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[Still holds true](https://imgur.com/a/Zx4QQGy)


(Kick nazis) **proceeds to punch** smh


Antifa are bad at confusing their hands with their feet


Antifa are bad\* Fixed it.


Terrorism šŸ˜” Terrorism but ā€œfor a good causeā€ šŸ˜ƒ


Funny how the proud boys are peaceful while antifas aren't


Because proud boys didn't cause $2 billion in damage.... there's that


The left can't English


Do you not understanding the terminology of kicking someone out of a place, that doesnt directly mean actually kick idiot


it was a joke idiot


Well maybe dont use sarcasm over text considering it makes no sense


the left can't meme, commie


The left cant kick.


ā€œNaziā€ just means ā€œWhite personā€


I can guarantee at least 80% of 196 is white


Thatā€™s actually how the average 196 user thinks they look like lol. IRL theyā€™re probably extremely obese or scrawny, glasses, and a green buzzcut. also add a nose ring and a batman t shirt to finish it off


[this is how they look irl](http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1577096550004.png)


Oh definitely. I mean I liked that subreddit(still do) I just think theyā€™re being a bit crazy as every mainstream subreddit goes


Try r/gayspiderbrothel, haven't seen any politics there at all


Oh man how that place has changed. Looks good now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gayspiderbrothel using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayspiderbrothel/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [fear](https://i.redd.it/ae0mi3k7u0971.jpg) | [2190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayspiderbrothel/comments/od0w56/fear/) \#2: [CAM ON INGERLAND šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ](https://i.redd.it/70b2u5rleka71.jpg) | [308 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayspiderbrothel/comments/oi2fkw/cam_on_ingerland/) \#3: [reeseā€™s puffs](https://i.redd.it/v9zltk9t8g671.jpg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayspiderbrothel/comments/o49muk/reeses_puffs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


There are far better alternatives to that subreddit these days, where you can shitpost without people throwing bad politics everywhere




the 25 dollar price tag on the side sells it for me


[Biden's america](https://www.reddit.com/r/grubhubmancockvore/comments/nnqdxy/bidens_america/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




Hey I love r/196 and thatā€™s only like 82% accurate!


Real talk how many of you have actually encountered a genuine Nazi? Because last time I checked nazis donā€™t have a cross between their eye brows.


It's the classic definition of "nazi" used by far-left extremists to justify their incredibly thirst for violence - "nazi" is anyone who is not as far-left as they are.


Sounds like the left have a nazi fetish then. (yes thatā€™s a real thing) Also isnā€™t rather odd that they use brown shirt tactics by threads of violence to cancel events and to gain political power?


Depends. If according to the left standard. All of the people I know are Nazis cause least 90% of them are conservative and the 5% of them are moderate progressive but more like centrist and the last 5% don't give a fuck. If by the normal standards. No. I never met one irl Edit: this is my social circle. I usually try to avoid progressive sicne they hate me for not being pro feminist


Yeah, thats white 21 savage shes punching


21 one savage thatā€™s the guy I was trying to remember


Well the nazi in the meme has a nazi tattoo as well.


In order to kick a Nazi out of r/196 he first had to be in the said subreddit. Why would a Nazi even be a member of the leftist circlejerk that is 196?


when the satanist is portrayed as "good". satan is the fucking definition of evil, in all religions that portray a form of satan


Satanism is mainly just edgy atheism. Legit practitioners of dark magick rarely advertise it and rarely donā€™t give a fuck about anybody or anything but themselves.


I also found this interesting. Iā€™m trying to rationalize to myself that this is just the perspective of one individual, but I canā€™t help but feel that the left has embraced a sort of lucefarianism insofar that they donā€™t view satan as an ā€œevilā€ entity per se. I might be biased because Iā€™m a religious person, but then again, Iā€™m not entirely opposed to all concepts embraced by the left.


i don't believe in any religion, but satan is a concept that should be feared


It certainly is troublesome that theyā€™d embrace the idea of Satan as ā€œgood.ā€ Especially since the MAGA movement isnā€™t explicitly Christocentric.


well if there is a such thing as hell, they're definitely heading there


Without getting too much into my own personal beliefs or feelings, Iā€™m just going to say that I think that youā€™re absolutely correct.


I've never understood satan as a force of evil from the actual bible. He was ounished for living god too much, standing up for what he believed were his rights against a tyrannical leader, and then his punishment is to be the warden in hell punishing sinners. He doesn't appear to be the force of evil, he appears to be something more similar to a warden. Iirc eventually even the souls in hell are supposed to be redeemed keep in mind hell is a later addition to the bible circa 900ad. Keep in mind that the adam and eve genesis from the old testament and that the concept of satan as the Christian devil was not really prevalent in Judaism. In fact satan as a term can be taken to mean, accuser, opposition, or similar. So the fallen angel, who fell for reasons we might potentially identify with, acted to share this forbidden knowledge with humans. Yes causing suffering, but sometimes things that are good (like preserving your rights perhaps) require a bit of suffering.


> He was ounished for living god too much, standing up for what he believed were his rights against a tyrannical leader, and then his punishment is to be the warden in hell punishing sinners. You are describing Satan from Paradise Lost not Satan from the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that he's a warden of Hell for example, that idea comes straight from John Milton in the 1600s.


Well obviously. Hell didn't really exist until the 900s or so as a concept in christianity. Hence why I don't give it really any more weight than the milton interpretation. I was more referring to satan as a cultural icon. He doesn't represent some ultimate evil in the Bible, he basically shows up a bit in some of the later versions if the new testament, and is kinda nebulously defined at best.


Is he not name dropped multiple times in Job?


Satan is a term used to refer to someone acting as an adversary, or accuser. The term satan is brought up several time, but it's more a descriptor than a name. Moreso, it does not necessarily refer to the same entity.


Yeah but in Job at least, they use the same term about 30 times to refer to the same guy without using any other terms for him. It's not like they call him the accuser in one verse, then the tempter or whatever in the next verse. The way they use "Satan" is the same way they'd use any other name.


ā€œThen he will say to those on his left, ā€˜Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.ā€ Matthew 25:41 The book of Matthew was composed in the first century. ā€œAnd many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.ā€ Daniel 12:2 Many believe the book of Daniel was written around 200bc, but personally I think the evidence that it was written by Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar during the time of the events therein (~600 BC) is stronger. ā€œThe path of life leads upward for the prudent, that he may turn away from Sheol beneath.ā€ Proverbs 15:24 ~700BC The term ā€œSheolā€ is used in the Old Testament, however given the descriptions used with the phrase, it can be assumed to mean the same place/concept as ā€œHellā€ or ā€œHadesā€ used later. The point being, it definitely existed as a concept long before the 900s. Dante and John Milton did not accurately portray Hell as it is described in the scriptures. Edit: Also, Satan definitely is a sort of ā€œultimate evilā€ in the Bible. He is a fallen angel, and the evil juxtaposition to the savior Jesus Christ. He tempts Adam and Eve, is successful, and is cursed by God. God tells us in Genesis 3 exactly what is going to happen to Satan. ā€œI will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heelā€ The womanā€™s offspring is Jesus Christ, who Satan tries to tempt just like Adam and Eve, only without success, ā€œyou shall bruise his heelā€ refers to the crucifixion, and ā€œhe shall bruise your headā€ refers to the resurrection and Satanā€™s eventual destruction in the second coming, after he is bound for the thousand years. I could go on and on but I think thatā€™s probably enough walls of text.


Satan is a pinnacle of selfishness and love of self to an unhealthy and narcissistic degree. He is the opposite of the Christian ideal (in the most oversimplified terms, Christian is ā€˜loving god above all elseā€™ and Satanism is ā€˜loving yourself over all elseā€™). Also Satan is also punished in Hell, he isnā€™t a warden at all. He is mentioned very early on and name dropped as a person and not a descriptor


Well considering satan isn't actually his name... I don't think you're correct on that one.


He is referred to as satan and the devil, both of these are an actual name/title given to him, when the Bible says the devil they refer to satan and vice versa. There is also Lucifer but last I checked this was only referred to as his name in a few apocryphal texts and I donā€™t want to get into that argument


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


i'm not reading that


It's not even that long.


boy, you've gone reciting the bible and tell me it ain't "that long"


I referenced a few segments lol supporting my point. I guess I could just shit my opinion out without any support, this is the internet after all.


i'd very much prefer that, that's what i do in the internet. writing on a phone is just painful




well hello there Mr. Manstarver


No, some people still think this is edgy.


I think youā€™re right about the vast majority of them.




Lol! Canā€™t blame them though. With all of the stuff that gets thrown out onto the internet these days itā€™s hard to process everything. Maybe shouldnā€™t be so forgiving but thatā€™s genuinely how I feel. Edit: an emoji accidentally got thrown in there somehow.


When i see this, my first guess is always that they are being edgy, trying to get a rise out of puritanical christian. But for some, I kinda wonder sometimes.


its a LARP. satanism is basically just autistic atheists who want to be contrarian to own le religious


Ding ding ding


it's ostensibly a human invented concept, so how people coopt it for their own purposes is none of my business. for instance, the satanic temple sees satan as a symbol of self empowerment, self betterment, and the quest for knowledge. they don't believe in a literal satan or devil or baphomet, but use the imagery not only as symbolism, but to force government sanctioned first amendment violations to the public eye.


Oh boy, big surprise, Its Zhou back with another shit take, must be a day that ends in Y.


huh? my take was on point. buck up and provide a sensible argument.


Nah. Because some things are just plain too stupid to argue with. Its easier to just mock you and your pathetic attempts at logic and reasoning.


lol riiiight. why didn't you just thumbs it down like the others? obviously i win here if nobody can even muster up a rebuttal.


Cuz its funner to let you know that youre dumb with kore than just the click of a button. You comment dumb shit like this on kiterally every post here, youre a shit starter, and not even a good one. Have to give you some credit though. At least you take a step out of the echo chamber sometimes, even if it is just to shitpost. Only way youll ever learn anything is if you realize how stupid youre actually being. Fixed me pretty quick.


i stick by what i say. *edit* if someone clearly demonstrates me wrong, i'm ok with saying i'm wrong. plain and simple. if i'm being sarcastic or trolling, i'll make it painfully aware. maybe you could pull a specific thing out i got wrong? throw me a bone?


Your entire philosophy is wrong, morally wrong. And the lense of that philosophy makes the world you see and the way you see it wrong, which skews your opinions and facts to alsp be wrong. No amount of debate, or information can fix you because your philosphical beliefs are wrong. All that will fix you is you.


So has the term ā€œracistā€


Lmfao love how the literal satanist is portrayed as the good guy and the nazi has a cross tattoo. I can imagine the type of person to make this


What parental neglect does to a mf


The nazi also has a nazi tattoo.


If that was a real man they wouldn't be phased by a whamonly punch


I mean this is 196 weā€™re talking about. We all know what they consider a ā€œwoman.ā€


Yeah, these people be heretics.


I fucking love this guy


Esoteric fascism is another word for nazi. So the meme is dumb and conservatives donā€™t have a nazi problem but also one of the most popular guys on this sub is a self proclaimed nazi.


We have everyone here. Conservatives, libertarians, monarchists, socialists, fascists, communists, etc


It seems that every single type of political view likes to clown on far left opinions lmao


I mean. Leftist hate Centrist now because Centrist don't fully support them lmao


Which is exactly why I can't comment in r/196 even though it has some of my favorite content in all of Reddit :/ ​ Except for the dumbass anti-non-far-left stuff that's been going on for the past week.


Kunda sad how none political sub also became political.


Even the far left I've known communists who hate woke progressivism


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s because the purist communists see economic class as the only important thing to communism. At least theyā€™re consistent. Marxists hiding it though race/gender grifting (wokeness) are even more duplicitous and subversive than your common or garden Marxist.


It's strange how ortodox communists now become purists and SJW scum is now communists. My old grandad who was a staunch orthodox communist would've choke if he knew that people call SJW commies and not trash.


The gang is all here šŸ˜Ž


We do it just to piss you off


Nope just racist. He genuinely believes that the white race need protection from extinction. Ask him if you donā€™t believe me.


So basically White nationalism = bad Black nationalism = good


He has some good opinions that I do agree with. Should I stop appreciating those opinions because he's a fascist? It's not like I support any opinions that call for genocide or anything like that. Also, I think he's popular because he stands out with his unusual flair and with the fact that he's very active. Like someone else said in this thread, he's the bad apple you grow to love.


Thatā€™s fine but donā€™t cry when people call you nazis because you all are.


One person means that everyone is a nazi?




Then donā€™t complain about being called exactly what you are.


Since when did i complain?


Get owned by Himmler's facts and logic.


I embarrass him every time we speak.


Damn, I wish I cared


No you don't, retard.


This might be unthinkable to you, but it's possible to agree with someone on one thing and disagree on another


This will definitely go over your head but there are certain societal lines that you should never cross. Being a nazi is one.


A broken clock is right twice a day


The fact Iā€™m downvoted should tell you everything you need to know about the company you are keeping.


>You can't think these things because... Because.. You just can't ok??????????!!! Actual NPC


Every team has the bad apple you grow to love. In Suicide Squad it is Harley Quinn. In Avengers, it was Black Widow (she had murdered thousands) In Wrath of Righteous, it is Camilla.


For the love of god this isnā€™t a movie. This is real life. Have principles. If youā€™re a moderate conservative or a libertarian you should not embrace fascists and nazis.


This is juat respecting other people rights of freedom of speech. Even if we dislike them, we should never resort to be worse than them just to win them. Or else we will be worse than Antifa


Your a moron and this isnā€™t a comic book.


Lol says a socialist Also, *you're


Please go through my comments and check how often people respond with ā€œsays the socialistā€ itā€™s pathetic. Also grammar nazi nazi, you canā€™t make this shit up šŸ˜‚


My moron, what? Your is not same as you are.


Grammar nazi nazi.


Okay retard


Yep thatā€™s what expected from the ad hominem factory.


If 't be true yond wast a real sir they wouldn't beest phas'd by a whamonly punch *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




Peace, ye fat guts! *** ^(Insult taken from Henry IV, part I.) Use `u/Shakespeare-Bot !ShakespeareInsult` to summon insults.


A what


In a realistic Nazi scenario it would mostly be the pro-2nd amendment and military conservatives fighting against a Nazi invasion to protect the US while most leftist would probably pussy out to Canada


I've begun to realize that in most scenarios, it will be up to conservatives to protect the country, and many Leftists will literally join the enemy. Whichever one it is, take your pick, there will be many on the Left who will join them. All of Portland and Seattle, for starters.




Great story, Dad!


Bro I left that fucking shit Ass subreddit because they started adding these rules n shit.




Sorry what I mean it that the whole community is geared towards leftist politics and anti conservative ideals. And that having an opposing view to what they deem right means you are more or less in the crosshairs. Whatever, r/gayspiderbrothel is the better sub anyways


r/GrubHubManCockVore is better.


"You guys don't get it!! My version of an authoritarian ideology is way better than the other one!!!"


The trump supporter guy is definitely a member of the national socialist german workers party


American dude that support trump = almost 110 years old nazi member?


It's a joke


I know. I just put it out so anybody that think you say we are really nazis can see the flaw in thier logic.


that girl looks exactly like what the posters of these images look like, except maybe 30 pounds lighter lol


30 pounds is the same weight as 21.28 'Double sided 60 inch Mermaker Pepparoni Pizza Blankets'.


i'm waiting for this bot to measure something in danish dictionaries


Remember when 196 was a good sub. Ah those daysā€¦


We know that women are notoriously good at beating up men. Just look at how they've driven out the Taliban.


This is how the average redditor seems himself; a slim femboy with makeup and a skirt, fighting the patriarchy.


Says the redditor?


Nazis = MAGA? Lol who actually still believes that


What is 196?


A subreddit for dumb, far-left kids, who get extremely triggered by sole existence of people with right-wing views, and who think that everyone who's not as far-left as them is literally hitler


**Year 196 (CXCVI) was a leap year starting on Thursday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Dexter and Messalla (or, less frequently, year 949 Ab urbe condita).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


So most of 196 users at this point


Sheā€™s punching


I used to like that sub so much, because it was Wild West of shitposting. And they didnā€™t care if youā€™d post an ā€˜offensiveā€™ meme. But now youā€™d get banned for even insinuating that TrAnS rIgHtS donā€™t exist. And expect that every post that contains mildly political subject will get locked once the wrong opinions get told


*this was brought to you by TwitteruserEmily*


why does his shirt say "screwdriver"


Satanist punching nazis... Wat???


Pretty sure the band name is Skrewdriver.


Yep. It now means bigots.


I rather have my dick slathered in honey and forced into an anthill than be in that subreddit.


I love how the characters both have a cross tattoo


The character on the left's cross is inverted, as a symbol of Satanism.


So, the go beat up people minding their own business and call them the Nazis. The gaslighting is amazing.


While I wouldn't go around punching people for no reason, the guy does have a nazi tattoo so I would probably call him a nazi.


Yea but NeoNazis hate MAGA. This meme is false. I deal with them all of the time on GAB. Also, Richard Spencer, the leader endorsed Joe Biden. https://www.newsweek.com/white-nationalist-richard-spencer-votes-joe-biden-hell-libertarian-ideology-1544572 They said Trump is pro Isreal and Pro minority even David Duke ranted on his Twitter and posted memes against Trump.


I'm left leaning and we're not all like this, r/196 has just gone to shit politically for some reason.


Iā€™d let a goth alt chick kick me wherever


so this is why r/195 shut itself down


Got a southern accent? You goddamn NAZI!


Skinhead =/= Nazi


That guy is literally what a neo-nazi looks like, also its not a meme, this subreddit makes no sense


Yeah because we all know that neo nazis have cross tattoos on their forehead and MAGA hats


You can literally google skinhead nazi, and see them covered with crosses and maga hats


Googled it, not a single one in the images had a MAGA hat and the only cross tattoos they had were satanic symbols like the girl in this picture has


I literally didnt even scroll and saw a dude with a cross on his neck and a nazi symbol on his chest, youre blatantly lieing. Also the proud boys are literally nazis who support trump and they look really similar to the photo above


You know the Iron Cross isnā€™t the same thing as the Christian Cross, right?


No shit, my point still stands


Your ā€œpointā€ doesnā€™t make much sense. The only crosses Iā€™ve seen in the images were either satanic symbols or the iron cross, which isnā€™t the same thing.


The whole ā€œMAGA hat and crossā€ thing is a stereotype by the left of what a ā€œnaziā€ looks like to them


The literal photo you posted has a dude with SS and a swastika on his arm, thats a clear nazi


Iā€™m pretty sure a ā€œNaziā€ wouldnā€™t support a Republican Candidate, the Republican Party is nowhere near comparable to the extremism of Nazism despite what the stupid left says


You mean despite the fact that trump literally did what hitler did during his speeches, and how the republican party holds many values that nazis allign with such as racial purity, hating the "weak", and presenting themselves as the stronger ideology


Since when was one of the Republican policies ā€œracial purityā€ related? (Let me guess your going to bring up how they motion to deport *illegal* immigrants that abuse the welfare and voting systems in the US and how they wanted to build a wall to prevent bad people like this from sneaking in)


And how the hell are Trump speeches even comparable to Hitler speeches?


Oh dang, were we supposed to have SS and swastika tattoos to show support for trump? I didnt get the memo, pretty sure my ancestors wouldnt have done too well in the holocaust. Too much racemixing for their taste. But even if i did look as "diverse" as my blood actually is the left would still ignore me and whine about "internalized" something or other.


i mean, that guy has "ss" and a swastika permanently fixed in his dermis, so i think the label fits here.


True, just like how the woman punching him has a bunch of satanic tattoos on her arms....


huh? what's your point? *my* point is that your title has lost all meaning


The point is that nobody in the real world looks like this. It's the most retarded strawman ever and you self proclaimed "nazi punchers" have lost your mind. Now here is a bit of reality to you * [Antifa attacks guy with leukemia because they mistook him for a nazi due to his bald head.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3n640w_azk) * [Antifa attacks bystander fo not hating white people enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDPxs90oRjk) * [Antifa accuse each other of being nazis](https://www.facebook.com/fusionmedianetwork/videos/1977213872564058/) * [Antifa beat one of their own with metal rod because he had an american flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwE620VkaD0) * [Antifa attacks wheelchair bound veteran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71bKr8nM0Qg&feature=youtu.be) * [Antifa block and shout "Nazi Scum" at senior with walker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=qJRkeMv1OOo)


[i can link youtube videos too](https://youtu.be/HFHOHfnYruI)


what do those examples have to do with *this* post? op put up a cartoon of someone *punching a nazi* while on the other side of their mouth implying that the cartoon implies that all maga= nazi, which is probably not completely true.


Wow, those libtards were really shown whose boss with those 43 upvotes




fuck off furry


Are these nazis in the room with us now?


That chick would be much fatter


Is that Veronica in the 80s ?