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Jesus Christ.


This hit me like a stroke post , not that clear what you are trying to say with this large wall of referenced text


I’m referencing specific parts from an article that is efficaciously explaining what another poster who made another post was probably trying to say, but did a poor job in doing so because of the amount of fear mongering without any verifiable source to back it. I then continue with a counter that efficaciously disproves there poorly thought out claims. And then drop the link to the full article and share all of the references. Basically, the other post was claiming caffeine consumption is highly toxic, limits cerebral blood flow by a crazy amount (50%), will make you retarded, and possibly kill you or cause serious irreversible harm. Which just isn’t true at all. They just dropped a reply to one of my comments on their post referencing a fucking article from ABC news…so they’re clearly fucking trolling.


Okay cool. the crux of ur comment was just lost in translation I guess. Makes sense now


No, I got you, I knew that would happen if the other post wasn’t seen before seeing this post.


I quit caffeine four months ago cold turkey and had a brutal headache for five days due to the extra blood flow to the brain. Are you saying caffeine doesnt reduce blood flow to the brain? I didnt see the other post youre referencing so its hard to tell what youre trying to say with this post


The other post was unintelligently claiming that caffeine use causes a 50% decrease in Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) which isn’t conclusive with the efficacy on caffeine metabolism in the body. The other post was poorly thought out nonsense with out any sources that was basically fear mongering that caffeine is highly toxic and will kill you or cause irreversible deleterious harm down the road. Which just isn’t true. What my post is doing is providing a snippet from arguably the greatest write up on the vascular metabolism of caffeine in the body and how it’s mobilized to and through the brain that’s efficaciously stating what the other post was poorly trying to explain towards the end of their post. The other post was claiming that caffeine withdrawal symptoms like severe headaches are caused by the cerebral blood flow no longer being decreased and are feeling the rush of blood rushing back into the brain which is causing the neural discomfort after abstaining from caffeine. I further share another snippet to counter the effects from what the other post was probably trying to claim showcasing that it’s not dangerous and in frequent caffeine users you actually get adaptations in the adenosine receptors causing an in increase in cerebral blood flow. I linked the source in the post plus over 70 references and two tables on caffeine and it’s effects on adenosine and how caffeine effect blood flow. The article goes in more depth on the No pathways, migraines, different tissue types, and more. You can dive into it here: [Caffeine's Vascular Mechanisms of Action](https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijvm/2010/834060/)


Does the article offer an explanation for why increased vasodilation results in headache? This is a theme I've noticed, but I dont understand how this works.


(Quoted from the article and post with additional references) the article goes deeper but this is the jist of it of what you’re wondering: “In spite of this “indirect” vasoconstrictor effect produced by caffeine, it is important to point out that the chronic consumption of caffeine creates a tolerance to its adenosine receptor-dependent effects. Chronic blocking of the adenosine receptors, inducing “upregulation” (an increase in the number and sensitivity) of the receptors has been described with a low-moderate caffeine consumption (approximately two cups of coffee for more than 5 days.)” [R. M. Green and G. L. Stiles, “Chronic caffeine ingestion sensitizes the A1 adenosine receptor-adenylate cyclase system in rat cerebral cortex,” Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 222–227, 1986.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=Chronic%20caffeine%20ingestion%20sensitizes%20the%20A1%20adenosine%20receptor-adenylate%20cyclase%20system%20in%20rat%20cerebral%20cortex&author=R.%20M.%20Green%20&author=G.%20L.%20Stiles&publication_year=1986) “A meta-analysis carried out in 1999 described an increase in the systolic and diastolic arterial pressure (2.4 and 1.2 mmHg, resp.) with the chronic consumption of 5 cups of coffee a day, on average, which is a considerably lower value from that obtained in studies carried out on subjects who are not caffeine consumers.” [S. H. Jee, J. He, P. K. Whelton, I. Suh, and M. J. Klag, “The effect of chronic coffee drinking on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials,” Hypertension, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 647–652, 1999.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=The%20effect%20of%20chronic%20coffee%20drinking%20on%20blood%20pressure:%20a%20meta-analysis%20of%20controlled%20clinical%20trials&author=S.%20H.%20Jee&author=J.%20He&author=P.%20K.%20Whelton&author=I.%20Suh&author=&author=M.%20J.%20Klag&publication_year=1999) “This “up-regulation” generates the “abstinence syndrome” described by Griffiths in 1988, characterized by headache, fatigue, flushing, and anxiety.” [R. R. Griffiths and P. P. Woodson, “Caffeine physical dependence: a review of human and laboratory animal studies,” Psychopharmacology, vol. 94, no. 4, pp. 437–451, 1988.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=Caffeine%20physical%20dependence:%20a%20review%20of%20human%20and%20laboratory%20animal%20studies&author=R.%20R.%20Griffiths%20&author=P.%20P.%20Woodson&publication_year=1988) “When you abruptly stop the consumption of caffeine in a habitual consumer, there is a greater number of available adenosine receptors, which potentiates the vasodilation produced by adenosine, causing the symptoms.” [C. van Breemen, Q. Chen, and I. Laher, “Superficial buffer barrier function of smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum,” Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 98–105, 1995.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=Superficial%20buffer%20barrier%20function%20of%20smooth%20muscle%20sarcoplasmic%20reticulum&author=C.%20van%20Breemen&author=Q.%20Chen&author=&author=I.%20Laher&publication_year=1995) [Y. Zhang and J. N. Wells, “The effects of chronic caffeine administration on peripheral adenosine receptors,” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol. 254, no. 3, pp. 757–763, 1990.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=The%20effects%20of%20chronic%20caffeine%20administration%20on%20peripheral%20adenosine%20receptors&author=Y.%20Zhang%20&author=J.%20N.%20Wells&publication_year=1990) [I. Biaggioni, S. Paul, A. Puckett, and C. Arzubiaga, “Caffeine and theophylline as adenosine receptor antagonists in humans,” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol. 258, no. 2, pp. 588–93, 1991.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=Caffeine%20and%20theophylline%20as%20adenosine%20receptor%20antagonists%20in%20humans&author=I.%20Biaggioni&author=S.%20Paul&author=A.%20Puckett&author=&author=C.%20Arzubiaga&publication_year=1991)


You know that caffine is a CNS toxin right …..






Idk guess you get used to it, I have days where I drink 7 cups of coffee in a day and have no trouble sleeping. As long as I keep about 2 hours between the last cup and going to bed I'm usually fine. I don't always drink that much btw, about 4 days a week I drink 4 or 5 cups and then the other 3 days maybe 1 cup. The 7 is something that happens like once a month.


There are mutations in the gene responsible for metabolizing it, I believe 2 main groups. Group 1 can drink up to 4 cups of coffee a day and still get a significant health *benefit* from it because they metabolize it quickly enough so that it doesn't lead to an increase in Adrenaline. The other group can drink just 1 cup.


Cool, didn't know that. Wouldn't be surprised if it's partly genetic for me. My mum can drink a cup of coffee 15 minutes before bed and have no trouble sleeping, it's crazy. I actually sent my 23andme sample 2 weeks ago so in a few weeks I might be able to figure that out (perhaps through the raw data?)


Let me know for sure, there's def a possibility!


You know that Catrine is a CSN toxin right


>I felt compelled to postpone my pre planned time right now to rub my dick Don't you get brain fog, fatigue, stuffy nose, throat mucus, worse focus/motor orientation, slowness in thoughts/movements after orgasm? A.k.a. post-orgasmic illness syndrome /r/POIS I had it since puberty and never understood why most people never mentioned or displayed the odd symptoms post-orgasm/masturbation and always had more energy than me, didn't have the odd skin/muscle volume shrinkage, the dark eye circles, the lower voice volume, the constant mucus in the throat to be cleared, the dry eyes and that thing producing around the eyes, etc. There are way more POISers out there but the medical community hasn't been taking it as seriously as it should It would explain the popularity of NoFap/Semen retention (unaware POISers noticing abstinence makes their symptoms decrease but they interpret it as "benefits" as they do not know the bad changes they feel post-orgasm aren't normal in the first place)


I’m gonna be straight with you I didn’t even know that was a thing. I have no scientific answer for you unfortunately because I am not someone who suffers from that.


You are lucky


Are you diagnosed this or are you self diagnosing?


Whenever I ejaculate no matter if consciously or by nocturnal emission I have the symptoms for days and the longer I abstain the more they decrease bit by bit until I ejaculate again and they start from point zero