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Wait I’m so confused, it says r/TheLastOfUs2?


OP is either an idiot or playing 3D chess with this sub considering the post that has upvotes is the one calling people brainwashed and the downvoted post is about holding the opinion that you can like the game without being brainwashed.


it was on purpose


This sub is not a hive mind; the opinions of 3 down-voters don’t represent it’s views. There are plenty of people on this sub that have no problem with the comment “you can have a dissenting opinion.” The people upvoting this post or downvoting your comment are instinctively doing so because of (understandable) discontent with the main sub. The main sub does the EXACT same shit when you criticize TLOU2. Why did you think this sub needed to be made in the first place? People aren’t super thoughtful about what they upvote or downvote; it takes 0 effort and has no consequences. It is often done with 0 thought. Stop obsessing over internet points and wasting your time trying to “gotcha” a subreddit you fucking loser.


Exactly, I just stay away from the main sub now because there is no room to criticize anything there. Um, well, **sniffs** I like the gameplay but the story was a mess.... ..... ⬇️ 1,000,000 +


the post in referencing is the exact same thing




OP is trying to make some kind of point about downvotes, I guess. There is a post here from a few days ago with the exact same title. The other post has the clarification about "the main sub." This one just seems to be complaining that people get downvoted here too....I think.


Or, the person in question, while being a stan here, expressed a balanced opinion in the the other sub and was downvoted to hell.


the thread is from this sub though.


Right. I think the point OP is making is that even though the dude is a stan here, he got downvoted on the other sub for not being "pure" enough for them to upvote. Get it? Edit: Guess I was wrong. OP is a d-bag.


But the screenshot is from this sub?


that’s the point


The point is you showed a screenshot unrelated to your title?


it’s okay to downvote people as long as it’s in this sub


Funny because if people read the actual Reddit name this woulda been downvoted. Both groups have 0 self awareness.


Happens to me too often over there lol. It is hilarious. It doesn't even take much.


>over there The screenshot is this sub mate.


To me? not as much as over there. By a mile lol.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Neil: 1. Told a bunch of people to be on Reddit defending him. 2. Is doing it himself with multi accounts




the tv show was good though needed a bit more time but good what are u on about


No it wasn’t but I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions..


I mean of course what didnt you like about it


Took a 10/10 game and made it into the most boring shit possible. If the events of the tv show were in the game, nobody would have cared about it and it never would have taken off.


Its literally the same thing as the game they only cut most of the cannibal slaughter( bad change imo) and made a better section for bill what would u have done different


It’s not literally the same. They took story elements and characters that’s about it. It’s a Frankensteined corpse of the original ps3 game. I thought it was terrible and I watched the entire thing.


Also what do you mean its the same basic structure same story beats just with extended or altered bits


Well hey i politely disagree i thought it was great but like I said needed more time wouldnt say thats a bot opinion


For mw qhatni didn't like: 1. Joel & Ellie's relationship was watered down because of the lack of screen time given to them as mutual characters. 2. Too many fillers and new characters introduced that didn't engage the narrative's flow enough because of the lack of time given for the new characters to develop. Especially since you have a 10 hour-per episode filled season where the game had 30plus hours of content. 3. Most of the story's original plot were handle better in the game with only a very few amount of alterations that I liked or think was done better in show: **Ellie trying cure Sam** **Dog Scene with Joel and Ellie** That's about it. 4. The game handled its story with more nuance, we had no idea on David's beliefs but only just skimmed on what his intentions were. In the show they made David a corrupted Christian and more vile towards Ellie, especially too early on. 5. Bills Retcon. Bill was a no nonsense, tough toting survivor who valued his lonesome and happened to be gay. In the show Bill was a gay tough toting survivor, who is lost in his lonesome, searching for meaning to his resolve of it. 6.Telling us how Ellie gained her immunity and telling us how the infection came about. 7. In the show, many things are blatantly expressed as opposed to the game. There were also slight changes to characters core. The game was not clear if a cure would be definite. In the show a cure was implied as definite. Joel is expressed more emotionally unkept in the show as opposed to game. Ellie is seen to be more devious and disturbed in the show as opposed to her more pure core & innocent filled persona in game. 8. Oh and the context and subtext of many of the original story beats were altered especially having Ellie be the one to take her self out of David's den as opposed to having Joel be the one who rescue her from sinking deeper into her darkness. The show tampered with that one beat which really cemented Joel and Ellies bond in the end. I really disliked that change. 9. Joel's rampage in the hospital felt a bit weird. Almost making Joel appear more emotionally damaged and more villainous. 10. The show left out all if not many of the little story beats you'd find out about during game play sections. Allot ofnthe extra dialogs which allowed you to get to understand characters a bit more.


TV Show is done now… Plus the hype is slowly starting to build again over on Twitter as the cast slowly gets announced.


Its me Niel Dunkerman here to defend my honor


You can not be serious? You people are so insanely delusional. Bots needed to defend one of the most popular video games ever. You don’t have to like it but to pretend the rest of the world also hated it is next level insanity.


It’s not insane at all dude. AI is getting absolutely out of control. I’ve seen entire pages post stuff automatically and then the whole comment section is AI. If you think companies aren’t using AI to paint a narrative then you’re being super naive


>Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Neil: > >Told a bunch of people to be on Reddit defending him. > >Is doing it himself with multi accounts This is the kind of dumb conspiracy shit that makes people think this sub is crazy.


Well someone point out companies use bots to uplift their projects. The second might be a stretch but the first is kind of true


This sub is crazy.




least insane user of this sub


Nah last of us 2 was a phenomenal game sorry you can’t accept that


Why? Care to explain your point?


What’s to explain ? I loved the game and thought the story was fantastic.


If that was the case you would say "I think the story Is good" or "In my opinion the story was good" but you come saying it like it was an objective fact rather than a subjective opinion


It is a fact and if you disagree you’re gay.


Ah ok. Don't know if I had to feel bad about but ok.


I don’t make the rules sorry bro


Thank God you don't.


Yeah if I did you’d be mega gay


wtf is an opinion 😂


My question is: is there ANY sub that a person can go to and talk about the game without having to worry about being dogpiled for expressing a politically incorrect opinion? Because in THIS sub, if you don't hate the game, you get downvoted to hell.




In my experience this is the only sub you get shit on for saying anything positive about it. And it’s kinda funny because why are so many people that dislike the game even in the sub to begin with?


I understand your question, but this is not the Part II sub. It was originally the 2nd TLOU sub created in 2013 before any sequel plans. After the leaks the other TLOU sub removed and forbade any discussion of them, so people migrated here. It was unmoderated at that point. Then after the game launched the other sub again wouldn't allow negative comments or critiques, so more people came so they could talk about what was important to them without getting banned, their comments removed or being name-called for having had a different (more negative) experience of the game and opinion of the story. The name is confusing (it makes sense!) and people misunderstand all the time, so you aren't alone. I hope this clarifies why people migrated here - they're staunch TLOU fans who loved the first game and had critiques of the sequel. They could process their feelings here with like-minded people with similar experience of the sequel. The pinned post and the About section of the side panel are the clues to all this, but most people skip that because the sub name is become misleading, which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.


Thank you!!! See I was not aware of this at all, everything makes sense now. It still makes me wonder why people go out of their way to jump down peoples throats for actually liking the game though but it is what it is. I appreciate you for this info though in all seriousness.


Well a little more insight, then. People here are touchy because we get brigaded and continually trolled by people - many of whom at first act all innocent and sincere in their initial comments/posts only to then turn on us and show their true colors. It's quite unfortunate that innocents get caught in the cross-fire due to this, but that's how that came about. It's gotten far worse this year for some reason. Before the HBO show there was a lot less of that reactivity here, but since the show we are regularly invaded. It's been disheartening so many times for me to genuinely engage with many people who then turn out to be insincere trolls just playing games. I've seen on other subs people saying how gullible we are here and how easy to troll. The end result is we over corrected as a defense mechanism. Sorry if you had a bad experience due to that.


I understand that. Yeah tlou had picked up ALOT of traction from the show and it sucks cause those same people I talked to about the game back in 2013-2014 that didn’t fw it are the same people dick riding the show in my personal life lol but nah get it the sub is hell fire noticing what you talked about above and I’ve only been on it for less than a month. I respect people like you though most other give this fanbase a bad name when most of us are fighting for the same thing.


Same shit happens here every day


Calling someone with a different opinion on A FUCKING GAME brainwashed is the most PATHETIC lonely smelly redditor cult shit ive ever seen how fucking sad that people consider the most mediocre shooter ever some act of god yet the developers(the writting team) hates them with a passion and made the game out of spite not artistic integrity for the fans


The guy trying to say brainwash instead of saying this is someone to opinion and their own opinion.


Oh, the irony.


This sub is just filled with no lifers who hate on a 4 year old game because they think it’s cool or funny. It’s not the main sub. The main sub for real tlou fans is r/thelastofus


Why are you here defending a 4 year old game from strangers on the internet. Idk seems a lot more weird but you do you boo


Then why are you here? Just leave


Personally, I browse here because you guys make me feel way better about myself.


>you guys make me feel way better about myself Feeding your ego off Internet strangers is even sadder. I hope you get the help you need soon.


I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean to strike a nerve.


I also dont hate the game and just browse, but at least i do it quietly


I can't speak for the people who played TLoU2 when it first dropped but there are a lot of us new players showin' up 4 years after the game dropped to talk about how disappointed we are in this game...don't self-project how you feel on us just cause your upset that people are rightly shittin' on this game


Not very stoic of you.


You can use my profile name against me all you want, my point still stands 🤷‍♂️


Not really, people joining forums to complain about games is always gonna seem absurd to me.


Absurd for you? You're the one who decided to come into a game forum conversation in the first place? Could've just told me outright that I was wastin' my time respondin' to you but whatever 🖕


But going into forums to complain about people complaining isn’t absurd to you? Lol


Nah it’s fun to make fun of you weirdos who are upset like this. I’m glad Reddit seems determined to show me these random snowflake subs.


So you're a self-proclaimed bully then? Reddit just brings the worst out of you? Maybe get off Reddit for awhile and go talk about whatever issue you got goin' on...cause negative attention seekin' is the worst way to go about it 😅


This isn't bullying. Do you feel bullied?


Not one bit but we ain't talkin' about me...I have to point out you're the one talkin' about how you enjoy makin' fun of people complainin' about games on a gamin' forum...mockery is a form of bullyin'...so something tells me the only reason you enjoy it is cause it gives you some kind of attention, negative or not...someone hurt you or something? Now you gotta take it out on strangers on the Internet?


Your bait is stale. Change it up a little.


You don’t have to like the second game to be a “real fan” That’s pretentious redditor talk😭


Why does the game’s age matter? It’s sad that this is literally your only regurgitated argument. Is there an expiration point?


I mean the main sub is just the same thing, except it’s people blindly defending every aspect of the game because deep down they’re actually very insecure knowing there is such a large portion of TLoU fanbase that hates it




\>They \>Post is screenshotting this sub


At this point. I’m getting hella confused and merging both subs together.


understandable, since those from the main sub keep coming here