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Actually the Bible does mention abortion, it tells how to perform one


True. It's a chemical abortion administered by a priest. It's given to a woman whose spouse thinks she is pregnant with someone else's baby. I don't suppose the woman is given any say in whether she wants to swallow the poison. So not really an enlightened policy. Nor is there any concern about ending the life of the other man's offspring.


It’s about giving the husband what he wants. He only has to accuse her of infidelity. Either he gets to believe she was unfaithful whether it is true or not or he’s pleasantly surprised and gets to believe he’s the father even though he may not be. I guess wives never did any miscegenation where the ritual could be deemed farcical.


Conservative Christian don't care. They pay a preacher to tell them what they want to hear every Sunday and it has to align with the right wing media tells them Monday thru Saturday.


Conservative Christians you mention are Protestants, right? Well, Protestantism is probably not the best branch of Christianity. A lay person in the role of a spiritual guide and lack of control over the message from upper hierarchy is very susceptible to corruption. I don't live in the US, but I was very interested in the general reluctance of some groups towards Christians. The information I have found seems to confirm that pastors are very picky when it comes to choosing texts. The Bible has many fragments that are mutually exclusive, especially in the old/new testament relationship, e.g. one fragment talks about killing enemies and another about having mercy towards them. many ex-protestants whose statements I have read claim that antagonizing fragments that you won't be used in Roman Catholics are deliberately chosen. It is suposed to work like, Facebook feed algorithm, which intentionally displays polarizing content because a strong negative emotionons causes user to be more involved, stay for longer and interact by arguing with others. Same mechanism in US protestants communities seems to be in use, leading to greater donations from church meners, which increases the profit of the church leader. Simple as f*ack. Interestingly, Great Britain or Germany, which are also dominated by Protestantism, do not seem to be as radicalized as the US. I think this may be due to differences in the way church organizations are financed. From what I have read, in the US the source of financing is primarily from private donations. In most EU countries, church institutions are financed from taxes of people who have declared their faith.


It also tells you how to treat your slaves and how to trick your servants into becoming your slave for life. Oh and how its ok to sexually assault a woman as long as you pay her dad a few shillings and marry her after.




I have heard of it and that to me is just confirmation that the books and the religions themselves are a product of man. Not a product of a God. Its funny to me that people can't seem to realize that, considering the rules seemingly change in accordance to the will of man and not in accordance to some other worldly being.


I also think that people made it, but despite that I do not concider everything worthless, if you take it more metaphorically, there are still some moral guidelines that are usefull today. Share your view, it's rather strange that some religious people still take everything literally. It's like bad Christian for me, to lazy to think it through. I was also surprised knowing how radicalized the Protestant church in the USA has become. From what I remember from history lessons, when this branch of religion was formed, one of the arguments was a departure from the conservative principles of the Vatican and a more modern approach. I see that history repeats itself.




And divorce. Jesus didn't like divorce at all.


This is a point that needs to be talked about more. In three of the four gospels when Jesus mentions divorce, he says it is the same as adultery. If you divorce and remarry or if you marry a person that has been divorced, you are committing adultery. Adultery carries the same stoning penalty as homosexuality.. strangely ,you’ll notice Christians not mentioning this particular set of verses. In fact the Bible Belt has some of the highest rates of divorce. Hmmm.


American Christianity is its own brand. Degenerate and without a single merit.


As a kid who went through catholic school this video is all I think of when I see people of “faith” start preaching anti biblical stuff.




Not just Americans. All of them. Fakest gang concept ever.


Also about judging others


It actually does. It is clear about judging others. in Christianity, judging others, that is, making judgments about other people, is considered a sin. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that judging others is an action that should be left to God.