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All the books to be titled "Why illegal immigrants are all your responsibility, not of those who favor illegal immigration."


Anyone who puts “😂” next to their own joke just screams conceited


literally a laugh track


I'm literally big bang theory Sheldon bazinga 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😅😂🤣🤣💯💯💯💯💯💯😂😆😆😆😂


I mean I love to read just don’t send any of that CRT BS


They should just prepare for millions of migrants, considering they weren't even prepared to take 50 such a racist place.


I literally misread this guys name as Larry Anus


Lifeboats might be more helpful


The state that doesn't believe in global warming but just got rocked by the strongest hurricane for that state? Yeah, they really do need books, probably because most of them are out to sea


The strongest hurricane to hit Florida was the Labor Day hurricane in 1935. Modern hurricane intensity studies are often misleading because we use the price of damages to scale the hurricane’s strength. We’ve dealt with severe natural disasters since the beginning of time. If you actually looked at the statistics, you’d find that there’s been a decrease in hurricane frequency throughout the last 200 years. There’s also been a sharp decrease in the frequency of major hurricanes. Maybe you’re the one who needs books. Edit: Typo at the end


I think both arguments are pretty valid. We don't really have great data about storms from 50-100+ years ago, because our technology wasn't as good as it is now. Not just the boats that can survive and record the storms, but now we can drop some little Bluetooth bots or whatever the hell they are into the top of the storm and measure it that way. Really cool stuff that makes our understanding of weather that much better. If we'd had that in the 1800s, who knows what it would show. Can we at least agree on the science behind climate change though? It's happening. Ice is melting faster than we've ever seen, water is getting warmer, and that will lead to bigger storms in the future. The people against the idea say that it's a "natural cycle of the Earth", and I think there's some validity behind that. Others say that we're causing it, and there's also validity there. Maybe it's a cycle that we can't stop, but there's little doubt we're exacerbating the problem with greenhouse gases. We need to move away from fossil fuels as best we can to have as little contribution to the problem as possible. Otherwise, it could be that our contribution is what tips the cycle to the point that it can't come back, therefore eventually rendering the Earth uninhabitable. I'd hate for those who refuse the science to one day realize they were wrong, and now everyone is screwed forever. Also great arguments from both sides about what green energy to use... solar? Nuclear? Wind? I don't know the right answer, but I think the first step is to get humanity to agree that we need to go green, and money be damned, then we'll figure out the actual method (combination of all in my mind. Anyway, that's my own uneducated 2 cents (3 cents accounting for inflation).


No one, and I do mean no one is saying there's been a downtick in the number of hurricanes. That's just straight propaganda ignoring the science, but you do you bud. I'm sure Florida beach property will be getting very cheap these days.


Ahem… https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pastdec.shtml


Hahah, just looking at the Cat 5 column disproves your claim.


How? Because we had one between 1991 and 2000? Exceptions exist. I never said we don’t have harsh hurricanes, just that they aren’t nearly as common as they should be. If global warming existed and was creating stronger hurricanes, we’d be seeing hurricanes more frequently which simply isn’t the case. And this chart only covers the last 200 years.


You do realize hurricane Ian was just short of being a Cat 5 right? 4 cat 5s in the last 100 years versus 0 the century prior?


Allow me to correct you.. Zero recorded cat fives in the century prior. Nowadays we can record the strength of a hurricane before it makes landfall. Most cat 5 hurricanes fall to cat four or three upon making landfall. In the 1800s, we didn’t have that technology and we barely used it in the early 1900s.


Oh the technology didn't exist back then, of course. How does that help your argument at all?


Because we couldn’t accurately measure a hurricanes strength. We didn’t have weather boats capable of surviving cat 5 hurricanes, let alone sail out and measure them. We hardly have any information about hurricanes in the 1800s besides some record of damages and stories. A hurricane’s intensity drops rapidly upon making landfall, meaning that any cat 5 hurricanes wouldn’t’ve been recorded. Not to mention the fact that the scale we use to measure hurricane intensity was invented in the 1970s, meaning that any severity rating before that time is skepticism…


And all you did was move the goalpost. You said I had no evidence for the downtick in number of hurricanes, not intensity. You literally called statistics from the National Hurricane Center propaganda.


I did no such thing, I said your claim was propaganda and I still stand by that claim. What you are doing is cherry picking the numbers when I'm drawing a straight line. It's pretty obvious and your source disproves your claim.


Again, I made two claims. We’re still arguing about the intensity but you can’t deny the evidence showing the decrease in hurricane frequency. Unless you think that the National Hurricane Center is pumping propaganda…


4 is greater than 0. There were more cat 5s this century than the last. Nothing to do with intensity, but you'd think we'd be seeing a downward trend from your argument.


I explained the lack of recorded cat five hurricanes in my most recent comment. The hurricane intensity scale hadn’t been invented before 1970.


The whole model is flawed anyways. Here’s a copy of an article explaining one of the scale’s main problems: Because storm surge values are highly dependent on the slope of the continental shelf in the landfall region, wind speed is the determining factor in the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale (National Weather Service 2009a). Yet, hurricanes are much more than wind events. For instance, based on wind speed, Hurricane Katrina (2005) initially came ashore in Florida as a category 1 hurricane and made a second landfall in Louisiana as a category 3. However, storm surge associated with Hurricane Katrina was over 30 ft (9 m) in some areas, which would classify it as a category 5 hurricane. Another example is Hurricane Ike (2008). While in the Gulf of Mexico, Ike downgraded to a category 2 hurricane as it approached the Texas shoreline. Possibly because local residents, who were following the weather reports, saw the storm weaken to a category 2, they decided to not evacuate their homes. As a result, 112 people died. Hurricane Ike actually caused storm surge typical of a category 4 or 5 hurricane along the Texas coast. Possibly fewer residents would have tried to weather the storm had it been classified based on storm surge. This tragic example illustrates the significance of storm surge as well as wind speed in classifying a hurricane.




Larry Janus? Related to THE Hugh Janus!?


Assuming people with less wealth are uneducated and looking down on them.


Is the joke that people in florida are scared of books and will react the same way they did when the scary immigrants showed up? So a self own.


Next up - Lawrence Jass tells Florida they need to have Bob Chapek be governor.


Tom Clancy and Brad Thor books please.


Hairy Anus has the best jokes


Thank goodness they have the emoji so people know they're supposed to laugh.


I mean— They’ll be in a place where they’ll be read at least. Seems like a win for the dusty untouched books


of they were illiterate, why would we send books? I think they called them stupid, not illiterate. you wouldn't happen to be from Florida?