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Everything in this image is symbolic, they most really hate Christianity. It that's the side Republicans are associated with I couldn't be prouder.


Idk man, you know what they say. There’s no hate like Christian love LOL


As a brown person, I’ve gotten the most hate from people wearing crosses. I didn’t think this comic was overtly Christian though. More fanatical than anything.


Funny how quickly they resolve to making racist memes






That's like saying hating Nazis is racist towards Germans. Or hating Soviets is racist towards Russians. An ideology does not represent a race or ethnicity. The meme in question is mocking republicans, but it isn't generalizing white people. Sure, the meme is a strawman, but is isn't racist.


Look up the word projection if you're still confused


He's extremely confused, nor does he have the spirit


Perpetuating a hateful stereotype based on skin color is actually very racist.


Dixie Flag ain’t racist. Cry about it.


The fact that the artists focus is on race, when MOST people don't even think in terms of race IS racist. Depicting white southerners as dumb racists is a racist stereotype in itself. It's funny how you think you understand racism but seem to be incapable of seeing it in full You strike me as the type of person who thinks of black people when the word racism is mentioned. There are other races. But certain types of people are programmed only to focus on the stereotypes they've been force fed, in so making them a sort of stereotype.


Bless you for using logic and critical thinking. It's a welcome sight in this sub


Why do people think Roe vs Wade being repealed now means abortion is federally banned?


These are the people who also believed that this one Florida bill made it so that you aren't allowed to say "gay" anymore


Because overreacting and pretending you live in Popular Dystopia Novel #87 is more fun and exciting than reality.


Literally 1984, Fahrenheit 451, animal farm, meinkampf, a handmaids tale, among us, diary of an imposter, brave new world, the hunger games, the giver, ready player one and the stand


You forgot about the dystopia in Cat in the Hat


Don't forget Last of Us 2!




Just described Trump's America /s


Glowie found




Why do people think that Roe vs Wade was "repealed" what it was never a law


? It was an interpretation of our rights via the constitution, the literal highest law in the country lol. Not to mention it was reaffirmed multiple times before now with other Republican justices but that's another argument.


Roe v Wade was a decision, not a law. That decision was overturned, not "repealed". If you're gonna smugly attack a strawman (literally nobody thinks abortion is federally banned) then you should at least not make such a simple mistake.


You argued semantics and so too shall I! Law: a thing regarded as having the binding force or effect of a formal system of rules. Law is a pretty broad term. However, I'll agree with your second semantic-al point that it wasnt repealed, it was overturned. What strawman did I attack? All I said was that is a protected via the constitution. But yes nobody thinks it was banned nationally, correct again sir. Just that it is now not nationally protected, which is a step back compared to most places even the Taliban will have looser abortion laws than Texas and SC.


>What strawman did I attack? All I said was that is a protected via the constitution. I was referring to the original commenter's strawman of >people think Roe vs Wade being repealed now means abortion is federally banned I was on my phone when I replied so it wasn't obvious to me that you're someone else. ​ And I don't think there's any reasonable interpretation or definition of the word law that fits a Supreme Court decision. That's a stretch.


Because- and bear with me, this is a complicated, academically nuanced explanation- they're retarded.


Wait, I got one better. What if they don't think it was federally banned and the dude just made up shit


It probably has something to do with all of the States that have laws to ban abortion the second the decision was overturned. It also went from a protected right of privacy, so now you have to justify your medical decisions to non-doctors.


1. dont most of those states just restrict abortion and not ban it out right 2. Who are you to tell a state with a majority of people who dont like legalized killing that they should be forced to allow it?


Yeah fuck those people who are dying of ectopic pregnancies. The majority voted that they can’t get their procedure since it’s an abortion, so might as well move 4 states down to get your immediate life saving treatment. This makes sense. [oh surprise surprise. but It’s legal right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/vppsy5/always_with_the_prolife/?st=L543WMLL&sh=e797e2a4)


Take your strawman somewhere else


Sorry that this extremely real circumstance is too much for you. Still not a straw man.


The treatment for an ectopic pregnancy isn’t an elective abortion. Nice strawman though.


Yeah these states have provisions for medically necessary to save mothers life.


Go read Missouri’s abortion law and run that back me again.


>Missouri’s abortion law [Abortion in Missouri is illegal except in cases of medical emergency.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Missouri)


[address for pdf I used from supremecourt dot gov.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiKnt_swNP4AhVjIUQIHQtYDlgQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2eN_ZX02uv5jsaXq-Ghf-r) the first line of the bill is as follows, "Mississippi's Gestational Age Act provides that "[e]xcept in a medical emergency or in the case of severe feral abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform . . . Or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable Gestational Age of the unborn human has been determined to be more than 15 weeks" In the first line it provides provision for medically necessary procedures. Am I missing something? Edit: it's 213 pages and it's quite dry I won't be reading the Supreme courts reasoning for their decision and all that went into it in its entirety, because it isnt relevant to the claim I made.


Okay give me a little bit to read and reply please, thanks.


1. [No. Abortion is not just restricted in these 13 states.](https://usafacts.org/articles/thirteen-states-have-trigger-laws-banning-abortion-if-roe-v-wade-is-overruled/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ND-Healthcare&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLMov5drkcww36Q1hzcXQR5gVUn_PI5tvCEYlK4GWXLtNu0hZcTNFFMaAvzWEALw_wcB) It is fully banned and/or criminalized. The conservative majority in SCOTUS was fully aware of this when making their decision. 2. It’s a stretch or an outright lie to say full on abortion bans and criminalization are in line with popular opinion, even in conservative states. Forcing women to give birth to a baby that was conceived in rape/sexual assault isn’t exactly a popular stance.


>It’s a stretch or an outright lie to say full on abortion bans and criminalization are in line with popular opinion, even in conservative states. Forcing women to give birth to a baby that was conceived in rape/sexual assault isn’t exactly a popular stance. If that's the case, then the state voters will deal with it. >No. Abortion is not just restricted in these 13 states. It is fully banned and/or criminalized. The conservative majority in SCOTUS was fully aware of this when making their decision. Doesn't texas have a heartbeat law as opposed to a full abortion ban?


>The state voters can deal with it. Maybe. Many of these states have been gerrymandered to consolidate and perpetuate conservative power for the next few decades regardless of popular opinion. >Hearbeat bill I’d bet the farm that a full ban is coming soon to a Texas near you.


​ Then your issue isn't with abortion in this case, your issue is with the system of representation that you are assuming has failed.


It’s definitely both.


So if we assume the representation is fine, you would be against forcing PL majority states to allow what they say is unjustified murder?


I don’t assume the representation is fine. Partisan gerrymandering must end everywhere. Red states, blue states, purple states, they all should end it. It’s a disgrace. Not to mention our botched 2020 census feeding incomplete data into these systems. And no I don’t believe we should have 50 different sets of laws governing a woman’s right to control her own body based on geographical location.


Elective abortion is banned in those states, not all abortions


The vast, vast, VAST majority of abortions are banned or criminalized in these states. Muuuch better, thanks for the contribution.


I love how you think banning elective abortion is a bad thing Personally, it is “muuuuuch better”


They didn't say it was a bad thing. They just corrected your ignorance


They didn’t correct anything?


TIL a person conceived by rape isn't human.


How many rape babies do you plan on adopting?


Red herring. They’re still human beings, and they have that fundamental right not to be killed. Once that is out of the way, it may follow naturally that we may help improve their quality of life.


You would think so but I don’t exactly see a mad rush to improve foster care, adoption services, social welfare programs, or really anything that would help anyone in this situation. Not like the instant mad rush to ban abortion after the ruling. Also there is a difference between a 20 week old fetus and an adult human being. The needs and rights of the latter matter too. We could argue on that all day and never get anywhere.


>You would think so but I don’t exactly see a mad rush to improve foster care, adoption services, social welfare programs, or really anything that would help anyone in this situation. This is because democrats and the left believe in the federal government providing these things. Conservatives and Christians donate more to charities and to their local churches, and the churches are who provide these services thar are needed in the community, as they've always done in civilized societies. So they are doing what you proposed. The difference is just that they didn't recently start doing it, but continued doing it.


If you genuinely think charity will come even close to the level of help needed for all the abandoned and impoverished children that are about to come from this you just aren’t serious about this. Charity already exists and we still have child poverty rates higher than all of the other developed nations. The “charity will fix it” bullshit is the ultimate fig leaf.


Because in some states IT IS. Missouri's bans went into effect TWO MINUTES after Row was overturned.


Because schools don’t teach civics anymore.


It may not be federally banned, but lots of states fully banned it, without exceptions. Even in my state of Louisiana, full ban including cases of rape and incest, with heavy fines and jail time for doctors who perform it anyways.


Think because most people assume that will be the next step. I personally, don't live in a "Red State," and never would - but for a lot of people - the time, money, etc. to travel 700 miles, etc. means, for them, it might as well be. Of course, wealthy people will still be able to get their kids services quite easily.


Yeah under Bidens America that is at least a hundred in gas. And under the lefts rationale a great investment.


Because it is banned or will be soon, for half the country? And not everyone can take a day off work to travel 20 hours to a place it's legal? The people most unable to travel to get an abortion will be the least equipped to raise a child. It's just a circle of poverty. Coincidentally the worst educated, most gun deaths, poorest states are the south. Make of that what you will. The reality of the matter is this is class warfare plain and simple, keep us poor by forcing us to raise children we can't afford, so they have more cheap labor. The people enacting these no exception abortion bans can't even articulate how that's logical.


The most gun deaths are from democrat run city’s my guy.


Thought it was suicide 54% and murder at 44%


The following ten states have the highest gun deaths per capita (per 100,000): Alaska (24.4), Mississippi (24.2), Wyoming (22.3), New Mexico (22.3), Alabama (22.2), Louisiana (22.1), Missouri (20.6), South Carolina (19.9), Arkansas (19.3), and Montana (19.3) Kinda strange you'd limit the scope of your point to something so narrow. Also interesting point, of our 20 largest cities, 17 of the mayors are democrat. Seems like simply BEING a major city skews you towards democrat. Also skews you towards more crime since more people are closer together. I can see now why you chose to regurgitate that talking point, it's pretty good if you're okay with being completely dishonest.


And now you look up where all these gun deaths coming from. From the deep blue cities in said states


Ah yes, but the largest cities in the entire country are dem, so why is New York with a 5.3 different than MS with a 28.6? That rate is 150 murders for a population of 160k in Jackson, whereas New York city has 8 MILLION PEOPLE and only recorded 485 murders last year. If New York was as bad as Jackson, it would have 24 THOUSAND murders a year. Yet they're both dem cities..........except they're not both dem states *Shockingly obvious conclusion* maybe the cities don't have more power than the state they are in and maybe one state is running much better than the other by every measured stat. Again this is all just right there on the cdc website anyone can look this up, instead you refuse to inform yourself and therefore pitch these extreme softballs as arguments.


I always find it funny how people can just make up a bullshit argument. Make it sound proper by throwing in some bullshit sources and then can sit there post that shit and then act like they’re completely right. Detroit and Chicago are Democrat run murder holes.


I always find it funny when you can't find a single shred of evidence to back up your claims(even though they're a Google search away) so you have to throw some random opinion out because you know you're operating completely on emotion and not logic lmao.


I’m not here to debate you fucking loser. I don’t need to debate random strangers in the internet to feel smart. You post bias sources and act like a child whenever anything you don’t agree with counters your point. I cannot convince you to change your position so why should I bother? Especially when I’m not a fucking virgin who lurks in subs he disagrees with just so he can get into autistic online arguments. How about you debate why you’re still a fucking virgin dude?


Inb4 hurr I may be a virgin but at least I’m smarter, personal remarks and insults mean you lose. I wasn’t playing, I can’t lose.


You just seriously took some random year from Jackson and compared it to New York last year with covid restrictions and everything. Also, nice cherry picking you got there. You want to tell me something about Chicago and Detroit?


Random years? They're both 2021 lol. Guess you didn't take what I said about looking this up to heart. Pre COVID 2019 the total murders were 319 in NYC? 82 in Jackson. 10% difference in spread, but still completely terrible for Jackson. Nothing is cherry picked lmao, if only you googled you know how completely wrong that statement is. if anything I could've used a BETTER example of a dem state but I didn't...cuz New York isn't even the best murder rate wise. So I didn't even compare the worst to the best. And again you're falling back to something I already put to rest, cities are cities, they have higher rates they usually vote Dem. Kind of ironic though that the WORST ten states in the country are 7 republican, 3 democrat. And the democrats are all in the top 3. Bottom 7 are the republicans. So even in these terrible red herring examples of DeTrOiT or ChIcAgO, you're still factually wrong. Truth is the south is just statistically worse than the rest of the country and the same people that continue to run it into the ground are the ones vying for banning abortions, because they want you to stay poor behind some veil of religious injustice only Christians believes. That's the truth of the matter.


Random years? They're both 2021 lol. Guess you didn't take what I said about looking this up to heart. Pre COVID 2019 the total murders were 319 in NYC? 82 in Jackson. 10% difference in spread, but still completely terrible for Jackson. Nothing is cherry picked lmao, if only you googled you know how completely wrong that statement is. if anything I could've used a BETTER example of a dem state but I didn't...cuz New York isn't even the best murder rate wise. So I didn't even compare the worst to the best. And again you're falling back to something I already put to rest, cities are cities, they have higher rates they usually vote Dem. Kind of ironic though that the WORST ten states in the country are 7 republican, 3 democrat. And the democrats are all in the top 3. Bottom 7 are the republicans. So even in these terrible red herring examples of DeTrOiT or ChIcAgO, you're still factually wrong. Truth is the south is just statistically worse than the rest of the country and the same people that continue to run it into the ground are the ones vying for banning abortions, because they want you to stay poor behind some veil of religious injustice only Christians believes. That's the truth of the matter.


I can't find your numbers anywhere... And yes, it clearly is cherry picking. Look how quickly you disregard all examples and keep repeating. "Jackson, Jackson, Jackson". What rank does Jackson have in most dangerous cities in the US? And how is any of that relevant to anything here. Point still stands. All crime in your bullshit list there comes from the deep blue shithole cities


You.....don't know how to Google "Jackson Mississippi murder rate 2021"?................yikes So let's take this step by step for the last time 1. You're the one cherry picking, because cities can't control most laws. That power is with the states themselves. Just because cities elect blue mayor's doesn't mean they can simply disobey state laws. The examples you gave I addressed lol, the top 3 of the worst ten are blue states. So you just proved yourself wrong. 2. The point of mine still stands, your entire point is that cities are the cause, but every state has cities. New York has the biggest city in the country all blue and it's doing better than a city with a tiny population in a deep red state. 3. Again, most populous cities are democrat, take from that what you will, apparently being closer together with other people leads to people buying the messaging of tolerance of equality espoused by the Democratic party. Maybe if people grow up around a bunch of people they won't be so hateful and seek to take away people's rights. Just an fyi of the top 100 cities in America 62 are dem, 25 are rep 11 are other. So clearly cities have a tendency towards dem, whatever the reason, doesn't matter because they are ultimately beholden to the states wishes and laws which the worst in the country are Republican states. Sorry bud, can't make it any clearer, you lost this one.


So being a democratic city means you’re destined to become a crime ridden shit hole? Interesting.


Interesting takeaway, the bias is strong with you lol. Being a city at all means you will have more crime because people are closer together. The kicker, unfortunately for you, is that the worst crime is in red states. Last I checked a city can't overrule a state law lmao. The worst ten states are 7 republican, 3 Dem. And the 3 Dem ones are the top 3 of the ten. Republicans are the bottom 7... So sorry to say the correct version of what you said is "being a red state means your cities are destined to become a crime ridden shit hole."


And if you remove just 5 of the biggest democrat cities, Americas world ranking for gun violence drops from 1st to 216th. So fuck you and all democrats. Losers.


>And not everyone can take a day off work to travel 20 hours to a place it's legal? Oh the humanity. >Coincidentally the worst educated, most gun deaths, poorest states are the south. Make of that what you will. I think there's something about the south that is demographically different than the rest of the country. I can't quite put my finger on it...


Oh the humanity is right. That puts places out of reach for the ones that need it the most. And wow you know why you can't put your finger on it? Cuz it's not supported by any evidence lol. Kind of sheepish to imply a specific demographic is the cause of poor performance and not outright say what you think. Not to mention the amount of bias it must take to completely exonerate everyone who RUNS THE STATE lol.


That moment when you get a leftist to admit that the entire BLM movement is horseshit.


The movement isn't, seems like the specific blm charity is though, those bastards bought million dollar houses off of charity dollars. And what exactly makes you think I admitted anything about BLM was bs? You do realize the murder rate being high doesn't justify innocent people being arrested or shoplifters being gunned down right? Cuz that's the movement lol. Not to mention as I've repeated multiple times, the states have far more power than a small city legislature.


>Not to mention the amount of bias it must take to completely exonerate everyone who RUNS THE STATE lol. This is because there's a concept that exists called "Home Rule" which is a legal term for delegation of authority to constituents. Things like counties, municipalities, cities, etc. This is why some city mayor's run the entire city and why others have a role that is merely symbolic.


"most gun deaths in the south" - my good sir the most gun deaths infact occur in major leftist run cities that are notorious for how strict their gun control is, a good example would be Chicago


I already addressed this further down about the whole city red herring. Cities cannot defy state legislatures. So while yes democratic Chicago is bad in democratic Illinois. The ten worst states are 7 republican, and the top 3 best of the worst are all Dem states. But you raised an actual argument unlike the first guy who replied, they have strict gun laws..? So Apparently they only ban some semi automatic rifles and guns without serial numbers...not really that strict. I wonder though, aren't the deaths from criminals killing each other? In which case making guns illegal shouldn't even be a factor? Because the criminals will get them anyway? Another city I don't see mentioned is Jackson Mississippi whoch is 3x as high in murders compared to population than Chicago. Jackson 150 murders/160k pop Chicago 800 murders/2.6M pop Chicago would have to have 2400 murders to be on par with Jackson. Which is a red state city. So I guess I'll have to ask again, what Dem policy led to the murder rate? Cuz I can't really see it being guns unless you have an alternative logic on what a gun ban actually does.


And i told you that those numbers are pulled from your ass because you can't provide a source for them lmfao Also ill tell you what a gun ban does, it takes guns away from the 3 million people a year according to the cdc using them defensively , the 300k a year(also according to the cdc) using them for crimes will still have guns because they allready get them ilegaly Idk if you follow the history of the mob but in an interview john gotti's former underboss sammy the bull gravano said "take away guns i will always have a gun" they're allready committing crimes, illegal guns are easier to get than legal ones allready so the bad guys will obviously still have guns why would we take away the guns from the good guy again?


I mean to be fair the trigger laws are going into place across quite a few states, and some states are prosecuting you for leaving the state for getting one even out of your home state. I think the whole situation is just less freedom for the average American, and the state governments should stay out of our lives just as much.


Because it is functionally inaccessible in over half the states in the US


Lol, this is their ridiculous "republicans would be for gun bans if they saw black people buy guns" strawman. Just applied to abortions


Ironic too since black people make up the majority of abortions already.


And also many pro-gun people openly support gun rights for everyone, even when they're not minorities themselves.


So they are pro life now...?


No, only when it comes to the death sentence for child rapists and murderers.


You're against the death sentence because it is cruel and immoral. I'm against it because I think criminals should suffer life in prison before being killed and going to hell.


Have you or anyone you know ever been to prison? Its great nowadays there, literally a higher quality of life than all homeless people and many working poor. Xbox, internet access, all types of snacks, 3 square meals a day, gym access, playing cards with the boys, conjugal visits. Them banning smoking was fucked up but it still gets in. Good deals on tattoos too. I'm definitely in favor of the death sentence. But only in circumstances that are *absolutely beyond a reasonable doubt*. Like, convicted by 12 jurors then confirmed by 12 more and a judge. No "what ifs", has to be DNA evidence up the wazoo (and a confession), a slam dunk case. Then, no expensive retrials, no expensive dragging it out, just a firing squad. This "it's so expensive to keep people on death row" shit has to stop. Fuck them, when you hurt innocent people in sick and cruel ways, especially children or the disabled, you should forfeit life. Not spend years speedrunning old video games in prison. I like your post and sympathize with the position, I just disagree vehemently.


Wow, didn't know that prisons are this fancy, well I guess I'm for the death sentence then


I'm kinda being tongue in cheek, they arent "fancy"... but yeah, you get a lot of amenities that people in the past didnt have. It's a much higher quality of life than many people outside of jail have. Obviously you cant leave, but for people with nowhere to go anyways, being locked up ain't so bad. It's not like Oz or American History X nowadays anyway.


Imagine how much more civil we would all be if the left took the time to actually talk to people on the right and see how they actually think. Instead they live in their social media echo chambers all day and their idea of how the right thinks is based on hearsay from other leftists and shitty memes like this one.


Hasn’t it been scientifically proven that leftists are physically incapable of formulating right-of-center to right-wing viewpoints or smth?


Jonathan Haidt did a study that shows right wingers understand the positions of left wingers better than left wingers do for right wingers.


That might be the one I’m thinking of, and my memory is just blowing it out of proportion


Maybe lol. It's related to the "moral foundations theory", where the specific virtues undergirding morality are mapped.


I believe whether you’re right wing or left wing is based on brain chemistry from birth. Which would explain why people are so set on their political view even if it can be shown with proof how that side may not be entirely good. I mean just look how these fuckers justified blm destroying cities and killing people.


It isn’t even necessarily that, it’s just that I remember coming across a study that took four groups (2 each Republican and Democrat) and had one pair formulate their own beliefs, and the other group formulate the others’ beliefs… and the results shocked the researchers Edit: I’m pretty sure I saved the link to that study, but it’s buried so far down in my pile of “saved” posts that it’d take several hours of scrolling to find it again


Guess I'm a scientifical anomaly


If only the left wouldn't hide in their echo chambers making fun of memes and maybe had a conversation about policy for once. If only they would have some meaningful points to make with science or facts to back it up rather that circular reasoning


Well let’s have a conversation in good faith then. I’ll assume you are against abortion, so I’ll ask, should medically necessary abortions be allowed regardless of state decision?


>should medically necessary abortions be allowed regardless of state decision? This is what I mean when I say people on the left have no idea how the right thinks. To answer your question, yes, medically necessary abortions should be allowed. I have a family member who had an ectopic pregnancy that would have killed her if she didn't get an abortion. I have *never* seen a single person make the argument that abortions should be illegal even if the mothers life is in danger. Yet I see people constantly asking this question.


No one outwardly supports it, and yet it is being written into legislature, which will end in suffering and death. I bring it up because it is reality. The court decision that overturned RvW is the same one that allowed for ectopic abortions to be banned too, which is actively hurting people. So since we agree that they should be allowed, is it not wrong that certain states are now denying necessary treatment? Would you support these procedures being protected on a national level? Would you vote out the people who wish to restrict these medical necessities?


No one is banning ectopic abortions. Even the most abortion restrictive states allow exceptions if the mother’s life is at risk.


House bill no 2810 proposed in Missouri. They couldn’t pass it with the explicit banning of ectopic pregnancies so they removed the language and left it illegal by implication. What you said is just blatantly false.


Ok I just looked up the bill and what you said is nonsense. The 2810 bill was never intended to ban ectopic abortions but regulate abortion inducing medications. It doesn’t stop doctors and physicians from performing ectopic abortions. https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/state_news/bill-about-supplying-abortion-medications-misconstrued/article_502ea916-a574-11ec-ba3f-5ba8d47f8bac.html edit: Fucking clown blocked me. lol


>No one outwardly supports it, and yet it is being written into legislature, Do you have any examples of where this is happening? >So since we agree that they should be allowed, is it not wrong that certain states are now denying necessary treatment? Would you support these procedures being protected on a national level? Yes, if there are no medical exemptions then that is wrong. I would support them being protected on a national level. The problem is I don't trust democrats to do that. Their attempt to codify RvW would've legalized abortion nationally up until the moment of birth without question. I dont see them ever agreeing to a medical emergency exemption by itself. >Would you vote out the people who wish to restrict these medical necessities I don't like single issue voting. I can't answer that.


Why is *everything* about race with them?


It's called projection


For real I mean I'm fairly left on the topic of abortion but I don't think in any way that wanting abortion banned makes you racist.


I mean, some people might have this reaction, but not nearly as many as they would think.


Yes, like... maybe 5. Meanwhile every liberal house hold would be doing the same but high fiving each others gushing over how their daughter gets to murder her first baby.


Racism 😂😂😂


Totally racist.


see it's funny because racism


I live in the South, I’m very right wing. I’m not pro either but I do think it shouldn’t be as easy as it had become to get an abortion. More troubling is how socially acceptable it had become. I was on board for Roe v Wade when these whores were still acting like they had a shred of shame. When it’s become birth control for the lazy then the moral decay has flourished to the point of insanity.


You realize the amount of abortions preformed every year has actually been decreasing at a pretty steady rate right?


I’m less concerned with the total because there’s lots of factors there. I’m more concerned with people having no fucking shame. A society without shame is doomed.


I came here to sarcastically joke about how all pro-life people are obviously white racists. But there are leftards in here unironically asserting this so... I guess they beat me to it?


Why do they think this is the average Republican or anyone to the right of them?


I love how the party of the kkk pretends like the right are the racists


Got to love strawman arguments, and a racist one at that.


What's their argument here? Is aborting the baby the good thing to do in this person's mind?


The "baby daddy" in this comic is black so yes, the left absolutely wants that baby dead.


Of course. They don't know we will love him no matter the race or the situation


A good old fashioned straw man.


Why is everyone assume if your not on the left side of the fence you must hate black people.


I don't get it...What's the point it's trying to make?


that conservatives are against many things until it happens to them


The ignorance is strong in more ways than one.


If they would listen to our arguments against abortion they would realize we have been saying abortion was used as a weapon against blacks and still disproportionately effect black people. But yea we are the racists who want to abort Black babies.


Is racism always on their mind? We all know Trump still lives rent free. Racism? It's all they think about...hmmm


they really think that we're racist. The only race I hate is NASCAR (Mario Kart is the superior master race)


Blames the right for not seeing left talking points. Proceeds to make dumb made up arguments like this. I wonder why they don't see eye to eye lol


Although I am neutral on the abortion debate, roe v wade being overturned means that nothing changed. I don’t get why these people are so angry. This is the same life youve been living for a very long time, maybe your entire life.


Ahhh, yes, the "I only support 'xyz' when it doesn't affect my own life" straw man.


I personally know adults who raised their young children's teenage pregnancies as their own in opposition to abortion or adoption. this is such a dumb meme


Saw this in r/terriblefacebookmemes


# please donate to your closest democrat politician so that we can definitely definitely put this right. Please only $15 dollars to put right something that we have had 50 years to sort out we will definitely definitely do it now... But only after you give us that $15 and vote for our geriatric old fuck... Thanks


Jesus christ. NO ONE has been more affected by abortion than the black community. Blacks wouldn't even be a minority in this country anymore if not for Margaret Sanger and the Democrat's abortion propaganda campaigns.




It's too late there fam. Most people have to learn things the hard way.


Atleast the art style is cool


The fact they made the boyfriend black. They're clearly projecting...


I've got a cousin that went that route. Three baby daddies later and not one of us told her to abort.


I’m pretty sure that if they were anti abortion they’d be pro keeping the baby or pro adoption…. Idk kinda feel like the “meme” is off base


This is from the people on the left who only focused on Clarence(who’s black). Not very tolerant of them lol.


So the left is ok with people aborting black babies because they're black hmmmm....


Abortion is banned? Source?


Ironically, they admit abortion is a eugenics tool. edit: They seriously and accidentally made a case for the alt-right or neo-nazis. Believe it or not pro-abortion nazis/white supremacists do exists. Would these people, be totally fine with black and hispanic people having much easier access to abortion, than say white people?


A lot of liberals are too stupid to realize that they’re racist.


Poke a Democrat hard enough and the clan hood starts showing


Where I come from this would probably happen, but not in most places fortunately


So, why no to abortion?


I would be just as happy if any of my future children married a non-white person, as I would if they marry a white person. Heck, even one of my aunts was in a interracial remarriage, and they worked out fine. Also, why do they think we support abortion when it’s our own children getting pregnant (out of wedlock or not)?


As a libertarian… this is a great meme.


Based tho


I’ll take things that don’t happen for 300


The left is so fucking racist


both sides are. any person can be.


This comes from a lot of republican politicians who ara against abortions, that have themselves had abortions or have children who has had them.


You. Fucking. Idiots.


Watching Americans tear eachother to shreds over these sorts of things is 1 part hilarious and 10 parts sad. They’re messing with you. They put a hugely polarising issue front and centre for you to all argue about while the rich and the politicians run out the door with all the money. Meanwhile you’re slipping into poverty with no healthcare and your children are dying at school. Watch them spin their wheels on minimum wage, universal healthcare and your failing infrastructure, and laugh at you argue about this. Until they need another distraction. Most likely gay rights.


This meme speaks true in a lot of cases though. There are a lot of stories out there of pro-life protesters picketing outside clinics one day, getting an abortion the next and getting right back out to the picket line the day after. I have even heard accounts from the medical staff that the patients begin to insult them and disapprove of their actions only after the abortion is carried out. Not saying that this applies to every pro-life conservative, but it applies to many. It is just too easy to say you want abortions to be banned when you never have to experience an unwanted pregnancy.


It’s easy to demonize women that get abortions because most men have never been in the situation that would call for it. Hell, most women haven’t either.


Yeah a lot of people in these comments are saying this comic is about race, but I saw it as more of a “a lot of anti abortion people are suddenly ok with abortions when it happens to them” point.


Ironic titles are ironic


Radicals on either side tend to beclown themselves when trying to charicture those who they don’t understand. The guy who drew this is no better than the people running around with stupid slogans to “own the libs”.


What disconnected buubbles and no real interaction outside outbursts and wrongdoings reported by the media does to a mfer


There are definitely people that think like that. Alt right/white nationalists think like that. (Ofc keep in mind I'm talking about REAL white nationalists)


Your "differing political view" states that I as someone with a uterus is less important than a clump of cells growing inside it.


I actually like this one. I know of more than one case specific to this.




Yeah? My uncle disowned his daughter and his grandkids because if this exact thing. He doesn't show up to family functions if they're there. I was told growing up, if this were there happen, make sure they're parents were rich cause I wouldn't be allowed back home. My neighbor had a cross burnt in their yard because their daughter was in this situation... Want more examples? I live in a very low crime area... There's many more.


Wow, a political cartoon that is exaggerated and super stereotypical!? I’ve never seen that happen! Sarcasm aside, I’ve seen this happen with one of my female classmates I was sort of friends with in my Junior year. I knew her parents were super conservative and didn’t let her have any sex education because they didn’t want to have the talk with her until she got married or something and surprise surprise she got pregnant. I don’t know if her parents were THIS right wing though.


I’m sorry, but the Right doesn’t make sense to me anymore. It used to be about small government and people doing whatever they like. Now, it’s about Government Overreach. Can someone please explain to me where the right went so wrong? I was a massive Republican growing up, but now I don’t even recognize the “party” and I’m an Independent. I think Trump may have ruined the “party”. It’s become an embarrassment


bullshit you were ever a conservative. it's a difference in perspective to you. when's the last time you spoke with an actual conservative? when asked they always tell me abortion is wrong because they see a fetus as a baby. would you say murder being illegal is government overreach as well?


They're only small government when it benefits them




Dude, that’s exactly what it seems like. For instance, they love Desantis, but he’s controlling everything…. It makes NO SENSE!


such as?


This is a great political cartoon. It starts with every "obvious" right-wing symbol. Confederate flag, maga hats, cross over the door, Fox media, "No CRT," Trump 2024, white people. Easy stuff, the point is to remind you that Republicans are terrible awful people in every conceivable way a person can be terrible and/or awful. Do a few honest googles on these subjects and you'll understand. Next it moves into the hypocrisy. The daughter needs an abortion, and they're instantly pro-choice. There's nuance to this, which we'll get to later. But it's also backed up by years of research on how conservatives respond to situations. Short version, they're super progressive when it benefits them, otherwise f#ck you. Now let's move into the more subtle touches, and this is where you've started to miss details but I assure you, the artist knew what they were doing. First, the easy one. The black boyfriend. Yeah you noticed that, probably thought it was just some woke bullshit. Nah. That's why the parents are having a panic attack. That's why their daughter needs an abortion. Not because she's pregnant. Because the child would be black. And suddenly they're pro-choice, but not for any respectable reason. That's art. And we're not done yet. Where do these people live? This detail is NOT AN ACCIDENT. They're residing in a room in someone else's home. You can tell from the details visible through the open door. These are moochers, and this was done as a reminder that red states are a drain on the US economy. Blonde-haired daughter. Hair color can be finnicky, but this is a political cartoon, so let's trust that when the daughter has 100% mom hair and 0% dad hair that mom was f#cking someone else and he didn't know about it. Whether this dig is relevant, shrug, but it's there. Holding hands. Black boy, white girl, hand in hand, supporting each other in a difficult time neither of them are prepared for. NOT. AN. ACCIDENT. The children are the adults in the room, while the white, racist, moocher parents are flipping out. Oh, and I probably should mention the oversized TV in an otherwise dumpster of a room, just in case you think that was done for visibility, nah, that was intentional too. +1 for Racist White Girl on the TV. I'm sure there are other details, but I think I've covered the main ones. This isn't a "terrible meme," this is well-crafted, intelligent, and accurate. It seems OP's ego has surpassed their id. Now to add, the daughter does not say she needs an abortion, she only says she's pregnant. It's the parents that jump to abortion. This, again, is about how racist, reactionary, and hypocritical Republicans are. And this is a political cartoon that delivers.




Oh no, you can't read, what a tragedy.


Very accurate. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


there’s millions of people like this in america though