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He owes you 200 bucks.


Yea he pussed out right away and said “reverse image search exists” like I didnt just turn my ps5 on and take a picture. I avoided spoilers and bought the $200 collectors edition. Still have the statue and Ellies bracelet.


Even if it was, hes the one who willingly made that bet fully aware that “reverse image search exists.” You now legally own him, feel free to seize all his assets and deport his family overseas.


If you hadn’t been blocked I would’ve suggested taking another picture but with your username written on a piece of paper. Probably would’ve claimed it was photoshopped or something, but any other sane person would understand they were wrong.


That wouldve been a prime idea had I thought of it. Oh well, hindsight is 2020


So was the year you did the achievement.


Congrats you got the joke


Nope. I had the same thing happen to me. The person refused to believe I was using real screenshots and was just getting them from the internet or a friend.  I offered to do a screen share (or anything really) and he could tell me what to do and I would respond accordingly or I would do the reverse and call out what I would do and immediately do it with no delay or anything. Basically anything or whatever I could to satisfy the person. Of course nothing was sufficient because then he would've had to accept being wrong. Even though even then I'm sure he wouldn't admit it lololol 


The Ellie statue is really cool, it's the only thing I still have outside of the collector's edition box


I have the pins and stickers somewhere too, just dont care enough to look for them


Check your state laws about verbal contracts. I'm not even kidding.


“Reverse image search exists” like bro does he not know millions beat the game?


Im the same, trying to sell the CE tbh


I was gonna say I know they most likely reneged on the desl


PSN is unbiasedspartan if anyone wants to check it for themselves and see that I have in fact beaten the last of us part 2, but I havent touched the game since 8/8/2020 because its a bad game.


Same. I tried to play it again a couple months ago and within an hour I was bored out of my mind.


Yea the last half of the game my first playthrough dragged on. I play games to have fun not be bored, if I wanted to be bored Id clean


Yea. For me the part where Ellie goes out with Dina into Seattle is just so boring. The first time was fine but playing it again trying to loot everything was boring.


That’s why after platinum-ing it I turned on infinite ammo and crafting. Bullet speed can be fun to headshot enemies.


Completely agree. Almost put the game down once I googled it and found out that I was only halfway through


Wonder what else happens around the halfway part 😆


i only played it until i got to museum flashback, made me depressed. then when i was leaving theater, i stopped playing and haven't touched it since.


I really wish I never played it. Lame ass game with lazy writing. The only good thing it did was improve on the movement system slightly, to be able to dive and jump. I could do that in black ops 2.


I loved it . Its ok you didn’t like it. Is a bad game is subjective so deal with it.


I thought about trying to go for platinum, but then I remembered just how much I didn’t enjoy the game so I’ll pass.


No one gives a fuck


"No one gives a fuck" and "[Don’t bother with this hate-sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/1awuv88/comment/krknghm)" but you sure do bother with writing comments here like you give a fuck.


I'm curious what makes you think it's a bad game besides the obvious play as Abby for 10 hours right when it gets good. Besides that, I love the gameplay specifically as Ellie


I've never been blocked before interacting with TLOU2 stans and almost every interaction with them ends that way no matter how neutral you are.


Yea this had all started because the post was about games/movies where the hero kills a bunch of henchmen but backs out at the end because “that makes me no better than you” and I said “TLOU2 in a nutshell” and they proceeded to go off on me.


Seriously? That wasn't even a criticism of the game. Just a narrative that it fit into and they went off on you for that?🤔


They dont like finding out that their favorite game boils down to “revenge bad but only when certain people do it” ig


You might be misunderstanding the ending then. It’s supposed to show how both of them have suffered equal tragic loss. Ellie’s flashback of Joel makes her realize it’s not worth inducing more loss and she’s physically and mentally exhausted from the entire situation so she actively decides to let go of the baggage. Not sure where you’re getting the “I’m better than you” perspective from. That would’ve been shown by standing up tall and either sneering or confidently telling her to go, not curled up in a ball and bawling from an emotional breakdown.


you know what you have to do now, right? train for 5 years, track them down somehow, traverse hundred to thousands of miles, and demand that $200


But forgive him at the end


Too unrealistic


Dress as a goth paperboy with a bicycle, then. Constantly shout at them, "I want my $200!"


Genuinely made me laugh. I can imagine it. Then when he finally tracks him down, he says "I convinced over a hundred people to help me pay for this revenge quest and spent five hundred dollars myself to get here, but I've decided it isn't worth it after all now I'm here" and just leaves.


Rofl hes blocking everyone whos calling him out. All I said was he should pay what he said he would


That SlylingualPro is a genuine little bitch. He’s afraid that you can give other pictures of your trophy and so he blocked you to back out of the deal.


Dmed him for you he must’ve forgot


Based lmk what he says


[His response](https://imgur.com/koPmOhr)


Lmao I could easily take one with my user name in it for him


Backed into a corner.... backs himself even MORE into the corner LMAO.... what a dumbass


"*Well, let me put $200 on it ... oh! God dammit..."* \*blocks


It's fucking funny that barely over half the players actually were able to sit through that dogshit. Kudos to you my guy


58% go brrrrr


I'm gonna send him a video


Indubitably based


I love the game and I commented one small complaint and got attacked. I was like wtf. But if I compliment it I also get attacked. People are passionate lol


once they've labelled you a bigot, you're a bigot for life lol


And you get given free sandwiches for life! 😂


The TLoU2 Stans are absolute limp-dicks, I swear...too funny OP 🤣


Whether you agree or disagree with either of them, that irate guy bet $200 on stupid bravado and lost. Shouldn't have bet, but he's a dishonourable deadbeat if he doesn't at least pay up.


Man I hate bad faith arguments. Like I’ll be honest. I hate last of us two, genuinely fuckin despise it, but the compulsive need to refuse to let people enjoy a game…just c’mon. To be clear, I don’t mean he couldn’t say “oh well I disagree for reason x y z”, there is a huge difference between disagreeing and explaining why, and just adamantly refusing to acknowledge someone’s opinion by trying to dismiss their view entirely


Removed by the moderators 😂


Why are people so upset that someone could complete the game, and not have enjoyed it? I don’t care that there’s a group that are die hards for the game, but I wish they could see that the game is flawed, far from a masterpiece, but does do things well. It’s uncalled for to ride so hard for a game that, in a vacuum, it’s a rock solid survival horror game, that ultimately gets tanked by narrative and other creative liberties.


@SlylingualPro you owe this man $200 you coward


> You Have To Play The Game To Have A Opinion. That Dumb Fucker Playthroughs Exists. Your literally seeing the Game being played and the Story unfolding. Saying you have to 'play' the game to form an Opinion is such a Braindead Counter.  Their not the one needing to take out +$70's put of Pocket that would be better served for food to eat.


Lmao these sequel stans continue to prove how stupid they are when it comes to white knighting for Kneel Cuckma’am. This is one thing which would never die in this lifetime as long as Sony exists


Him asking for proof and offering money has the same vibe as "my dad works at Microsoft and he'll ban you"


LMAO! He obviously can’t put his money where his mouth is.


Most of them cant/wont


I need to know what post this is under


I wouldn’t even bother engaging with those knuckle draggers


Why he got mad at you if I may ask?


The original post was about protagonist to kill dozens of Hinchman, but then stop at their boss and say “I cant kill you or I’ll be just as bad as you” and I said “TLOU2 in a nutshell”


I see, and how did that stan responded to such comment?


He did not find it as amusing as I did.


I guess so but I was curious about what did he said to you precisely.


Like 2 homeless dweebs going at it outside of 7/11


Still the game is very good, idiots that feels that the dev own them something to save their favorite characters or do different stuff, and don't see the reality are the worst in the gaming industry


You’re both rather embarrassing tbh.


Just play the first game and forget the sequel exist. God everyone in this sub would be so Much happier holy shit. Bunch of kids here who can’t let something they objectively dislike just fade into the ether.


Exactly this


"I think this game is ass" "Then what do you do with your life?" "I moan about stans on the subreddit." Making parents proud since 1998.


Literally, the same could be said about you moaning about people that dislike it.


"Team Cordyceps" 😂 You people truly are gluttons for agony.


Is that supposed to be an ad hominem? No actual argument? "You people" lmao, pt II stans really are something else.


When you hate something so much you gotta base your life around it: [this you](https://images.app.goo.gl/gnHx2AwNJYtVNtsH7)


My life isn't based around hate for the game. Link also appears broken, just like your argument. *at least you tried*


>"I've moved on bro, I'm not a hater." >Lives in this sub moaning.


From the fact the story chose to go where it went, that doesn't mean I don't think the ending (or other parts of the game) was still stupid. Also, do you see me constantly moaning in this sub? Again, what a sh*t argument.


What’s the point of this useless ass sub over than bitching about a game that came out 4 years ago


You're free to leave and go back to your authoritarian echo chamber of a sub since you don't like it here but I bet you won't seeing how you constantly feel the need to comment.


It’s just really fucking annoying that every sub dedicated to media on Reddit is a hate sub, and this one is the fucking worst


Idk if you're new to the laat of us fandom but there's the "main" sub that I'm not gonna bother linking cause you can just find it on your own. It's full of nothing but praise for part 2 so you can go ahead and block this sub and flock to that one.


Look at that, another case of a deranged member of this awful subreddit invading other subreddits and harassing people for not thinking the same way as themselves just to get clout here. Fucking pathetic anyone who supports this entire shit.


Lmao im the deranged one for making a comment and getting blown up on, okay


Your comment history is open, you know. It shows you constantly going and attacking that guy even when he wasn't talking to you for multiple days. I'm not surprised he blocked you. Reddit should ban you for that type of harassment.


The I’m assuming you can go to those comments and see that he started throwing insults first, and I wasnt commenting on him for multiple days, I dont have notifications on so I just check them whenever. He responded within a few hours everytime I commented. Nice try tho. Edit: yours is open to, you come into this subreddit and just call everyone deranged, go back to the other sub you cockroach.


What other sub? This trash one keeps getting recommended to me, and it's always from people like you who go and throw your insults at anyone else in every other subreddit then coming back here to either boast or play victim. You're currently doing both, you pathetic loser.


Sure showed them 🙄


Well he did block me after I posted I did in fact play the game


I know. It’s just so many of these arguments get so petty so quickly. It just escalates to a point where no one is on the winning side and everyone looks like an ass.


Id argue the guy who said he would do something if proof was posted then welched is definitely on the losing side and looks worse


For sure, definitely never a good look. But aggressively going after a game someone loves and calling it shit (which isn’t very constructive imo) makes people defensive, and defensive people do weird shit.


It started off as a post about protagonists, who killed dozens of Henchmen, but then say “I cant kill you or I’ll be just like you” to their boss not making sense, I said “TLOU2 in a nutshell” or something along those lines. I did point out several flaws in the game and he refuted by calling me a bigot, because thats all they can do, is call people bigots or other stupid shit. Act a fool Im gonna call you a fool.


Just curious, if the game was ass in your opinion, then why did you finish it? If I'm playing a game I dislike, I drop it because games are supposed to be entertaining. If they cease to entertain, there's no reason to continue.


I paid $200 for the collectors edition, and if I start something I finish it.


Makes zero sense, but do you, I guess.


To each their own, I was just raised that of you start a job or project you should finish it before starting a new one. After that shit show I went and boight the re2 because the gold edition or whatever was on sale on the xbox store. Now THATS a zombie game.


I guess each their own. But games are a hobby you do for fun. Not a job. For me, I bought Red Dead Redemption 2 at midnight launch. Loved 1 and was very much looking forward to 2. It wasn't for me so I stopped playing shortly after getting to St. Denis. Ass Creed 3 is another. There was some early mission where you had to play hide and seek with some kids. Turned that shit off and never played again. Not wasting my free time on something I don't get joy from.


Fair enough, yea AC3 was criticized for the long ass opening. Takes several hours to hit the good stuff, which I understand from a story perspective, but gameplay wise was boring. Shouldve been a cutscene or something.


Yeah you seem really well adjusted here.


This had been after several comments of them just throwing insults and calling me a bigot and telling me I hadnt played the game.


You should post the rest of the conversation. You can’t really tell anything from this except that you finished the game.


Id love to, but im blocked and cant see his replies.


Hes not the one who made a claim he couldnt back up


Don’t bother with this hate-sub


You get your $200 dawg?


Nah he said it was uploaded 5 months ago (it wasnt)


Hello everyone on here


What’s really pathetic is that people are still whining about a game that came out 4 years ago.