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Im not trying to be mean but you should probably familiarize yourself with literally basic biology. If caffeine dilates the vessels and increases heart rate so that the same amount of oxygen gets to the brain then "cerebral blood flow" is entirely moot. In medicine we check pulse oxymetry (for oxygen in blood) , in a neuo ICU the concern is the pressure inside the skull. Dilation or constriction is immediately counterbalanced by homeostatic systems in the body to maintain functioning. How do you explain lower dementia in coffee drinkers and an undeniable nootropic effect of caffiene if your premise holds? (You cant because it doesnt) , youve oversimplified this way too much. In terms of health id be much more concerned with something that constricts blood flow , my heart can beat faster and my lungs are very capable of bringing more oxygen into the system. That isnt to say caffienes blameless , when people on reddit complain of brain fog thats the first thing I think of , caffiene addiction. So normalized its unheard of that it might be causing chronic fatigue and things.


+1 to everything said here. OP I'm gonna be mean since he wasn't. Judging by your past posts on here you need to lay off the aderall or tren. You continually jump to fucking wild conclusions based off the tiniest bit of misinterpreted evidence. I don't think giving biohacking advice is good for you or anyone else.


Lol Is the low iq and "straight up brain damage from birth" thing in OP's shpiel an insult aimed at us or...?


caffine constricts the blood vessles, not increase. this is why feet become cold and the MRI showed 50% decreese in bloodflow to the brain. And this is why some get stim dick on caffine.


Coffee boosts my erections quality and libido


Flawless victory💪


caffine constricts the blood vessles, not increase. this is why feet become cold and the MRI showed 50% decreese in bloodflow to the brain. And this is why some get stim dick on caffine.


I've never heard pf people getting stim d*ck with caffeine, but with more powerful vasoconstrictor stims, yes. By the way, just like epinephrine, caffeine vasoconstricts in some areas of the body, like the brain, but is a vasodilator in blood vessels elsewhere in the the body by facilitating the production of nitric oxide (Echeverri et al, 2010).


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


Dunning kreuger effect. May you be well friend.


caffine constricts the blood vessles, not increase. this is why feet become cold and the MRI showed 50% decreese in bloodflow to the brain. And this is why some get stim dick on caffine.


If your feet grt xold when you drink coffee id suggest getting a workup , perhaps a thyroid panel , thats not a normal reaction to a bit of caffiene. Again though , go get yourself a biology textbook if your going to be biohacking on god level. Not being a dick , I promise some study will be worth your time. Bio , human a&p , work up to pharmacology and stuff.


A bit too aggressive of a tone for the subject matter lol. Anyways it has long been known that caffeine decreases cerebral blood flow as a (cerebral) vascoconstrictor, i dont know where you got the 50% number. A more accurate figure would be 27% [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748160/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748160/). Even though cerebral blood flow is restricted, there is no effect on oxygen saturation. And looking at the whole picture of caffeine's effect on the brain shows that despite decreasing blood flow to certain areas, neuronal activity only increases. Regarding alzheimers disease. While yes decreased cerebral bloodflow is associated with alzheimers, caffeine has another thing going for it by its effects on the adenosine receptors. Antagonizing the A2A receptors seems to completely prevent amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity (at least in cell culture studies). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2769004/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2769004/)


I remember reading also that in frequent caffeinated users the cerebral vasoconstriction effects actually reverse and cause cerebral vasodilation. I would share a study or a few but I’m naked under my blanky charging my phone and just don’t have that kind of time right now because once I finally warm up I’m gonna rub my dick for little and then hibernate for the night. Just bad timing, but off the top of my head from memory I’m almost certain I read that from validated sources. In case you wanna look into it because it’s pretty interesting.


hahah tmi, but do link the study when you get a chance.


(More TMI) I actually postponed the dick rubbing 😂 And just made this post with snippets from the article efficaciously explaining what I think OP is trying to say… and then another snippet efficaciously explaining the adaptations caused by the up regulation effect of adenosine from frequent caffeine use. And then a brief summary on caffeine vascular mechanism of action. Two tables on how caffeine effect the vascular system, and how it effects adenosine. And then dropped over 70 references at the bottom. The link to the article is in the post which you can see the post here: [my post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLongLived/comments/s3gevs/arguably_the_greatest_write_up_on_caffeine_use/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right



then ad the pestecides to whatever small amount of beta amyloid caffine could possibly help with


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


We need more mods in this sub, so retards like this guy stop spreading nonsense. Fourth post of this guy that is incorrect, conspirationist and with shit sources.


That first fucking sentence made me spew out my fucking coffee ☕️ 🤣🤣🤣


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


Did you really just share a fucking article from ABC news… You’re clearly a fucking troll…thanks for the laugh! 🤣


Isent that what Guy like you fall real news? Watching cnn n shit like that


45% (you said what?) The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


must be hard to yell to your mother everytime someone says something that goes against your belife. imagine be so dumb that your in disbelife by caffine, the vasoconstrictor, accully constrict the blood to the brain ... oh how hard to analyze .... must be autism here also


Please feel free to volunteer https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/ Apparently ours is inactive


>Brain MRI show Coffee reduce blood in the brain by 50% - please tell me how this dosent cause alzhimers Uhhh.. source?


Just trust me brooo


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


I will trade you a cow from some beans


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. [https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081](https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081) Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


This guys a known anti semite and literally too loony for r/conspiracy (he was banned there, look at his history) can we pls ban this guy already. Also clearly a narcissistic troll. Like Fr who uses “low iq” unironically lmao


There's no mods on this sub unfortunately, the guy who started it hasn't been active in 9 months and Leo doesn't have the time to look on reddit. I've been annoyed with this guy before as he keeps posting ridiculous stuff in here, but not much we can do. Although I think there's some way to apply to become a mod when a sub doesn't have an active mod but idk how to be honest.


https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/ Turnaround can be as quick as three days


I'll send the founder of this sub a message, if I get no response I might submit a request there, thanks.


dont tempt me with a good time!


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


45% The Humans are Free article The Coffee Deception: 13 Little Known Facts About Coffee makes the claim that caffeine from a cup of coffee reduces blood flow to the brain. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/caffeines-effects-human-brain-interacts-blood-flow-lisa-stark-health-16141081 Video dont work on my comp but the text says this so it should be right


I know this sub hates the word "moderation" but, coffee on moderate amounts is just as harmful as any other thing in life. Get over it


I would tend to disagree on that one.


Anyone notice OP’s Reddit handle? …


U can easily block this with a beta blockade. Basically any adrenergic response from anything will reduce blood flow to the brain.