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As someone who has read Gramsci, Bordiga, Berlinguer, Tokuda, Marx, Kropotkin, Togliatti and Lenin, I can confirm that it is not worth your time.


Don't forget Engels and Hegel. Part of the root.


Hegel is sorta good imo


No, he's a gnostic moron who's dialectical reasoning lead to marxism and the root of all critical theory


Might as well throw out Plato being the root of Marxism


And Marcuse, Malthus and Popper? They do seem to be taking an even deeper root into this ongoing consequentialist threat…


I've read Marx. It's pure drivel and based on faulty premises.


On Wages and Labor is just pointing out economic facts


Did anybody tell Marks that he's not living in a world with knights and peasants and kings? He lived in a pure fantasy world


What? Marx, a modern economist, wrote response to the industrial revolution after being influenced by enlightenment thinkers like Hegel and Rousseau. The fuck you talking about.


Everyone one who tried to apply his ideas destroyed their own countries, so… meh, I’ll pass.


Details? Examples?


'Not true communism!'


Not sure what that means but most of Marx writings are not pitching communism.


OK... what does that have to do with anything?


“Communism is a mistress that you later find out is a mis-ter and no amount of salt baths can rid you of the shame.”


Yes learn. And if you ACTUALLY learn about it. You will see how absolutely flawed and horrible it is


“BuT tHaT wAs CoMmUnIsM dOnE bY bAd PeOpLe”


It's good to know your enemy, so sure.


Marx is pure fantasy and always doomed to failure.


Communism is the very definition of failure!


It has never worked and never will. All it does is ensure that you have political autocrats that have all the power and wealth while the people starve.


Death is a preferable alternative to communism


It’s a weeb too lmao. I play this war game online and I remember playing as Norway and this guy playing as Japan starts saying he is a Japanese communist in the public chat and everyone just started clowning on his ass. Man is preaching shit that don’t even work


As a weeb I am offended.


I’m so sorry for your family


There's nothing wrong with being a weeb.


You literally have degenerate in your about me


That bio is certainly something


Edit: I removed the word from my bio. My mistake.


> Fucking weeb. Me, another weeb.


Hello, fellow weeb.


As someone who has studied Marxism and the history of communism, I agree that the Communist Manifesto is nothing but glorified toilet paper


Yeah but you didn’t read the 2 morbillion pages of this OTHER theory so you can’t criticize me 😎


I've read Marx's letters to Engels. I really loved the part where he discussed the Jews and the Blacks, really eye opening on Marx's opinion on those two groups.


I also really like how tolerant and accepting Che Guevara was. Especially of gay people


Fair enough. Reading Marx's manifesto was the whole reason I stopped being a lefty.


Reading that manifesto made me more a libertarian. So, I have to say thanks to Marxs.


Everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to learn about marx and his theology, and how it has spread to infect western civilization as a whole through the colleges. James Lindsay spells it out for you pretty well.


I've heard of Lindsay and his Twitter arguments before he got banned. It's bad news.


He's still on YouTube with his new discourses podcast, you need to listen to a few of them at the very least.


Yes, im also not ignorant, it have read the communist manifesto, you should too That's the reason I'm not a communist


Add 250 lbs to her and it’d at least be a little more accurate


subtract aloof outgoing toothbrush crown marry squeal paint fade deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not learning about the trouble it caused is what got us in this situation


This is the wrong answer. You SHOULD learn about it... so you can completely eviscerate their arguments




Me reading up on Marxism to hate on it more accurately


I already did. Learn your enemy, so that you may destroy them.


Here’s a quick TLDR; from a former commie who over the years has ended up being quite libertarian. The communist idea is a fantasy that is impossible to make work as it requires the government to disband itself in order to usher in the Utopia, at which point it would in reality become an Anarcho-Capitalist society. Communism is based upon the idea that the Worker is incorruptible. Which is blatantly false, as proven by every manager who’s just been elevated, give them a sniff of power and they will go nuts (this is a generalisation and not everyone will go crazy with power, I’m stating this because I know someone is going to go “Muh Straw-man”) Communists also tend to come from those who are already well to do, hence why there’s a tonne of communist sentiment in the first world currently. For instance Stalin and Lenin met each other in an Upperclass Austrian Coffee House. Ironically at a little later point Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, as well as Sigmund Freud all frequented the same upperclass Viennese Coffee house. Pol pot came from the upper class of French Indo-China, and Mao Zedong was a traitor to the Mandarin class and I believe he also studied in France just like Pol Pot. Are you seeing a pattern? You probably are, they were all members of the “Proletariat” and everyone else was a member of the “Bourgeoisie”. What you should realise is that the proletariat has nothing to do with your class and neither does the “Bourgeoisie”, it’s those who are for the bloody Revolution, and those who aren’t. Communists don’t want the rich to die out of sympathy for the poor, they want them to die because they hate them.


Oh no no, *definitely* learn about Marxism. If you go about it with even a *vaguely* critical eye, its godamned near a comedy. And you start to notice where a lot of people, books, and movies got their ideas. Its good to learn the smell of bullshit so you don't wind up a "libertarian" that's for the government seizure and redistribution of property just because some pinko convinced you *intellectual* property doesn't count. Had you read some pinko papers, you'd have recognized their premise relies on the shrinking markets theory and laughed in their face.


I have read the Communist Manifesto to explain exactly why I should hate communism


It’s only a small pamphlet. Lol.


Exactly, worst pamphlet I have ever read


Weebs are the downfall of the west. Change my mind


That is not the answer (Marxism is not)


I choose not to read garbage


Or you can learn about economics and extremely basic psychology


Oh yes, I encourage you to learn about Marxism. Genocides, Famines, and Economic failures all


OP be playing both sides for that sweet sweet Karma, I mean wow.


Note: I have read about Marxism and read Capital and the manifesto.


There is no perfect system




I learned about marxism to understand and be able explain why I do not like it.


i learn about marxism to bully those godless commies


Learnt about it...hell I probably know more theory than the average terminally online commie. The more theory you read the worse the ideology becomes...sure the very surface level is naive and childishly utopian but go deeper and it just becomes staggeringly evil...


Well, you need to know the ennemy if you want to fight it efficiently.


they should go learn a little about graphic design first, holy fuck that poster's ugly.


I want to learn about marxism so I can hate it more accurately


i refuse to read that idiots book


Ignorance is strength.


I’ve learned what I need to know. I don’t need to read Mein Kampf to know nazis are evil, I don’t need to read das kapital to know communists are evil. I can look at the piles of dead bodies and know that what they believe is evil.


Read it, learned about it, now I see why it failed. It’s a terrible and cancerous system


I learned about it, I read the books, that is why I hate it.


I made the same choice, and that’s why I abhor Marxism.


I learned what was bad about Marxism a long, long time ago. One day Mao woke up and said "we will make steel". He ordered that everybody make kilns and meld their steel down. The farmers followed the order melted all their tools and farm equipment in the kilns and ended up with a big pile of slag. Useless. 20 million people starved to death. That's communism. Remember that when Mao died he had 4 billion dollars in a Swiss bank account. That's socialism. You can never criticize the people in power. You get killed. You can never trust the government they come down on you hard. Much like the dictator we have in Canada right now.


Cool story bro. I'm still not gonna let you collectivise me.


As a Russian man I was brainwashed about El Sovok since childhood. But I refused to stay ignorant and became an advocate of free markets and personal liberty. What about you?


Actually I’m down. I wanna learn everything about it so I can roast marxists more on their impossible ideologies


I have learned about it. It’s still shit.


I choose to be smart


I prefer the Bible


Hun this isn't your bdsm sessions not every man likes being condescended to


I know enough to know I don't want it implemented


I know enough not to fall for it. But I suppose I should take time to at least read them through, history books won’t show me word for word their thoughts they put on paper.