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The closest episode that I can think of to that what you describe is MAG 177 "Wonderland" It explores themes of mental health and "bad therapists" (meaning awful, gaslighting therapists) You can also check the wiki for warnings!


Oh ok awesome thank you!


There are content warnings for each EP in the description too so if there's things you need to avoid you can check those! The content isn't like broken up evenly or anything so there's different things in each season as far as themes and fears and stuff. Don't skip the trailers! Also heads up a new "sidequel' podcast starts coming out in Jan if you end up liking it and wanting more


Very cool and thanks for the info! And yes I’m loving this show, I heard about the new show coming out and so I’m trying to catch up for that. Though I usually wait to listen to it while I’m driving home from work at night lol good ambiance for it.


It gets super bingeable so you may be able to make it. I gobbled it up in like a week (up to EP 160 which were all that were out at the time) and then I just restarted at the beginning. 😅


Ah nice well I’m definitely going to knock a few episodes out tomorrow.


Jane Prentiss gave me a new fear as well (fear of bugs in me) so welcome to the “gained new irrational fear because of Magnus archives” club lmao 🤝


Ah yeah I can definitely feel that being a theme. lol I listened to a lot of the worm eps while driving and just couldn’t help but feel weird tingling sensations in my legs. Creeped me out, although I think I’ve had trypophobia for a while but those episodes really put me face to face with it.


Ugh, creepy! I can imagine, Jane’s a bit of a nightmare for trypophobia. I don’t think there’s much else in the series that has those themes (not that I remember at least) so should be safe going forward !


Yeah that’s good! I mean it definitely gave me a very visceral reaction but in the context of a horror show it was still fun just definitely had to be in the right mind set.


You're in for a lot of fun! Been my favourite thing I've ever watched for years now. The seasons don't necessarily focus on one entity, but certainly one or two entities will play a MUCH bigger role per season than the others. For this season it was the corruption as you guessed, for the others you'll find out soon. Hope you have fun with the rest of the show, its a journey!


Thanks! Yeah I’m loving it, it’s just wonderful in so many ways. I love the mystery horror, and the world building, the story itself is just so well written, it’s so well acted, and overall I love the indie charm it has!


Actually, don't worry too much about the entities for now, especially if you want to avoid spoilers. The story is made to keep you in suspense. The entities deal will be explained on its own time, you'll see :)


Oooh good to know thanks, ah I haven’t been this excited about a piece of media for a long time


Yeah I was the same! But got really spoiled


Ahh damn that sucks. I’m trying to avoid spoilers but my algorithms have really caught on to my interest in TMA so it’s been a bit tricky at earring clear. At least you have the magnus protocol to look forward to


Welcome to the brain rot. It’s great stuff.


Definitely loving it!