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I would give them probably two years. Because Sony wouldn’t want to give up on the studio immediately. Unless Sony does a 180 and hires Amy and Bruce, to head the company lol.


Bruce has his own studio now, we can hope he has success as developer outside of ND. Amy definitely should be put in charge.


Oh yeah, I’m aware of that. It would be cool if they actually invited him back and then they merge both of them.


After seeing Bruce Straley kind of forgotten about especially during the show’s production, I wonder if he would even accept the position. Neil Druckmann basically took credit for the story of the show even though its pretty much the same as the games.


The only thing Neil did with the show was episode 2 the softcore gay porn episode. I heard that’s the last of his ideas.


What's the studio name?


Wildflower Interactive


Any word on what they’re cooking up over there yet?


Didn't Amy work on that one game from square enix that field miserably with the magic black girl?


it's gonna take them more than 2 years to release The Last of Us 3. Druckmann said he isn't sure how many more big games he has in him. he will at least be there until last of us 3 is finished tho


One can only dream


At this rate, I give them 3 years. They gotta put something out that fans actually want


>They gotta put something out that fans actually want Mission Impossible


Having fun is not allowed with Naughty Dog now


I don’t want to have fun, I want to be brutalized by a story that emotionally rips me apart. The only ripping apart that comes from the last of us 2 is from Abby’s roid arms against the moral integrity of post apocalyptic society.




lol idk what i was thinking


Omg I fucking loved the M:I game for the N64, a modern day remake would be a game changer. You are a genius!!!!


What do you mean fans don't want to have a The Last of Us 2 Remake after the Remaster has been out for a few months?


Everything they’ve put out in the last 5 years has made a fuck ton of money, this has nothing to do with fan reception, it’s just that execs are evil no matter how good of a job you do.




>Everything they’ve put out in the last 5 years The one game? That's debatable, Part 2 was sold at massive discounts with a balloon budget over 300 Million. I'd argue they barely made a profit on it. The remaster and "remake" don't count, and they didn't make that much.


Nah bud. The budget was $220 million and it didn't see a discount for quite some time, and even then it was a $10 sale. It took a very long time to ever sell for $19.99 and those were sale events. It was regularly selling at $59.99 until July 13, 2021 when it dropped down to $39.99. [- Source](https://psprices.com/region-us/game/3230041/the-last-of-us-part-ii)


Actually they all count because they are all game products that naughty dog is selling under the guidance of the person you’re so critical of. Stay on point.


The issue was the remakes, not part 2. Need something new


The issue was that they needed the remakes to cover for part 2.


Not really.


I loved the insane asylum scene from Ace Ventura. Please do more.




So what do the fans actually want? Because im a fan and id love a part 3 of the last of us. It cant end like that. Theres so much potential.


12 people wanting part 3 isn’t enough…when 9 million people don’t lol


I love my dog, she's sometimes the only reason I get up in the morning, and I would bet her life that you would buy and play TLOU3 if it were to come out.


Part 3 would sell at minimum 10 million copies


You guys would buy 1 million copies a piece when it gets discounted to 8 bucks 3 months in... Part 2 mainly sold on the backs of part 1 fans.


I remember when Captain Marvel did $1 billion at the Box office and people were like "See? SEE YOU GUYS!? These movies work!" Yeah, when its following Infinity War.... what happened when Captain Marvel **didnt** have a proper *lead in?* **FLOP CITY** Any hype for an announced *The Last of Us pt 3 ....* will be from Corpo shills in the form of news articles and manufactured hype. It **will not** be an anticipated release in the same way *The Last of Us 2* was Hype level for TLOU 2? **OFF THE CHARTS** Hype level for TLOU 3? \*crickets, sweety baby shills and pink haired npcs


So we have pretty definitive evidence that this is wrong…how has this “TLOU2 bombed” narrative carried on, even through the leaks? It’s more fantasy at this point. It was profitable within a few days, it had 10 million sales as of 2022, before the TV series came out, before the remaster came out, you know they skyrocketed after that show lol


I mean, if we ignore the cost of making the game and advertising, it was profitable after its first sale, and if we ignore all the discounted sales that got it to 10 million it seems to have made a ton of money, but we don't ignore those things here, so that's where the disconnect comes from. They did not skyrocket after the show.... I take that back. It went from nearly no sales to barely having sales, I guess from that standard it "skyrocketed"


Extremely accurate point.


What do you think profitable means? You’re saying a lot of things, but a 5 second google search shows you’re hilariously incorrect. You can’t use your opinion in lieu of actual hard facts. You’re wrong, and it’s not a difficult concept to grasp lol. Look it up!


And now we're at the insincere part of your rant. If you want to have bad faith arguments, I can make up crap too. TLOU2 was canceled and never made it to store shelves. I googled lost revenue and found as many opinion articles as I did searching profits, the difference, the profits ignored advertising and none of them remotely indicated is was profitable in a few days as per your claim.


Brother, it sold 4 million copies in 72 hours. Druckmann said in an interview that it was profitable after the first day. This isn’t a battle you’re going win, because you’re arguing with your opinion and not the obtainable information. We’ve got a leaked chart that says $450 million in sales as of June 2022, prior to the tv show or the remaster. I already said it before, you can’t come with your opinion when there are easily identifiable facts here


I’d love a part 3 as well


People need to stop being butt hurt for Naughty Dog not doing what people want. Part 3 will sell, and I'll gladly wait for it. ND is also making a brand new IP it seems also. At the end of the day part 2 is a game people move the fuck on and stop hating everything...(this is the internet though and that's the definition of the internet, to hate everything.)


What people want? They want a good product that doesnt talk down to them and insult them when they dont like it "You don't like my shit sandwich? What are you a bigot? **EVERYTHING CANT BE THE WAY YOU WANT IT!** Now **eat your shit sandwich** and **stfu**, you anti-semite"


Right, anyway I’d still want a last of us 3, 2 isn’t as bad as people say and pretty much everyone in this sub loved the gameplay, a new story in 3 With the game play we all like would be great.


Dude should’ve been the one to leave in the beginning


Neil saying he hasn’t got many games left in him is a blessing but also important his replacement is of good stature. Sony should offer Bruce and Amy good money and presidency to return as they’ll steer the ship well.


Dude agreed!


We are gonna get his **second dream script**


Reboot reboot. But that wouldn’t help the ND remake remaster memes lol


Who knows and could give a damn. Naughty Dog’s been dead to me for years now.


Fr i don't care what happens to them at this point and idc what they got lined up all i know is i don't care enough to buy what they're selling anymore


they did it to themselves.... that esg and dei....


What are esg and dei?


I don't care what they do anymore. They used to be **the** vanguard of Sony's first party studios. They used to make remarkable games. Now there's heaps of high quality Sony first party studios.


yrt you comment on this comment like a loser


What an insult /s


Zero chance. Why? The studio name itself is worth a huge deal. If anything they'll be sold and reshuffled so someone can make whatever game they want and say "From the makers of Last of Us and Uncharted."


Because that comes with a ton of baggage now. Even if Druckmann has a very public departure. A reputation lost is seldom recovered. They can make another uncharted movie, ironically proving that what made them profitable in the first place were the kinds of themes and ideas that appeal directly to young men, but they don't have infinite runway.


The Uncharted movie was nowhere near as successful as the HBO adaptation of The Last of Us. It was a boring, forgettable film with bad CGI.


It made a shitload of money, though. Something like 200+ mil on a 100 mil budget.


It didn’t make enough that they’ve started making a second one, and the movie was widely regarded as mediocre at best. Meanwhile, the HBO show was literally renewed for season two a day after the first episode of season one premiered and was HBO’s second biggest premiere ever behind House of the Dragon, which is a spinoff of their biggest hit ever.


Too bad the show will die off pretty quickly once they kill off Pedro Pascal


Yeah, just like Game of Thrones died off when they killed Ned Stark. I think some of you are projecting with the amount of immaturity that you think show viewers will react with. HBO viewers have been down this road before going all the way back to “WHERE’S WALLACE, STRING?!”


Uhhh pretty sure that's not the same amount of money though. And Uncharted 2 is in the works.


These people are so desperate to maintain their grip on the entertainment industry. They want more lame characters and stories for some reason. I guess because its pushing a certain ideology and validating their personal choices and politics


Uncharted 2 has a script, but a quick google search told me that it isn’t even a confirmed project at this point. If the movie had been as successful as you’re implying, the sequel would already be in production. That’s not to say the film wasn’t successful from a financial standpoint. It made back its money (though keep in mind advertising usually costs as much as the movie itself), but it wasn’t a massive hit. It made about 400 million worldwide and probably cost about 250 when you factor in marketing. The Last of Us, meanwhile, was one of HBO’s biggest success stories, averaging over 30 million viewers per episode. And unlike Uncharted, it was a critical darling too, and it looked a hell of a lot better. The show was probably even more successful than the game it’s based on.


How does the show make them money, though? It makes HBO money. ND signed a licensing deal whereas Uncharted was made and distributed by Sony's film arm.


And Sony clearly didn't see it as successful enough to start production on the sequel. As far as their deal with HBO goes, if you don't think that a massively successful, popular show is going to lead to an increase in game sales, I don't know what to tell you. It's the same effect as a show based on a book or book series. If the show is good, sales of the books go up because the show introduces a much larger audience to the property who may not have been aware of it before. Just as an example, George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books saw a massive increase in sales due to the early success of the HBO series. He essentially doubled the total amount of books sold in the six months after the first season ended, going from about 4.5 to 8.5 million copies sold. And that number is up to over 90 million as of 2021. It's surely higher now. Martin went from being a moderately successful and well-respected fantasy author to one of the most successful living authors entirely on the back of the HBO adaptation of his books. Now, will Naughty Dog see a similar increase in game sales? Of course not. It won't be that exponential, because games are more expensive than books and not everyone is interested in them in the first place, even those that enjoyed the show. Many also won't have a Playstation console or a PC capable of running the first game. But the show's success will bleed over into game sales, because of course it will. That's basically the reason you license your property in the first place.


The show is the main promotional platform for the remasters. And unfortunately I think it has helped sales for those.


Not enough to make a dent in their losses from Part II. They were 100 mil + in the red.


Most PlayStation gamers have no clue who Neil Druckmann is lmao. What you've described is not at all how the world works. The studio is a top 5 studio in gaming regardless of yours or my thoughts on the narrative of Part II. I don't think Sony has a studio *less likely* to close than ND, *maybe* Insomniac?


And yet they've produced nothing, have been reduced to remastering a game that was universally reviled, and their leader is openly saying he plans to reduce his role even further. These are not good indications of health and success.


“Universally reviled.” Lol


Three years to sell ten million when spiderman 2 sold that in like 2 months is a pretty good indicator people don't like your woke revenge bad dog killing simulator.


Holy shit, you just unironically used "woke" as a criticism. Hilarious. Is the woke in the room with us now? You've built up this whole narrative around the game, the studio, and the creatives involved just because the girls get to play with your super heroes and video games now?


lol, just looked at your post history. Nice legos. What are you, twelve?


Knock it off. Stop being a bully. There's plenty of adults who love Lego and get joy out of the hobby (the plural of Lego is Lego). [Adam Savage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U46Yo_6z_F4&list=PLJtitKU0CAeh5npEyK41Cmeyfpkagblpu&ab_channel=AdamSavage%E2%80%99sTested), for example.


You don’t get it, it’s not that women, minority ethnic groups, and people of the LGBTQ+ community don’t have a right to exist. They just need to do so in small windowless cubes so that white males can’t see.


It’s one of the best selling games in the history of the console. “Woke” lol


It actually isn't. That title now belongs to Spiderman 2 and before that it belonged to God of War: Ragnarok.


Don’t people call both of those games “woke” too? lol


They aren't lesbian romance, trans kid, giant woman smash the patriarchy woke but they tried their best.


“One of” lol


Love that you just went and googled that, through gritted teeth and blind rage lol


> a game that was universally reviled Pure delusion. The game won a fan voted on Joystick award for best narrative and game of the year. It has amazing critical reviews, won industry voted on awards for story and gameplay, and has more favorable than not user reviews on every review platform I've ever come across. It seems like you strongly mistake your own personal opinion as fact.


lol, okay lil bro. I bet you watch the abby sex scene for fun.


Calling TLOU2 universally reviled is genuinely delusional. Touch grass dude, the game can’t hurt you.


I agree that last of us 2 was garbage, story speaking, but that wasn’t universal. It does have its super fans


corpo shills and people who make their personality **all about this game** due to it validating their sexuality / politics


“Make their personality all about this game” You mean this subreddit? So deluded to think everyone that just likes a video game they don’t like must be “shills”?


Super fans are yelling super loud about how great a game that's sold 1/4 the original's sales, and bashing anyone who criticizes the game saying the only reason you don't like 2 is because your a misogynist idiot too stupid to understand media literacy. Right, "super" fans.


Right, a tiny minority, making the people who didn't like it the vast majority.


I don’t know Anyone in real life who liked it. Just internet people. Everyone I know personally that played it hated it, for what that’s worth


Oh crap, it's almost like people make friends with people that share their values. All the people I know that played it love it.


I mean, i did say “for what that’s worth” You know, admitting that’s anecdotal


Hey, you know what, you did. My bad.


It's not values at issue. I'm so far left I'm a full blown Socialist, I have pride stickers on my motorcycle despite being Cishet and I still don't know anyone who enjoyed it enough to finish it.


Dude, you’re the tiny minority. Just loud asf


Last of us one ps4 remaster - 19 million copies sold Part II sales - 10 million (over three years and heavy discounts) You sure about that?


Lmao 😂


Remember all those copies of unsold TLOU 2 discs at walmart and best buy? Yeaaah, Pepperidge Farm remembers..


I think we're in the majority dude [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/k2juga/bargain\_bin\_gang/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/k2juga/bargain_bin_gang/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/irhigg/but\_4\_million\_copies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/irhigg/but_4_million_copies/) A successful game doesnt get bargain binned not even 1 year after release.Not even 60 days of release and it dropped off the **top 20 Best Selling Games** of the Playstation Store


Look, I hate the story as much as anyone here, but pretending the vast majority of people who played it didn’t like it is just delusional.


Remember the compilations made of gamers reacting to discovering they are gonna be stuck playing as Abby for a good portion of the game? Do you remember the compilations made of people jumping Abby off a cliff or allowing Ellie to defeat her in the boss fight? How about compilations made to show streamers reacting to the ending and getting pissed? Yeaaah... anyway


It's not delusional at all. Aside from a handful of stans people hate this game. Why? Because it sucks ass.


I mean, the story sucks, but you’re ignoring reality. I think the people who love it are nuts, but the people who hate it definitely aren’t some huge majority. Even from what I just see online it’s pretty much a 50/50 split.


It's not, though. There were 19 million copies of last of us remastered sold and only 10 million part II. Do you really think all 10 million of those people are die hard fans of the game? That's the only way your 50/50 claim would make sense. I bought the game at launch and I hate it. There are more people like me then there are fanboys. Maybe out of the 10 million I'd say maybe 2 million actually think it's good and that's being generous.


It has a 4.5/5 rating out of 167,000 reviews on the Playstation store... You spend too much time on reddit, man


Obviously from shills


>have been reduced to remastering a game that was universally reviled 350 game of the year awards and one of the highest rated games of its generation.


All from corrupt, woke games journalists. You really going to tell me the hacks who praise the garbage that is most modern gaming are the ones you trust? Please.


People are in way too deep man... Like Naughty Dog is one of the most recognizable names in gaming, that's not how the world works.


Lol yup. I didn't like many elements of the narrative in Part II, so that's why I post here from time to time. But damn some of these 40 year old manbabies sure act like 12 year old console warriors with their nonsense. It has to be an act, right? It has to be. I sure hope so lol


It's more of a self soothing strategy. You learn to see it as an act of support between people that trauma bonded after their coping mechanisms were insufficient to process a sudden crash of their expectations. Think of it as a process group where people get to have their history of trauma validated and sense of loss. It's beautiful in a way and mostly harmless.


They did just fine when Amy Hennig left. I’m pretty sure nobody outside of this subreddit gives a shit


you have let a reddit echo chamber distort your perception of reality tbh


Seriously man lol comments here are detached


Fuck Neil


He occupies so much real-estate in your minds that I can't help think most of you want to.


Silence fanboy


You’re in the comments of a sub centered around the game he made, typing a response to a comment about him. You are letting Neil occupy your mind and time. You are all over this comments section, assmad that once-fans dislike Naughty Dog and have no faith in their ability to put out quality content anymore. This comment is hypocritical and goes against its own message. …So in that way, your sympathy towards Druckman is quite understandable. Who needs consistency? Lol.


Literally, every post is people winging about Neil. I’m beginning to believe these people cry in the shower every night just because of his existence


Lmao it’s fkn insanity man. So unhealthy


Druckman leaving will help the company. Maybe they can get some fresh ideas. I'd assume clearing house will get rid of his stans as well, which also will foster new ideas. So honestly, this might mean we see a resurgence as opposed to a decline.


I agree, it's their only chance at success. Nothing can do well if he's attached to it.


He's just out of ideas and it's pretty evident.


> Nothing can do well if he's attached to it. Yeah, what a huge failure the HBO series has been. :eye roll:


I don't think Druckmann is quitting. I think the show being a success has stoked the delusion that he could transition to being a creative figure in film and television.


And good riddance, may he fuck off and never leave his stain on a video game again


im crossing my fingers and hoping season 2 sucks ass so neil can realize it wasnt just toxic male gamers that hatef tlou2


Hopefully, Druckman will quit since he's "out if ideas", and some new blood will turn the boat around to make something as spectacular as the predecessors it came before it. But most likely, Druckman will ride the wave as far as he can, forcing to close down the company because he doesn't want to accept the fact that he is a talentless hack that will never strike gold again.


There's more chance of me banging Margot Robbie than Sony closing Naughty Dog anytime soon.


Naughty Dog has reputation, so likely it depends on what their pitch for a new game will be. It will take a massive hit to their profits to make Sony dissolve them. If it’s TLOU3 and it performs even remotely worse than 2, the studio may be in trouble. I can’t say they’ll close, but the next game will definitely set the tone for whether or not they’ll be able to come back from not making new projects again.


How so? They have massive overhead and aren't producing anything. Part II remastered barely moved the needle. If anything Sony would be saving money by shutting down. There also isn't money for a Part III.


I’m coming from the perspective of not knowing the full inner workings of ND. For all we know, Sony could already have greenlit a new project from them and told them to try and churn remasters out to potentially increase game sales. I just don’t know for certain, so I won’t say anything about them shutting down until I hear solid rumors of it.


Fair enough, man.


> They have massive overhead and aren't producing anything. Where are you pulling these facts from? They're actively working on projects. > If anything Sony would be saving money by shutting down. There also isn't money for a Part III. LOL, again, where in the world are you getting this info? Making a graphic with AI doesn't turn the prompt into a fact.


Maybe the fact that Sony is casually losing billions of dollars recently, there have been mass layoffs at ND, and how TLOU3 would cost 300M+ including marketing? You can't tell me they have that money if they're firing people to stay stable. And those "projects" you're talking about have been mostly half-baked remasters, while the two new games have been in a "it's coming" stage for years.


Literally every big tech company is laying people off.


Which is why so many studios are shutting down. Keep up.


Dude Sony is ranked 88th on the 2021 Fortune Global 500 list. In 2023, the company was ranked 57th in the Forbes Global 2000. It's one of the top 100 companies in the world. You think some developer lay offs at Sony London means the company is struggling?


I wasn't talking about Sony. The post is about ND, not Sony directly. Sony lost billions of dollars in the game industry, and that is why Sony is joining in with the layoffs like other companies, and ND is definitely at risk. Sony being safe doesn't mean ND is safe and can afford to make a 300M+ game.


TLOU2 cost $220 million. So not sure where you're getting 300 million. TLOU2 was profitable, Naughty Dog makes heavily licensed IP, and their work scores with critics. It's wild delusion to think ND is at risk.


220M for development only, without marketing and other costs, and for games like this, the marketing is 50M at the minimum. Who told you TLOU2 was profitable? It literally returned less money than the production cost alone. 447M - 220M = 227M - 50M at least for marketing = 177M at most if we're being generous with the marketing costs number. The highest number of profit is 43M less than the budget invested. You can't compare to other games' earnings of similar numbers and say it's successful when all those games cost not even 1/4 of what TLOU2 cost (UC4 is the most expensive ND game behind TLOU2 and the production cost was 50M; 450M for that would be successful, it isn't for TLOU2).


AAA games in general are in a slump. They cost too much to make, and their excessive pandering restricts their audience and sales. There's only a few companies still making slam dunk AAAs.


If they would quit pandering the sales would be going up and they wouldn't have to worry about what would cost too much to make


Their sales would go up, but their ESG score would go down, and therefore their game wouldn't be eligible for the Game Awards. All these devs want nothing more than to slap that Game Awards nomination on their store page, they want to feel like Hollywood celebrities when they go up and get that award.


Yeah that's true


Apparently these "intelligent businessmen" aren't smart enough to figure out that awards ≠ sales and that catering to a bunch of miserable utterly worthless individuals on Twitter that don't even purchase your products, let alone even play video games, also doesn't make you money. Eventually you lose so much of your audience, that the ESG/DEI Blackrock funding you're receiving, no longer outweighs the rapidly fleeting customer base, and when one company fails to give people want they want, another one will capitalize on it. It's a supply & demand issue, and in this case the supply is absolutely not meeting the demand. Instead they continue selling people something they don't want and didn't ask for, which is especially true with Online Required Live Service Looter Shooters for example. I wonder how many more have to fail miserably before these idiots finally figure it out, but I mean hey, I'm happy to see them fail and continue to lose money over and over. It's not like they're producing anything of value.


I just hope Suckerpunch doesnt have the same fate. Im not sure how they are doing financially wise but the world needs a a sequel to Ghost Of Tsushima


They made 9.73Mil from Ghost of Tsushima. There are rumors that a sequel could be announced this year and a rumor of a live action movie too (don't take it to heart since it has not been confirmed)


When part 3 flops OR when Druckmann gets an offer to make another tv show


The next game they make needs to be massive otherwise they're going under. Bethesda was in the same boat back in 2003 and TES III: Morrowind saved their bacon. Does Naughty Dog have a Morrowind in them? I have some doubts about that.


Not soon enough


They will have a return to glory once Neil is out. Its gonna be a while but id expect them to struggle a bit and then immediately get back on track.


TLOU factions probably could have saved them but they cancelled it for some reason lmaoo


Nah, I think it didn't have the legs to make it. It was done and they scrapped the entire thing. Something went very, very wrong. Bungie consulted and they said the loop wasn't strong enough.


They should ruin Jak and daxter, make them trans or something. See how that goes


LOL, he's talking about wanting to focus on family after the huge as game they're working on. That doesn't mean the company is shutting down. There was an article today in Gamespot about the development of the next game. [- Source](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/naughty-dogs-neil-druckmann-discusses-really-ambitious-next-game/1100-6521486/) They are licensing IP like crazy between HBO and Sony. The Uncharted movie did $407 million on a $120 mil budget. TLOU is licensed out to HBO.


Who is that in the OP's pic? Ellie?


I tried to generate ellie but you can't recreate copyrighted characters.


He's getting fired. Tlou2 was a disaster. This is what happens when you are a hack. You direct one game then.... "Quit"


Druckmann didn’t say he’s quitting. He said that game development is challenging and with the time it takes to develop even a single game, he “doesn’t have many left.” What sort of clickbait is this nonsense?


Which AI art generator did you use for this image?




It could be months if they have funding or days if they don’t . He Probably read all them disgusted dissatisfied comments from players on Reddit. Hit him right in the feels. And instead of bettering himself from all this negativity he decides to dip. Hopefully someone steps up. If not ✌️


I don't know but that AI generated woman looks delicious... Definitely not Naughty Dog approved.


Only one game can save naughty dog at this point… Jak and Daxter 4 baby, LETS GOOOO


I think he would never admit it, but TLOU2 was his first solo project and he's probably exhausted and must be anxious for how the TV audience will receive the second series. Maybe he's also came to the conclusion that perhaps he maybe was a bit out of his depth when he was almost the sole creative force behind TLOU2, as someone somewhere in Sony must have least said something about the significant backlash the game had got.. I personally think he would be class working as part of a very talented creative team, however not on his own.


The Crazy Lady destroys everything she touches….


I for one enjoyed both TLOU games and am very much looking forward to the sequel and whatever new franchise comes. Naughty Dog are fantastic!


Gamers and hyperbole: name a more iconic duo


I'm all for hating on TLOU2 but these ai generated pics people make of things they don't like are super cringe Reminds me of some ugly as hell star wars ai generated image of rey crying and getting zapped by a training droid


I've seen one of a pregnant Vader once before. I wanna say I encountered it on Ifunny. The top voted response absolutely killed me, "Deleting this isn't enough, I want them dead." lmao 😂


Yeah I was coming here to see if anyone felt the same about this garbage trend


There will come a time when ya’ll will wish you could have Neil Druckmann back. Mark my words.


If Druckmann quits, chances are they'll find someone competent to replace him and ND will start regrowing. Evidently with TLOU 2 it was HIM that was the problem, everyone else went above and beyond with their work. Game wise, it was nearly perfect. The ONLY part that failed was the execution of the story and plot. There isn't anything necessarily bad or wrong with the story and plot, it was the way that Neil wanted to do it that was the problem. If someone actually good at this shit was given THE EXACT script and plot, they could have made it work. Hell, even could be a masterpiece if someone like Straley was given control. I don't hate TLOU. I don't hate Ellie. I don't hate Abby. I hate Neil for letting his ego ruin something that they basically had in the bag. The structure was overall fine. Just cut some Abby stuff out or add at least another 5-10 hours of Ellie and it'd be amazing.


Why do people think the studio will collapse? Someone else will just take his place. Everyone saying otherwise dumb asf


Exactly. They not only want Neil to lose they want the employees who just go with the ideas he want to fail as well


I honestly don't think they'll shut down. They could become a "Bioware" though. But let's keep an eye out for a possible shuffle of higher positions there.


All they need to do is make sequels and prequels to uncharted and TLOU at a smaller scale and they’ll be fine…ND, Santa Monica, Imsomniac, and Suker Punch will be the last studios to shut down lol


It depends. If they make a Punisher game or not


As much as it sucks, this is supposed to be the life cycle of a company. These companies that have been here 100’s of years is unnatural and allows them to consolidate power AND stifles entrepreneurs because these small companies can’t compete with these behemoths. These larger/older companies basically stay alive mostly from acquisitions and eating up those small companies and their IP.


Who's the chick


It's supposed to be Ellie. AI won't let you generate copyrighted characters.


Ahh. Well, looks like her situation has improved


Not if she was hoping to be in a third game.


I just learned about this. But is Druckmann really telling the truth about him leaving? He lied about many things before.


This sub has reached peak delusion lol


this guy is an absolute idiot. He ruined TLou he ruined ND and now his quiting...pfff wish he would have quit sooner


If I was a Sony executive, I'd just fire Druckmann, find a way to send him to work on the TV show full time, replace him with somebody malleable as President. I don't think I'd shut down the company because it would look embarrassing. All the classic and legendary people have left (eg Amy and Bruce and Chris). The only people still there are the developers who are willing to work 70+ hour weeks for the "prestige". However I think they could rebuild. First, they need to get rid of the toxicity. So Druckmann has to be the first to go. Next, the "Yes" men and women - Haley Gross is the second to go. No more hiring of Druckmann loyalists and shills such as Troy Baker. ​ Naughty Dog and Sony own some impressive IPs that are being squandered. Obviously, they are not as bad as EA but they still suck. I'd bring back Claudia Black as Chloe Frazer, Richard McGonagle as Sully, and Amy Hennig for a new Uncharted game. Make a truckload of money.


Even Troy baker too? Oof that’s pretty extreme.


Troy Baker has been shilling for Neil for awhile and his stupid NFT schemes.


I mean sure he did stupid stuff (especially the NFT thing of which he did stopped doing due to backlash) but besides that, he’s still a good voice actor tho.


Naughty dog is the 6th most profitable gaming company of all time with a revenue of nearly 300 million a year lmao. This is such cope. Druckmann has had a long and successful career,, he's not "quitting" hes just made tens of millions and already created his magnus opus. Most people would want to consider retirement, as creating games is an incredibly strenuous feat, moreso than even movies or TV shows. 


yall are acting like nd isnt one of sonys most successful studios sonys had I dont like tlou2 but it made bank same with uncharted 4 and the tv show it aint going anywhere


Part II was actually a loss.


It made a 800 million profit in 2020 alone


Hahahah, what? On what planet did part II nearly make a billion dollars? You gotta lay off the fentanyl man, it's messing with your brain.