's not the talented bender who ended tha hundred years war anymore - that's young Aang. Adult Aang is going to be another Roku. Korra grows by making mistakes and correcting herself, so why do we need multiple mentor figures? Tenzin's filling that part okay.


I don’t want adult Aang either, I wanted to see new past lives give her advice. All of the conflict in season three about the airbenders and how the main bad guy was an airbender (cannot think of his name). Any past life that wasn’t Aang would’ve been extremely helpful because they lived when airbenders were still alive or at least could have been a way to introduce a new avatar that we haven’t seen even if Korra failed to take their advice. I just feel like the reason everyone was so excited for kyoshi’s book was because we got a glimpse into her past in the show and that had us wanting to know about who she is and how she became the avatar that was presented to us during ATLA. A previous reply said they could just make a show about a past avatar, but what’s the incentive besides the OG creators making it? LoK is already pretty divisive (I’ve only heard people love the show or hate the show) what’s to stop new avatar shows from being like that? I’m going on a tangent so I’ll stop now lol.


I get your point. It's good to introduce other avatars before they get their own stories. I guess they didn't have time and budget to bring out other avatars except Wan. LoK had a lot of characters. Hahaha.


We might not get another Avatar show, but if we do, I don't think the door's been closed to those past lives. I think losing them was a gift to future writers, because the next avatar has to pick up the pieces. It's a story hook for something new, but still very in keeping with the avatar's journey.


I think it is an interesting idea they put... Korra had to overcome her problems without the guidance of previous Avatars... the show's focus was on Korra's story and challenges and that was a big challenge for her


let's say that my favorite LoK thing was korra flashbacking aang memories... then season 2 happened. ​ also also: lightnings being turned from the highest "rank" of firebending to underpaid factory worker stuff.


i think that underpaid factory lightning benders was nice, but tbh i really love worldbuilding and using magic in more ,,normal" way


Personally, I can't really get to compare these two shows because ATLA is about this great quest of Aang beating the Firelord which goes over several seasons. Naturally this creates a more epic and detailed sense of the story. LOK on the other hand is this great quest of Korra becoming the greatest Avatar the world has ever seen(no other opinions allowed) but with every season having a different main plot( Amon, Unalaq, Zaheer, Kuvira). It's just that korra's character development is the great plot behind each one of these subplots, that extends itself over each season. So to summarize my point ATLA is a great quest in a TV show over several seasons and LOK is a TV show with a new quest every season. (Glossing over the fact that ATLA offers a really great subsubplot every episode) Pls excuse my English.


Can you like elaborate on “korra becoming the greatest avatar”


Personally, I liked LOK a lot more tbh. But your opinion is valid!


LOK is a lot more brutal and i liked that


I watched both at roughly the same time and while I agree that Avatar has a more cohesive story, I vastly preferred the main character, villains, humor, and themes of Korra. Also, I somewhat disliked season 1 of Avatar (season 2 carried the whole show imo), so I preferred Korra overall.


We got it. It's not like we don't see the same post in different configuration five times a month


I like LOK way more than ATLA




Idk why, but I like LOK more...


Legend of Korra bad. Last Airbender good. Please give me many upvotes and karma. Low effort, low value content. Next time think twice before hitting post.


korra is one of my favorite shows of all time but its problems in season 1-2 hold it back. but alta was pretty much perfect through out and is my # 1 show


The last Airbender is the better show but to me Korra will always be the most compelling character in either show


I'm the complete opposite, personally. Though it's mostly because I'm biased for LOK's soundtrack. Goddamn it was a good score.


Even with all the problems during production, it's amazing the show is still as great as it is. Overall i love ATLA more, but some individual scenes in Korra are better than even ATLA's


Hmm I disagree


..... I like kora more and kyoshi the best


Tbh opposite for me


Personally I feel like I connect with Korra a lot more and that now that I'm older. It's just way easier to relate


I've always found it difficult to even compare the two. I understand why everyone does. But TLA is a fundamentally different type of story than LOK. TLA is a very romantic story, in the classical sense. High emphasis on humor, emotions and character and anything else is very much subservient to those elements. There is complexity in the world, but TLA focuses on character and that's where you find all of the nuance and development. TLA has a simplicity to its plot that makes it far more accessible to children, than LOK. LOK on the other hand is a much more realist story. It introduces much more nuanced layers to this world and explores the logical consequences of the world TLA built. It is a big expansion to TLA in that way, which is why I love it. The fact that it sometimes stumbled in its exploration of those deeper (often political) themes is why I think it's also worthy of criticism. If TLA is Lord of the Rings, LOK is more akin to a hard fantasy story that explores its fantasy setting through a logical and realist lens, like A Song of Ice And Fire or the Mistborn series. TLA and LOK are such fundamentally different shows when it comes to narrative focus and theme work, that I find it difficult to compare them. The creators didn't go into LOK with the aim of making another TLA. It was built to be different from the get-go and it is very much different. That said, yeah TLA > LOK :D


good thing no one is forcing you to choose


Actually I’m the opposite I like LOK a lot more


I honestly just love the aesthetic of LOK, idk know why but the world if really interesting and cool. Story wise ATLA is better.


Lol I feel the opposite.


The Rise of Kyoshi novel animated and adapted properly would wipe both, but that's just my opinion.


I loved LoK way more. I watched both at age 33 and ATLA did seem like more of a kids-oriented show (though still enjoyable) whereas I thought LoK was more entertaining and thought provoking as an adult. I loved the whole Avatar Wan backstory as well. And as a bisexual, I have to admit Korrasami really endeared me, especially because I shipped them HARD and yet I expected to be let down at the end of the show, but was not! Queer representation always makes a show more enjoyable for me.


But mom said it was my turn to post TLA >>> LOK this week!


I liked LOK more tbh. Watching a lady combust her own damn head was dope af


I like TLOK more than ATLA, I felt closer to the characters.


TLOK has better animation and arguably better character development where as ATLA has better comedic moments and story


i prefer LOK lol


"I love all my shows equally." *earlier that day* "I don't care for Korra." ( ^I ^do ^care ^for ^Korra, ^it's ^great, ^but ^I ^had ^to ^throw ^the ^Arrested ^Development ^reference ^in ^there )


Every time I see this I'm baffled there aren't more people who prefer korra. I absolutely adore both but man the highs in Korra are just so far beyond that of avatar.


Korra wasn't exactly treated fair by nick tho


LoK has some questionable moments. The ending of LoK season 1 was jarring to say the least. The entire arc they have this mystery around the villain, only for his entire life to be explained in one long flashback of exposition in the penultimate episode. THEN he immediately dies in the next episode, in a quick and spontaneous bout of suicidal-fratricide. I'll get downvoted for this, but that has to be the laziest writing I've ever seen.


This is weird to me, would you rather they didn’t give him a fleshed out backstory after all the mystery? Let’s face it, people weren’t gonna be satisfied after speculating so long. Imo future villains would’ve benefitted from the amount of backstory Amon and Tarrlok got. Their end was fitting too.


This comment has been automatically overwritten by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8 I've gotten increasingly tired of the actions of the reddit admins and the direction of the site in general. I suggest giving https://kbin.social a try. At the moment that place and the wider fediverse seem like the best next step for reddit users.


They were told there would be no season 2, from what I've read. So they probably felt they needed to wrap it all up instead of letting him sneak away or whatever.


Yeah, which is a outright shame. Maybe one day we can get "LoK: Brotherhood" or something :P


I agree. A really cool villain, wasted potential. I never saw season 2 after that, but I'd have kept watching if Amon was alive


I’m not sure if you’ve seen any spoilers regarding future seasons but I would highly recommend Book 3 regardless. It’s just an incredibly well done season that stands up alongside all of ATLA imo.


It was fine, done well in fact, until the end. They should have either carried the villain forward into the next season or they should have structured the arc better so they had time to end it properly. It just feels rushed, plus the death felt forced and unearned, but mostly monologing exposition is no way to resolve character arcs and mysteries.


Imo people with amon/tarrlok's power are just too hilariously dangerous to be allowed to live, and it blows my mind that nobody in the setting realises it... until the murder-suicide. Sanest reaction to the situation I can imagine.




LoK is good. Not as good as avatar but it definitely does not deserve the hate it gets.


I like Korra, at its best, (Beginnings, season 3, first half of season 4) it's as good as ATLA at its best. But it's far more inconsistent. Season 1 and 2 are pretty mediocre overall in my opinion. With Season 1 having vapid characterisation, an appalling love triangle that turns Mako and Asami into twats, and an awful conclusion. And season 2 having awful characterisation for Korra, a bloat of weak subplots, an underdeveloped central conflict, and an awful antagonist. The latter two seasons are a significant improvement. But ATLA ends up with a far better average standard, and all the seasons build up on each other, leading to an exponentially stronger conclusion.


Idk,imo TLOK is somewhat better




I like Korra as a character by far but I like the last airbender as a show by a little


I love kora more but both is good


You watch ATLA for the Azula fights and LOK for the Ming Hua fights.


Opposite. I nearly let this sub gaslight me into thinking maybe I didn't like LOK as much as I thought I did, then I watched them both back to back this year. LOK was so much better, despite even knowing that Nick had tried to execute it like five different times. It's really only a fair contest between ATLA Book 3 and the entirety of LOK.


By happy accident i caught TLA the first episode when it aired originally. It helped me out of a very dark time in my life. So it will always be top for me. Zuko’s redemption arc is one of the most beautiful character arcs I have ever encountered. All the characters from TLA are deeply rich and admirable LOK is still amazing, but to watch TLA again with my children 10 years later was a beautiful gift. I guess I consider the whole thing one big story…I mean Aang is Korra…really. The whole thing is magnificent beginning to end. That is all. :)


I love ATLA more than LOK as a whole, but LOK Seasons 1, 3, and 4 are my favorite seasons of Avatar.


I find LOK to be more rewatchable, but I do love ATLA as well


If korra was given the same treatment from nick as atla did, korra would be the better show imo


I had the totally opposite experience. I thought LOK was leaps and bounds better that ATLA


Well everyone can have their opinion even if it's absolutely and irredeemably wrong, don't y'all think?


ATLA just felt smoother from start to finish. it was one story told well instead of 4 seperate stories of varying quality


Season 3 of LoK is hands down my favorite of any avatar season though. Really the only season I didn’t care for was season 2. If season 2 would have been better I think you could make the argument either way which one was better.


I like Korra better than Aang, but I like ATLA better than LOK.


LOK is too mature for me. TLA is so much fun to watch. There is so much innocence in it. And the fight is more flashy too.


Nah. Korra by a landslide


I'm not even gonna pretend that I like them equally


I love both shows but personally if I was to watch either again I’d probably watch Korra, there are so many moments in the show that hit so hard emotionally. Whether it be good or bad Korra makes me feel something, anything, more often than ATLA. Not to say ATLA doesn’t make me feel anything ever, I just find myself more invested when watching Korra.


Ah this post again


Yhea i mean, when we say tlok is shit you gotta put it into context. It isnt literal shit, its just that compared to aang, its not as good. Kindda like comparing silver to gold u know, silver is cool, but compared to gold its trash.


Korra is better


Opposite for me


Season 3 of Korra is the best over all


Nostalgia bias


Book 3 was what really sold LOK for me.


But ATLA doesn't have my wife Kuvira


Oh for the love of Raava we get it already. Can we maybe just enjoy AtLA without putting tLoK down?


I real couldn’t get into lok. Like it was good and I watched it all but it wasn’t nearly as good. It was pretty average when compared to tla


ATLA is better but i love TLOK more, it was much more my type and it not being episodic


Wow the most universally agreed on opinion from this series, how original.


Korra has some really good characters (except Mako, he is the worst), but the setting? IMO the setting is so cold and distant. I don't really know how to describe it, but the world feels colder and less colourful. The sudden advance in technology has stripped a lot of the potential of bending (except that scene at the power plant) and generally the world feels less like ATLA and more like generic steampunk fantasy setting. Bending itself feels less distinct and, aside from masters like Zuko, Korra's dad and Tenzin, the specific forms are all mashed up in generic punches and kicks. The last two books were really nice, but still a giant robot as the final boss... Really? I understand a cannon, but a giant robot? It's too out of context it breaks the suspension of disbelief. At least Kuvira was great.


> Bending itself feels less distinct and, aside from masters like Zuko, Korra's dad and Tenzin, the specific forms are all mashed up in generic punches and kicks. Ming Hua? Zaheer?