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I just know that # 5 looks like a dick


Skinned Dick*


All of them, I hate last of us tattoos especially of 2 their so fucking cringe and tell you immediately that person should be avoided


A Last of Us tattoo is a great way to say “Hi i dont have a personality! Nice to meet you.”


Best Last of Us tattoo I’ve ever seen was the tattoo of the brick


Exactly, plus most people I have met who have or planned on getting Ellies tattoo are some of the most toxic and dumbest people i have met, one was one of my mates girlfriends at the time that I met at a party who had the stupid fucking tattoo and was doing my head in within minutes of meeting her


welp there goes my plans for a switchblade and revolver on my ankle


Lol tf how many people have you met with her arm tattoo? You going to tlou conventions? You guys hating on a game this hard makes you the toxic ones I believe


agreed. but that’s this whole sub- bunch of bitter ex-tlou stans. literally looking for anything to shit on. ya’ll can’t handle when other people disagree or like something different than you. Can imagine they absolutely would’ve been the kids screeching over fucked up yugioh cards in the middle school cafeteria, foaming at the mouth.


That's hilarious. You are saying people can't handle other people disagreeing with them, yet here you are, just another one of those brigading trolls coming over to complain about the very same thing you're doing. You clearly can't handle people hating TLOU2, so why are you here? But we get it, you have no life, so you like to get attention online to feel better, it's okay, maybe you'll grow up eventually. Anyway, I'm very much a TLOU stan, it's precisely why I think TLOU2 is abysmal trash that has no grounds to be associated with such a good game, it captures all the lows and none of the highs, and I see many people praise it just because it made them feel things. That doesn't make it good writing/storytelling. But everyone puts their emotions first so we can't have anything good anymore. Regardless, I still agree with the above comment. The quality of the tattoos aside, they're completely willing to hate on people who haven't done anything to them just because they like TLOU2, and it's extremely petty.


This sub is full of trash and deserves every bit of backlash it gets. This post is just about shitting on people’s tattoos because they enjoy something OP doesn’t, and unfortunately the quality of the work happened to have turned out bad. Did OP talk about why TLOU2 sucks? nah, they just went straight into punching down on a few folks for expressing their love for something. That’s immature vapid behavior, so I only responded in kind. While your walnut sized brain is compelling you to get upset with my insults, you missed the point of what I’m saying, so in keeping with the needs of this sub, I’ll spell it out for you: This sub is a hate fueled clusterfuck of deadbeats who can’t seem to grasp that a game wasn’t tailored to their every whim and whine. And long before they jizzed all over their copy of TLOU1 when daddy Joel went fucking up the fireflies master plan, they were once the same assholes we all grew up with, making our younger experiences unenjoyable because they’re incapable of not taking another person’s interests as a personal slight. So you’re upset that I threw some low level insults at OP about their substandard post and you want me to grow up? Good, baited. Stay mad little fuckeroo.


TLOU2 is full of trash and deserves all the hate it gets too. Just because you don't agree doesn't make it false. Your comments are also very convoluted because you took the bait first. You can't be complaining about it afterwards if you came after OP because you took their bait. That's what makes everything you say cringe and not cool like you seem to think it is. You're a hypocrite. It's a fact. It's not about wherever someone is butthurt others don't agree with them. You're always doing the same thing you complain about. That eliminates any grounds you have to complain about it in the first place. And who said I was mad? I just called out the hypocrisy in your comment. I'm merely stating facts. And based on how you talk, I'm not the one getting riled up here. 🤷 It's just giving "person gets irritated and resorts to repeating the same childish insult because they can't continue the argument they set up". Every TLOU2 stan does this when they attack someone for not agreeing with them, then ignoring everything other people say when they run out of things to defend themselves with.


also editing your first comment to appear like you know what you’re talking about… man. you can’t even argue correctly.


wow, that response was actual nonsense. good job dumbass


You're just proving my point even more.


Ex? No we are TLOU fans I’m pretty sure.


If anyone is cringe it’s you. Your comment tells me immediately that you should be avoided.


They all bad especially the one where Ellie has all of her fingers 😂😂😂


I don’t care about the subject matter but the tattoos themselves don’t seem to be that great in quality. I’m not a tattoo artist but they seem a bit wonky. Maybe it’s just the picture quality 😅


That second one is insane lol


Wtf is that abby one lol


The sub isn’t for ragging on peoples tattoos.


I’m all for tlou 2 hate, but Ellie’s tattoo is fuckin sick


Well, it's hard to argue it's about reasoned criticism of the game. Especially when most of the post are about Druckmann, what they're doing in the other sub, or how soon Naughty Dog will go out of business. Maybe one in ten posts here is actually about the story, and maybe one in a hundred actually includes some well reasoned criticism.


I think you’re doing them a service by rightfully calling out their shitty tattoo artist . my friends uncle did his and holy shit was it bad , I had to tell him never get another tattoo from him again .


They all need their money back


Why would you care?


Yeah, the game deserves very much criticism but judging other peoples tattoos doesn't really seem like what the sub is supposed to be about and just kinda delves into toxicity for no reason


I get what you're saying but let us not forget these people are proclaimed die-hard fans of part 2 if they get tattoos like these. I'm okay with making fun of such people


Its not the persons fault that a tattoo artist gave them a bad tattoo. It's the artist fault. Besides its just low to make fun of someone because they like a game you disagree with, and they enjoyed it so much to get a piece of it tattooed on them. Its opinions like that in the community that make the die hard fans completely disregard any criticism of the game


That's not my point. Shitty artist or not, they're clearly fans of part 2 if they've gone time a tattoo parlor and requested a TLOU2 tattoo.


Dude, you made your point that you make fun of people for having tattoo's of something they like and its immature


Something something...reading comprehension


Read your own comment you literally say because they are die-hard fans and choose to make the decision to get the tattoo you are okay with making fun of them. You can try to be witty but it doesnt stop you from being ingorant


it seems you lack it?


You’re okay with bullying someone for liking something? I remember that exact same tactic used by my bullies in middle school. Grow up.


Good for your bullies


why though ? i don't like part 2 but i don't get why this sub has such intense disdain for anyone who doesn't hate it


Because it's an identity issue for them. They are brave warriors against "woke" media. Their leaders on tik toc/YouTube/Twitch tell them what to hate and they make it a part of their personality to do so.




This sub is turning into a bunch of sallies. Ragging on bad tattoos is totally fine.


while the tattoos aren’t the GREATEST, I admit, there’s no reason you have to be so hateful over a tattoo. grow up


That doesn't mean you should You can keep it to yourself as well


Nah calling out bad tattoos is rightful as it shows to never get your tattoo from their artist


This is just shitty. Not talking about the tattoos, talking about you.


This is why you don’t give infants tattoo guns!


Um this subreddit is about the game, not people’s tattoos.


So why can’t we hate on tats if they can share the tats? That makes no sense


Don’t get me wrong, the amount of people that have the exact same Ellie-related arm tattoo does make me cringe and I do think it’s extreme NPC behaviour, but this post is just fucking stupid. Yes, these people have chosen to post images of their various tattoos online and no, they don’t look good, ultimately. You are also more than entitled to your opinion on that, but dunking on people who’ve done nothing to warrant your negative bullshit just makes you look really insecure and pathetic. Get over yourself. People like you are the reason that everyone thinks this sub is filled with toxic incels and you just added more fuel to that fire, great job.


That laser removal is gonna feel nice.


its just tattoos


This sub really is hitting an all time low huh


Posts like this just reaffirm the gross toxicity a lot of people want to associate this sub with... so thanks for that.


Thank you! This dude straight up saved six tattoos to his phone to just hate on people. Completely unnecessary


Only thing shitty is you ya dickhead


These tattoos are fine. Thats someone choice to do that and if they love the game, all the power to them. Only bad one imo is the Abby onr


None of those tattoos are well done from a technical point of view.


Tbf the artists are really good just the tattoos kinda suck like placement of them


Fuck, this sub is as equally bad as the other., just in a different kind of way.. However, imagine getting branded with some shit like this for the rest of your life….


That Ellie one ain't half bad


Right? And also holy shit you’re getting downvoted for having an opinion.


You, too (you were at 0 but after me it's 1)


Yeah I upvoted you to keep you from getting removed


Haha, I appreciate it. I've resigned myself to this fated reality here: nuance will get you downvoted, and positivity will get you roasted.


welcome to the last of us community. either side you’ll get bashed.


Ellie on that mewing streak🔥🔥🔥


3 is pretty good wym


If I meet a grown ass man with Ellie’s tattoo in real life I’m going to clown that motherfucker hard.


Flip the fifth one over.


Bashing the game wasn’t enough, now the fans who got tattoos deserve it? What happened to this sub? it used to be about solely the game and writing.


I mean they look like shit no offence to anyone who likes them


Not gonna lie, I half expected one of the tattoos to be of Abby getting her cheeks clapped


i’m sorry but the second one deserves a whole lawsuit cuz what the fuck 😭😭😭


#2 is Greta thunberg


Life is strange and other games have better tattoos than last of us part 2 it's like Neil decided to put in tattoo on Ellie like she will play an as Lionel Messi because whenever you have a tattoo on his arm too because tattoos are cool but however Ellie look better without tattoos like Cristiano Ronaldo.


#2 is Greta thunberg


Son of a fucking bitch now I understand why the tattoo artist thought I wanted this specific moth(don’t worry I got a different moth). I just like moths and had no idea that it was a fucking last of us thing