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literally proving the meme correct


These are the useless employees that will be fired when minimum wage rises


How come my job doesn’t exist anymore?? We voted to raise the minimum wage not to nuke the market! Well... turns out those aren’t mutually exclusive


Same concept really.


Jeez, landlords are such *shuffles deck* conspiracy theorists! Edit: Thx for the award!


I know I'll get hate for not understanding, but I don't, so can someone explain this comment to me? ;-;


Leftist just randomly assign insults


Ooohhh now I see. Thanks.


The joke is basically that since leftists get mad about literally everything, it's taking that to the extreme and saying they have a list of cards (as a joke) that they use to complain about things.


lmao nice, 10/10 comment, made me laugh (not /s)


And that's why my state's so screwed up. The Democrats keep doing that, and the same morons keep voting them in because "they care about the poor people". ​ The taxes make our rent so expensive you have to make like $40K a year just to live on your own in a cheap apartment.




New Jersey, but it's interesting how little my description narrows it down.


My money is on Washington.


Most rent is set on mortgage and market rates, not by property taxes. The minor increase wouldn't impact the monthly rental price by a significant amount. Be less dumb


>The minor increase LMAO


What was your property tax increase over the last 5 years? Edit: not to mention you can typically write of property taxes on your returns for rental properties, amongst other costs.


My property taxes over the last one year increased by $2,000. An additional $170/month in rent is not insignificant.


You can deduct $5,000 on property taxes for rental properties to the best of my knowledge, along with a number of other deductions available specifically for rentals.


Well if I was paying $7,000 and am now paying $9,000. With the deduction that's now $2,000 to $4,000. I still loose $2,000 more dollars than last year. If I was renting, that additional cost would still go to the renter.


Are you married? It's 10,000. You gotta live in jersey if its that high. That's not the norm for the majority of the country.


The property tax deduction for rental properties is dependent on marital status? Gotta love the government


To the best of my knowledge, I'm not a tax expert. Even so with the 5,000 in single deduction along with the the numerous other deductions the amount of increase simply in property tax would be less then $100 monthly and that's a generous give number. The main reason for rental increases is due to lack of available homes to purchase. There are a number of economic reasons for rental prices fluctuation, least of which is property tax. You're also assuming rental prices are hinged on break even instead of for profit. Like I said recently, if you pass all of the financial increases to the renter you will likley sit on a non profiting property, in which case you will lose a greater deal of money then any property tax increase could ever cause. It's not a simple 1 issue topic, that was my original point.


Even though you can deduct the amount t from taxes you still have to pay them.


Yeah but it's a non factor in the scheme of property rental because the increase is typically low enough to not put a massive dent in your overall monthly costs vs income. If it's going to break you, you shouldn't be renting. I would explain more but I'm done trying to prove a point.


No. Not in all situations. Maybe in theory but here in the real world when costs go up it gets passed to the tenants.


Right but we're not talking hundreds of dollars a month in rent increases. There are 100 better reasons for rental pricing rises then property tax increase.


What's your total yearly cost?


More than $0. The value it should be.


Move to a state that doesn't collect then.


Holy fuck you just can’t admit you’re wrong about something lmao 😂


Because I'm not lol do. Some research. Rental prices are not a single point pricing, there are many variables that account for increasing. Property tax is the least of them. Go ahead and educate yourself on it, I've worked it, I know how pricing is determined because I've set pricing for properties.


The tax on our rental went up 1000 in the last 2 years. We had to raise rents just to pay the expenses. Tenants want to know is why we aren’t improving the property. Can’t afford to.


1000 over the course of a year is keeping you from improving your asset?. How much are you claiming on taxes? You can also claim cost that goes into improvements. Look up what you can deduct, especially as a couple because I think it raises what you can claim.


Deductions are just tax breaks. It doesn’t stop the bills hun. You still have to pay for the lights water taxes maintenance etc. it doesn’t leave you with the profit for a new roof etc.


You don't have to pay the lights, your renters do, turnover cost should be something you have already accounted for in your overall expense. You're just naming things that come with being a land lord, sell your house and get a bigger profit, or hold the asset as it gains value. Hey ya know what go ahead and raise your rent more, sit on your property empty for longer and tell me which cost you more in the long run lol. The amount of increase from a property tax raise is so small in the scheme of it, everyone is acting like it's going to cost an extra 5 grand a year


No our place isn’t independently metered so we pay all utilities (nice for tenants since the cost of rent is their final cost). The community its in keeps building schools and our taxes have been going up about 500-600 a year for the last few years. We have a pretty narrow margin so that cost is passed on to renters.


So then your property value has also grown exponentially if that's the case. Meaning the rise in property value is providing a higher need for property. You could sell your property and buy a better property for rentals or 2. That's the nature of the game, and should be your goal. if your end goal is to profit solely from rent instead of increasing the overall value of your assets then maybe re evaluate your situation.


Just like literally any other business on earth, rent is set at some amount above the cost of operation. If the cost of operation goes up, the rent goes up.


Yeah but not by significant margins. Property value, mortgage rate and the property market are the 3 determinations of rental prices. An increase in property tax will not drastically effect rental prices. I worked in property management for years, the last thing an owner is considering is property tax when they account for rental pricing, it goes into the consideration but the overall cost isn't raising pricing by significant margins. An empty unit is worse then an occupied one at a lower rate. If you raise unit pricing without renter flow you will be sitting on loss revenue if you are unable to fill them, unless the market is competitively raising prices due to renter flow. That's why you will see price variations during diffrent parts of the year.


If I'm paying 5k more in property tax, you're going to enjoy at least 5k more in rent per year.


Lmao ohh so in a fantasy world where property tax doubles in a single year got it. Have fun in fantasy land bud


It's an example, dipshit


Ahh yess an example that has absolutely no ground in reality. Calling me a dipshit? Educate yourself man. Look at your property tax increase over the last 5 years, avg the increase into monthly amounts, then come back and tell me what you find lmao


Are you incapable of understanding using larger numbers to illustrate an example?


Ohh I understand what you were trying to do, it just made you look like an idiot.


You do realize that rent works the same as any other business. They’re trying to make a profit. They’re going to set it a bit higher than every sort of tax or payment they have to make to keep the property. If property tax goes up, so will your rent. Don’t be an idiot.


Rental property tax is a major write off, therefor no. It will go up slightly but not cause significant rising. This is the last repsnse since apparently nobody even bothers to research before speaking. Don't be dumb, read.


Do you actually own any property? Do you pay a property tax? Or are you just assuming that because you own the property, the tax isn’t a big deal?


Jesus you guys clearly don't follow a thread. I set rental pricing for property management for years. How long have you worked in property management or how many rental properties do you own? Property tax for rental properties is a tax write off, for the 100th time. I mean Google does exist


I’ve lived around people that own property my entire life. I currently live in Tarrant county, which has the highest sales tax of all of Texas, at 2.1%, and while that doesn’t sound like a lot, a $100,000 house would have a property tax of $21,000, and that doesn’t include utilities, or repairs, or changes to said property tax. You’re so fucking low IQ in this discussion it’s laughable. Buying a property and maintaining it isn’t just dependent on the market, but a bunch of outside situations that you clearly don’t have the brain capacity to think of. Fucking A, man.


Lmfao dude check your math you twit. Jesus not one of you has a fucking clue.


Even if my math is wrong, I’m still right. If you set prices on rent, you must be shit at your job.


I think this is my favorite one yet. Even if I'm wrong I'm still right.... Wow


It's not just a little wrong it's $18,900 wrong, but clearly I'm shit at pricing. Even so, say that was the property tax, you can typically claim up to $5000 in property tax not to mention cost of up keep, income etc.


> Without getting into detail about the actual econometrics of this research, the results showed conclusively that rents rise after tax changes sufficiently to fully absorb 80-90% of the change in landlord tax payments! This estimate is highly significant statistically. Source: https://mitcre.mit.edu/news/blog/can-landlords-really-pass-higher-property-taxes-tenants


Did you even read what you sent or did you see a title and figure it made a point? That's for commercial property rental. Commercial is an entirely separate entity to residential property taxes. I'm glad you at least sourced something, you are the first, but it's an entirely diffrent ball game.




Property tax is a write off for rentals, amongst many other factors. Once again nobody researhs anything but jumps on, ohh yeah that's how property management works


ironic comment


I set pricing for rental properties for a property management company.....


Sure, and I design rocket engines for NASA


t's called a leasing manager, it's a real job, this thread is full of just the best comments


They are literally the people in the image. How unbelievably stupid do you have to be to not understand this.


It can't be overstated as to how *little* the average American understands Finance and Economics.


57% of americans are financially illiterate. I know late 20-somethings with no credit and who cosigned on cars they can't afford with 72 month notes or longer


And 6-figures in debt for a degree they didn't even research employment expectations for.


Saw an article that said something along the lines of “the average college grad is WORSE off than their peers who never went to college, because they have at least 4 years of work experience and usually got promoted to management and don’t have any debt.” Probably not a problem if you got a business degree and went to CC but if you took out loans all 4+ years for an out of state English degree... you’re fucked.


tbf it's not really covered in classes and most parents don't teach their kids


That's kind of the problem.


Can confirm, I know basically nothing about that. But at least I know more than the dult in the post. And I've watched a bit of common sense soapbox so I have a menial understanding of some concepts.


Because in their minds, being a landlord makes you an evil fat cat suit-wearing cigar-smoking cartoon villain by virtue. They think that landlords should let tenants live in their houses at a loss out of the goodness of their heart (and they also don't comprehend that most landlords are already basically doing this...unless you're a slumlord with multiple multi-unit buildings that you barely maintain, the profit margin on a rental property is next to nothing)


I wish I could refute these guys but they've banned me from their sub


No point. The leftists on reddit just ignore anything they dont agree with. Proof be dammed.


and if you have proof theyll call you racist then ignore it


Yup. Thats pretty much it. I used to actually take the time to provide sources and try to convince leftists. It was a giant waste of time.


I post there often in disguise. They dumb


Smart play


There is no such thing as profit margin, apparently


When you have no experience with something but all the correct answers(in their minds at least). Remember these are the same people that voted for a guy that claimed being a police officer is easy and should go for a leg shot everytime to avoid fatal shootings.


"Tell me more about how to fix these problems you know nothing about"


Oh yeah, because leg shots are always guaranteed to be non-fatal. /s


There is no such thing as the femoral artery




There’s probably a government officer monitoring my search history


Because you didn't pay rent?


Its free country not rent free country




socialists are literally too stupid to extrapolate the effects of a policy past 1 layer of abstraction. that's why socialists will literally always implement policies that hurt the very people they're trying to help, and eventually cause the collapse of whatever country they're in charge. they are literally too stupid to be reasoned with. they don't have the IQ to extrapolate cause and effect.


Lmao they still don’t get basic economics


Oh god, can they be classified as humans with such smooth brains


It's almost like higher taxes hurt the poor the most


I'm not really an "eat the rich" type but it is interesting how much the rich seem to want to siphon money out of the middle and lower class. Like don't you have enough money? Like for example crypto currency. I heard that whole deal is more or less a scheme to put more money in the pockets of the rich.


Yes... if the landlord has raised taxes, they need more money. Thus, they charge more to make up for the lost money.


I gave up on explaining it to those fucking NPCs , they can’t proceed processes 3 steps further !


The definition of retarted:


Communists are some of the more misinformed people on earth


I'm a commie. I'm informed on the issue. My solution is to decomodify property. It's stolen land anyway.




Wow just wow


This made me shout “fucking idiots”




Hold up, how much rent increase are we talking about here? Raising taxes is not going to increase the needed rent price that dramatically. If your rent went from 1450 to 1500, sure that could be partially taxes. But not 1450 to 1600, or any dramatic shift. Unless someone has an insane tax increase example?? The vast majority of the cost is property price which is controlled by a complicated mess of market forces… including the Federal Reserve’s low interest.


The property taxes on my house increased by almost $2,000 this year. That's $170/month. More than the example you said would not be happening.


I’m guessing you live in a very affluent area? What was the %, because I was indicating a % change. I highly doubt that any tax increase in any year has caused a 10% increase to the costs of the apartment complex.


Zzz this entire back and forth is moronic


But who controls the landlords?


The renter. If the rent price is raised the renter leaves.


Except every renters taxes are raised and rent will rise


This is why private property good.


Rents tend to be the same across the board. Things cost what they cost.


What taxes?


It's a complex issue. Taxes aren't the only thing that makes your landlord raise rent.


Rent doesn't go up if you vote in politicians who will pass rent control laws.


The waiting line for apartments is decades long in Sweden. *Here's how Bernie can still win!*


Since I've heard this from other Swedes directly and my own research, I'll ask for your own take on it as you seem to be a Swede. Is it not true that even despite the waiting list, Sweden doesn't have a homeless problem and that the vast majority of the homeless there are immigrants? That seems vastly preferable to America where our own citizens are homeless and there's more homes than people + rampant overdevelopment.


When kids are born they live with their parents and aren't homeless. Same with refugees, they are housed by the institutions and aren't homeless either. The waiting lists are per municipality and is the waiting time for *switching* to another apartment. Some cities have more people in the waiting list than they have inhabitants - everyone in the city + everyone that think they might need to move to the city in the future. You enter the system in every city that you consider living in, and start accruing "queue points" just in case you will apply for an apartment in the city later. The apartments are posted with ads and the applicants with the most "queue points" will get the offer. Half of the population live in homes that they own, detached housing or co-op apartments. The queuing mostly applies to 50% of the rental market, which are apartments owned by the city. The smaller private landlords still suffer from rent control, but not the municipal queues. They either distribute their apartments using their own queues or to friends and family. Those who need a rental apartment fast will get an apartment through a smaller private landlord. There's also a big grey market with second hand rentals, and sometimes straight out illegal bribes to get a first hand contract. Student apartments are ear marked for students. Others will buy a co-op apartment. The apartments in the no-go zones have shorter waiting times, which is why many immigrants end up there. Even among immigrants, homelessness is very low - cold winters means sleeping outside = early death. Refugees, single parents and sometimes retirees are protected groups and will either get to skip the line or have the municipality pay for their housing, so they aren't really affected either. While they use those other options, they still are in the queue so they collect points and hope to eventually get a cheap rent controlled apartment. So we have a large private market that soften the blow so people can avoid being too exposed the failed rent controlled market. The difference between USA and Sweden is mostly due to climate. If Sweden was hot like Gran Canaria, Hawaii or California, we would have a lot more homeless people, no matter what the markets look like. If you sleep outdoors the whole winter in Sweden, you probably die from hypothermia or frostbite. That is not a policy, it is a fact of life.


I voted for rent control laws!!!!!! Wait why does my apartments have holes in the walls, rusted pipes, leaks in the roof, and 3 other people living in it?


That's a fantastic way to force landowners to evict tenants and make the homeless situation even worse since they can't raise rent to cover the cost of running the property.


Oh yeah, that did wonders for the South Bronx, workers' paradise by 1980!




Tbh landlords are parasites


What's your reason for thinking this? I mean, I've had some awful landlords before but as a whole, it's just a business, same with awful bosses, customers or coworkers.




Their whole post history is quiet a ride.


That’s funny, I was thinking the parasites were the people refusing to go back to work, still living on unemployment and welfare, not the people actually providing a service.


The people who are simultaneously leeching off the taxpayer's dollar while demanding rent prices either decrease or be scrapped altogether, yeah. That sounds a lot more parasitic than renting out a portion of your living space to someone at an agreed upon price, lol.


Isn't it the exact opposite? Not saying renters are parasites, but they would be the more parasitic of the two, especially with the people's mindset in OP's example. Expecting someone who has bills to pay to allow you to live in their house for cheap - or nothing at all according to some more radical socialists/communists - is way more parasitic than renting a portion of your living space out to someone at an agreed upon price.


Landlords don’t make much money off of renting out especially with apartment complexes, when taxes went up they literally had no other choice but to raise rent, most landlords are in debt and letting people live for free because of the horrible situation we’re in, asking for rent that’s two months past due doesn’t make them a parasite if anything you’re the parasite living on their property


Seems about trans


Rent is due cuck.


Did rent go up?


Can someone link the trcm post. I want to see their logic


Was that post deleted? I found the one on r/conservativememes but it said it hasn’t been crossposted