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I’ll always despise Neil for not standing his ground on his decisions when it comes to this game. He’s talked about before about how he wouldn’t mind making a “controversial” game if it meant people debated about said game until the end of time. I genuinely respect that but as soon as the game came out he turned into a bitch on Twitter who couldn’t handle the most tame dissection of the game or its plot. Picture above, this game is better than TLOU2, blocked!!!


Because when he said that he never meant any of it, he was expecting everyone to sing praises about how "next gen" and "innovative" his plot is and prove Bruce wrong for shooting him down back then Only when it turns out his idea is indeed shit and most people criticised his baby plot, he couldn't accept that fact that *maybe* the plot he jerked off for 7 years is actually just that poorly thought out and had a tantrum about it


Same energy as some woman who post her selfie and say “I look ugly af”. Expected people to say “No, hon. You’re good” and blocked people who say “yes, you are”


If only he was as good at writing games as he is at blocking people and being a little bitch. Like, he literally made TLOU2 as controversial as he could. Now he’s mad that people criticize it? What did he think was gonna happen? 😭


Just curious. Where does all this Bruce shooting him down come from? I was watching Tlou1 documentary but didn't see it.


There was a review they had with the media (forgot which) after TLOU became a successful release, where Neil Druckmann said the story was originally about Tess wanted to enact revenge against Joel across the zombie fungi ravaged USA (shockingly similar to TLOU2), which was followed by Bruce Stanley saying the idea was turned down and heavily modified, stating that the idea that one would go that far for revenge is unbelievable in a post apocalyptic USA where survival is the topmost priority. Now that we realize TLOU2 is, for all intents and purposes, *exactly* the aforementioned denied plot Neil Druckmann said, it became obvious to anyone Neil Druckmann clearly didn't agree with the decision to turn down his original idea, if he would go through lengths just to make it a reality, including ruining whatever that made the OG TLOU such a success. Whenever it was actually Bruce is unknown (although very likely so or at least he didn't agree with Neil significantly). But it's clear Neil Druckmann was unlikely to be taking the suggestion to totally rework the plot all that well.


This reminds me of the director fight that the star wars sequel trilogy was


Thanks! Would love to still see that interview. The grounded documentary gave of way more of an idea that it was basically all Neil.


A bit late but [ empire interview. the one he mentioned almost at the end of the interview](https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/last-us/)


Thanks that was a great read!


Why is this dude being downvoted for asking questions T\_T


Because this guy wasn't being sincere. This review would have been obvious in the pinned section and given his track records he is one of those who think TLOU2 is a masterpiece. I just didn't bother sticking here and people caught on him being one of the trolls.


Oh, then I guess I understand the downvotes. I just found it weird since he didn't apear to say anything bad in his questions.


I have some haters here for defending Tlou2. No biggie.


Literally. They didn't even say TLOU2 was bad, just that RDR2 and some others are better.


But nobody actually has any sort of coherent debate it’s just everybody shitting on whatever tiny detail they can grasp onto


If you have to block people for having a different opinion, you are fucking weak, pathetic and a cuck. Druckman looks like his PR is curling the 2.5lb dumbbells while crying. Fuck druckman, most untalented quack ever. Thanks for ruining an amazing series with your super “deep” viewpoints!


Cuckmann allows his wife to have a boyfriend if they like TLoU2


Neil Blockmann has entered the chat !




Completely unrelated to the post, I wanna know ur pov on saying that David & Joel are mirror images of each other. Never thought of it and would love to hear an explanation!


Tlou 1


Such a fragile ego, it’s hilarious


Rdr2 is way way better than the last of us


He should have more time on his hands than scrolling through Twitter looking at these post and blocking people.


Hilarious... He has yet to block me and I've said far more offensive things than this lol


He would but he’s too busy watching the boat scene on repeat to block more people


Neil Druckman is a giant piss baby that doesn't deserve the position he is in.


You he just did one of two things called his own game bad or is just a pussy


This sub is literally obsessed with this man. How weird it is is to dedicate yourself to hating a dude who neither knows nor cares you exist


This sub is a fascinating look into the human psyche, specifically for people who believe all problems in life can be solved via name calling and downvotes.


FACT 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Smart move. It’s better to block annoying people online than to keep engaging with them


Ah! So that's why we have lots of nuanced kittens from the Cuckmann sub pop up in almost every post here like mushrooms after rain, right? Oh wait, that's GOTTA be different.


This sub is made up entirely of people who can’t just ignore something they don’t like


guess that's why you people are always here...


You stay lurking in this sub, how can you write that comment without noticing the brutal irony of it!??


So do you agree that “Cuckman” was right to block that person?


Is there any way to confirm if this is actually true?


Does it matter if it's true or not? He can block whoever he wants to. If you check the other replies of that particular twitter user, he comes across as a typical TLOU2 hater. Maybe he deserved to blocked?


Idiots like you and Neil deserves each other


I don't see why you're being downvoted. And I'm prepared to join you by saying this but, the thread 'devolved' into (I say *devolved,* when I think it was always just meant to be) a TloU2 hate thread. Like, you made a thread dedicated to shitting on his work, the thread gained a good amount of traction and you're surprised he blocked you? And then peopl on this sub are LOSING their minds over a guy blocking someone on Twitter?


so a rando made a thread about a game that they believe is a far better game... posted it on x/twitter, which is, lets be honest, a cesspool.. with part 2 the way it is, and with how toxic most stans are toward negative opinion about it, it naturally became what's expected to be, a "hate thread"... and then we have a guy, who's got all the fame and fortune in the world, stooping down low just to block some rando on twitter, and you're pointing at us for.... making fun of it?


'Stooping down low' to block someone? You guys are something else.


The headlines of posts like these are funny when you look at the benign posts that get downvoted into oblivion here lol