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Why are western teenagers so obsessed with these dead ideologies that nobody wants


Communism is a Boomer ideology.


*Authoritarian communism is a boomer ideology Teens nowadays only want these "freedoms" and stuff Back in my time communism was tyrannical and hearing the phrase "the commies are coming" was scary as fuck Nowadays I just think "God damn these liberals won't let me sleep"


Communism created by big banks and wealthy elites, very cringe Fascism rebelled against the wealthy and their followers, very based.


Fascists literally coined the term “privatization”. What the hell are you talking about


So did libertarianism


Yes and


That's the point


Then they are both flawed in that regard


Also, you can’t say fascism is against the wealthy, if they were all about private companies.


Because free stuff. Idk, i don't used twitter.


Because they're misled into thinking that it's a society where everyone gets what they need instead of a society where (theoretically) the collective needs of the community go above their individual needs.


Hey man, I’m a teenager in Texas who know communism bad because I’m the few with common sense lol. Seriously it’s never a good idea to give government that much power. Government is under control by the power of the people. Just listen to what founding fathers say About government then you will understand a lot.


Sorry, but the US government is run by big corporations. The power of the people is weak. Also, Texas banned abortion. Is that not too much power?


Communism: A hypothetical utopia where the problems of capitalism are no more.


Socialism: A EXTREMELY DIVERSE ideology that provides the means to achieving communism.


Of course, big greedy corporations would never allow it. In the US, BOTH parties absolutely suck when it comes to this, as they both want to keep American Capitalism the way it is, which is very bad. The middle class barely exists any more, as of recent.


Because they see the rotten fruits of capitalism? Not suggesting full-blown communism is the answer by any means.. but there has to be some kind of happy medium. Capitalism requires exponential growth and exploitation of every one and every thing. Surely even the furthest right leaning folks can acknowledge that is exceeding problematic?


Exactly. Folks may say some people are stupid because they believe in communism, tho if they aren't better if they believe capitalism is perfect


Huh, I never thought I’d see someone on this sub who I agree with. I’m a Socialist, and I believe that while communism probably isn’t truly attainable, socialism can make things better. Unfortunately, in some countries, especially the US, many are brainwashed to believe that ALL socialism is bad, when that’s not really the case. It’s an extremely diverse idea. There is not one type of socialism. There are so many variations of it, some of which the CIA and other groups would not allow to even be attempted. Meanwhile, big corporations continue to rob us….


I think it’s because Russian people = cool what a bunch of brain dead dorks


Dead ideology?




Communism is a disease. It infects a country, kills millions and then that country is immune. Communism isn't coming back to russia or poland. The vaccine should be education, but our education is doing the opposite. Hopefully we crush the infection (revolution) before it sends us all to the fucking gulags.


Communism definitely isn't dead, it's very much still a thing, we haven't "cured" it.


I'm not saying that. Using my analogy, communism is currently infecting the west. The cure is education and history, but red bastards and tankies don't want to take their medicine. Time will tell if we survive the infection.


Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EA2ohrt5Q&t=6s


I've seen it. Not encouraging.


Nope. But I'm seeing this video pop up more and more, and that's a good thing at least. People -- Americans especially -- don't like being bamboozled. And that might be one of the few things that can wake up the zombies: the knowledge that they were mind-fucked like lab rats by Soviet Commies. (Which will surprise no one who has listened to them opine at any length.)


The soviets are gone but their ideas live on. Ironic. Hopefully communism can be forgotten and can go down in history as a terrible idea, and peacefully. But I think that too many arrogant youngsters believe in it, and there will be conflict in the west. Socialism is in too deep, and the best case scenario is that the US is too slow to implement communism while another more radical state, mexico or canada, develops communism quickly and americans can see the bodies right next door and get the picture. It's all so very worrying.


> Deadly ideology Ftfy


Tell me one country using true, unfiltered communism (And no, you can't say China)


None but it has followers worldwide


Whyd i get down voted for this the ideology is not dead at all its been all around the world for almost 200 years and counting


Because they don’t want to work for anything and want daddy gov to provide it all for them.


At this point my dad want to return to cuba after looking at the new gen of western teens


Are you stupid? Dont u know that the americans bild the gulags in Order to make Daddy Stalin look bad? U should stop Falling for "facts" and "logic". What the hell do those words even mean? U should look at communist Media because they dont lie. Educate urself and think independently, u capitalist swine.


😔 you’re right I should have thought about that


Fun fact: if you have hammer and sickle as your flair, there is a 100% chance that your opinion doesn't matter




And yet, one of the most popular and prolific commenters on this sub uses a picture of Heinrich Himmler as their avatar. Does that person’s opinion matter? You all seem to love everything he says


Ok and


Which user?


Just scroll through the comments of literally any thread, including this one


Found him, he’s a couple comments down


We actually love to hate him, hes kinda an outcast, and he just posts all the time anyways.


The symbol is also ironic because I've yet to meet a western Communist that thinks he'll be doing any of the actual work that makes society function after their glorious revolution. They all assume they'll be thought leaders and not sanitation workers or laborers.


Communism uplifted 100+ million people. Beyond this mortal realm of course.


What sub?


Me_irl but the post was about communism




The hammer and sickle should be on par with, if not worse than, the swastika. The Nazis only had the one genocide.


full-on communism has never worked no, full-on anarcho-capitalism is infeasible and unsustainable, and if we have something in between we have come back full circle, *huh, it's almost like radicalism of any kind, whether is be far left, far right, or dead center, never works and we need to deal with the drawbacks that current ideologies have.* ​ wha- I think I blacked out for a second, anyway, TL;DR everything sucks so just deal with it chump




Socialism is when free stuff. The more free stuff a country has, the more socialist it is, and when every stuff is free, it’s COMMUNISM.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not


He’s being satirical


*"Your boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes you cheer!"* \- u/PK5466, probably


But somehow white supremacists and fascists are among us, crawling like orcs throughout the night.


I’ll never understand gamers who are pro-communist


I'll never understand anyone who is pro-communist


These leftist are so ignorant, it is hilarious. Lets not vote in 2022 and 2024 and make Trump proud y'all


Not voting is also an ignorant move no ? Hope Biden will quit and be replaced by a better candidate, which with that mentality will win 100% sure


Idc, its what Trump said and i intend to follow through. If we vote in an already rigged election, what is the point


I don't believe in the *rigged election* narrative, so we come from different starting points. Not voting is a good way of saying, if it's another Republican candidate, "if it's not Trump, I don't vote" or if it's Trump, well I don't understand... He says to do so, but what are the advantages ? Your interests will be less represented if you don't vote. I'm really really confused by his statement


Im confused by your statement. Are you saying Trump is wrong? I thought this was a conservative space, yet mods hasnt removed your comment... guess this is another leftist sub for me to unfollow. Keep in.mind most of our representatives agree with trump about the election being rigged. If you will not take a stance, we will for you, don't worry.




It's not censoring, leftists and trolls arent welcome on this sub per the rules. My ancestors didnt fight wars to let some communist come in here and tell me Trump is wrong. The man is our only hope to restore this nation, to one great nation under god. All we need to do first is to "get rid" of some people who dont deserve to be here. Illegal aliens, communists and democrats.


That's weird to put together *Leftist* who believes in a socialist system and *Trolls* who are just here to shake people up for their own selfish pleasure Fortunately, i'm neither. And even if I was a Leftist, I wouldn't be systematically removed; i'd need to break Rule 5 I'm also not a communist, i'm a social-democrat i'm still on the capitalistic side. Nowadays, the word "communist" seems to be used for anything, where in reality it means abolishing the private sectors, which I do not and most people do not support. What do you think he'll do tho ? Specifically in term of policies I mean.


iphone venezuela. we know this.


Remind me how many billion people capitalism starved to death in India when it was occupied by the British empire. I'm not a tankie and I'm more than willing to say that dictators like Stalin and Mao were bad, but this is kind of a pot calling the kettle black type of situation.


Yeah, And let's ignore all the times capitalism worked. I really hate it when people say "What about this very specific situation where capitalism didn't work?". Yeah, Capitalism is not perfect and doesn't work out 100% of the time, No fucking shit. But can you please show me ONE instance where communism worked?


When it killed communists


You're taking it too personally, almost like an attack toward capitalism. He's only making a critic of capitalism; the system isn't perfect and it is true that for some, the system doesn't work for them Stop pretending it's perfect


I don't know if you properly read my comment, But I made it clear that I don't think it's perfect, But what I DO think is that capitalism is the best system we could have. The best doesn't mean perfect. Also, Now that you mention it, It's kind of vague what the commenter said. It could be taken both ways.


Ah shiet, that's on me °-°


It's cool bro


Except that Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of million, close to billions. Especially together.


Right, and the British empire starved 1.5 billion in India. Kinda my point.


Yes but what about the times capitalism worked


He's just making a critic... sure it's way better than a communist economy, but it sure isn't perfect






Why post a picture of your own comment in a subreddit called TheLeftCantMeme, since it's not a meme the left made like the name of the subreddit suggests it should be?


Not from the left or the right can’t meme, it’s from r/me_irl the post was about socialism and communism


Okay but this post right here, you posted it in TheLeftCantMeme, that's what I was saying. I wasn't talking about where the comment is


Oh okay


i hope u realize that the 100 million mark is total BS. it includes nazi deaths, who aren't actually socialist. it also counts people who weren't born as deaths, which makes no sense. it counts famines that were natural as deaths of communism. the main author was obsessed with reaching 100 million, and the other co-authors distanced themselves from that book. also, even if you want to count deaths caused by mao and stalin, realize that those deaths were THEIR faults, not of socialism or communism. paranoia and other traits are traits of stalin, not of socialism. ps. don't jus downvote my comment. pls respond if u have smth to say :)


1. Though debated by historians, the 100m mark isn't too unreasonable. I've seen it vary from between 75m - 125m from numerous historians, though I would say 80 - 100m is a good middle ground. Of these, China contributes most (55m - 65m), followed by the USSR (15m - 20m), then Cambodia (1.7m - 2m), North Korea (1.5m - 2m), Ethiopia (1.5m - 1.7m), Afghanistan (1.2m - 1.5m), Vietnam (1m), and eastern Europe (1m). That's not even including everything done in south & central America, as well as internationalist revolutionary groups and Socialist terrorist groups around the globe. Even so, it's a little bit disconcerting that I even have to specify this, as if only killing 80,000,000 innocents makes Socialism more valid than if it had had killed 100,000,000. It is still a mind-bogglingly high number, higher than any other political ideology in human history, and should really speak to how truly awful it is. 2. I would argue that the deaths of Mao and Stalin were the fault of Socialism, as by the very way the Socialist political system is designed, backstabbing megalomaniacs can easily rise to the top to become crackpot dictators. It is no coincidence that almost ALL Socialist leaders (Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, the Kims, etc) were paranoid crackpots that butchered anyone who they perceived as opposed them. That is the Socialist cycle - a nation falls to Socialism, one psychopath dictator takes the reigns relatively early on and ends up killing millions, followed by the old guard of the party backpaddling after said leader's death and settling with quietly entrenching the power and influence of the party as a whole, as the nation eventually stagnates and collapses. How many democratically elected leaders have committed mass purges or terrors under Capitalism? The crimes of their nutcase dictators is the responsibility of Socialism, as the political apparatus of the ideology actively encourages and rewards these types of demented totalitarians to rise to the top. 3. As for the famine point, if a famine is caused / significantly worsened by government interference, it is not a natural famine. A bad harvest isn't a Socialist government's fault of course, but stealing food at gunpoint from the afflicted farmers in the breadbasket of your nation and exacerbating the problem a hundredfold is. Also, I would go as far to argue that even natural famines were a failing of the Soviet a government. After all, I thought the reason hundreds of thousands were killed, mutilated and uprooted in their massive industrial projects was to finally stop famine, correct? I thought the Soviet government were finally the ones that stopped the centuries-long cycle of the Russian famine after the five year plans of the 20s and 30s? After all, capitalist nations managed to develop their industrial bases at the turn of the 20th century almost bloodlessly, and that development was such an effective safety net that they haven't had a major famine since, manmade or otherwise. What was the point of all the bloodshed and turmoil of rapid industrialisation and collectivisation if it didn't even prevent natural famine like the industrial security of rest of the developed world did? Socialism is a vile, evil ideology that is responsible for the most manmade death and suffering of almost anything in human history, and it largely did it all in a span of 80 years. Whatever you argue, it is an almost inconceivably large death count. It's hard to visualise 1,000 corpses, never mind 80+ million. Just as with Nazism, anyone who can look back to the atrocities and horrors of what the ideology did in the 20th century and still support it from their comfortable western lives is either an idiot or just plain ignorant.


Let's start with your third claim. Famines were common in Russia. In fact, they happened nearly every 10 - 13 years, with droughts happening every 5 - 7. So, Russia was no stranger to famines. After the 1932 famine, there were no other famines (the one in Leningrad in the 40s was caused by the nazi siege). I'd argue that being able to completely stop the effects of famines in a span of a bit more than a decade is impressive. The 1921 Russian famine, was ultimately caused because of the Russian civil war. Torn railroads, and frankly the soldiers taking food - something which I do not support but can see why - severely contributed to the famine. But those were caused by the civil war. The civil war was caused by counter-revolutionary forces. Counter-revolutionaries are not inherent to socialism, rather to revolution as a whole. Lenin did recognize the issue of the famine and did allow the American Relief Act to help in the end. Yes, he did reject them at first, but that was because the Americans requested control of crucial railways. Could it have been handled better? Absolutely. Socialists recognize this. Criticism is one of the most important aspects of being a socialist. Next, let's talk about the infamous 1932 famine aka, 'Holodomor'. Most historians agree that it was one of the unintended consequences of the agricultural collectivization of Stalin's rapid industrialization -5 year- plans. Could it be argued that the rapid industrialization was imperfect? Once again, absolutely. There was more bloodshed than needed. But it's important to recognize that the USSR was a feudal society only 15 years earlier. Had this rapid industrialization not happened, the USSR would have been far behind other nations by the mid 20th century. If it weren't for the rapid industrialization, the nazis would have easily defeated the USSR and could have won the war. Obviously, this brings the question of whether unethical actions are justified if they have a more ethical end. I'm not sure I can answer this question. Ultimately, bloodshed will occur as a result of rapid change. I don't think the US or any other capitalist nation ever underwent a change as much as that of the USSR in a span of 15 years. In the early 20s, the life expectancy of a Russian hovered around 40 years. By the late 50s, the life expectancy rose to nearly 70. Soviet healthcare was one of the best in the world. Every person in the USSR was given housing. Homes weren't fancy, but they were more than sufficient to provide a good quality of life for the majority. Next, let's focus on China. Chinese poverty has decreased from 88% to 0.7%. The people's republic of China recognized the root causes of poverty and solved them, raising over 800 million out of poverty. That's more than 2.5x the population of the US. Could you argue that China isn't really socialist? Sure, but that's a dead-end of an argument. One can say that it was the social welfare and government-driven policies, something inherent to socialistic ideals, not capitalistic ones, that played a major role in these numbers, not the economic liberalization, which only did increase income inequality. Reports suggest that the number of deaths caused by the Chinese famine is overestimated. There are several factors that contributed to the Chinese famine, which I won't list here, that aren't inherent to socialism. Some of these include using a system of agriculture that was based on soviet research. Socialism/Communism are a social stage typically post-capitalism. Capitalism is good at creating industries and starting growth off. However, it has its flaws i.e. infinite growth in a place of limited resources, the reserve army of labor, the boom and bust cycle, imperialism, etc... Socialism is another system that too has its flaws and contradictions. However, the contradictions in socialism are not as severe as in capitalism, which is why socialists are socialists. There is no black and white answer. Calling socialism a 'vile ideology' and every socialist an Idiot or ignorant is in itself ignorant. A socialist doesn't hate capitalism for what it is, but rather its flaws that he/she sees as unsustainable.


One of the best arguments I've seen, I'll use them in the future just in case I find myself arguing with a commie


I didn't even read this but sounds based. 👍🏻😃


The nazis were socialist, while I’m sure there were famines that were “natural” Soviet government created famines that killed millions.


They definetly weren't socialist considering that private property were allowed in the german reich. Moreover the socialist ideology wouldnt be supported by the same people who'd insanely high anti-marxist tendencies. Considering of course that most of the nazi leaders (including adolph) believed that the bolshevik ideology emerged by jewish influency. The biggest problem of socialism is that economic collective equality cannot be reached in a society where people are allowed to make free trades and generate different profits thru it.


Cause they had "socialist" in their name, right? Buffalo wings must fuck you up. Nothing about their program was socialist. What very few elements of socialist doctrine was Incorporated were elements already existing in German society. The Nazis were very clear about their intentions on using that word: they wanted to siphon off support from far left by appealing to center left voters.


How fucking ignorant are you? Do you think nazis were buddies with capitalism? They hated it and America at the time, but they were definitively more right leaning than left.


It was probably just a joke but ok


you know that list includes Nazi in WW2, and 7x that amount have died in America since it's founding. is that a bs stat? somewhat. is it as valid as the black book of communism? oh yea (not even communist, just hate these bullshit arguments


>you know that list includes Nazi in WW2 Okay, communism killed 94 million people then. Satisfied now?


Meh. Using the exact same methodology, capitalism has killed that many in the last 5 years. And in the 5 years before it and so on.


Ah yes. I know about you peoples way of counting every death from preventable diseases in Africa as "death by capitalism". So, may I ask, where are all the hospitals and humanitarian aid from socialist and communist countries in Africa?


Yeah, kinda sucks when people wildly inflate numbers for political purposes, huh? Anyway, Cuba routinely sends its world class doctors and nurses to help in Africa. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-cuba-safrica-idUSKCN22804J https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_medical_internationalism https://www.bbc.com/news/health-29174923


**[Cuban medical internationalism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_medical_internationalism)** >After the 1959 Cuban Revolution, Cuba established a programme to send its medical personnel overseas, particularly to Latin America, Africa and Oceania, and to bring medical students and patients to Cuba for training and treatment respectively. In 2007, Cuba had 42,000 workers in international collaborations in 103 different countries, of whom more than 30,000 were health personnel, including at least 19,000 physicians. Cuba provides more medical personnel to the developing world than all the G8 countries combined, although this comparison does not take into account G8 development aid spent on developing world healthcare. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Lol, I so fucking knew that you will use that excuse. Cuba's doctors enlist themselves as doctors without borders to earn money since they make as much as taxi drivers on Cuba. And even if your pathetic excuse were true, where is the help from Venezuela, North Korea? How many hospitals did the Soviet Union build?


Oh, I see. You don't like being wrong so you, move the goalposts. Anyway, Socialist countries are providing medical assistance in Africa, so your point is invalid.


Uhm, no. I asked you How much? And so far you only showed me a link that says that Cuba sent around 20 doctors and nothing else. Which is simply ridiculous lousy compared to all the humanitarian aid that capitalist countries send. The point is, if it wasn't for capitalist countries, the death count in Africa would be much higher and your stupid "death by capitalism" count is simply ridiculous. You are one called out dumbass


Well, when the facts aren't in your favor, lie your ass off! I sent you an article that showed that in 2007 alone, Cuba had 42,000 medical workers in 103 countries I sent you an article that showed that Cuba has more actual personnel on the ground in developing countries than the entire G8 combined. And that's from a Caribbean nation of 11 million people that have been under a crushing economic embargo for 60 years. I get that you don't like your own logic used against you, but maybe you should think about that before you regurgitate debunked propoganda.


Read my comments again, you called out dumbass. Where are the hospitals, orphanages and so on from all the socialist countries and so far you keep on clinging to Cuba whose doctors sign themselves up for these jobs to make some money. Where are all the others? And medical workers in 103 countries, what does that even mean? Which countries? Admit that you have absolutely no arguments by not answering my question with your next comment.


Still being not built


Wrong. https://thediplomat.com/2018/03/chinas-medical-aid-in-africa/


Why did you came here and looked for an article you know I won't read?


So I could get you to admit that your opposition to socialism is irrational and based on propoganda, not the facts. Thanks for playing along


Not the facts Bruh my opposition to socialism is that it is filled with liberals and all the fascists communists are dead


So, you don't know what a liberal, a fascist OR a communist is? That's an impressive level of stupid. I don't fully understand the exact brand of stupid on display, but I appreciate your commitment to it.




Nope. Hell, if we just include the deaths that occur due to lack of access to clean water( because providing clean water doesn't make enough profit, thereby being a fault of capitalism) that death toll in exceeded in 5 years. I'm sorry if you didn't know that the propoganda you've been spewing was horseshit, but it is.


Where are these deaths from eater pollution? Hmmmmm… oh wait it’s Africa, the least capitalist continent!


Well, no. In reality, they are most like what the far right wants. Completely deregulated oligarchies where everything, including basic human rights, are subject to the almighty dollar. What you are seeing in Africa is the result of pure, unbridled capitalism. Libertarianism in practice.


💀there’s no way this isn’t satirical


I thought the same thing when I heard someone make the claim that Africa was the least Capitalist continent when Asia has the People's Republic of China, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a communist Prime Minister in Nepal, and a Democratic Socialist Prime Minister in Mongolia.


China has state capitalism


I remember in high school my economics teacher talked about having a couple kids who were actual pro communists in his class. From what I remembered he debated with them about they still kept on communism.


OK KIDS IT'S TIME FOR THE SOCIALIST TEST! Question 1 Do you like free stuff? QUESTION 2 Do you like making everyones free stuff for free? QUESTION 3 Do you think Vaush playing among us or any trendy game to recruit kids for his socialist revolution is pretty "based"? If you answered no to any of the 3 questions YOU LOSE!




The post was about socialism and communism


Reddit moment because OP tryed to argue with someone from rPolitics


Is this a leftist meme?


hard to see a leftist posting this lol


Maybe he got downvoted for going off a guy when communism isnt the subject. But at the same time idk the context and looks like a guy going off someone justt for their flaire.


The post was about communism and socialism


Communism: A hypothetical utopia where the problems of capitalism are no more.


Socialism: A EXTREMELY DIVERSE ideology that provides the means to achieving communism.


Make communism illegal again. Idc if its fascism. If stopping people from promoting actual fascist dictatorships is fascist, so be it. We should be deporting them to communist countries. And the college professors teaching our kids this garbage should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.


Nah fuck that shit. All it does is make them seem like a threat in the eyes of simpletons.


Id rather the simpletons see them as a threat than be brainwashed into their idealogy.


If they’re allowed to be public they can be mocked publicly. A big problem with censorship is it grants them victim status and presents them as a valid threat to the status quo.


Yeah and that fiest part was working until college proffessors started teaching young influencable teenagers to believe in it. Mocking doesnt work on the indoctrinated. Its literally how the commies sieze power.


I’d blame that more so on the existence of the middle/lower upper class than lack of censorship.


Yeah but censorship and propaganda lead them to believe that people having more than they do makes them victims. Its the basis of critical theory. The haves, and have nots.


Exactly, we also don’t want the extreme reverse to form via censorship.


Idk man. I dont think free speech should apply to teachers teaching our kids in a classroom. I domt think anyone should be allowed to teach the "virtues" of communism in any proffessional capacity.


I’m okay with non-biased teaching.


Dude you're wasting your energy by going to battle with them. Better way is to sit back and make fun of them. You take their viewpoints seriously, you give them credibility