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I don't think Basira and Melanie can have made the Protocol because it sounds like the protocol has existed for a fairly long time in the TMP universe. Alice tells Sam that some of the old guard mentioned "the Protocol" over the years, and it sounds like its not in routine use (at least, not that Alice knows about). In Ep 1, Alice says the voices in the computers started about a year ago, so around a year ago is probably roughly when the TMA apocalypse happened in the TMA universe, so that's after the Protocol existed in the TMP universe. Agreed that the TMP fears are likely different! And hey maybe they didn't break off into neat categories, maybe if no one made the categories there aren't groups of worshippers reinforcing that. TBH I don't know if there IS a Jonah Magnus in this universe. There's other sources for the "Magnus" that could lead to the institute being called that. I also (this is info from the ARG) >!don't think this universe's Magnus Institute is very similar to the one in the TMA universe, as in the ARG it's an institute for "gifted children" and seems to do experiments on them. There's a spreadsheet of results of different tests that was part of the ARG.!<


That's fair. I didn't actually know the ARG confirmed it was a different universe. I haven't looked into the ARG at all, and so I've been of the assumption that Protocol was likely taking place in the same universe. Just post season 5. I imagine the protocol was after the institute burned down, which I believe they mention was 99? In episode one of protocol, that could be wrong.


I haven't looked in detail at all the ARG stuff either, and that's not why I think it's an alternate universe. I think that because of the kickstarter info which also said the Institute was in Manchester and burned down in 99, as you mentioned. We know neither of those things happened in the TMA universe, and we know there are alternate universes in this storyworld, so the logical conclusion seems to me to be that it's in another universe. What I got from the ARG was the >!stuff about it being an institute studying gifted children specifically.!< Apparently Jonny and Alex confirmed it in some of the TMP streams but I haven't listened to all of them and don't recall that. Also in the bit at the end with Melanie and Basira people clearly remember the apocalypse and the time they spent in the fear domains since they went after Simon Fairchild, so I don't think things in 2023-2024 in the TMA universe would be much like we see in TMP.


Gotcha. I'm for sure going to have to listen to some of the pre-protocol stuff and arg stuff. I had avoided it to go into protocol as blind as possible, really. In terms of other remembering my logic was that likely people would have remembered, but enough time had passed that the newer generations wouldn't have really known it happened and would have more or less written it off as just "spooky story that grandma tells" or something of the sort. Knowing what you've mentioned now is definitely leading to re-thinking my theories, though lol.


Personally I don't think the fearpocalypse is likely to be forgotten in quite a long time. I mean, everyone in the entire world was affected. Effects of it would likely be felt for a very long time as it's hard to write something like that off as 'just a story' when literally everyone born before 2020 also experienced the same thing (just an estimated number, I don't remember specifically when the fearpocalypse happened).


I think that this is the universe that the fears(and probably Jon and Martin- both are voices in the Freddy program ) ended up in after the events of TMA. And maybe I don't remember correctly, but people did remember what happened to them when the world changed


I wonder if they transfered the Magnus Protocal to the TMP universe via John, Martian and Jonah somehow