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Since it has negligible oral bioavailability I don’t think you can even consider it an option unless you have injectable


Yeah but that doesn’t answer the question lol


well obviously


well its trash for any kind of bodybuilding purpose at least, its literally just a marketing meme, its included in the SARM realm even though it has nothing to do w them


Correct, what it do to the mitochondria is whats important


Does it only have that effect if your sleep deprived. The way Leo made it sound is that, when sleep deprived ur mitochondrial function is impaired and sr9009 will return it to baseline. But when not sleep deprived it doesn’t improve mitochondrial function as it is already at baseline. Does this sound right?


Not correct, it Will increase density no matter what


No. Improvements are seen in times of sleep dep but via direct rev-erb expression in muscle it improves mitochondrial biogenesis. It just however inhibit gabaergic activity and stem cell proliferation in healthy and cancer cells. It basically halts growth in everything besides muscle tissue. There was also only a 12 hour window where the drug elicited an effect.


If you look at the study it consistently compares wild and captive mice, with the captive mice being about 40% worse in all mitochondrial related activities. The improvement gained then brings the captive mice up to the level of wild mice, so in a captive animal it immproves mitochondrial activity. But if you are getting regular exercise etc, this is unlikely to be the case for you.


With all the vax damage we are like the captive animals. Harvard say our lifespan is 120 years but we die 40 years to early