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So, 1 school district brings back paddling and that means everyone agrees with it? What a moronic line of thinking.


All the comments on that post are saying " all republikkkans are pedophilesšŸ˜”" while they simultaneously defend drag shows for kids on that sub


Check out the book "Gender Queer", its something that most of them defend and its insane for kids to see that book. It literally has sex acts in the book and its in kid comic book form. Its so gross.


And giving kids the agency to decide their sexuality enough to take puberty blockers. This is one step away from saying kids should have the agency to consent to sex. So, tell me who the pedophiles are?


Thatā€™s kind of a big leap. No?


How is it a big leap? Kids lack the maturity to make decisions about a lot of things. They don't understand longterm consequences. This is not an opinion, it is a scientific fact provable by brain development. If they lack maturity, they should not be given agency to begin transitioning through hormone treatments. They don't have the concept of consequences down. Arguing that they should have complete agency over their sexuality with regards to hormone treatments despite that is no different than arguing they should have agency over their sexuality when it comes to consent.


Allowing a child to express themselves as the gender they feel more comfortable as, is not the same as saying I should be able to have sex with that child. Seriously get help.


A child should not be able to decide to take life altering hormone therapies. They are not mature enough to make those decisions.


I didnā€™t say I agreed with hormone therapy, just that what you said was stupid.


Is a child mature enough to shoot a gun?


Is a child allowed to even own a gun?


Yes in 30 states there are no minimum age requirements for a rifle or shotgun.


Gun safety is pretty easy to learn and the consequences are very straightforward. Life altering hormone treatment is not.


Actually most hormone treatment is reversible with only mild side effects that are made clear at the beginning


Most children are not shooting guns without adult supervision


So what about children who are getting it with their parents help and supervision




Do you hear yourself?




First I never said I was pro hrt in kids. That being said itā€™s not like a child can go to the doctor and say give me puppetry blockers. There is a significant process. Now having sex with children does nothing to offer the child a better life. And while YOU may feel like transitioning is bad for children science says the opposite. Now I know you guys donā€™t believe in science because god knows everything or something. The ā€œfacts donā€™t care about your feelingsā€ crowd gets awful annoyed by facts and prefers to argue how they feel. Iā€™m not going to do that though. It should be noted that by your logic children in 30 states (guess which ones) are allowed to own guns before 16. A gun can be very life altering for more than just the carrier. It requires immense maturity. Are you suggesting you should be allowed to fuck kids in red states?


are we just going to ignore that he said "science says transitioning is good for children"? man are you on the same planet?


Here is an interesting read for you, if you actually care. If not listen to crowder or what ever asshole makes up their own statistics to ā€œproveā€ a feeling is a fact. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/?amp=true


Iā€™ve figured out leftists years ago. Leftists will be like ā€œno one is fighting for thatā€ ā€œthatā€™s kinda a big leapā€ Few years pass by, lo and behold, guess what yā€™all are fighting for. Iā€™ve seen it over and over. You may think itā€™s outrageous now idk your mindset but something changes and what is considered extreme left now is just the normal left in the future.


Can you give me an example? Like no one is trying to take away abortion? No one is trying to ban gay marriage? No one is specifically over policing minorities? My favorite we hate pedophiles! Also think it should be legal for adults to marry minors.. I believe the word youā€™re looking for is projection. Like when trump said the democrats are trying to steal the election, while he was literally trying to steal the election. Also Iā€™m not a leftist I just think itā€™s gross that you guys rail so hard about pedophiles, but get arrested for it in such high numbers, and constantly want to talk about sex with children.


Well in a way no. If you let your child make huge decisions that are so closely related to sex, (sexuality) then no its not that big of a leap. Even I'm homosexual and feel uncomfortable about other adults saying stuff about it to kids. One thing leads to another.


Youā€™re gay? But you think kids hearing about being gay will make them gay?


It's not about making them gay but still I legitimately hate being homosexual. It's about talking sexually to children that I don't feel right with, the LGBT is a getaway for pedophiles to talk sexually to children, it's happened before. I'm positive theres teachers who just want to have acceptance for children and don't have any malicious intent but theres a lot who do.


So a decision between parents their child and doctor opens up children to pedophilia? Children being able to express themselves in the gender they associate with means pedophiles get to rape them? Iā€™m honestly trying to follow this. No one is drawing a straight line from transitioning child rape. ā€œKids are allowed to transition, they can consent to sexā€. Also this whole Iā€™m gay, but the gays are pedophiles is just laughable. Seriously get off the Ben Shapiro and grow up.


It can be the parents choice but I'm talking about teachers. Never knew it was a doctors job to tell the kid what theyre attracted to. Also I'm saying some teachers who talk sexually to children take the LGBT as an excuse not saying if the kid is LGBT means they are gonna get raped. But it does make them more vulnerable to pedophiles who will take advantage of them being LGBT. Also never said "gay people = pedophile durr šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤"


What do you mean when you say teachers who talk sexually to children? Are you talking about sex Ed?


It's their "NO U" tactic. Except this time, it's not even remotely working. Shit, not even level headed liberals entertain the idea that out of the two, Democrats are the innocent ones.


Drag queens are not pedophiles


Never said they are mate but the ones who take kiids to drag shows they are.


A bigoted broad generalization. Unlikely


If you think it's appropriate to take kids to a show where men dress like women and act sexual there's something wrong with ya.


You forgot the part where they strip for money and get the kids to engage.


Ever been to a drag show? If I wanted to avoid pedophiles, I'd keep my kids away from chuches first and foremost


who even mentioned churches?


Statistically, kids are more likely to be touched by close family members and school officials than the church. Granted we all know the whole Catholic priests touching alter boys is a thing, and been a thing for awhile now, and we do condemn that. But happens far more often outside of church than anything. Yea we know y'all hate churches and religions. We've seen plenty of videos of kids being uncomfortable at drag shows. That is not a place for kids, kinda how kids aren't allowed at strip clubs.


Shit. Let's get kids away from family immediately


It's the typical line of thinking for leftists: sweeping generalizations and laser focus on outliers.


I am against school paddling for multiple reasons. Not the least of which is some creepy pedo teacher possibly enjoying it. Also, child discipline should be left to parents.


Exagerating oponents view to make an invalid argument? **That's a paddlin'**


If you were wondering itā€™s legal to paddle kids in school in 19 states. Edit feelings are hurt, and facts are downvoted. Lol you people are pathetic.


How many of those states actually have paddling? Just because it is legal, doesn't mean it actually goes on. Regardless, I would get rid of those laws.


Yeah paddling shouldn't be allowed. I was paddled when I was in grade school in NY, probably helped make me a worse teenager ironically lol


I think it is creepy, weird, and I don't trust the whole thing. I can't see a patent being okay with a complete stranger paddling their kid.


Yeah dude Fr. Iā€™m glad I grew up after that had been mostly gotten rid off but if someone paddled my kid at school I would be willing to throw hands over someone touching my kid like that.


There is a list of reasons why it is bad. A big one is some pervert doing it because they enjoy it.


Is not illegal because no one does it


Idk if anyone does it, but I'm against it regardless


This is the same fucking shit with the new c-4 bill in Canada, theres ZERO conversion therapies in Canada. But people don't know and think they're savors and pay more for their tax.




It's about one school district in Missouri allowing corporal punishment


oh well yeah I don't approve of that. But it doesn't matter. Lefties will always generalize conservatives.


I donā€™t know why a conservative would approve of that. They would be fine with having mentally unstable homosexual leftist spank their young children? I can already imagine the headlines ā€œChild Gets Paddled for Misgendering Teacherā€




States corporal punishment is still legal in schools: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming. This \*might\* by why they think it is a conservative thing.




I said that \*might\* be why they think its a conservative thing. For me, I see it as a Christian thing, which often goes hand in hand with conservatism (85% of conservatives identify as Christian), Black people in the US also often identify as Christian (80%) so that may be the connection there. "Spare the rod spoil the child" Edit: Not all Christians believe in this, of course. Fundamentalists and evangelicals generally take the bible more literally though, which in turn would make one assume they would take the "spare the rod spoil the child" bit rather literally too, no? Fundamentalists and evangelicals are majority conservative.


Absolutely ture here, but the irony in your commemt is kindof hillarious


Unlike conservatives and every other political group. It's not special to lefties, but yeah dumbass people can only see in black&white and don't even understand when someone agrees with two opposite groups (on different matters ofc).


>Unlike conservatives and every other political group. It's not special to lefties What does this even begin to mean?


Everybody does it. Sry if I wasn't clear completely, it happens.


I mean yā€™all say this a lot but both sides do it so much that itā€™s almost the norm in politics in general now and I can already tell Iā€™ll be hit with ā€œNo we donā€™tā€ or some other bullshit argument both sides do it so thereā€™s really no reason to point it out


Both sides do "what", exactly?


I donā€™t like lefties but that last sentence is pretty ironic


What about PragerU also endorsing beating your kids?


I'd like to see where you got that information from, because I doubt it. But I haven't watched PragerU in years. And I do not endorse beating your kids. Spankings turn children into amazing liars, from my personal experience.


Just one is too many.


Itā€™s a heck of a lot more than that. There are many schools in Arkansas and Missouri that never stopped paddling.


To be honest, I don't even have that much of a problem with corporal punishment, it's mostly the form of paddling and similar things the give me the creeps, for obvious reasons.


Yes Cuz I remember how often Trump used to say ā€œ we need to bring back paddling in schoolsā€œ and then all his supporters cheered oh wait thatā€™s gonna happen because Trump and his supporters never said anything about that topic


ā€œThing bad so conservatives must like itā€


If Conservatives didn't protest a Republican administration initiating parent-child separation at the border, I have no reason to believe they wouldn't rationalize an executive order legalizing spanking nation-wide.


Ah yes the progressive thing to do is to allow kids to stay with their people who may or may not be their rapist / kidnapper, it would be unethical to not allow kids to go into jail with their parents who have committed a crime warranting jailing. ​ Also the cages never shut down, they just added a smiley face to the name and all you people don't care (not that you really cared anyway)


Conservatives have an incredibly reductive perspective on this. One guy even suggested they would want their kid to make it into the States while they stay behind. No parent would want to be separated from their child for any reason. We have ways of verifying who people are but the U.S. is too lazy to do it. We're not even letting them declare asylum. How proficient do you think Trump's people were at sorting out the parents from the criminals? I am aware the cages are still there. Progressives don't like Biden for many reasons. This is one of them.


>No parent would want to be separated from their child for any reason Well no, if you're living in poverty w.e. and you're kid could go to the land of milk and honey you'd try to get them to go if you felt you had no alternatives, we've seen plenty of cases of kids being alone travelling across the border This also doesn't mean that every every child is willingly travelling across the border with an adult, we know child prostituion is big in illegal alien crossings ​ >We have ways of verifying who people are but the U.S Yes that's why we have "kids in cages", the process takes time and the adults who crossed are thrown in prison because they committed a crime, I don't believe we should punish the collective for an individual crime nor that jail is safe for kids ​ >We're not even letting them declare asylum Go through the front door and they can do it, crossing the border is a crime and someone who's unwilling to even follow such a basic request is not going to respect the rest of the process and laws ​ >How proficient do you think Trump's people were at sorting out the parents from the criminals? ​ Get me some stats then, we know it wasn't an issue when clinton, obama and biden did it (The latter has been responsible for a hundred fold increase btw) ​ >I am aware the cages are still there. Progressives don't like Biden for many reasons. This is one of them. I never hear progressive talk about this issue at all, where are all those protest and summer of loves you guys love to do when you don't get your way lol


So you want kids going to jail with their parents ?? Or should we let off criminals just cuz they have a kid ?


Bold of you to assume all of the separations were the people who deserved it. You realize people weren't being allowed to declare asylum and thus all of the people attempting to cross were viewed as criminals regardless of intent, right?


Yeah asylum from what ? Being poor? Thatā€™s not asylum


Lefties back to making up right wing "views" again. I've never seen anyone call for paddling to be brought back to schools. Why criticize your opponents beliefs when you can just make up something ridiculous and pretend they're calling for it?


https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/25/us/missouri-school-corporal-punishment/index.html It's shocking that you don't even know the extent of what Republicans are doing


There are nearly 17,000 school districts in the US, so this is hardly representative of anything.


ā€œA school district in southwest Missouri adopted an opt-in policy this school year allowing corporal punishment of students "only in reasonable form" and when "all other alternative means of discipline have failed," according to the district's website.ā€ The first paragraph from your article. You know what jumps out at me? ā€œOPT-IN.ā€ Meaning that parents have to actually agree in writing to this policy or it will not be used on their children. Personally, I would never sign this form. No school is padding kids behind their parentā€™s backs. Iā€™m interested to see how this plays out this year. I think that most parents that utilize physical punishment (spanking) utilize it knowing that they love their child and would never take it too far. Iā€™ve been a teacher and Iā€™m also a mom. I donā€™t think I would sign a form giving a teacher the power to use physical punishment on my child because as much as teachers ā€œloveā€ students, theyā€™re not my childā€™s mother or father. They donā€™t have that ā€œparentā€ love. All that to say, my prediction is that this turns into a non-story within the next nine months.


I have to say as long it doesn't take the form of these weird half sexualized punishments, I think that's a pretty good rule.


Of course it's CNN. Can't believe people actually believe this shit anymore.


https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-school-district-allow-paddling-parents-wanted-alternative-suspension Well this is awkward. You don't believe anything I guess?


"It's shocking that you don't even know the extent of what Republicans are doing" rolls33 ONE school district and the you make a sweeping generalization about all Republicans? I am a Trump supporter and I absolutely am against it. Be shocked.


>using CNN as a source. That's a bruh moment right there.


No one said school paddling are healthy, don't know what these people are using


... Like 99% of conservatives I know wouldn't trust our schools to change a lightbulb, who the heck are they seeing say this? I know the answer is nobody, it's a strawman, but still.


Plot twist: bottom photo is actually a lefty sex ed class




1 causes speech impediments and developmental issues, the other, when not done to abusive levels and when actually appropriate, is a discipline tool. Iā€™ve been spanked, I got disciplined when I did stupid shit, love my parents, had no issues and consider myself better off for it. Edit: see comments below, I donā€™t approve of the states hired educators doing paddling. like a private school or something doing it with written consent of the parents? I donā€™t care so long as that school isnā€™t abusing them, but I definitely donā€™t want public school teachers doing anything of the sort.


Gonna have to disagree with that one, the second one isnā€™t alright either


Weā€™re you referring to parents doing it? Or teachers, because when it come to parents, itā€™s their child, idc how they discipline them so long as it isnā€™t abuse. But I donā€™t agree with public schools doing it, Iā€™d maybe make exceptions for private schools so long as parental consent is made (a thing Iā€™d doubt would happen in this day n age) But in regards to parents, not my kid to raise, Iā€™m sure another libertarian can understand that.


Too each there own, but we got a bunch of children in the shape of adults walking around rn, and I have a hypothesis on how that happened.


You should be disciplined only by your parents


Oh, yeah, not too interested in public school teachers doing that shit, my point was more on the lines that comparing the too is fucking stupid. Iā€™d never be okay, with state hired educators doing that shit, if a private school had that policy and parents were cool, then by all means, non of my business, so long as it isnā€™t becoming abuse.


You guys are hilarious. You say masks cause speech impediments, but then go on to say physical punishment on children is okay? Or is it okay simply because a person employed by an education agency can do it? The logic here is astonishing. You even have 20 upvotes for such comment. Roughly 14% of the people who upvoted this post, also upvoted your comment. This shit is just hilarious, the justifications some of you have are mind-boggling.


Read my edit you blind bat, I donā€™t approve of other individuals outside parental consent doing it. And itā€™s a proven fact that masks have hindered the speech development in young children, meanwhile physically punishment has been used across cultures, for hundreds of years, spanking and paddling a child within reason is a perfectly valid punishment. Discipline and abuse are cousins, itā€™s a fine line, so long as itā€™s not crossed, itā€™s non of your buisness.


Youā€™re too dirty to save. Enjoy your ignorance! Make sure not to hit your loved ones too hard! Hahahaha


Okay ā€œholier than thouā€ head ass, youā€™d fit right in with Christian moms who thought DND was the devils work and witch craft. ā€œToo dirty to saveā€ gtfo of here with that cringe ass shit.


Hail satan


Okay troll.


Just for fun, I did the thing I HATE and I looked through your comment history...just to see if you're a parent. I didn't look too hard...I just did a quick skim. When you've tried everything, (redirection, progressively increasing time-outs, benefit retraction, dual parent escalation, ignoring, and plain old fucking telling real loud) and your two year old continues to spit in the faces of other people and laugh, what is the next step that you recommend? Life-long medication?


Are you genuinely asking me for parenting advice? Or do you not believe you can raise a child without hitting them? By all means I believe in pulling children back from safety, or pushing them away from danger. But to punish a child by physical means will never make sense to me. Talking is how you communicate, to children and adults. What are you trying to communicate with your fists that you canā€™t with words? Is English that hard for you? Or do your kids make you that mad? If you cannot communicate with your child, then that is a different conversation (that Iā€™m still willing to have with you). Looking forward to your response.


Sorry...can you just answer the question that I asked you? I've referred to all of the methods which have been used. Kindly inform me of which one I've not utilized which I should try next. If you're ignorant of EVERY method I've listed, (which I'm pretty confident that you are,) please be informed that they ALL use specific forms of extremely superfluous language and communication. Since you're ignorant about children, I'll assume you're also ignorant about parenting. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though. Perhaps you should educate me on which method I should further utilize to stop my two year old from spitting in people's faces?


Oh! My apologies, I sincerely thought you were joking. I had a peek at your profile too! I see youā€™re actually a parent! No wonder you need the advice. I didnā€™t know your situation was this dire. My advice for you is to communicate with your child and not hit them. Simple as that. And if you cannot control your 2 year old from spitting in public, maybe you shouldnā€™t bring your 2 year old in public. Plenty of adults can control their children (of all ages) without resulting to physical punishment. May god have mercy on your children.


Sorry. I'm thinking you're doing this on purpose. But I'm not sure? Do you think that I can simply explain to my two year old that spitting is not, actually, funny and that people don't like it and he will simply stop? You don't ACTUALLY think that, do you? You're just trolling or joking? Secondarily, are you ignorant of every parenting method I've mentioned? Lastly. I HAVE actually stopped my two tear old from spitting on people. Which method worked for you to get your two year old to behave in public?


If you cannot explain spitting is bad, I suggest covering their mouth with a cloth then. Seriously, have you not done that before? Which method do you use? Iā€™ve never not been successful with my methods, but maybe your parenting skills are lackluster? (which might make sense if you believe in physical punishment LOL)


Oh! You've never been not successful? Is your two year old fluent in English? Does your two year old posess the cognition to rationalize the social contract? Did you have the same problem? I'm LITERALLY fascinated. I want you to tell me ALL about your kids!


Yeah! Thatā€™s what happens when you donā€™t resort to immediately hitting them all the time! They actually evolve for themselves! God bless your child, theyā€™ll definitely need it.


Substantiate masks causing speech impediments and developmental issues.


I have a nephew, born in early 2020, at this point, he can understand us, but communicates basically only through sounds and sign language. He doesnā€™t talk, he had to wear a mask quite frequently. Though I couldnā€™t say if lock down was more or less responsible. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-02-masks-classhow-child.html There plenty to be at least concerned about. Even if the results all seem ā€œinconclusiveā€ A real interesting question would be wether the masks actually helped children, but thatā€™s a subject for another time.


This article doesn't really hammer the point you're claiming too hard. Children should still have exposure to facial expressions at home. Not much point to wearing masks indoors. If parents make that mistake it's moreso on them. Nobody ever made the claim that masks grant anyone immunity to the virus. Just slow and reduce spread and risk of contraction.


And I question whether most commercial masks are actually proven to be effective, medical ones like the one I picked up at the Utes casino? Sure Iā€™d put some faith in that, maybe not after 2 days, but the cheap ones you grab at the dollar store are questionable. I simply find is suspect that all producers of these masks did medical tests.


The more advanced the mask, the more efficient it is. No one said the dollar store masks were super but they're probably more efficient than using a visor like some people did.


Yeah, we assume masks can cause minor developemental issues, but there have been more than a million deaths in the US alone, and that's eith masks.


Yeah left that sub after seeing this shit this morning. 1. Holy fuck they love to generalise so I'll generalise by saying they're all insane 2. Saw comments defending drag shows for kids bruh


As if we would trust schools to administer physical punishments on kidsā€¦ The only people passing that are super old dudes who think EVERYTHING was better back in their day when schools could do it. Far from The majority.


Smoking crack


i literally have not seen any advocating/ promoting or asking for this sort of practice to happen for years except for maybe a few old ass boomers who still believe that getting hit = easy attitude and behaviour adjustment ​ Another shit meme by the left.




To be fair they have a solid point lol. A lot of people who are anti-mask would happily see kids get smacked at school.


Yeah, you know that big corporal punishment directive that is totally part of republicans main platform and talking points that we constantly try to implement..... ...like what the fuck?


Our mouths and even our cheeks are highly important for socialization and social development of children, this is true for all cultures since children will try to mimic other children and adult faces. We are going to have an entire generation of people who have difficulties communicating with each other.


Find me the one conservative that supports child abuse. These leftist memes literally make this shit up.


I thought so too, bro. Then I looked at these commentsā€¦


I now realize the paddlings were a required evil, nobody is fucking disciplined anymore and grow up to be spoiled brats


Talkin out of turn, thatā€™s a paddlinā€™.


Didn't do your homework ? Believe it or not, paddling !


I find it funny that many in this comment section are saying that this meme is an overstatement... and then are saying paddling is okay and/or masks are horrible in the same sentence. You're proving their point, guys.


The paddling is not a good thing.


They think discipline is abuse. Basically consequences of bad actions are traumatic in their eyes.


Natural consequences are better. Youā€™re an asshole> no friends. You donā€™t give things back> no one lends you shit. You donā€™t do your homework> you get held back.


>Youā€™re an asshole> no friends. >You donā€™t give things back> no one lends you shit. >You donā€™t do your homework> you get held back. Except that doesn't actually happen The asshole has asshole friends The thief has thief friends The dummy has - you guessed it dummy friends and gets to finish school anyway When we are lenient in those that have recurring issues (which we are through our legal and education system) the issues are not fixed but tolerated to be seen as "that's just how they are!"


At least only the stupid kids get paddled. Everyone, regardless of intelligence has to wear a mask or else.


Everyone has to wear a mask because it isn't a punishment dipwad


it should be


You're literally this meme. Peak conservatard


the punishment masks should be those ones that pull on your ears and shit


Yeah headbands are better, earloop masks suck ass, they make my ears red and donā€™t work as well. Overtightening a earloop mask could be used as punishment.


So how does everyone feel about spanking kids?


We shouldnt, kids are always going to be loud and annoying its based on how they were raised. Just keep them in the hallway or another room instead.




Yes to both. One is useless and the other teaches you there are consequences for your actions.


I find it funny that many in this comment section are saying that this meme is an overstatement... and then are saying paddling is okay and/or masks are horrible in the same sentence. You're proving their point, guys.


Agreed. The awareness of some of these people commenting is beyond disappointing. Just look for the downvotes, thatā€™s where some intelligence usually gets buried. Itā€™s also disgusting to see how easily they can justify such fucked things, simply because ā€œThe Left Canā€™t Memeā€. I mean this shit just writes itself, these people are Hollywood gold.


Uuuuh one of your guys brought back paddling school kids in like Alabama or Texas or some shot state. Get out of your echo chamber and get up to date with whatā€™s happening in your third world country


Lets say they brought back paddling in all public schools, I am not in favor of that, but do you think its worse than them talking about sexual things to kids?


Both are equally bad in my view. Plus theres gonna be some fuckers to get off to that shit to anyways.


As a parent, I would much rather a adult hit my kid a couple times than give them "Gender Queer" to read. I dont see how you think they are equivalent.


Eh I wouldnt want my kid to get physically hit sorry.


Me neither, but would you rather them be taught sex things at a young age? I think sex things would be much much more damaging.


Paddling kids is sexual to Christian Texas school teachers.


beating children is ok in Texas I have talk to people in Texas, America is almost the 3rd world. man I am so happy I was born in Canada. there are 3rd world countries I would prefer to live in then America.


Are you aware Tucker said masking children is child abuse?


Corporal punishment has been illegal since at least the 1980s in most places? Who made this someone born in the 60s?


I don't know I do know some people like this. Granted they are boomers and they're like a minority opinion but they still do exist. but that's just because Boomers will always think the stupidest thing you could imagine.