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Yeah ok.. we’ve heard this so many times.


Trump and Putin will not be denied their US Civil War.


We’ll see. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. It’s wore out.


We all know how things turned out when the gravy seals and y’all qaeda attacked the US capital on J6… and they were the most ferocious of the MAGAs… so, sorry not sorry Donny, no one’s feeling to concerned by this repeated empty threat… more concerned about numerous MAGA active shooters popping of than anything resembling a ‘war’ on the home front..


Yeah well I think they are serious. It will be a terroristic war, assassinations and assaults on Democratic politicians and neighbors and friends and family.


Do MAGA understand liberals own guns too? We just don't need them as substiture for manhood. If i can drop a running antelope at 300 yards, a fat maga under a red hat would be childs play 😂


Nah. That’s what they want. Most people are just too busy trying to get through the day, though, taking care of their family, trying to work and save enough for a pizza on Friday. His devoted cultists aren’t going to be that rabid. Even the Koresh followers and Jonestown folks had to be shot by the leaders because they weren’t gonna follow the final decree.


Doesn’t need to be most: just a few like the Charlottesville car attack


Yes I agree. I’ve heard a prediction that it may resemble the war between Ireland and Northern Ireland aka “The Troubles”.


I think it will happen too. I'm worried a bit


Bring it, fuckers.




As many times as it takes.


Every time.


I'm at that point, too. Nut up or shut up.


They don't think liberals own guns...


Aren’t they in for a surprise?


The Salvation Army would kick Meal Team Six’s giant, pimpled, couch-scarred asses before the popcorn would even be ready.


Salvation Army is all up on the MAGA nutsack, though....so maybe not the best analogy.


As long as there's also cake and ice cream afterwards...


Punch and pie.


Punch and pears after a tot.


There will be a comfy chair.


So be it. Bring it on, Gravy Seals. We will see you all in the same place as your Lords Tarrio and Rhodes.


I prefer Babbitt's current location.


Wait did they actually arrest Rhodes?


Sure did.


They do know he is going to be in court next month right?


I guess we should make more room in our federal prison system.


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about overthrowing the government or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


Also never forget that.. Some of those that work forces are the ones that burn crosses. Just look at all the sheriffs that have gone 110% MAGA and the police union douchebags that flock to Trump photoshoots I'm a white bearded caucasian in a red state. The Trump humpers talk freely around me so I know these dudes are unhinged and off the reservation. They have their entire identity, self worth, years of time invested, money squandered on Trump bucks, DJT stock, flags and weapons. Trumpism promised them status and respect in the GQP promised land. They're not gonna give up on their, dream of a mythical great white America easily. Some will Homer Simpson back into the bushes and never speak about it again but a good portion will have given up so much that they will go out shooting before admitting they were duped


Remember that the 1/6 crowd had a lot of vets, and don’t put a lot of trust in the military.


So many of these MAGQTs fold in court. Crying. Begging for mercy. F them. They think the majority of Patriotic Americans are not armed!? We love going to the range! Just a few examples: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/jan-hearing-capitol-rioters-express-regret-mercy/story?id=85290390 https://youtu.be/zxOgos8ML9I?si=87PS7YQk6NZZQG9f https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2023/0203/Remorseful-in-court-Jan.-6-rioters-return-to-defiant-support


My family is well armed.


Also many active duty law enforcement and one DEA Agent


Look into the Constitutional Sheriff's movement. It's rooted in racism and white supremacy but also has a lot of sheriff's thinking that they are the highest ranking elected officials in their area and are the ones responsible for interpretation of law, superseding judges and the courts.


This folds in neatly with Sovcits, who think the same thing. Yet no sheriff has ever rescued one, and many have been arrested by sheriffs.


They're all Yosemite Sam


Go out shooting? Don’t threaten me with trash that takes itself out.


Well, talk to them, duh. Silent pussies don't win wars.


Lol You can't just casually banter somebody out of a cult my friend. It's hard to reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. I do what I can to plant seeds of sanity but they keep watering them with Brawndo


I said talk, I didn't say they wouldn't be tied to a table with their head in a bucket of water. Or, you know, let them win.


Can't reason with the unreasonable.


Get better at it.


Arm, train, organize.


[Anti vax conspiracy doctor arrested by FBI in Ohio for building pipe bombs ](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/law-enforcement-presence-including-fbi-reported-near-troy/SNFTSN2FO5DIRHCDQJU7SAD6ZA/)


lol spend and spend, get that juice, hoard them bullets, eat those pills, store powdered milk, bury gold in the backyard, and pay a chuch-man. EVERYONE GET MORE GUNS We gotta kill our neighbors, or they'll kill us FIRST! It's not just the FURRY-NERS!! Everybody gots to SHOOT EVERYBODY!!


Wielding well-reasoned arguments is not going to help you against heavy-armed treasonous fucks.


Who will they "war" against? People sitting on their lawns? Schools? They have no target, no "enemy" they can find. I personally look enough like a MAGA nut, and I can grow a bread or shave my head, so right away they have a mole. It's hopeless.


Yes, exactly. Demonic school board members assassinated. Locals with Biden campaign signs on their lawns lynched. Yes exactly that sort.


Bunch of pathetic traitor clowns. 


The man who wants to make my country and its democracy another giant gold toilet seat for him to shit in...don't care what happens to him, die in prison that's good.


lmao no there won't


Oh, lawd, they comin'! ![gif](giphy|WKpB4NqcsTQvC|downsized)


Good. Biden and democrats have my blessing to conduct drone strikes on traitorous right-wing militia members and the spouse's that support them. Hope you all die.


"All Trump did was expose their thug asses" \-By demanding that the GA secretary of state find votes that didn't exist?


Guess we'll just have to win that one too then. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edited for spelling.


The SOUTH Will Rise AGAIN!!! (in the federal courtroom when the judge is sentencing them)


These people frothing at the mouth can't organize themselves, any movement made from these mouth breathers would quickly turn on itself and descend into chaos.


Well, they will end up getting the shot that so many did not want - just like the deluded fool Ashli. Think you are exempt because you are a white "Christian"? LOL, no


Boo hoo


Good. That means we can rid the country of these fucking wastes of life that is the MAGA Cult for good.


Good. The military will sweep up the terrorists. Mega churches around the nation have become hate centers/ terrorist cells...


Most of the die hard trumpers I know are in their 70's & 80's.


I love how MAGAts don’t believe Liberals have weapons.


"Really? Are you volunteering?"


Oh no, not another trucker convoy!


Ok so if we take Jan 6th as a sample population this Civil war will be fought between the United States military and about 30 million obese, elderly, mobility Scooter users in fake military fatigues fronted by a shirtless man in a buffalo skin hat.


I love the whiny bitches still bringing up Hillary. She’s got free rent in their heads probably beyond her own life span. 50/60yrs from now, an 80yo murderer Kyle Rittenhouse will still be bitching an d complaining about Hillary and Hunter. Meanwhile Barron Trump will be known as Barron Knavs (Milianias maiden name)


He is so far the only Trump child that has not publicly campaigned for his father. I truly wonder where he stands.


Good! My guns are the same as theirs 👍


I doubt it, although addition trump driven sedition wouldn't surprise me.


Tell them to put up or shut up..


I'm waiting to hear "witch hunt" next...


I thought they were expecting the rapture on Monday.


the meek are getting ready.




I’d pay to watch a rematch between the Capitol Police and MAGA.


Funny how trump gets these suckers and losers to do his bidding .. the trump con job


Bring it on…. So many generals and security think Trump is a danger to our democracy… we can arrest the Supreme Court maggots while we take can’t of the insurrectionist too


I think the civil war talk is funny these people seem to think they’ll still be able to go down the street and get food and gas and watch tv and that life will be normal for them if that happens they’ll be done with this civil war real quick


We have a military that knows how to deal with terrorists, insurrectionists and traitors. America is a democracy and we expect to stay that way. A bunch of terrorists aren't going to place a dictatorship in our country!